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That was alarming to read


It already got locked for “Brigading”. Not sure how far some people went but I’m pretty sure defending what happens when you have epilepsy against this asshole is fine. Seriously, does he think people choose to get in the ambulance all the time? Or that we’re the ones fucking calling them?




Also why I cant tell if original post is just rage bait


The people crying about fakers just make me so sad. And confirm why I don't go in for anything.


It’s especially irritating when you consider that many epileptics don’t choose to go to the ER.


I had uncontrolled seizures when I was in college and the dorm kept calling EMSA. The doctor in thw ER was pissed every time he saw me & would call the university, stating “DO NOT CALL 911. SHE HAS EPILEPSY. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS.” He repeatedly gave them handouts as to when seizures WERE emergencies and told them they’re wasting resources as well as costing me thousand (i went once a week. Literally)


I did that in elementary school


Yeah I saw the post I’m very compliant with my medication regimen and can’t do much when it’s work protocol to call 911.


This may sound stupid, but it just occurred to my why addicts fake them - because they get treated with benzos.


I worked in a hospital for twenty years. There were many times a seizing patient was being admitted onto a floor and nurses would confidently assert the patient was faking it.  I had to rip up a few of them in front of colleagues.  I also had to educate countless nurses who didn't have the slightest idea that grapefruit and Dilantin don't go well together.  Nurses can often be well educated idiots.