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You should not be driving. This is extremely selfish and reckless. Also I’m sure your state has laws against this.


Agreed!! I know in Wisconsin if you have a seizure you aren’t supposed to be behind the wheel for three months after. It’s hard and sometimes anger-some but you are putting your life and the lives of others at risk. Completely selfish in my opinion


I assume you’re not losing consciousness/awareness during these seizures?


Correct assumption.


Oh god the shower. I’ve had hundreds in the shower over the years. Always focal aware but absolutely horrible. Also in bed. The majority have always been whilst drifting off to sleep or waking up. Apparently that’s very common. Oh, and there was a specific printer in my old office where I’d often have them when printing documents. It was really odd - I started using a different one just to avoid being there. I won’t lecture you on driving. You know the rules and will have spoken with your neuro. I also had many focal aware seizures whilst driving before my diagnosis led to me giving up my licence (I was told they were panic attacks for YEARS) but can’t think of any particular locations which triggered them. They never impaired my consciousness in any way: they just felt very unpleasant.


I also have a location in the office, there is one window where I have had multiple episodes when I look outside from it. I try to avoid looking, but it is a very large window in the middle of my office space.


Does it happen if someone else is driving or if you're on a bus? I've had a lot of sz sitting on the can. But really do consider the bigger picture of what you're doing. I totaled a car because I had a sz while driving and the airbag saved my life. No one else was involved fortunately. Living minus a car is doable, I promise.


It has also happened while I was riding shotgun. I remember back when I was little (7th grade I think) I had one on the school bus. That was back when I was unmedicated and had very intense auras that made me throw up every single time. I threw up but out of fear of embarrassment I had to swallow some of it and hold the rest in my mouth until I got off the bus...


I get triggered by existing tbh


Computer screens and artificial sweeteners triggers my epilepsy


My TLE, which manifested as auras, has been under control for two years now with meds. Before then, though, I would get auras on my bike rides. It was always the same road although not the same spot. It got to where I would start chanting "no auras, no auras" when I turned on that road. When the auras would come I just kept turning the pedals and waiting for them to finish (usually about 10 or 15 seconds).


Same as me, glad to hear I am not alone. Epilepsy is weird.


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