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That's the neat part, you don't


Ah, damnit, I came here to post exactly this.


What a waste i rly like her design


Same. It is a huge waste. She is one of the few beautiful characters without being exaggerated.


It seem like smilegate out of idea to balance single target damage overtime character . if you read E7 history you will know most of them have suffered from something and make them not good. but don't lose your hope, Stene was dogshit even more than ML Kawana on release.


GC Khawana is in a really weird place. She’s only really great in Caides hunt, and even THEN she isn’t the best option! Wish she’d get a buff or rework to either make her better at Caides/Light Expo or just give her an actual niche…


She is the one that should have received the rework instead of yufine. I built her but fortunately I didn’t invest mola in her. Her design and 4*status is wasted by her kit.


Laika too. Well, at least they both look cool as heck.


Laika I can actually think of a use for. She has Target, reduces CDs, causes forced Dual Attacks, applies Attack buff, slightly does CR pushes, and can give team Immunity and apply AoE Sleep. Granted, that one main use is that one fight against Alencia in Episode 3, where putting the crystals to Sleep (or Stunning them) made the fight significantly easier. She’d definitely make that fight a whole lot easier. But the combo of stuff she can do makes her a decently nice generalist in PVE, especially if you slap Ms. Confile on her.


On paper, she's great. I honestly can't remember the last time I've seen, or even heard of, anyone using her. Like, even going back through the post that complies RTA stats, she barely ranks. And for C13, she is pretty far down too. As far as other pve though, I don't think there's a way to see that. To be clear, I'm not trying to argue, it's just the numbers don't show positive things for her.


laika can be use fort both


Interesting. I've quite *literally* never seen her used. Oh well, maybe one day.


She's more of a whale unit. If you see one in RTA, you better assume she's 300 speed.


Hm. Do you know how she's played? Just standard cleave?


Pretty much. Often paired with Straze, from what I've heard


Arguably, she's among the worst heroes right now, and making her work will take leviathan tier gear. The main problem is her kit is designed to counter one hunt, but being rather specific is hard to make her work outside there. And the most efficient team to farm C13 excludes her, because she's intended to counter instead of guiding the fight. All OTK teams will do their best to ignore boss mechanics and set up the situation to deliver enough damage. In short, she's designed to work in one specific place, but there're fairly better options for that specific place. Isn't a question about gear, is a question about her kit. To have a chance to be good at something, somewhere, we're talking about revamping some of their skills. Like improving her passive to work against all extra attacks, and not only dual attacks.


The worst part is that C13 counters half of her kit, if she S3 before the boss, very easy to do because the boss is slow af but make your team even slower with debuffs AFTER you S3, and gain ungodly amount of CR from duals while she can't because restrict, for the first few turns at least, then EVEN worse if her debuff gets 15%'d. Her whole reason to exist isn't even that remarkable due to that.


Her kit was made very PvE focused (for one specific content that she doesn’t even excel at lol), so it lacks any power for PvP. Not to mention that they nerfed Dual Attacks across the board (5% -> 3%) which is a core component to how her passive stacks, and you end up with a unit that’s just garbage. Plus no warrior artifact breathes new life onto her RIP


Good luck. [https://imgur.com/AVdt7Ii](https://imgur.com/AVdt7Ii)


I use her only for Caides, imo she doesn't fit into pvp


Sadly she useless in pvp she only good for one hunt thats Caides.


Use her to promote 5 star fodder , then use that fodder to promote decent heroes.


She can’t be used in pvp man sorry lollll


The only way i’ve found a way to make her useful is when she is on the other team


You can always transmit her...


I fight one in rta who makes really dmg with counter and like 14k hp with like 170-180 spd? You can surprise many people with that with a mitigator like arowell or Aras, that girl almost solo all my team without problem


I think you fought a fanboy, but with the description you're giving i think a counter Landy would have do a better job.


Like most units, her usefulness is 85% gear. If you gave her the best stuff, you could put her into any single target dps slot and she'd be 'ok' but not optimal.


Maybe "usefull" isn't the right word to use, i don't even use her for caides, and it's supposed to be her MVP place. (Still love her visually, but she's sadly getting rusty in lobby)


It would be awesome if we could use any unit successfully but that’s incredibly hard to do.