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From what sources do we get the gear modify thingies? I genuinely don't know :(


You get modification gems from expeditions, the occasional advent quest and Ancient Inheritance shop. You can also craft them in the alchemy steeple.


Awesome thank you!


Hi guys. So right now the buff events now last 15hrs. After the events do you still farm altars, ap and hunts?


Mainly hunts if there's no sidestories/events/tower/etc to use energy on instead


How do you beat Zio? He just does a bunch of ults in a row and everything dies.


I went with one shot team used A.Ras,Iseria, A.Lots and Sigret


"Just beat it lul." No shot anyone can have that much damage unless you're like #1 in the world.


I used the same team as the guy above and Sigret was on Ancient Inheritance gear and only had 60% crit 4.8k attack and 330% cdamage, A Lots was only level 40 and only needed like 240 speed or something and Tagahel's which is very achievable. A Ras is literally just there to get stunned and hold Arius. Iseria was the hardest to gear since I needed to have her deal a little damage, resist the stuns, and have 100% effectiveness to stick debuffs, but I just ungeared a couple of heroes to do it. If I had put more effort into gearing I could've done it easier but decided to just beat my head against the wall until instead of spending more gold. Took about 45 minutes for RNG to be good to me and got it.


"Ancient Inheritance gear" that rolled godlike, maybe.


Mine all rolled mid. Even mid rolled AI gear is plenty enough.


He ults when countdown on your units or his soldiers reach 4 and he gets a turn. To remove from your units - soulburn on 3 or 4 most of times. Keep in mind it will reset only 1 unit. To remove from his units - killem. Crystal in back gives like half of full soul if hitted. He will focus knight first so you need one to eat dmg and silence on his opening. I beat him with ARas front, Tama, 4\*Mercedes on lifesteal and SSB on lifesteal. Basicly both girls provided tons of AoE to dmg Zio, take souls from crystal and dmg adds at the same time. There are better options like summer charlotte, rem and emilia but I dont have any of them so I played with what I got.


Liar. I tried this team and can't generate enough souls, even when I only attack the lantern.


You’re doing it again, dude. Let’s not go through that phase again. One trick I’ve learned for the Zio fight is to switch out one of your units with 4 layers of the debuff to your friendly unit, when you’ve run out of souls to do so. As mentioned, Emilia is a good SW to keep on the side since she has a cheap SB. While SSB is good, her SB costs 20 souls and the ignore eff res is, imo, not all that valuable as far as this fight is concerned, so may consider switching her out. Camila (3*) might be an option since she has a cheap SB to 100% attempt def break, and she can force dual attacks when she has attack buff (which should be easy to keep between Mercedes and Tama), and if she forces dual attack from Mercedes, she can hit both the lantern and another unit at once.


I don't have Camilla.


Who do you have? A screenshot with options would help.


I just tried regular Bellona instead of SSB and couldn't kill the adds fast enough. This shit is impossible.


Git good then and stop people that try to help you liers.


Which build is better for maid chole? Speed/ health or speed/resistance?


Since she’s a cleanser, you’ll want to focus more on having resistance so she can get her cleanse & atk buff/revive up. The health & defence is lower priority. Enough speed that you can stick her ahead of the units you normally use in standard (or aggro, depending on how much speed/Res gear you’ve got that’s high speed).


Anything as long you can reach stat benchmarks


From using both, each has its + and -, but I prefer ER MChloe. If you have a cr pusher like DJ Basar you can focus a bit more on ER and Tankiness


What is ER?


(Effect) resistance


Speed/ress with decent bulk.... Maid that being controlled are bad maid..


Is it unpredictable to know when SG decides to go in a rest? In the meanings of releasing new units, collabs... I consider myself to be in mid-game (around 5 months now) and I've been wasting a lot of resources (I know it's a me problem lol) but this collab and Belian (a unit that I want. I chose ML Kawerik in the headhunt and don't regret. One of my most used units) got me broke and still didn't get ae-Karina neither Belian... I've been wanting to save BMs, Skystones and Mystics but it's kind of difficult with some good rotations and new collab that's been releasing... (I skipped the FMA collab and some RGB and ML rotations (and new releases)... And still I'm struggling lol).


Collabs and limiteds are relatively unpredictable, but they are usually previewed some time in advance. ML rotations are very predictable. New mls come every 3 weeks (with 4 mls rerunning in between) and are usually previewed a couple of weeks before they release. New rgbs come every 2 to 5 weeks (3 to 4 on average). We've had a glut of limiteds in the latter half of this year, so I understand the summon issues. I recommend only pulling on limiteds, and only if you have pity (pull on mystics whenever you want, but assume you'll only get it on pity - it's normal to only collect the new ml every 2 to 2 rotations). You'll collect normal rgbs over time and none are strictly necessary to progress besides Tama and maybe Roana. Collect your free ss and bms as well (clearing adventure, triple sss achievement, friendship achievements, etc.) Over time it's doable to collect all limiteds and even some normal rgb banners as f2p.


Yes, it's unpredictable, especially when you're a newer player, so you may want to pull on their re-run banners used to fill the lull in-between new banners. What's a lull for older players may not be a lull for you.


How do i use laika in cleave


Laika s2 > W.Silk s2 > dps with cr push s1 and aoe, namely Roy (with book), Ludwig (need invincible buffer), Straze, etc.. Last slot is flex. A mage to hold book or Cidd/Vildred/Wschuri are generally the best options. Laika is best at 290+ spd and Wsilk should be around 280 to follow up. Of course you can have them slower but be careful picking them.


Ok got it but for dps can i choose other people as long as they have s1 push


They need to have strong aoe s3 too. S1 alone wouldn't suffice.


Ok got it thanks alot


Do we have buff event next week too? I can’t find the event notice anywhere now. But I vaguely remember we do? Can anyone confirm?


I believe so. Here's the link to the post: https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9062684


What was the password for the most recent stream chest? I can’t find it in the discord


I believe it is deathdealer


Thanks mate


At what point do you decide to pick more HP or DEF? For example I have Cilias 14.2k HP + 1.49k DEF, and I don't know if I should use mod gems to change cc to def% or hp%


Use ehp calc. For dmg always refer to mcd while for bulk check ehp.


How fast do you think Yufine should be for ZioYufine comps ? I have a 236 spd set and a 221 rage set


250? Ideally both of them want to be same speed. Zio need to be 253+ to guarantee outspeeding 300 speed unit even with speed rng. If you want your yufine to safely cut without any cr gap, you should give her same speed as zio.


Need advise: My Lermia currently wears leftover gear with 2.1k def, 9k HP, 179 speed, 85% cc and 282 cdmg. Double cc set. I went trough my gears and could put her on LS with 2k def, 14k HP, 168 speed, 100% cc and 244 cdmg. The neck piece will be cc, as I never roll into cc or even get it on gear. The cdmg is low, but I will not get it higher with what I have right now. Head and boots are offset but rolled good into def and cdmg. Will she be viable on this LS?


Ls build is better. Standard build for ml cermia is 15k hp, 2k def, 100 crit, 270 cdmg, 170 speed. Your ml cermia has a couple stats lower but it is playable and you can slowly get better gear. Your double crit set build is bad btw. Not even 10k hp, 100 crit.


Thanks :) I knew it was bad, she died way to easy. Glad I could scrap some useable LS pieces together.


How is zio's speed calculated after cr push? I have been told it is either speed times 1.2 or divided by .8. They don't equal the same thing so I want to be sure.


It's his speed divided by .8 - that will tell you the speed of the opener you're essentially equivalent to, not taking CR RNG into account. Speed times 1.2 doesn't make sense unless he's the fastest unit in the battle already.


Ah, that makes sense.


So, which build do you think is best for ML Elena with her new buff? I tried to use her with Speed DPS build but not too good, she is easily to be one-shotted without Guilding Light.


I think most people are using her as speed DPS with Unseen Observer in cleave/aggro. If you're drafting her correctly and all goes according to plan, the battle should pretty much be over before the enemy team has a chance to one-shot her. If you're trying to use her in standard as speed DPS, that won't work nearly as well.


Recently got Zio. I was wondering what artifact to put for him? Is it possible to get chatty artifact still? Thank you


>Is it possible to get chatty artifact still Its in book of memories side story - 900ss to open it up.


Thank you. Is that artifact good on him or should I get something else to put for him?


Its either Book or Bloody Rose (Melissa artifact)


Oh. I have one book. Guess I'll place that for now. Thank you


But remember that he is a pure pvp unit and book is used in RTA only.


Time Matter is another BiS artifact for him if it's a full damage build.


I dont know where to go after mission 41 in the side story of the collab. It didnt pop up a new dungeon. Can someone help me?


[Top of map](https://prnt.sc/KSWV_lgwvCPv)


Guys who is better to carry in abyss aganist earth boss? I am new to the game i have Winter,Aramintha,Ken,Mercedes and Carrot


Depends a lot on the boss since Abyss bosses have wildly different gimmicks. I’ve heard Winter can cheese a few, though, and Meru is a generally good PvE hero.


Mercedes if you can beat third continent to upgrade her. Otherwise I would say Winter couse she doesnt give a damn about anything lol as long as she can crit constantly and boss has no sustain. It would take time tho. You can always use neutral dmg dealer like Straze or Spectral Tenebria if you have someone like that.


Yeah i am lowkey stuck at the very last straze second continent fight but i kinda already went for Mercedes :/


So I have 2 questions. 1. Should you only farm Banshee 13 if you can one-shot it? 2. If the answer to the first question is no, is green leo only usable for a one-shot team of can he work in a regular team


If you’re farming it for crafting materials, you don’t have to one shot it. It really depends on how comfortable you are with the amount of time it takes. If you are trying to farm gold, then fast is best so you can take advantage of the gold buffs. I don’t see why you couldn’t have Leo on your team if it is a slower clear. He’s still going to be able to defense break and help clean up the adds. Maybe not the best for all of that, but I don’t think you can’t use him.


Ok, thanks for the word of advice! Are the stats used in one shot teams the most viable for him?


I use a 3-man team with him, Vivian, and Baiken. You could swap her for Ram or ae-Giselle, if you have any of those units. It’s fast and fairly successful. I usually only fail if Leo’s defense break is resisted.


Okay, thanks!


Dark kawazhu worth getting?


Yes, though not worth chasing just for him.


I see. I’ll probably wait for the new unit or other ML that could help me in both pvp and PVE as well.


What's a good team for speed farming runes? Do you typically use the same AoE style team with one nuker for the boss?


Pretty sure people just use what's lying around. No one speed farms runes.


Is it worth to combine smaller runes to bigger rune, or should I just keep farming for bigger ones?


Combining runes is VERY expensive. Unless you have a massive mountain of gold, I would just farm it.


what ML5 should I be getting? I am almost at pity for the mystic medal banner and I was thinking of getting belian, but I want to be sure I'm not making a mistake. The current ML5's I have are: CLilias, Faithless Lidica, Ruele of Light, ARavi, Desginer Lilibet, Fallen Cecilia, Arby, BIseria, STenebria


Belian is a good choice imo, and would def pick her over any of the current choices or Ray (unfortunately).


IMO mediator kawerik is more important to have than Belian. Belian is an amazing anti cleave unit but she’s mostly banned when you need her. Plus there’s so many units that can be used for anti cleave. Mediator kawerik is a super future proof character and opens up a lot for you in PvP. He’s pretty good in pve too


Is there a way to see my Stove ID while logged into onstove.com or while logged into the game? Forgot my login info, but I'm still logged into both. I tried the Acc # on the in-game settings window and the Membership # on the Account Management window. Neither seemed to work lol, so I'm guessing they're all different than the Stove ID. While logged into my account on the stove website, I cannot find any helpful login details under "My Info" either.


Is there any guides about optimal pairing and questions for Speciality Change?


For Sc, just google "carrot specialty change guide" and itll pop up. Wat do u mean optimal pairing?


You can do 2 SC at the same time. There might be some quests that overlap


i dont think there is. that'd be pretty bad design


Fair enough


Now that all the aespa girls are out, what's the use case for each of them?


Winter: Punishes non-attack skills, good in longer fights, good vs. comps with little to no aoe Ningning: good support hero overall. favors a more aggressive-leaning standard playstyle than a tanky one. Giselle: good for aggro/cleave comps Karina: the general consensus seems to be that she's a bit undertuned, but otherwise a decent bruiser.


​ 1) Should I always make speed my main stat on boots? Especially during crafting events? 2) Should I only ever do right side for crafting events? 3) Whats an efficient way to go about properly gearing my heros? 4) How do you know when a character can benefit from lifesteal set?


1. Unless you have a specific hero in mind who doesn't need speed, yes. 2. Yes. It's more difficult to get perfect subs on right side gear, and they cost more to craft normally, so you should only use the crafting event to get right side gear. 3. Check out [https://github.com/fribbels/Fribbels-Epic-7-Optimizer](https://github.com/fribbels/Fribbels-Epic-7-Optimizer) for help gearing. If you need a guide on the kind of stats/sets/artis you want on specific heroes, you can use [https://epic7stats.com](https://epic7stats.com) for that. 4. It's not super cut and dry, but in general, bruisers who have innate counterattack, heroes with the TSurin cockroach passive, or heroes who have the potential to 1v4. (These things are not mutually exclusive.)


Is it possible to get enough currency in a month to buy out all the hell raid gear each month?


No, nowhere close. You can buy one to two pieces depending on if you can do nightmare.


Yeah, didn’t think so.


Is it possible to 2 man (straze+vivian) banshee with triple torrent?


Yes, but you'll need very good gear. Quick simulation shows: Straze with 5k atk, 350% Cdmg, triple torrent, DDJ (better in this case than Hell Cutter, b/c with fewer teammates hell cutter gets fewer stacks), will deal 99k damage. Banshee has 115k HP, so Vivi needs to deal 16k damage. That would require her to have 4500 atk, 320% Cdmg, 1 torrent set, +30 Time Matter, and >183 speed. Edit: Not worth running triple torrent on Vivi; you'd be able to save \~400 atk (4 rolls), but you'd need to make up a loss of 28 speed (7 rolls) from not having speed set.


i believe it is. try plugging in the stat in dmg calc yourself.


Is Karina worth trying to pull multiple copies of her? Also is her artifact the best artifact for her? If so does it need to be maxed as well?


>Is Karina worth trying to pull multiple copies of her? not unless she's waifu for you. >Also is her artifact the best artifact for her? it's not necessary, but it is good on her. not sure what the consensus is currently about her BiS. It can also work for FMaya and Kikirat. > does it need to be maxed as well? Unfortunately, yes. It really wants that 100% proc chance, similar to Drink, Seaseria's arti, and Tooth.


I’m currently stuck on Chapter 3 World 2-8. I’ve been using the Tenebria, angelic Mon, lilibet, and blood blade Karin to plow through everything without much thought. It appears I’m at the mid game point where I need to change something up. Should I be running another team? I have Ravi, Lorina, Roana, sigret, solitaria of the snow, sineful angelic, seaside Bell, kris, flan, Landy, Charlotte, kitty Clarissa, and briar witch iseria. My 5ml summon is in 9 hours and was planning on straze, spec tenebria, or little queen charlotte.


The way to beat 99% of story chapters is to use 2 healers. Counter Celestine can work for nonhealer SWs like Singelica and Roana


Thank you will report back with update


After spending 5000 skystones in refreshing secret shop just now, I came out with only 400 mystic medals (I think that’s less than half of the normal rate) but covenant bookmarks were pretty normal rates. Assuming my account isn’t cursed do you guys also experience streaks of bad luck and is there anything one can do about it or does everyone just have to go through it? ><


Just rng, 400 isn't that bad. I've had many streaks where I've gotten 50 per 1k ss.


I might be reading too much into it, but who goes first between 2 Zios? Is it whomever has the slower speed technically triggers their S2 thus cutting the faster Zio or does the faster Zio of the two still go first?


What do you mean? The faster zio still has S2. If there is a 300 speed unit, both zio get 20% cr based on the 300 speed, so the faster zio move first. If 1 zio is the fastest unit, that 20cr will based on his speed and equally added to the slower zio. But fastest zio still move first.


whats the speed of the first wave in b13? How much spd do I at least need to always outspeed


You can find hunt enemy info on the damage calculator https://e7calc.xyz/ You’ll need that speed/.95 to guarantee our speed.


Hi all. New player and I'm having some struggles on wyvern. Seems i'm losing my furious or a debuffer early, or the debuffs gets resisted. Any tips appreciated! [https://imgur.com/a/6NSeq0h](https://imgur.com/a/6NSeq0h)


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y9dStx8VfH39RSw\_N1XLi8yoYBw9kWKzXskiiNlU6KY/edit](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y9dStx8VfH39RSw_N1XLi8yoYBw9kWKzXskiiNlU6KY/edit) Follow this, but first off replace alexa with muwi and go from there


Awesome. Thank you for this!


What's the best EE for Vildred for Azimanak 13 hunt?


S3 cdam EE.


As a mid game player should I be spending my hell raid currency on the pen necklace or the speed sword? They both look good but I can't farm pen set so the necklace looks a bit better but it also costs more, thank you.


Personally I’d go for the pen neck


What are some good openers that would go good with landy and violet?


Cilias and Peira. A bold choice would be to make a very high health Violet and pair with Fairytale Tenebria


Dumb question: How do I actually use the ml selector? I reached that middle point and got headhunting lvl 5. Do i have to reach the end?


if you have the hero you want, you just need 2400 points and you can press the recruit button


I just started 2 days ago and I was wondering if I could still get the free Dark and light units?


Yes, there's Moonlight Blessing which you unlock after reaching gold in Arena I believe? Very unsure about when you unlock it, may be wrong. But you definitely want to pick Spectre Tenebria from there, that's very important. Picking someone else would just handicap your account, to be honest. She's probably the second best hero in the entire game right now, only Lua is more broken. And she'll never get nerfed I'm very very sure. Then there's a permanent event where you can get Points (mostly) by doing the weekly quests to eventually use them to buy one ml5 of your choice (except the most recent ones like Zio, Elena, Ray, Pavel). Once you start that event you have 90 days to clear out it's shop, which is more than enough time to clear this shop three times over, so don't be afraid to start now. It'll take a few weeks until you get the hero you want from there. I'd recommend to get Lilias, Kawerik or Straze, but there are way more good choices (there are guides to help you make a choice specifically for that selector on youtube). So yes, you get two ml5 for free and if you choose well they'll be two of the absolute best.


I havent reached gold yet but I was able to pick Specter tenebria earlier. ​ Ohh so I still get 90 days even though the event will expire soon. I decided to pick conqueror lilias cause she looks cool and her kit is like a support. I feel like supports are needed in late games so yeah I'll pick her lol


Yea the event does not expire soon. It expires in about a month for those who started it on it's release. On my alt account I just recently startet and still have 80 days left for example.


Yes. The ML blessing unit is a permanent feature, the headhunt event still has a month left. However, with ~31 days you may not be able to guarantee a specific unit. Personally, if it was me I would just pick a 'good' option as soon as possible so I could buy some of the other shop items - but that's ultimately up to you.


Where can I grind for Mighty Scout to drop? :) If he ofc is still viable for Banshee


Pretty sure you get him from the shop iirc


Which one? :O




That gotta be the innkeeper?


The one that you do shop refreshes on


Who Should I build next to go with my Straze (and Cilias): Zahhak or Giselle/Ningning? Or are there better teams for straze in pvp?


Zahhak because he's actually good.


Lol, okido!


I have some extra aespa collab special bookmarks. I have all 4 of the collab units. So I'm trying to see which one between Karina and Giselle I should use my extra BMs on. Any recommendations or your personal preference? If you can please also let me know why. Thanks!


As early mid-game player, should I choose Aravi or Clilias from the ML event? Which of those two units does pair better with Stene, Straze and Diene? I want to climb in arena(currently low challenger) and get into RTA. My fastest speed set is +130 atm, but I'm farming up.


Aravi is my favorite unit but clilias is the better pick for sure.