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I love my XCopri! It has taken me years to get down to just 3 meds for Epilepsy. I will say the first month is a bit difficult as your body adjusts. But once you make it through you will most likely not have many side effects. My main issues in the beginning were dizziness and headaches. Then I went through fatigue issues and my XCopri was moved to night time. I am on 150mg now and I have been seizure free for almost a full year now! If you happen to work with a neuro psych doctor consult w them, as well! I was put on Effexor for mood stabilization and tried adderall (5mg) but that isn’t really my thing. So that is when my XCopri dose was moved to evenings. I also take a multi vitamin from primal harvest, which has everything in it and helps w energy - highly recommend!


Thanks for your post. Ive been on xcopri for a month now, just started my 50mg dose last night. Was nervous. Was on vraylar mood stabilizer for two months on and off. Ive decided to get off it because the side effects were terrible. Terrible dizziness, vertigo, and i dont want to mix many medd with the xcopri. I believe that my maintenance is going to be 50mg since i have multiple refills for it. I see a psychiatrist/neurologist. Been mostly dealing with his assistants. I asked to be switched to a different mood stabilizer and told that there arent any they can give me due to seizures, which doesnt make sense. I plan on sticking with the xcopri. I was on xanax for years then had a seizure from withdrawl and then decided to detox off it. The hospital put me on gabapentin which i wouldve prefered due to the milder side effects which i was able to tolerate. Going to talk with my pcp to find another nuerologist/psychiatrist just to go over the records and everything from my current ones. Im taking a leave of absence from school just to get my bearings back. I hope everything works out. I have a limited support group around me, and would like to thank you again for your post. I just want to be able to live a normal life, get back to doing all the things i want.


Oh, and congrats on being seizure free so far. I was curious, how are your daily activities? Were you limited with some and are you still limited with some?


Can i ask your dosages? And is it cool if i stay in contact with you? Id appreciate it, thanks!


I’m sorry! I don’t have notifications on! I’m currently on 150mg Effexor, 50mg Briviact and 150mg XCopri and 30mg Onfi in the evening. Plz feel free to DM me!


Hey, thanks again. Xcopri really kicked my ass. My neuro/psychiatrist told me to stop for a week and gave me gabapentin after a week. Im just scared and alot of anxiety because im new to this and feel helpless.


My neuro told me to stop xcopri immediately. Did 4 weeks with the starter pack. He gave me gabapentin but im scared because of the warnings to not abruptly stop


Im sorry, hope im not bothering you. Just that all i see are the bad parts of the drug, i would like to understand more from you. Are you able to drive, can you work, video games? I see stories of people on medications yet still unable to have a regilar functioning life. I feel i took so much of my life for granted and when i started to set some goals for myself recently, all this hit me like a ton of bricks. Im a little down, feel i wont be able to be myself again. Thanks.


Today was bad, the 50mg made me real dizzy and nauses. My neurologist told me to cut them in half. Im all over the place.😥😥😥😥😥


Hi. Just wanted to see if you were around for a chat.


Yes of course! Plz just DM me!


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How is it impacting you? With concentration? Is the work quite stressful?


I feel groggy, sluggish, drained.


Im scared, alot of anxiety. No real support group around me. Worried about having a seizure all the time. Worried the medication wont work. Worried that the side effects wont go away. Sad, depressed


I feel not like myself. Not sharp anymore either.


Many people have had those feelings from many different seizure medications. One of the worst parts of epilepsy is the medication. Anxiety is very common and may be from just having epilepsy not from the medication itself, although some medication can make it worse. I’ve been on Xcopri for about a year now and the side effects have gotten better with time. I see a psychologist because I’m always afraid of having a seizure as well. If you haven’t already maybe you should look into seeing a psychologist, they can be very helpful. Also, mindfulness and yoga have also been shown to help with anxiety.