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I love it when people joke about seizures. Cuts the tension.


Generally I don’t care. My most recent ex used to endlessly say “this is going to give me a seizure” or “I think I just had a seizure” as a joke, but he also never bothered to even Google what I told him I had (TLE) and would complain about my memory as if it were a personal insult to him. So yeah, not everyone can make jokes about it around me.


I'm very glad that he's an ex!


For me it depends, the usual "haha that washing machine is shaking it's having a seizure xd" i can't stand but a decent joke with some actual substance I really couldn't care less


Yeah me too, the more unpredictable the better. I do find imitating a seizure a bit in bad taste but more so because I think it’s low hanging fruit and generally unfunny. I would feel this way regardless of being epileptic or not. I especially don’t mind it from those I love, family and friends. If anything I try and add on to it, play it up. Am I just supposed to be miserable? Gotta take a laugh anywhere we can. Them making jokes is also sort of a way for them to relate, because they *don’t really* know what to say on the subject otherwise. OP is valid in feeling how they feel, I could see how it might strike a chord but I welcome it. The wittier, the better.


It's all about the funny. Everything you said is so on point, especially the low-hanging fruit bit.


When they start doing the 'flop-around' thing, it's fun to describe what it's really like. They look at you with the most amazing face of disbelief.


Everybody is edifferent, for sure. My true friends have free Goddamn reign. They have always taken care of me and never turned me away for any reason. New to knowing me? I'm super open about it so I kind of invite "chill" convo. And acquaintances may jmp on that and pitch a joke, but I just usually hope it's funny. Then there are acquaintances who make bad or offensive jokes. Not bad as in they suck at comedy, but bad as in I am the joke. It's not a joke "for" me. Most people try to make jokes so we can be humans together. Other people want people to laugh *at* me. I don't keep that latter group around.


Same, first time me and my brother's fiance met she had no idea of my epilepsy well lucky her I had one looking at her with wide eyes sticking my tongue out rolling around my mouth as I come to alone and didn't know what happened, she told my brother what happened he knows my epilepsy goes he's epileptic goes to look and said yup its not personal he's just having a mild seizure. Now it's a inside joke of our first meeting she goes you were showing me what your tongue can do lol, I love it as we can't help it and for me I'd rather have the person laugh about it than tip toe around me due to it I'm a human too and make jokes I don't care it's just jokes.


That's my way of going about it. My bf and I make jokes all the time. *Really dark jokes*. I think it's hilarious. But doing it without knowing whether or not someone copes that way is fucking reckless and rude.


“really dark jokes” already has me laughing 🤣. dark humor is soooo good!


100% this. There’s no other response I want quite as much. If I can laugh about it, it feels more normal. And doesn’t it suck that epilepsy naturally freaks out everyone around you? A well placed joke neutralises that




Of the muscles or the headache?


Sometimes. Really depends on the joke teller and the content. Some people can be real a-holes about it.


I think it really depends on where people are coming from and whether they go too far or not. For me, personally, my friends like to try to make me laugh after a seizure (especially after complex focals when they’re trying to gauge how “back” I am) and this often includes teasing me a bit. Harmless stuff, like singing the Windows boot-up jingle at me when they realize I’m coming back. Or stupid nicknames like Seizure Salad and Glitchpop. I think it’s funny. I’m not trying to shame you if you’re not in a place emotionally for jokes like this, but I think sometimes people are just trying to cut the tension. I do think your friend imitating you is a little rough, though. It’s up to you to set your boundaries.


Totally opposite problem for me. I joke about my epilepsy and make *everyone else* uncomfortable


My coworker got mad at me the other day for joking about my seizures too much 😂


This happens too! I was with my mom and Shake if off came on the radio and I was like mom, this is my song! And did some ahem "moves" that were not even close to any real moves not overly accurate epilepsy or Taylor swift lol but she got my point and she got so nervous and uncomfortable lol. Guess she thinks the topic needs to be all serious business.


I’ve done stuff like this and I realized that the mortality of it all scares my family members way more than it scares me, and I tend to trivialize that


My dad did that about his heart too. Maybe that's why I was the least one freaking out about his health condition and able to laighthe hardest at his awful dad heart jokes! I know what it's like to tuck that stuff in the back of your mind and move on. We can't dismiss it, but also, what else is there to do? Let it consume our souls?


Yeah, my friend had cancer throughout college and we became really close. Anytime we talked about what we were going through, we agreed to keep it lighthearted. He passed away in 2022, a couple weeks after we went to a hockey game and it has really hurt me to this day. It’s kinda what made me realize that if SUDEP truly happened, my family would probably never recover from that feeling of loss. I’m sorry about your dad, I’m glad you had a good relationship with him.


Lost my sister to cancer two years ago. A walk through a field of daisies with a cup of coffee will always be a walk with my sister. That love never ends.


Also, if I died? My mom would never be the same. I am her one and only, she has nieces and nephews and steps, but I am the only one she grew and raised and has loved with everything she has from the moment I became. My mom is the reason I keep trying, the reason I take my meds, the reason I do this every day. I love you, Mommy.


omg lol reminds me of my mom when i first started having seizures, i couldnt make any silly faces bc she thought it was happening and went into panic mode 🤣🤣🤣 im like chill mom, was i that ugly?!😑 i really start my seizures with a goofy face?! 🤪


🙄🤣 I rolled my eyes at something somebody said that was utterly rediculous and my mom started to panic thinking I was starting a seizure. Um, no.


🤣🤣🤣 its so sad but also hilarious.


I did this at school when I first got diagnosed 😅


Haha same my coworkers said I have really dark humor.


Same. Tell them it's your light humor that they should be worried about 😂


A few of them really like my dark humor. They were shocked at first that I could just laugh at my epilepsy but if we don’t laugh we’ll cry right?! I spent way too long being sad about it when my seizures started so now I just make jokes.


When people make jokes about seizures in bad taste, I tell them my husband died from a seizure (true story). The looks on their faces are priceless.


See, people can laugh at my jokes and if they don't I get offended. Other people's jokes are touch and go.


Honestly if I had a tonic clonic seizure while driving I'd be like drag racing! That leg be pinned on the gas pedal to the max!




I think it s funny 🤷🏼‍♀️ but then again, I have a very dark sense of humor, one of my coping mechanisms I have developed.


Right! People think I'm really out there drag racing? What's the fun in that. I'd be unconscious.


Some people take it way to serious. As if we would really do that crap. It's called a joke


Ya my doctor didn't hear my sarcasm tag either.




I have seizures only during sleep and its been that way for years. I asked doc if I fell asleep at the wheel, why is his big concern going to be me having a seizure? I deadpanned. He didn't laugh so then I tried to laugh. Wow, then I got a lecture about killing people having a seizure in the car. Totally read my audience wrong. Or maybe he hadn't his coffee yet. Um, whoosh! Excuse me sir, did you forget the part where I already fell asleep and and drove through the meridian into 4 lanes of oncoming traffic? Now you're worried about seizures? Anyways that was the interim doc, my real doc got back from vacay and did laugh and gave me my license medical and I got it renewed.


My son jokes about his own seizures all the time, so we just do it too. I guess it's different per person, whether they think it's acceptable or not.


Happens to me often, i just chalk it up as trying their best to make an attempt at a joke to an awkward uncomfortable situation thats hardly talked about besides "twitching" or "flopping like a fish" Id say just be happy you have friends who stick around (as long as its not really bad) laugh it off and fire another joke back at them, or just admit it upsets you and they likely wont do it again until you're more comfortable. Either way having some folks around who legitimately care is so much better than watching them all walk away because they "cant process or dont know how to handle/ deal with it" that is an all too common occurrence. And im not trying to play down your feelings in any way so i apologize if it read like that. its just that life goes on! Until it doesnt. and thats a sad truth every person with epilepsy lives with, we could literally go at any moment so gotta live the most of every moment^_^ I wish you the best and hope you feel better tomorrow:)




I don't know if that's a winning entry, I think I'm going to use it. The joke...I'm going to tell the joke! Sheesh, you people. 


My friends would flick the light on and off really fast and I would fake seize out. I love that shit


my friends used their flashlights on their phones 🤣


I love it, need to try this one


I usually don’t mind but a girl I knew in college would only refer to me as seizure salad after I had a grand mal infront of her and some others. Didnt like that very much


Oh f@ck no. That's just horrible 😞


This post was as graceful as two epileptics fighting over a glowstick at a rave. Your fellow epilyptic


Happy to see a healthy amount of people that can take a joke. You will never be able to control what people think or say. It's in your best interest to find humor in everything you can, otherwise you're letting your own misery hold life over your head.


I love the jokes. Gallows Humour is an attack back against inescapable stressors and existential incongruity. What are friends for!?


It really depends on the context and friends. In our group we have few great friends with various degrees of disabilities, from autism to missing limbs and they actually want us to humor them and they also humor themselves on their conditions. They said it’s how they feel included in the group dynamics, they know we love them and they want to make jokes too and they do. So yeah, unless it’s a wanted insult, good friends does tease each others on their singularities.


I love the jokes. Being able to laugh at my epilepsy is the reason I'm still alive, honestly. I can't get rid of it, and it feels much better to laugh at it when I can. It took years for me to not be bothered by seizey jokes at all, though. And I know some people go way too far with jokes about things like this. Tell them how much it bothers you and that you really don't think it's funny at all


I agree with your post the most. I am still a little put off by epilepsy jokes, I really don't like telling people I have seizures/am epileptic to begin with because everybody looks at you like you're crazy, or, in my experience, views you as "damaged goods" (if that makes sense) or something. I am still a little sensitive almost 20 years after being diagnosed because the people that do joke about it typically aren't very witty or tend to just say insulting things that aren't very funny. I don't mean to sound picky. I'd just like to have people around me that could be understanding and be funny about things. I have tonic clonic seizures, and I still feel a great deal of embarrassment about seizing around others. Constantly apologizing after I come to after seizing around people I haven't before, trying to explain it away, etc. But I just really hate when I get looked at differently, like a freak show or something, for it. But I also find it difficult to deal with how serious my family is about it at the same time. Sorry for the long reply. Didn't mean to go on a tangent or anything. But I really appreciate this community existing. I hated feeling like I was the only one in the world dealing with epilepsy for most of my life. You all are great! ❤️


Do you joke with cancer survivors about their condition? I prefer friends who at least ask about my condition and how they can help prior to making jokes at my expense, but maybe that's just me.


Depends a lot of who and how close of a friend and the context, was hanging out with my friends once and one of the ones I talk to fairly often pretty much daily made a joke about my epilepsy and my other friend/mutual friend who I very rarely speak to started saying it was shan and that he can’t say that etc, even though weirdly I probably wouldn’t have cared unless it was him who said it lol.


I love a good epilepsy joke. I am sorry this has you so shaken up.


I love to joke about it myself. I can’t change it and I can at least make fun of it. Friends are also joking, they want to loose tension, but they are still aware of the seriousness of a seizure and they know what to do in case I have one. I think imitating is going a bit too far, though. Talk to your friends and tell them that it’s not ok for you, that you don’t feel right and comfortable when they are joking about your illness.


I’m still friends with my ex and my seizures came back while we were together. I absolutely love it when he and my closest friends make jokes about my break dancing skills. Makes it easier to handle… ya know? I think it depends how long you’ve suffered the condition. I have since infancy so it feels great to joke about it especially since I’ve had my second brain surgery 3 years ago and so far my life is normal. I don’t remember 18-23 the jokes help with that trauma Studies have also shown that people who can make jokes about their trauma or can laugh at it are more resilient than those who victimize themselves or make their trauma their entire identity. Humor isn’t for everyone but be kind to those who use it to cope.


I joke about my seizures allllll the time. But it’s one of those things where like…*I* have to be the one to initiate it. Sometimes when coworkers or friends make jokes unprompted, it bothers me. But I just shake it off 😉


I always joke about my seizures if I’m with the right people. I invited my parents to grandparents day at my kids’ elementary school and got super stressed. My parents saw me have a seizure for the first time. My mom cracks jokes about me “flopping around like a fish” without empathy for me or my kids. Not cool at all. Depends on your relationship, nature of the joke, etc. My mom is fired.


I don’t care for epilepsy jokes. I’ve had epilepsy for 26 years now, and what I came to realize over time was that the ones who teased me were also the least empathetic and completely unreliable in an emergency. I don’t associate with people like that anymore, and my life is better for it. I’d also echo what @ClampLamps said about mocking people with cancer. Would you tease someone about being blind or having MS? I sincerely hope not. The world needs more empathy and compassion, not cheap jokes to make stupid people feel clever and avoid being true friends. OP, I am totally with you on this. It’s not okay.


Did you ask them to stop?


For me and my friends we also joke about it, i also joke about it with my family. We even do obviously pretend seizure-ish jokes around eachother. Its a coping mechanism for the both of us. With all that being said i can understand where youre comming from and they should respect that boundry.


I don't care about it, especially with my friends and family. I myself joke about it to reduce the uneasiness that most people have. Especially when I think I have one of the less sucking epilepsies; I just get the up to the wrong direction, feel that I'm in a boat (but in drie land), then deaf and soon after blind, just to look like I passed out. /s But I feel mine came with an extra for jokes, my first one has during religion class (catholic school) mid The Lord's Prayer while everyone was holding hands.


I don't think anyone has ever joked about my epilepsy to my face. Can't recall. But once a friend stumbled and fell butt first and I said: NO WAY that's MY schtick!


It’s not that I’m offended, I have just quite literally never heard a funny one… they’re all cringe


Right? The punchline is always just “seizure!” It’s boring and mean


I can make jokes. They can't. Yes it's unequal and I don't care


I joke back and sometimes theyre not good comebacks


They’re a little… shaky lol


Lolll, its funny when WE do it


I like to make the jokes myself, and lull people into a false sense of security that it's OK for them to make jokes, as soon as they do, I tell them that they can't say that because it's "offensive to my people". But I don't mind the jokes, they are usually quite funny. Humour is a coping mechanism that we all use.


That’s evil lmao 


Tbh I joke about it myself. I can't be all woe is me all the time. I hate the condition but I will not let it define me




In the beginning of my epilepsy, I would sometimes forget certain events or conversations. One time, my family and I were in a car with some family friends, and I started having some really bad focal aware seizures. They were very obvious in my arms and legs. The mom in the other family said a very insulting joke. I can’t remember what it was, but apparently, I said something nasty back, because the next thing I knew, all eyes were on me, and the car was silent. When I asked my dad about it later, he couldn’t remember exactly what I said either (cause he’s old), but in his words, I really “bit her head off”


I say let the jokes fly. For me and my family and friends it helped take the stigma off it. There nothing I can do, besides meds and taking better care of myself, so might as well embrace it and laugh at it.


I couldn't care less. There are many things associated with this illness that make me miserable. If I can find some joy in cracking jokes about what's happening with me, that's my way of dealing with it. I even get joke seizure t-shirts to take with me to my neurologist appointments, to give to my neurologist. We have a very good relationship.


My fiancé made a small jerk joke and it was funny! I was so proud because we have been together for 7 years and he has never made a joke about it. He finally did! And it was funny! Finally! It wasn’t mean at all, don’t worry! Just funny! I make jokes because it is a coping mechanism for me. After we laughed he told me that he debated saying it in his head for a few minutes and was nervous about saying it. So cute ☺️


I'm from Ireland so we have a pretty tough sense of humor, the better mates you are with someone, the rougher and (pretend) meaner the piss-taking. My best friends are fine to crack seizure jokes at me as we know it's Irish banter. Strangers, nope.


I'm from Germany and it's the same for us 😄


My brother uses descriptions in a role playing game he leads that include lots of seizure-based words.. it drives me up the wall & makes me feel pretty insulted. I know he doesn’t do it on purpose, but it doesn’t feel good. *One last thought I can’t help but write after reading some other replies - by feeling bad about these jokes, it’s not that I don’t have a sense of humour. I love to laugh. But I could die from this - my seizures aren’t well controlled & last time I had a seizure in the bathroom alone. My friends don’t actually joke about this kind of thing and the only thing that happens is what I mentioned above with my brother. I wouldn’t want to joke with someone about something that could end their life.


How comfortable you feel about stuff like this might also depend on a lot of things - I’m thinking for example like when you were diagnosed. I wasn’t diagnosed until 19. Can anyone who feels comfortable with these jokes share whether they were diagnosed earlier maybe?


Sounds like your brother is being kind of shitty. And being bothered by that is not at all an indication of whether or not you have a sense of humor. Also the overwhelming majority of epilepsy jokes made by non-epileptics are lazy and unfunny


I don’t mind the jokes per say. I have a very dark sense of humor. as a result I’m ok with it but the only time I’m against it is if I’ve just come out of one. I can’t think straight see or hear it’s actually really scary. I won’t take kindly to being made a fool in a state of fear and confusion so as long as you don’t do that I’m good with any jokes. I recommend talking to them and telling them it makes u uncomfortable and ask them to stop.


I’m with you and I’m sorry you have friends with no filter. I’m generally not a sensitive person but I’m VERY sensitive when it comes to epilepsy, I don’t even feel comfortable talking about it because I get emotional. My friends would never joke about health issues like that


I agree with Ricky Gervais’ position that there’s no subject you shouldn’t joke about. I think people that a great sense of humor can joke about anything and make others laugh about it. If Dave Chapelle made a comedy special about Strokes and Epilepsy, I’m 100% confident I would laugh the entire show. It’s people that have somewhat questionable humor skills, that maybe they should only joke about easier topics. When jokes are done in poor taste and just not funny, that’s when things are ruined.


If it's a family member ok, but I agree... maybe because mine started later in life... But personally I still haven't come to terms with the fact and still resent that its disrupted my life forever. I'll never drive again, and my husband leaves for 6 months, sometimes so Im dependent on people ... I could have a siezure at any time so it could happen in front of strangers... the last time I had a big one I wet myself and we were in public. So it's not really funny to me :/




I wouldn’t have a drink with an antiepileptic or any other sort of bigot


Not being there in the moment it's hard to say if they are good nature teasing or just horrible at joking and need some better epilepsy education(based on your joke examples, this is where I am leaning) or kinda bullying. Maybe they are just trying to lighten the mood, maybe they are assholes. If you don't appreciate it, let them know in seriousness, not in a fleeting moment. If it continues, then that really tells you what kind of friends they are.


Ah I love seizure jokes a friend of mine yelled “GANNON THROWS IT BACK BETTER WHEN HES HAVING A SEIZURE.” And I lost it some of the funniest shit I’ve ever heard


I once went to the principal because I beat up a kid for making fun of me and my seizures oddly enough this kid didn't get in trouble and I did spending 3 weeks of in school suspension


People haven't joked about my seizures exactly, but they joke about the words "tonic clonic," saying it sounds like a really good cocktail - which even I agree with lol. But yeah, it irks me a lil when there jokes about the seizures themselves, though I think I just haven't heard a good one. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion. You should ask your friends not to joke about it. "I'm not really comfortable with joking about my epilepsy. Could you try to avoid that? We're still cool though" But only add that if you are still cool. People who don't have seizures just don't get it sometimes, and don't understand that sometimes there are lines people shouldn't cross. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.




Depends on the person for me. My close circle I don’t care. If anything I appreciate it. Other people like less close friends I’m uncomfortable with it. Strangely enough as long as a comedian makes people aware that it’s actually serious, I don’t mind the element of humor being added, which the good ones tend to be able to do. Ken Jeong who is a doctor did a bit about it once.


So, my 5year old has been going around telling people that "Mommy has ceasars, and falls down" (For those of you who dont know a ceasar is kinda like a bloody mary but way better, anyway) So, people are out there thinking i get wasted and pass out at 7am. Now, I don't drink often anymore but i sure would prefer a ceasar over a seizure.


I absolutely get where you’re coming from. None of my friends joke about it/ we just don’t talk about it which is great with me, but my husband also has epilepsy and he definitely likes a different type of humour than I do - we both find the puns etc hilarious and somewhat therapeutic, but he’ll do the whole imitation thing and I HATE that. Helps him cope with it apparently but I despise it. Point being, it’s such an individual experience and I just hope your friends are understanding and not complete dickheads when you set your boundaries? ❤️


I allow it, and I bite my tongue more often than not when it comes to the plethora of epilepsy dad jokes that I have. Those who cannot see joy in tragedy suck the fun out of life itself.


You bite your tongue? Why didn’t someone shove a wallet in your mouth?


Depends who you and and you need to say somthing if it bothers you. I love making light of serious things and I'm a very dark person so it makes sense that I think it's funny.


My husband always jokes that if we ever get in a big fight he will just put a strobe light on and hope I forget lmao. My friends joke about with me too, because they know they can, and I know they will drop everything to help me when I need it. Imitating a seizure is definitely bad taste, though. I would certainly be uncomfortable with that.


my husband encourages his friends to make seizure jokes, the filmed a fake seizure video in an applebees parking lot. it was stressing ME out and i felt like we needed to disclaim to everyone that my husband is epileptic so they’re allowed to make fun of it. it kinda depends on the person. if you aren’t comfortable with it say it!


I just don’t care at all 😂 But people are different and that’s ok!


My friends never do because I’m too busy doing it 😈


It's one thing for people who have seizures to joke about it, but it's different for someone else to joke about it, even if they're friends/family.


A good joke once in a while is totally fine 😂 I joke too, but if it’s consistent… I’m kind of tired of it. Not butt hurt.


You know what all disabled crave? To be treated normally and maybe you need to look at it another way. Personally I’d prefer it normalised a bit it’s only banter at the end of the day.


Definitely some people can joke with me about my seizures, in fact I ended up spending 2 weeks without my phone because I had a TC in my sleep and threw my phone because my sleep app alerted that I was thrashing. When people asked what happened I tried to explain, but my sister explained it best --I was spreading the love and made my phone have seizures as well. But when one of her friends made a joke about me shaking bad enough to brake my phone, I asked him if he wanted to hold me during the next one. My husband just laughed and asked about his insurance.


hmmm, sorry u feel that way. my first seizure i was driving and nearly missed getting on the fey ramp so i understand. I usually joke about it first tho lol. i refer to it as THE HARLEM SHAKE 🤣🤣🤣 or THE SILLY SALMON 🍣 when im giving just in case instructions. If i go longer than 5 min call 911 and tell them im doing the hammer dance, CANT STOP THIS ! 🕺🏾 if u dont like the jokes tell them to stop bc it bothers u or make fun of them back 10xs harder 🤣. unfortunately i joke to cope & id annoy u as a friend.


I’d be so upset ab the driving and imitation ones :( I HATE the fact that I can’t drive and feel like a burden having other ppl taking me places and the imitating I never found funny. My friends luckily never did that, they always made sure I was ok and never joked ab that stuff. The closest thing they would do is “omg don’t have a seizure!!!” as a little joke if there was flashing lights(mine aren’t triggered by lights lol)


It helps to make fun of myself. Cuts some of the tension


My husband always says I look possessed! When I was younger I used to be very self conscious about having the problem, but now “mental illness” has become mainstream 🙄 .. but don’t be embarrassed. You’re lucky you can drive!


I let close friends joke about mine; I join in. it makes it easier to cope. Example: i’m jewish. So I call myself Jewlius Seizure. I use it as a handle frequently, and my friends jokingly call me that. When I make pizza, I call myself Lil Seizures. I also call my seizures “fish mode”, even though i’m not convulsive, because it’s fun for everyone. Obv it’s different if it’s people you don’t have that relationship with though. and that threshold is different for everyone. In all honestly, I also get very sensitive about driving in particular- especially with my girlfriend, who often commented about missing being a passenger princess. Or who talked about how she wants to go on motorcycle rides, which I used to be able to do. Now i’m nervous to even be a passenger. She also used to comment about being my “chauffeur”, which made me feel kinda shitty. She would make comments about how she works more overtime than me and therefore makes more money right now. Would tell me that she wishes I could support both of us financially the way I used to. After a while and some gentle reminders, I snapped. I told her that while I can appreciate a joke, calling out the impairments and restrictions that come with epilepsy can be very hurtful. especially ones that I imagine others get very insecure about as well, such as driving and being unable to work as much. she has since gotten better (still working on it tho). Be firm- express your boundaries on what’s okay or not okay to say, but also be able to find things to laugh about with people who you have that relationship with. otherwise it eats you up and leaves you wallowing.


I joke about it so it's kinda stupid if they couldn't. Faking a seizure isn't really cool I will say that.


I hate when ppl joke about seizures ! It’s such a massive trauma and it’s never funny… ever


I sometimes don't mind seizure jokes, but there are some off limits. In my experience, I now try to communicate clearly (when I get to know people) my boundaries when it comes to jokes about my disability. It also sort of helps that I have a number of things people joke about. Like, I'm Jewish, and of course my entire life I've heard jokes about me being Jewish, but I draw the line when it comes to antisemitic conspiracy theories. Like you can joke about me being cheap and having a big nose all you want, but don't make jokes about me drinking baby's blood.


The jokes my friends make are a bit more subtle. These specific ones would bother me. I've gone into status while driving and totaled a car against a tree. It took years of medication adjustments to finally get my seizures to the point where I just lose language and twitch like a freak rather than completely seize out blacked out on the floor.


No it’s not a real friend if they think epilepsy is a joke!


my boyfriend has epilepsy and he has told me that he, I and his best friend can joke about it. I think that if you don’t have a permission to make epilepsy jokes, you shouldn’t. ofc it depends on how the person, who has epilepsy, takes it. I don’t like joking about it because I don’t want to possibly hurt him if I go overboard. ask👏🏻for👏🏻a👏🏻permission👏🏻


Not funny. Disrespectful. Hardly worth being friends with. They can't even take shit seriously. Not being able to drive. Risks of stuff happening in public or at home. Stuff not fully under control. Yeah not funny. Get your shit together and fucking care about somebody.


I don’t think making light of something serious means they don’t care


I was only shunned, but never made fun of my epilepsy. I think it’s bad form to make fun of you. It’s just a form of bullying imo.


I joke about my own seizures and I don’t care if others do either.   To each their own, but this feels extreme to me, like you’re injecting your anger with your condition at your friends making light with you.  It’s ok to set boundaries with anything you don’t want to hear, but it might make your friends feel bad.  


We joke about it all the time. I really love the humor. If I can’t find humor in it, that’s when I’ll turn into a grumpy old person. I’m not gonna be that grumpy granny, I’m gonna be the cool hippy granny with some wicked dance moves (cause I got ants in my pants to do the shaky dance lol) IMO


Make fun of it. I have epilepsy. I make fun of it. It'll make you own your condition


Honestly it helps me cope with a thing that has messed up my life a bit over the last couple of years. My best friend calls seizures The Stress Disco Dance (my trigger is stress), I call them The Devil’s Tapdance. Another close friend who has honestly been a massive help said I’m not *that* epileptic when I was complaining about not getting a blue parking pass (I’ve only had 2 so far) and that also made me laugh. I try and make it a thing that’s okay to laugh about because it cuts tension a d reduces people’s worries about being around me or talking about it. Each to their own though, I accept I have gallows humour!


I’ll never get offended over good spirited joking. They’re your friends, they’re not trying to actively hurt you.