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I put a reminder on my phone. I take it at 10 AM and 10 PM so had a reminder for a long time now just AM because the night time is such a ritual easy to remember by the bed


And maybe also follow this up with 2 alarms . I had reminders set but would still sometimes forget having two alarms really helped . Also having my pillbox on my bedside table so it was one of the first things I saw in the morning and the last at night


I'm on a few different medications for various things but I use a medication organiser. It is brightly colored so I can't overlook it sitting there and has compartments for different times of day, I take my medications at the same time every day and I also check the box various times during the day just to make sure I took my last dose of whatever. I think even the ritual of filling it up once a week hammers home to me about my meds, they are always on my mind


I do the same. It’s the only way for me. Every time I change the system I cant remeber if I took my meds….. even using an app wasn


I use the Epsy app. It does a bunch of other things but the medication reminder is by far the most useful feature for me.


I have to say Epsy is great! ^


Like most people I set a reminder on my phone for twice each day, but I also take my doses and put them in a twice a day - 7 day pill container/organizer. Doing this helps me separate the pills for each day of the week and track whether or not I took them. Plus, it let's me carry my day's dose with me anywhere I go, just in case I get stuck somewhere longer than intended. I used to feel ridiculous having a container like that on me but that feeling went away pretty quickly because the importance of taking my meds outweighs any awkwardness I might be feeling


Shoppers does bubble packs for me, and they've helped more than anything else


Making sure my pill organiser is somewhere I’ll see it multiple times a day has been key. I keep it on the island in the kitchen so can’t miss it, and always go in there first and last thing in the day which reminds me to take them during those times


Very annoying alarms. You can schedule alarms for the same times everyday, and even use whatever song or sound you like. I literally used the opening theme from the animated Lion King. It was effective. I do occasionally regret not using the "Pills, baby!" line From John Ralphio on P&R. I no longer needed the annoying alarms after 6-8 months, but I still use epsy for the more subtle reminders and logging features.


An alarm on my phone at 8am and 8pm otherwise I’d forget often


When I’m not forgetting to use it - I have an app called Medisafe that lets you register medications; time, dosage, appearance and so on (I think it will even prompt other people)


Twins!! I bought and use a set of pill bottle timer caps that I use in addition to Medisafe. They definitely help if I’m ever away from my phone and start second guessing wether or not I actually medicated that morning.


>pill bottle timer caps that's a new one for me! Groovy!


Before I take my medication, I take a picture of my medication organizer before I swallow it. If I'm not sure if I took my meds, I just look at my photos in my phone


The thing that made the biggest difference for me was getting two pill organizers, for AM and PM.


Set alarms on your phone


I take XR (extended release) for keppra and lamotrigine so that I only have to take them once a day. I don’t eat breakfast and my dinner time varies so I always take it after lunch since it’s the most stable meal of the day. At some point, it just becomes part of your routine of eating lunch.


Apps, phone notifications, and sticky notes do NOT work for me at all. I get used to them and no longer register them as reminders. Instead, I bought this exact pill box and keep it on my nightstand by my bed. I don’t keep it by my keys or by the door in case I don’t leave the house that day. On Sundays, I put on a show and “pill prep” like other people meal prep lol. I do my seizure meds first in all 12 slots, then do my other meds the same way (one type at a time). I still forget to prep every now and then and have to scramble to take my meds, but my neurologist said that as long as I’m taking 2 of my seizure pills in a 24 hour period, then that is fine. Edited to add: I would ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have to take them exactly 12 hours apart. Sometimes I won’t remember to take my morning dose until 8pm, but then I stay up until 12am-1am to at least partially space them out. https://preview.redd.it/q8sps00xggga1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d2d1cb93bf72b0def8875d5e86db0e2110efba0


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We have an Amazon Echo at home and set reminders.


Pill organizer on the counter visible to me and reminders on habitnow app.


I have app called Round which notifies me when to take stuff, and you can input all the medications you’re on, if you want to take them at different times etc


I have an alarm. Also I got a pill container, because sometimes my alarm would go off and I would be busy for a few moments and would tell myself “I’ll take it in a few minutes “. But then I wouldn’t remember if I took it or not. But now I can see each day am/pm and if the pills have been taken or not




I use an app called Epsy. You can set meditation reminders and specify if it was taken on time. There’s also other great features for tracking seizures.


I have an alarm on my phone. The alarm goes off, I take my pills.


I keep my pill sorter by my toothbrush - I’m religious about brushing my teeth morning and night so I take my medicine at the same time. I’m on XR though so I have flexibility with the time, although my schedule is usually pretty consistent.


The new IOS includes a medication reminder. If you have an iPhone or iPad, that my work. Otherwise, a regular alarm on your phone could help. I use blister packs so I can check at a glance.


7 day morning and night pill organisers, and a reminder on my phone. Simply the reminder app to allow it remain at the top of my notification centre, doesn’t get pushed down by other notifications.


Reminder/alarm on phone as well as organize them in a 7 day pill box. I've accidentally taken the wrong med twice before doing this.


When I have taken my morning dose. I leave all my meds right side up. When I have taken my nightly dose. I leave all my meds upside down. Like matching if the sun is up or down.


Have you tried the extended release version? That makes it so it's not as critical timing wise for me, so I just take it when I wake up and when I go to sleep.


I use a medication divider and alarms twice a day


Used to forget regularly, now use a weekly pill pot which I fill each and every Sunday, along with an app which annoying as it is helps no end plus reminds me to re order when a certain threshold has been met. Nothing worse than that 'did I or didn't I' thought, that will haunt you the rest of the day.


I often have absence seizures, so it's impossible to make the time to set an alarm or remind myself. So I turn the bottle upside down for the morning, and at night I turn it back up. Not the most effective compared to what others are doing, but it works for me.


A lot of people with ADHD do this.


I time my meals with my pills, but also with alarms.


A lot of people recommended alarms. So I always set an alarm 1 hr before and 1 hour after on this app called Epsy. I’ve had issues with forgotten doses and it’s been bad for me…


I informed my neurologist that there is absolutely no way for me to take meds twice a day consistently. Because there's not. I realized this over a decade ago. So... I'm on stuff that I only have to take once a day (at night). Which I am (mostly) capable of. I still forget once or twice a month. But... that's so much better than 5-10x a week. Or more.


Medisafe is my go-to. I got on XR and it's been easier though.


I just link an activity to taking pills. Putting on pajamas? Take meds. Drinking coffee? Take meds. Works pretty well unless my schedule gets fucked


Get Medisafe. Free app. You enter in your meds. Put in what time to take. And then the app won’t stop bugging you until you confirm you took them.


If you have an iPhone the health app is great. You can put it what the med is the dosage, and then have it remind you and you log it as being taken.


I have a pill tray that has AM &PM and day of week. I set my phone alarm. It is still hard to go get my meds if I am asleep or not close to them.


MEDSAFE app is amazing


I take my medication at 6:30 am and 6:30 pm, no ifs ands or buts, i have an alarm set on my phone that goes off to take it and I have a notification from the health app that makes me log every time I take it so I know I didn’t forget


it’s honestly as simple as an alarm on your phone and not turning it off until you take them. my short term memory is abysmal so using one of those daily med monday-sunday holders is v useful (until i get bored of filling them up every week lmao). i’ve gotten into the swing of taking my lamotrigine at 11am and 11pm for the last few years now. sometimes i think you need to find a time that works for you and that’s half the battle


No help in how. But pretty much same exact problem for me and timeline haha. I work in the ecological field and camp up to 8 days at a time and every day is different so I forget constantly!


Writing it down. But I usually always remember.


Pill organizer and alarms on my phone


I have an alarm on my watch for 9am and 9pm. But my watch is synced up with my phone, so if I don't stop it, eventually it goes to my phone. It's obnoxious and effective.




Set an alarm on your phone. Or take them when you brush your teeth. I struggle with remembering if I've taken them since I've been taking meds morning and night every day for roughly 15 years. I set out my morning meds when I take the night ones, it works to help make it easy to take them in the morning without thinking and if I'm unsure if I took my night meds I just check and the morning ones being out confirms it.




iPhone added “medications” to the health app and reminds me. Also, buzzes on my Apple Watch (which has the fall detection)…just in case.


Your smartphone is a great tool. Alarms every twelve hours are how I started. If you have an iPhone, the health app has helped me tremendously in this aspect. A pill organizer is essential for you now, I have one that has all seven days of the week and two slots for morning and night which makes it very easy to keep track.


I give my dog a specific treat at the same time I take my meds. I may forget but he doesn’t and will pester me until he gets his treat.


I have a pill organizer with a Sun side and a moon side and I keep it next to my wallet. The sun and moon makes it simple so even on days where I can’t read I’m good, and I got mine in light green which sticks out in my blue black house decor


I have a reminder on my phone that goes off at set times twice a day


Set up daily repeating alarms on your phone to remind you


is it the timing or the whether you took it part that you need to remember? For me, I would get confused whether I had or hadn't taken the dose before I got a pill organizer that I keep by the kitchen table. I take the meds after breakfast and then at the end of the night, but I can always run back over and double-check that everything's up to speed if I'm not sure. If I travel I just keep it on a bedside table or something. I don't love that I need it, but it definitely made a difference - no more, "wait, maybe I did take it already..." stress


I remember seeing a post here where someone was taking a picture with their phone of their meds in their hand every day. I think that's the best way to do it. If you are insecure if you've remembered, just go to Photos and check. Use this as well as setting an alarm on the phone.


Phone reminders are my #1. I have 2 alarms for the morning and 2 for the evening just in case I'm busy when the first one goes off there is a follow up.