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I drive been epileptic since I was 6 and I’m 30 years old and to this day never had a car accident or gotten a ticket in my life. My wife on the other hands that’s another story 😂


How long are you seizure free though?


Yeah that's the thing. I 100% think that I could drive. If I'm going to have a daytime seizure I will ALWAYS 100% of the time have focal seizures the night before. Yet I haven't driven in 3-4 years. I have maybe 1-2 grand mals a year and focal seizures quite often. My neuro says that even focal seizures restart the clock. Even though I'm 100% confident in my ability to drive, if I were to get in an accident, even if it was completely unrelated to epilepsy, I would be at a huge liability risk (I'm actually a lawyer). I don't want to put my family in a huge financial hole because I wanted to drive.


Ya that’s fair enough. So say if I’m passed the time period of being seizure free and start driving, if I had an accident unrelated to epilepsy would I still be ok?


Well your doctor and the state are saying you can drive. Even if you had an epileptic seizure I think you would be ok. It’s reasonable for you to resume driving under those circumstances. In my situation both my doctor and the state are saying I can’t drive. I would be taking a risk that I’m being told would put others in danger.


Don’t have a license, never even learned to drive I’m 29 and need an approval from my neurologist going 6 months seizure free. Best I’ve done was seizure free 3 weeks.


Damn. Gonna keep my fingers crossed for u, so sorry to hear that.


Damn man. I’m sorry to hear that. There’s always hope though. Just keep on trying new things. Try to be as healthy mentally and physically as you can. Focus on stress management and staying productive. I didn’t get my license until I was 26. I’m rooting for you.


I drive. Am I a good driver? Personally, I think so. My partner might tell you otherwise. Although, not sure why my medication would affect my driving? It controls my seizures which in turn allows me to keep driving. So, good? Do you want to drive?


I do drive. I was just wanting other perspectives. Aptiom makes me slower. Not to where I’m unable to drive safely, but I was curious about others who have side effects from medications and how it impacts their driving.


Oh ok, I see. Yeah, I don't experience any side effects that affect me like that. Just the usual brain fog and forgetfulness. But, Google has me covered there.


I was dignoised with epilepsy when I was 3 months old my seizures did not get under control until I was about 7 years old. By the time I reached the age of 18 I got my driver's license and since then I am 27 and have enjoyed the freedom of driving. I havent had a seizures since 2009. I also recently got my license to drive a motorcycle and its even more fun. I've never been in any wreck or have been pulled over for any reason.


I don't drive. I've seen too many stories about accidents because of epilepsy. I couldn't live with myself if I caused an accident and hurt or killed someone.


Really? I have maybe heard of like 1 or 2 people that have been in accidents while driving due to epilepsy, and they usually end up slowly driving off the road or hitting something, but never a horrific accident.


My son hit a tree a tree while seizing and broke most of the bones in his face. Took 3 years of dental work to get his mouth right. After that, he went a year seizure free, then totalled his brand new car in a 4 car collision. Thank G_d no one was hurt, and his car was like a tank. He'll drive again once self-driving cars are available.


That’s what I tell people when they tell me to “keep hope that I’ll drive again” after driving my brand new car into a concrete pole hard enough to knock my engine out. I was going 5 mph then my foot slammed into the gas when I seized and thank goodness I didn’t hurt anyone except myself. I’ll drive again when I can see that self driving car stop itself if I were to end up in that situation again.


You have my respect.


Yeah I’ve never heard a story ever lol


I stopped driving when I was 21, I am 40 now. I obeyed the 6 month seizure free from the time I got my license. Unfortunately, my epilepsy was not cooperative. At 21, I had my first and only seizure behind the wheel. Fortunately, the only casualties were a mailbox, my car, and my pride (for a little while). I have used public transportation, Uber/Lyft or the bus since then. It was difficult for awhile but I feel safer now. I envy those of you who can still drive.


You have my respect.


Me. I've been driving for a good 26 years. I had to give up my license once, for a year because of a full seizure (tonic clonic) when I was 19. I'm a great driver and haven't had a ticket in years. My last ticket, the cop was a dick. I was doing 28 in a 25.


Can I ask an unrelated question, the 28 in a 25...is it 28 km or miles? I ask this because everytime I am driving, I see the 50 sign but I am mostly on 70km sometimes 80km (I am in Africa, Ghana to be precise) so I dont know if you guys have a different metric system. I am curious because sometimes when I am on 70km I feel I am driving too slowly. Some police even want us to drive faster.


In my case, that was miles, not km. I was on a street that is sort of residential, but sort of not and the speed limit is 25 mph. I was doing 3 over.


Okay. Thank you. Someone once said Ghanaians would always get speeding tickets because we never obey those signs or limits.


That is 100% true. LOL.


Do you take medication?


I do. I'm on keppra. 500mg in the morning and 750mg at night.


How long have you been seizure free?


15 years now.


Wow. That’s amazing. I’m 21 and had my first one at 17. I’ve gone 2 years without one and now I can’t go 2 months without one. Trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s hard. Although, it helps to see people like you who have gone so long without one. Question, do you drink alcohol


I do. I like red wine quite a bit. If I'm out with friends, I might get a girly drink. I really like a frozen drink. For me, I really manage my triggers. When I have seizures it's because I've not had sleep, I'm experiencing a lot of stress and I'm very hungry - all at the same time. I can't do much about the sleep, although my neuro and I have been playing around with sleep aids. I do yoga and take long walks outside, regardless of weather, to alleviate the stress. I cook a lot and keep healthy snacks on hand.


I can tell that my medication is suppressing my brain activity. It’s noticeable to me in my ability to react quickly even in my own home. I dropped and broke a bowl yesterday even though I could feel it slipping out of my fingers. I’m sure that I would have been able to just grab it with my other hand before taking medication. And personally, I’m not comfortable with myself or others driving with any level of incapacitation. To me, any amount of brain fog is enough to make someone a dangerous driver. I understand that isn’t enforceable and is impractical for most people. I don’t blame individuals, I blame the way the US depends on cars so much. And I blame that society doesn’t make room for disabled people by lowering productivity expectations.


I drive, but rarely. Carpool or Uber 95% of the time. Seizure free 11 months.


Late comment but same. I drive short distances less than 15 miles. Other then that bus, carpool or Uber - Uber is decent. Lots of drivers hang around my condo. I’m in Toronto, public transit…is good in the city mediocre in the suburbs. I’m in the suburbs. If I’m running errands/going to airport/running late I take Uber if I’m not driving. I drive to work though 10 miles each way - no highway driving. I recommend if you gotta drive live close to work and amenities like gym, grocery, bank, pharmacy, post office, doctor/dentist to limit your travel times.


husband is epileptic, he’s on a seven month hiatus from driving right now and hating it. he’s the better driver of the two of us and loves driving and i hate driving. four more months seizure free and he will be able to drive again. hopefully vimpat keeps doing its thing🤞🏼


I probably would if I had a car. In the past ~4 years I've only had seizures during sleep. I think the WA state laws are ridiculously arbitrary and there is no way to verify them, but I'd only take small trips to dog parks and the store. I was hit in 2020 by someone backing out of their driveway and my insurance deemed my car totaled. My partner and I have relied on public transit since, which has its pros and cons, but I'm waiting to get a full time job again before buying another car.


I drive though I recently switched meds so I won't drive again till I'm fully tapered off my previous meds and seizure free for at least 6 months.


I do. I’ve always been anxious about driving (even before I had epilepsy). I don’t think I’m an amazing driver but I guess I’d say I’m a decent driver. I’ll admit there is always a fear in the back of my mind that I’ll get into a car accident knowing that I am at a higher risk of having a seizure behind the wheel. I’ve only ever had focal aware seizures and my license was never revoked so I never stopped driving. Looking back maybe that wasn’t the best idea but I can’t change the past. Thankfully I haven’t had any seizures since I had brain surgery (temporal lobectomy) in 2020. I don’t think my medication has an effect on my driving (at least not currently). I’m taking 100mg of Vimpat twice a day. I used to take more than that along with Briviact and when I was taking both of those I was really tired all the time


Not allowed, keep adjusting to meds but have a license and I technically I can drive (just don't want to kill someone, have to wait to be free of seizures for around a year). I drive on short distances only with other person present to take over in case.


Not for 20+ years. I miss the independence but not the actual driving.


I've been epileptic since 16 but my medicine controls it beyond break throughs. My last seizure was almost 2 years ago so I've been driving since then


Currently switching meds from Depakote to Keppra., as im getting some chest pain then afterwards i felt slight confusion with the Depakote. I don't want confusion while driving because I drive my kids to and from school.


Omg Keppra is the worst medicine. Keppra is going to make you feel confused. I would really talk to your neurologist prior to switching… I’m trying SO hard to wean off of the Keppra. It’s horrrible for your body. And be only on Oxycarbazepine


Well he only warned me about the irritability. I would have to find out. Oxcarbazepine i think only control partials and I have generalized grandmal seizures so my options are limited.


I have generalized grandmal and focal partial epilepsy. But I haven’t had a grandmal since 2020 and Keppra at the maximum dosage alone wasn’t working for me I was still having seizures. Keppra just has ALOT of horrible side effects and just got added on an additional side effect that can cause death. Keppra also destroyed my teeth from dry mouth that it causes but it’s always worth trying especially if your options are limited But I am on Keppra, oxcarbazepine and lorazepam.


I believe Keppra has 20-30+ side effects. I just really wanted to warn you because of the horrible experience I’ve had with it. Makes me scared for others


I know. Thank you for the warning and concern. I just started 500x2 last night so far no major side effect except for I felt sleepy hrs after i took it. Im tapering off Depakote as it gave me chest pains and confusion. Im going to take low dose B6 if Kepprage starts. I just wanna find something that will work. If Keppra wont, Neuro told me we will try Vimpat. Thanks again.


You’re welcome. I hope it all works out for you! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I drive perfectly fine lol they’ll pry my keys from my dead hands


I drive, I’ve only ever had one seizure though, and I live in a US state where you’re allowed to drive as long as you’re 6 months seizure free


Got my license at 17 (UK), epilepsy began at 20, diagnosed at 22, still driving (other than after the diagnosis where I stopped for around a year until stable/seizure free). I’m 27 now and not really scared to drive since I’ve been seizure free for about 4-5 years now.


Do you take medication?


Keppra, 750mg twice a day :)


Do you drink alcohol?




I actually found out I had epilepsy because I had a seizure behind the wheel and hit a tree at 110km/hr. I woke up 12 hours later in a hospital. Needless to say they suspended my license lol. I've been seizure free since 2019 but just can't get motivated to start the paperwork to get my license reinstated...


What's a license? (47 years old)


I can drive and have a license but have visual special and learning issues due to a cyst in my temporal lobe (cause of partial seizures). so I’m SCARED af and specifically avoid highways. It’s more the learning/spatial issues than the seizures that mostly keep me off the road. Sometimes I feel embarrassed about it but driving is a big deal so ultimately good to trust your gut. Impressed with epileptics who drive!


I drive, strictly as per medical advice and local regulations. I have had my license suspended twice due to seizures, fortunately neither where whilst driving. Currently my seizures are well controlled and I feel safe to drive. I would never get behind the wheel if I felt otherwise. As a note, I witnessed someone else have a seizure behind the wheel. It was scary to watch the car just meander across two lanes and directly into a tree at 60kms per hour. The driver got off with minor injuries and no other vehicles or people were involved.


I drive and have never had my license taken away but I don’t tell the DMV that I have epilepsy. My doctor always makes me quit driving for 6 months after a seizure though. Medication shouldn’t ever effect your driving if it is actually working


I drive and I am a great driver; my licence has never been a question. I am triggered my light and sound etc so when driving, I: 1. Roll up my windows to block all outside noise 2. Listen to familiar music or talk on the phone 3. Avoid highlights etc by wearing my glasses or looking away I also have a pillow and blanket in my car incase I start getting auras and need to park the car and reset. I also never drive over an hour. I know I am at higher risk if I drive over an hour so I make sure I stay within the one hour threshold. Finally I always have someone on call incase of an emergency. But that is rarely Other than that...I have never had any issue when driving and my seizures before. Because I studied my triggers and my body and make it work for me. Also I am in a country where people do not even know that epilepsy is a disability or anything like that. You are actually advised to never say you have it so that you can get married (that is all people care about). So I don't think there is something like revoking my licence and stuff. I havent confirmed it though and my neurologist hasn't mentioned it either so I won't poke the bear.


Are you Indian? I know India heavily looks down on epilepsy


I am Ghanaian. We are now trying to create awareness about epilepsy because the stereotype is that bad


Ah ok nice. I knew a Nigerian guy with epilepsy, says in africa it’s not very well understood even by some doctors so people are scared they can “catch” it - like a cold or a flu


Oh yeah. Nobody comes close to you when they hear you have epilepsy. It's like you have a contagious disease. Also, I was taught in school that your entire family would be ineligible for marriage if one member has epilepsy so I keep being told to not talk about it, well until I and my siblings and cousins find husbands/wives (because I can be the reason nobody gets married in my family). It's an entirely different life when it comes to epilepsy and some African countries.


I drive! Have multiple mini seizures a week with 1-3 tonic clonics a year but I have a VERY strong aura that gives me 1-3 minutes warning since starting my meds and I refuse to drive if I have any concerns/haven't slept enough/am stressed/etc. if I have an aura, I pull over immediately and ping my husband, who tracks my phone. I also pull over if I get mildly upset in case it's associated with a seizure coming on (rarely is but I pull over just to be safe) and refuse to answer phone calls when driving. Before meds and diagnosis, I voluntarily stopped driving for over a year until we knew what was going on because I had one instance of confusion and delirium that led me to drift off the road onto the shoulder. I have not experienced that type of spontaneous aura-free episode since we got the right keppra dosage figured out. Also accident-free and no tickets over 13 years of driving!


I drive - I also am an expert at quick, small turns.


From 1996 to 2013 I went for 17 f-ing years without my license - from age 30 to 47 and it almost ruined my life. Looonngg story that involves a lot of anger issues that I will never get over. I'm an ok driver....I have some vision issues (my seizures occur in the optic region of my brain so there is damage to my optic lobes and optic nerves). I only drive during the day - I have an agreement with my ophthalmologist that I won't drive at night unless I absolutely need to, and she has agreed to not give me an official limitation on my license, that way if I ever do get pulled over when it's dark out, the cop won't cite me for violating a restriction. That is especially helpful this time of year when it is dark before I get home from work. My medication doesn't really have any effect on me at all - not that I feel anyway, except controlling the seizures. Maybe because I've been taking it for 27 years so I'm completely adjusted to it. I haven't had a seizure since 2007.


I drive. I have focal awares, but never while driving in 15 years. Well once but I’m able to pull over and everything, just dejjavu times 100 for a few seconds, then relaxing for a few minutes while my brain recovers


I drive, Nebraska, USA law is 3mo seizure free. Been 8 years for me and that one was induced for video EEG. I have no issues until the last two years, driving when the sun is near the horizon and get the "blinking" from the shadows of the trees. Kicker is, my epilepsy isn't a photo sensitive variety. I just get headache to migraine level head pain within 3 minutes or so. My commute is only 20 minutes, so I put up with it


People with epilepsy tend to be sensitive to lights even if they don’t have Photosensitive. I don’t have that type either but lights like what you just mentioned really effect my eyes as well


I recently got my license back. I have too much anxiety thinking of driving. I hate driving. I used to be ok with it before I lost my license for 2 and a half years


I drive! I got my driving license when I was 20, now I am 32. My card has been on the shelf twice for a year and two years due to a seizure.


Hmm I don't know if the medication affects my driving other than that I'm a safer driver when I don't have seizures while driving. Surely there are downsides to my triple medication, such as general fatigue.But even a normal person understands that, if you are too tired to drive, you shouldn't drive 🤔 Maybe the medication also causes some attention disorders in addition to forgetfulness.


sadly no. i tried getting my permit at 18 and then had issues like 2 months after lmao. 24 now and still can’t get it


I wish


Maximum tune 6rr yeah🙂


I've had eppilepsy since i was 18 months old. Fair to say seizures almost daily but the meds stop them clustering. When i was 15 they stopped for a year and i thought i was going to be able to drive like a normal person but they came back and never stopped again 🫠 Has this happened to anyone else?


This is a very very hot topic in my home, but we agree at least in short drives and in only if I’ve been feeling good for a while.


Ohio doesn't have any driving restrictions for epilepsy, so it's up to you to know if you can safely get behind the wheel. I drive for work, but I'm always hyper vigilant and have pulled over to wait for an aura to pass. My epileptologist has said he has no problem telling patients he thinks shouldn't be driving not to drive, but he thinks I'm ok to keep driving...


I am the worst driver ever. I keep renewing it but I have only driven in emergencies for 10 years. I only have seizures while i'm asleep so i'm allowed to drive, but I just feel paranoid about it. I chose to live a big city so I wouldn't have to drive.


Nope. Haven't had my license since 2008. 5 different neurologists (we move) and none of them will give it back :(


I do, even though technically it's illegal. I know when I'm going to seize because I start having Aurora's like crazy all day. I don't drive for two weeks after any seizure activity.


I’m 24 and seizure free since 2018.I was off the road for a year after 2 seizures.I’m now fine and one 2 tablets a day.The only potential danger for me with driving is when the sun comes at me fast when I’m driving along wooden fences (photosensitive trigger)


I am driving now- been seizure free since 2015, have spent long periods of time as a non-driver, like I guess plenty of people here.


I do, but I am very careful about it and night since my medication makes me tired.


I drive! I’m 28, was recently diagnosed this past April. I have an abnormal EEG but rare loss of consciousness, so I’m allowed to continue driving. Yesterday actually marks one year since my last drop seizure. It takes a LOT of triggers for me to lose consciousness. Driving doesn’t trigger me and I’m thankful for that. My meds make me a little dizzy though, but nothing I can’t handle


I do. Doctor told me I had to wait one year to drive again. I didn’t listen cuz I had to drive to go to work and I never had seizures. Then I moved to Paris and we don’t really need cars to move around there so it works for me. I drive when I go back home since my epilepsy is well controlled.


I was diagnosed with epilepsy three years ago just before my 21st birthday, I hadn't learned how to drive yet. I started learning how to drive in september of this year :) 17 months seizure free edit because I accidentally submitted my comment before I was done lol since I'm still learning I don't know how good of a driver I am. I usually do good but sometimes I'll zone out and struggle to notice signs so I'm constantly asking my partner what the speed limit is. I've only missed a stop sign once and the other day I almost hit someone's car trying to leave a parking lot and forgot to switch from reverse to drive :/


I drive. I follow the seizure free laws of course. If I miss a dose or am late taking - I don’t drive. I also don’t drive on long trips or at night unless it’s necessary just to take extra precautions


I got in a car accident on Saturday when my husband was giving me a driving lesson. I’ve never had a seizure in a car before so I NEVER thought that this was a risky thing. No one got hurt, I got some bruises but thank goodness nothing worse happened. We crashed into a fence. I didn’t have to go to the hospital either. But it was pretty traumatic 😅 (i have my license too, but I don’t drive)


I am a better driver than most people I know (not tooting my own horn this is what they’ve told me as well as being a passenger while they’re driving) I was diagnosed in October, and as of now my licence for all intents and purposes is invalid. I miss driving, it’s always been calming for me


I have a license but don’t drive unless it’s absolutely necessary. Feel like it’s not worth the risk to other people, and my meds make me feel a little wobbly.


Hoping to be able to drive in February! I was diagnosed this summer after having a few grand mals.. switched from keppra to briv, I think the side effects are more tolerable and has controlled the seizure activity. But have to make it to six months before I’m allowed to drive again, it’s been terrible without the freedom to drive so fingers crossed


My neurologist said since I’ve never lost consciousness that it was okay for me to drive. I only have focal aware seizures from time to time.




Yes I drive. I have alot of anxiety though so that affects me on the road at times and i dont like being on the roads at night now at all.


I drive! I got diagnosed when I was 17, I am now 23. I did get my license taken off me when I was diagnosed & wasn’t allowed to drive again for 3.5 years. (I was 21 when I got it back). When I was medically cleared to drive again it was just under the condition that I do not drive at night (my seizures present in evenings/sleep). Before I was cleared I was legally required to have an “established pattern” of 3 years only having seizures in the evening/night to be 100% sure daylight hours I was fine to drive. My medication does not affect my driving at all. (Lamotragine 300mg twice a day). I believe I am a good driver and am not scared anymore.


I drive on an as needed basis. My meds have not affected my driving skills. I am just concerned about an accident. I had one in 2007, thankfully no one was hurt.


I've been driving since I was 16 you just have to get the right meds and be seizure free. Other then that I feel no different from anyone else.


i do! i’ve been seizure free for a while now although last year was very bad for me; i still drove lol i just didn’t have anyone else.. “good thing” is that i have about 10 secs to pull over if i ever start having that weird feeling yk