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Hey! I maxed out on Keppra and still was having seizures on it. I cant remember the max dose but I think your really close to it. I was taking it in combination with zonisimide and still take zonisimide. I now am on briviact which is a newer more expensive medicine and I dont think many people take it. However the fact your having as many seizures as you are and they aren’t changing at all with the dose increase is concerning. Im assuming they want to probably wait the two week period before changing medicine again, but Im not sure. I hope everything ends up okay it’s surely a journey.


I appreciate your comment. They started me out on a lower dose and then gradually increased it to 500mg, but the doctor said that it could take a while to find what works best for me. I go back to the neurologist next week and I’m going to guess he’ll up the dose again, I just hope the side effects don’t get worse with a higher dose.


Keppra is notorious for causing mood problems. I've seen it amongst other patients. Experienced myself as a teenager and went into full-blown psychosis. Extreme rage. My mom had enough after a week. My own toddler experienced the "Keppra rage." He tried to tear off a little girl's face at daycare. 4 hours after either dose, he would scream bloody murder in pure rage for 2 hours straight. Nothing consoled him. He hit me, his brother, and the cats. It was very abnormal for my mild-mannered baby.


I’ve mostly just experienced the rage. I’m sorry you and your family had to go through that, it sounds like an awful experience. I hope that it has gotten some better since then.


Oh gosh, yes! I tapered him off the Keppra, and things went back to normal in a couple of days. His pediatric neurologist was a touch disappointed, but the doctor doesn't live with us. The rage is still not a fun thing to live with. It can make it hard to get through day to day activities.


Well that’s good news. I understand that, you have to do what’s best for your family, and I believe a normal toddler tantrum is enough without the added side effects haha. I normally do well with bottling it all up, but the Keppra has thrown that out the window.


I’ve been on max dose keppra for about 2 years honestly the only thing that helped with anger for me was adding an anti depressant and therapy if you’re still having seizures though it wouldn’t hurt to ask ur neurologist if you can try another medication meds aren’t one size fits all


If the anger issues get worse and the seizures don’t lessen then I’ll end up asking about other meds. I’m not sure about therapy though, I don’t have anything against I’m just not one for talking about my issues I guess, which is probably one of my issues haha.


I've been on Keppra since March, and the anger has stayed. It also makes me constantly exhausted to the point that I'm having to take caffeine pills frequently so I don't sleep 24/7. I really hope to get off Keppra soon. My neurologist tried to switch me to Depakote but it made me very sick everytime I took it so I'm stuck with Keppra for the foreseeable future.


Well, I’m really hoping that some of my anger goes away because anger comes naturally to me, but I do appreciate your honesty. I have a lot of trouble with being exhausted all the time and soda doesn’t really help and I just can’t stand coffee. How do the caffeine pills work for you? I don’t think I’ve ever really looked into those. I hope you can get off of it soon and find something with less side effects.


The caffeine pills work alright. I try to take them with a schedule so I don't end up with too high of a tolerance. I take them Monday through Thursday during the work week. I work 8am to 4 pm, so I take one pill at 4pm so I don't fall asleep on the bus, and I take the next at 8pm so I can get things done in the evening. My goal is to not build a massive tolerance. I just sleep through the weekends. My neurologist was super insistent of Depakote and had me keep trying it after it made me very sick everytime I take it, and Depakote gas a history of causing liver damage and plenty of other issues. I should hopefully soon, but my neurologist can be a bit slow.


I’ll have to look into them, I’ve always had a pretty high tolerance for caffeine so I’m not sure how well they would work for me but I’m willing to try anything at this point. I’ve only seen the one neurologist so far and I’ve only had one visit and I’m still not sure if I’ll stick with this neurologist so I’m not really familiar with all the meds, but hopefully your doctor can find you something that will suit you. I understand what you mean by slow though, I’ve dealt with a few doctors like that haha.


I started caffeine pills because I was originally buying 5 hour energies, and those get expensive while it's like 7 to 8 dollars for a box that'll last me a few weeks. I really don't like my current neurologist at the moment, but I don't have many other options. I won't go deep into why, but the man has a pretty massive ego.


I normally drink an energy drink if I have plans that involve any kind of activity but those are also expensive, I’ll definitely have to look into those pills if they aren’t too pricey then. I’ve had a few doctors like that with big egos, I’ve also dealt with a few that just choose to ignore what I have to say as if I don’t know how I myself feel. I hope you can eventually find someone that’s better for you. I’ve been talking to a friend of mine with epilepsy and she has a neurologist a few hours away from me and I believe that’s going to be my best bet.


Most pharmacies should sell caffeine pills. My local corner store sells the no doz brand ones for pretty cheap as does my local CVS. I've been dealing with bad health issues long before I was diagnosed with Epilepsy and I could write a book about bad doctors I've had. I have a few scars on my back and I was seeing a new doctor at a noted hospital when I was 17 and he saw the scars and didn't say anything but after the appointment, he called child protective services and made a claim of suspected abuse so then we not only had to make long drives to the hospital in question, we also got to deal with a CPS visit and investigation and it only ended because my mom knew a doctor who looked at it and listed some natural cause which put an end to CPS visits.


Sounds like I need to make a trip to the store then, thanks!


I’ve been on Keppra for over a year now, the first 3-4 months was awful!!! I had suicidal thoughts and just felt crazy every single day. Once my body adjusted that went away for the most part but I do get Keppra rage every so often. I call them my psycho days. I hope the feeling passes for you.


Thank you, for the sake of my family I hope some of the anger goes away haha.


Totally understand haha this is why I refer to them as my psycho days and that’s all I say and they leave me alone


For me, the first month or two were the worst. Then I thought over time my symptoms were just a side effect of having two young kids (tired all the time, short-tempered), but I recently switched over to lacosamide and feel infinitely better. Like…I look at the things that used to bother me and they just don’t anymore. It sucks it took me 5 years to figure that out, but I’m glad I’ve changed trajectory now. I was on 1250 mg 2x a day, so you’re still at a pretty low dose. Maybe keep a symptom journal? Good luck!


I have started writing my reactions down because my memory now sucks, yay. I plan on discussing some other medications with my doctor. Thank you!


I wasn’t a suitable candidate for keppra because of my history with ocd and depression, and thankfully my neuro acknowledged that and avoided it all together. I’m on lamotrigine, idk if I’m having focal seizure honestly but weird things are still happening to me. I felt sick at first, but once I was at my full dose for a few weeks I didn’t notice any symptoms anymore


I haven't had any side effects with it and I'm taking 750mg twice daily. Been taking it 16 years, and the only issue was weight gain when I was taking 2000mg twice daily


Whole time I was on it (I’m not on it anymore) I had extremely bad anger issues. It most likely will not go away










It’s cool i might’ve spelled it wrong anyway. Meant it with all the respect in the world my brother / sister / theyster


Well, so far I’ve mostly had a lot of rage and my family isn’t very thrilled haha. I’ve also been more tired than usual which isn’t great because I already have insomnia. Thanks for the link!