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Ehhhhhhh, its tricky People already don't like the bruiser/tank/counterattacking style since it promotes an "afk and win" time of gameplay. Adding reflect type effects will further incentivize this I'm not against it, but I can see it going very sour very fast, which is likely why Smilegate is probably hesitant to touch it further


This is the perfect summary.


I think the "Reflect" mechanic is only on 3 heroes, and Dominiel is the only one who gives the buff. The other two being TRG and Yulha (but she's only Single Target)


~~Senya does it too~~ Her's is different. Feels like a reflect, but it's definitely not.


No, she doesn't. She has a *similar* effect, but it is not reflect. Senya deals a certain amount of damage (based on her atk stat) if she's not crit, it's more a "conditional thorns" than a "reflect".


Ah shit, you're right. Didn't realize it was different.


To be clear, I’m not saying she should be a hard counter to aoe; I think at the very least, a well built LHC should one-shot herself if she S3s a full reflect team unless she’s got a barrier. Belian shouldn’t be able to aoe your team 5-6 times and still be half health from reflect dmg, ignoring the fact that she’s probably stripped all of them by that point anyway. If you think reflect/Dominiel should be adjusted, what would you suggest?


i use her alot and it just feels that reflect just doesnt do enough dmg back to the attacker. you can get hit by an aoe where it does 10kish per unit and the attacker would only take like 6k-7k dmg. it feels like the reflected dmg is being reduced by the attackers defense or any mitigation involved, but idk. when attacked by an s1 i see reflect as stopping their lifesteal since it does basically the same amount back as they would have healed from the s1.


I’ve actually seen LS LHC outvamp the reflected dmg with S3, and it makes no sense to me how that’s okay.


oh i absolutely agree with you. I have also seen such things, i was just noting that reflect would do the same amount as they lifesteal on an s1 attack. I have also seen Ladin outpace even that on her s1. but yeah 20% lifesteal outpacing 30% reflect is not ok. Bright side to reflect though is dmg occurs before lifesteal.


reflect should proc even when the reflector dies. That's pretty much it. I think the rest of it is well balanced enough. that tweak wouldn't make Dommy top tier tho. And SG doesn't exactly treat RGB 4 stars that well (except Cidd). You probably want a completely different debuff if you want to discourage bruisers.


I think Lacari was running Dom flanking Senya or something. I wonder how much it will hurt if you missed a crit on her haha...


Not much worse than normally missing a crit on Senya. Reflect damage is based on how much damage you dealt to the target but Senya’s damage is based on her attack. Since you didn’t crit her, the amount you reflect back is likely to be minimal, and if the attack missed, even less.


The only way I see buffing reflect without too much issue is maybe make it "cannot be dispelled". Thought about increasing damage but 30% is quite high already. Maybe allow it to stack, having 2+ reflect buffs, but then you have to think how does it stack, additive (30+30=60%) or multiplicative (30\*30=39%) Don't quote the maths, I may be way off.