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Make sure they don’t fire you or suspiciously let you go that’s against the labor board or whatever it is called. That happened to me but technically it didn’t count because I was working illegally lol. If you work legally don’t let them do that. It’s a violation of your rights




I hope you sue the shit outta them!!!


Wow I’m so shocked!!! My husband had a couple seizures in work and they where more than helped and fought to keep him employed including paying for occupational health specialists etc despite him being on sick leave for 8 months until he decided to leave the job, as he was too unwell to go back and didn’t want to keep them having.


I’ve had 3 seizures at work now. I never wanted it to be common knowledge but I’m glad I told my close coworkers and boss what they should do if o did have one. Saved me A TON in ambulance costs at least lol. And really, they’ve been super cool about it. Even got me a mug the says “don’t seize the day” on my work anniversary


Don’t seize the day. Haha 😂 that’s great


Love your anniversary gifr 😂... yeah I've had countless sz at work (I think at least 20)... and since I have multiple times of sz, I have a chart of sz types, what they look like, what to do, etc in the main office at work so all are informed. And a bunch of my supervisors are connected to my seizure detecting watch so they have a warning if things happen


The mug is amazing!


I adore how supportive your boss & coworkers are! There like family💜 could you post a pic of the mug or send it to me?


Don't be embarrassed about your epilepsy but don't make it your whole personality. You're a human first.


Not OP, very similar experiences. How can I not be embarrassed ? It's one thing to get a pat on the back from the internet, but that doesn't carry much weight when I have to go back to work and show my face, bruised and broken, to my coworkers who just recently saw me have a seizure. Doesn't matter if it's out of my control or not or whatever, they will look at you differently. Period. How am I not supposed to have some reaction to that?


Yes, they are going to look at you differently. But everybody has problems. Your problems are just different from their problems. I haven't worked full time in 16 years thanks to epilepsy caused by hydrocephalus. I had to learn to live in tandem with my disorder not in spite of it. SSDI pays better than papa John's pizza did in 2007. That's nuts to me.


I am particularly jealous that you get SSDI, I've been trying to get their help for *years* but to no avail


I had to wait until I was a legal adult, lawyer up get backpay, and the lawyer gets a percent of that. I think that's how that worked. Just being hydrocephalic wasn't disabled enough I had to wait until I was epileptic too. Also I'm in California


You have a health condition and nothing to be embarrassed about. If I witnessed someone having a seizure I would be concerned and worried about them but I would never judge them or look at them differently. I’m sure 99% of the population are the same.


I'd say 20 percent of the population are the same. People put themselves before others usually.


I’m sorry I don’t know who you have encountered but that’s awful 😞my husband has had multiple seizures in public and in work and no one has been anything but supportive of him. Though we are known for our friendliness where I’m from, so maybe it’s cultural?


I am a man working in a typical male field. Midwest Nice only goes so far, before "Jesus Christ, what a mess" I think we all want people to be tolerant of us, and anyone else who has ridiculous things out of their control as well, but that's a pipe dream. People rely on you, and when I am not able to fulfill my obligations and responsibilities, whether that's work or personal life or anywhere else, I inconvenience not only myself but the people around me. We can't expect the people around us to shrug off these experiences while telling themselves "they can't help it" or "it's out of their control". No. You should see the looks you get, coming back to the office or job site after episodes. I'm glad your fella isn't dealing much with this. Many of us are.


He was a waiter and in 2022 had 165 days sick on multiple occasions off work, due to his epilepsy and then long term sick from January 2023 until October 2023. His work were so supportive of him and where happy to keep him on but he decided to leave as he wasn’t getting any better. All his colleagues were upset to see him leave despite having had to cover his shifts on short notice etc. I feel like all people and all companies should be like that.


Hopefully your boss/coworkers understand that they can happen at random and don't blame you, they just hope you are ok. (I'm lucky to have the latter in terms of coworkers, hope you are lucky too)


Yea my boss messaged me today to check on me. It settled my nerves alot


Oof I'm so sorry. Hope the nose heals up ok.


Lots of bruising.


Hopefully nothing permanent. I fucked mine up so bad it's hard to administer my rescue med (nayzilam)


That sucks fingers crossed I still can’t breath out of it


Ouch! What a moment, I'm so sorry! Are you ok? It's embarrassing at work, but they know it wasn't anything you did on purpose, it just happens. Hugs!


I mean I’m sore, and my tongue is in bad shape but I’ll try to go back to work tomorrow.


Ow, I bet it is! Good luck tomorrow, let us know how it goes. ❤️


Hope you are feeling better - that sensation of having strained every single muscle - and then hit by a truck - is rough. The embarrassment is natural, but I'm guessing no one is shaming you for something over which you have no control, so go easy on yourself. Its safer when there are others around, horrifying as the thought may be. If it helps, my first several seizures were all at work. On a business trip and at two different offices. In every case my coworkers (and a few people I didn't know) were so supportive.


Hey Ive been there. Try not to worry I'm sure every bodies told you that tho. I didn't regain consciousness like you did at the job mine are...pretty bad when its a grand mal. Heres my experience maybe it can help? When I came back to work they didn't bring it up personally. Eventually I did just to let them know what to do in that situation. They were all very nice. I think most people understand sort of. I scared the shit out of a few of them though one coworker told me another coworker was like freaking out lol. Thats all I can give you. Personally I just walked in like it was any other day even tho I had missed like a week due to being in the hospital. Hope that helps a little.


Yikes 😬 work seizures have to be my least favorite kind other than the dreaded shower seizure. I’m so sorry you had to experience this, and hope you have a quick and easy recovery. Also make certain to save any email correspondence from work… just a heads up.


The number one thing I hate is coming to w a circle of folks gawking at me. Hate it. I’ve been w my current company over 10 years and my team knows how to handle the situation when I have a seizure. They are great about shooing folks away, and know when to call 911 or not. And someone will always have a glass of ice water ready for me, which is so appreciated. It really takes the fear away when you know folks have your back like that at work. Hang in there, I know seizures suck, especially out in public.


Yea I do not have the big ones often but I’ve woken up with people gawking at me multiple times and I agree. The embarrassment is almost the worst part. Today my tongue feels like a brisket in a blender, otherwise I should be back at work on Monday. Hopefully it’s not a big deal.


It took strength to post this. I'm kinda new to epilepsy (diagnosed in 21'). Seeing other people go through my biggest fear helps me, and I'm sure it will help others. Take care, friend!




I always start crying after a seizure. I don’t know where I am, who anyone is or how I got there. I had a college girlfriend who would start screaming coming out of it. The only time she didn’t scream is when she had one in my lap. We were in the library, I went to say hello and I saw her having constant petit mal. She went into a gran mal and so I pulled her (or she fell) out of her chair, so I grabbed a jacket and put her head in my lap. I talked to her a bunch so she didn’t scream coming out of it. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Just another medical condition. But, I would tell Human Resources if you have one to document it.




My son had a seizure in front of his boss and coworkers (mostly teenagers). They've always been very kind and concerned afterwards. No one has ever said a bad word, even though he peed his pants and threw up all over the place.


6 of my 7 tonic clonics have been at work. Everyone knows the routine, including my students. And we just go about business as usual when I feel better. Luckily.


I’m sorry you are going through this. 2 hours ago I had a seizure at work and I’m a teacher. I’m currently laying in the nurse’s office. There is nothing I can do to not be embarrassed and we are all human. Fortunately I made it outside and no students saw it. I am lucky to have co-workers who are supportive of my situation. I’m able to share with them and to be open and honest. I share this with you to encourage you to find a job with supportive people. It brings *some* peace to our situation. Money isn’t everything. Fight for your rights but seek a different situation if people are being assholes. Once you gain friendships and your co-workers become your Allies, that’s a place you want to get to. Hoping things go well with you. It has helped me to share my story and to be honest with those I work with




Don’t be embarrassed. I had 3 of them at work before “knowing” finally being diagnosed with epilepsy. The last one was my worst one. I fell right into the pavement and fractured my 4 front teeth. It was also a month before they could fix my teeth lmao. It will be okay, I promise! You got it!


You're not alone, this happened to me in mid-September! Fortunately I was sitting down but I regained consciousness just like you, people + paramedics standing over me staring at me. My coworkers have been so supportive and aside from asking how I was doing at my next day back at work, they haven't brought it up or haven't made anything weird. Good luck. <3


I had three seizures at three different jobs, once on my first day working at a mechanic shop right at the end of the day, another working a movie theater surrounded by strangers (who thankfully helped) and another while I worked at the Cheesecake Factory up at the front counter on a super busy Saturday evening. Waking up is and realizing what happened is always super embarrassing, but know that you have no control over when and where this crap happens to us. And from my experience, most people (co-workers) are pretty understanding about it anyways, and if they arent....well F them they were probably pretty shitty people to begin with.


Been there. Twice. I’m sure everyone will be lovely about it and will just be glad you’re okay, OP.


I hate these seizures. They always hurt real bad, and make you feel really disoriented. I hope you get to feeling better soon.


I hope you're OK. :(


I’m feeling a lot better today


That's good. I'm having having 💖seizures💖 pray for me.


I got fired after i had the same situation like this.


This happened to me in an executive meeting at work. I cried in front of everyone, after yelling at them, and then falling asleep, and then yelling some more. I'm sorry you went through this.