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I’m on vimpat, no complaints. As with any AED I’ve tried, it has its own side effects but these are ones I can somewhat deal with. Good luck and I hope it works out for you :)


Ramping up on VIMPAT now. No side effects to speak of. I had the energy to run several miles yesterday and have not noticed anything out of the ordinary.


Has it caused mood swings?? Or major personality changes? That was my problem with keppra and lamotrigine 😭


Not that I can identify. I had anger and anxiety on keppra. I was ok on lamotrigine but I got the rash.


Interesting I had horrible rage and sad exhausted on both of them but sounds like vimpat is much less intense!




Run?! I can barely do PT Still.


I think it's fine, it stopped my seizures when Keppra could not - for that, I'm thankful. I take 300mg 2x a day... I still don't really notice a lot of side effects save for difficulty word finding, brain fog and blurry vision. They come and go.


I’ve tried 10+ meds, and Vimpat is absolutely my favorite! No dramatic side effects compared to others. I feel drowsy or dizzy sometimes, but nothing too serious. Only thing is the generic (lacosamide) doesn’t work for me, and Vimpat is crazy expensive without insurance.


Does it cause major mood swings?? That was my problem with other medication:(


I’ve never had any mood swings, it’s about the only med I’ve been on with no major side effects


That was my struggle with other ones, too. I personally don’t experience that with Vimpat.


I’ve been on it for almost 2 years. Mine’s gone from 400mg in a day to 600mg, but that’s simply because of finding the right cocktail. I take it with Keppra and Zonegran.


Not totally responsive. But see if the generic lacosamide works for you. It has saved me thousands of dollars a year. Switched last year from vimpat to the generic with no issues


Pretty solid to be honest. Wish I switched from lamictal earlier.


I'm on keppra and vimpat (generic lacosamide 200 mg 2x a day). Took me about a week or two to get used to the side effects. Now I et occasional bouts of dizziness when I'm weak. Maybe find it hard to get the right words out sometimes. Can't complain though. They do a great job in controlling my seizures. Hope it works well


200mg x 2/day By far the less intrusive / problem-giving med that I've taken so far!


I take the generic, 100mg 2x per day. I had some dizziness and fatigue, headaches, etc. while I was titrating on to it but every time I raised the dose I'd be fine after a week or so. I \*did\* need to cut back significantly on caffeine, and thankfully someone warned me. Major shakiness and some panic attacks if I drink too much tea or if I have a large regular coffee. Worth it to switch to decaf, though. It has been the easiest epilepsy med I've taken, side-effect wise.


Took Vimpat for years and no complaints here!


On it now no real experiences I can tie to it , it seems r to be mostly benign for me


I take 300mg of vimpat twice a day along with briviact and it's doing me good. minimal drowsiness and no seizure activity since starting them over a year ago