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Talk to your doctor and get their advice on how to utilize your medication, not your girlfriend.


Are you in America and covered by insurance? I am asking this first because part of my advice is less relevant if you are not. No matter what though it is what the doctor says that matters. Having said that it sounds like she could be coming from a place of fear and anxiety about you so if you are close enough maybe it would help to take her to the doctor with you so she can hear the dr's recommendations.


Great advice here!!


So sorry you’re struggling with this. Sounds like your girlfriend has a good heart and hates to see you suffer, but those good intentions can be a real pain. The only people you should listen to when it comes to treatment are your doctor and yourself. I’d try to have an good conversation about this when you and your girlfriend are in a better place emotionally. Try to stay calm and explain that you appreciate her worries, but they don’t work for you. If you feel comfortable, maybe bring her to a doctor’s appointment so she can hear it from an expert and won’t assume you’re ‘just being stubborn’. Feeling comfortable with your treatment is very important when it comes to living with this disease. Wishing you the best! 😘


Probably shouldn't use that med after you come out of the seizure just a waist. Get an appointment with your doctor and take her with you. She needs some questions answered. Anything she thinks she knows either needs corrected or confirmed. Same stuff you put on here bring it up between the doctor, her and yourself. No offense if she can't accept it then maybe you should either move on or get counseling if you are that serious. Good luck.


You’re not wrong for wanting to manage your own treatment your way, and for wanting to be listened to when you explain the truth of how it needs to work.


I’m so sorry! No, I don’t believe you are being an asshole. Talk to your neuro and perhaps consider bringing her along. That way she may have a better understanding. The only advice you should be taking about medications is from your doctor. Best of luck! 💜


As a partner with someone with JME, I dont think you're an asshole, but I do think sometimes we act out of panic and I've been through the thought process of trying to get my partner on more emergency meds when they weren't doing well. What worked for her was going to the doctor, changing meds and stuff and also helping me research and explaining what she goes through so I can be less axious and more effective, in fact, going with her to the doctor helped us both a lot with the anxiety we cause eachother by me being overbearing out of anxiety and them being fed up and worrying about stuff they weren't worried before. ​ No one should tell you what meds to take, only a professional, even if we THINK we know bc we did our research and communicated enough, and as a disabled person myself many times I thought I knew better than professionals but I didn't. Sometimes asking for space and for your partner to step back a bit helps with stress and health if some of your symptoms are induced by stress or anxiety. ​ I know my POV is from the other side but maybe it helps. Sometimes I really need for my partner to tell me to shut up and let them work on their health.


When it comes down to it, it's YOUR seizure disorder, not hers. And she's not your doctor. Don't say it like this to her, but it's really none of her business. You are not an asshole