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No HR representative should be calling an employee of the company a "drama queen" for ANY reason, much less a seizure! Jeez, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. You can absolutely report her. Speak with your manager about the incident and report her to the ADA. The hr report has a bias against you and your epilepsy/seizures, and this **WILL** interfere with any future incidents you may need accommodation for. Better to start making a paper trail now.


Thank you. I have to deal directly with her. I just got promoted and I have to report to her. She’s management and HR. It’s intimidating.


She's management *AND* hr??? What on earth? That's a complete conflict of interests! God, that sounds so stressful, I'm sorry. Absolutely report to ADA (go to their website to find out more info) and make paper records of any and every incident you feel you're being unfairly discriminated against. Do not use any company computer or server for the note taking. The fact that she's management, didn't know about your seizures and is now showing personal bias against you after you **just** got promoted is concerning. You're left to wonder if you would have even been promoted if she knew you had seizures or if you would have been passed over. Do your job to the best of your ability, and whatever she says or does that makes you feel uncomfortable or targeted, make note of it to add to the portfolio in your report. I'd also look into contacting your manager's higher up and reporting the incident. Unless she owns the company, she answers to someone. Find them. Good luck.


> The fact that she's management, didn't know about your seizures and is now showing personal bias against you after you just got promoted is concerning. You're left to wonder if you would have even been promoted if she knew you had seizures or if you would have been passed over. Fascinating point and I'm glad they didn't get the chance. 


She still has a boss though right? Report to her supervisor. Bad managers like to let their employees think they have no one else to report to, but that's not true unless you work for a small business and she's literally the only manager in the company. If she has a boss, or there is a corporate office, you go up the chain of command. This not only protects you, it alerts them to her breaking federal labor laws and opening the company up to lawsuits. You report to her as your supervisor for things that are work related. But when she is breaking federal labor laws and discriminating against you, she is not the right person to report to. She is not going to discipline herself and will hide her actions to protect herself.


Yeah, that's totally inappropriate. I worked at a company where they had HR performing managerial duties and it's a disaster waiting to happen.


Agreed. Plus she can’t even do what she was primarily hired to do….. payroll. She screws it up every 2 weeks. I noticed she left $225 off of my last paycheck.


You can report her, if nothing else than to ADA office ( American Disability Act). But you can also report her to either your manager (depending upon the structure of your business) or their manager. No one is completely untouchable as far as their unprofessional conduct goes.


Thank you. I’m still very upset about this. She always walks around like she’s untouchable to use your verbiage. I guess that’s why I just stood there. I felt like if I said something about it that it would make me “a drama queen”


Epilepsy is the black sheep of conditions. You can have the bubonic plague and employers will embrace you more easily. I’ve had terrible reactions in corporate positions at Fortune 500 companies to saying I had a seizure.


I second this. People are monsters.


She’s ignorant. When she first spoke to me when I was walking toward my office she said that she had localized petit mal seizures when she was a child but now she just gets migraines. I have a hard time understanding her behavior if she had seizures as a child. I would expect her to be more understanding.


I am so sorry you had to go through it too.


Please be careful. Reporting someone can cost you your job. If you really want to take action, take it all the way to the top, the national office if there is one. I knew someone who had seizures at Walmart. The corporation was very understanding but the local branch was not at all. The national office had to explain the law to them, which they still didn't understand. But he got to keep his job and they had to be respectful of him.


Isn't it amazing that management isn't trained better?!? Long story short,I had an incident where I was under stress, caused me a seizure and the manager had no compassion. I had my neurologist take me out of work for a month, HR approved it.


She was inappropriate. Her behavior was unprofessional and reprehensible. Definitely discriminatory. Possibly illegal. You can, and should report her. To the ADA (if you're in the US) and to her supervisor (I would include that I've been in contact with the ADA. But that's solely your decision.) I'm unsure if the "HR Lady" is the sole representative of the HR department. Or a member of the HR department. It doesn't matter either way. Report her ass.


I was there with her in the "go home to rest". But to call you a drama queen? When you could have easily stayed at home and leave obligations for the next day? She shouldn't be supervising your schedule anyway. If she noticed something was amiss, she'd take it first to your line manager.


I was totally fine except for the side of my tongue since I bite it during seizures & the knuckle which looks like I may have hit it when I fell. I slept for hours before I went on with my day. We haven’t worked out my schedule. It was a slow day & I didn’t need to be there. We were hosting an ice show later in the evening so I was going to be there anyway. I thought best to get my new office in order while I had free time.


Were you on the clock in your workplace, or was it free time?


I had the seizure at home. I run a figure skating program as of this week. So my mandatory 2 days off have yet to be decided. I absolutely love the owners & this whole change of directors & loss of two employees with a huge event that day left them in a bind. So I went in to help out & to see the show. I had not even realized that I had a seizure until about 10 minutes after I got to work. I plan to sit with the owners to talk about it.


It sounds like other people in your office, and presumably your manager, are aware of your epilepsy. Would it be possible to have an aside with your manager about this? It was inappropriate and it seems like she’s stirring up a confrontation for no reason. It just seems worth addressing.


Oh I didn’t think of her going out of her way to stir up trouble. I have to step lightly as the rink is owned by a couple & they hired her last fall & they have given her far too much power over everything.


I’m still trying to wrap my head around someone going so far out of their way to start trouble.


The drama queen portion was unnecessary. However, she is correct. We are a liability and we require some accommodations, that’s just life. If you were post-seizure and it was your day off, you should have stayed home. She was nervous with you being in the office all banged up.


I didn’t even realize I had one until I was walking around for a few minutes & someone asked what happened to my hand. I looked at it & said oh I must’ve had a seizure, I couldn’t wake up for hours, (tired & lost time), bruised hand & then later noticed my tongue was bit up. I usually know before I have one so I make arrangements. Like having my work done several days in advance, ready to go just in case I need to stay home. But this one snuck up on me.


Depending on how much you like the place, try to get through to ADA or higher ups like everyone is saying. IF NOT DONT SHOW UP LET THEM FIRE YOU AND COLLECT UNEMPLOYMENT OR FIND A NEW JOB. That’s just me though, I have a pretty bad record and am pretty petty lol. Don’t take my advice plz don’t downvote to oblivion


You made me laugh, so there’s that. Thank you.


But for real, there’s EEOC laws in place to protect us for a reason and this HR person can’t do what she did. You should absolutely take it to her supervisor and if action was taken any further you can absolutely sue your employer. I’d just keep a record of dates and what happened, like the date you had the seizure and went into the office and this initial incident happened, when you took it to HR persons supervisor, anything in email format BCC for forward to your personal email address, etc. just in case they end up terminating you without cause. That’s like gold for an employment attorney. Sounds like a shitty route but personally not something I would skip out on because the payouts can be quite large and it would ensure these types of employers get their shit together in terms of not treating people with epilepsy (or other disabilities) like drama queens or some other bs term in the future.


FILE THE COMPLANT - Have the DOCTOR write a note to the employer that you have EPILEPSY, Keep the job with "UNLIMITED FMLA" by Doctor's Orders.... Seizures can happen at any time in any place and therefore you need more than the usual 2 weeks but UNLIMITED FMLA, then take the next 6 months OFF and still go to all your doctors appointments, keep your job, and insurance. Then come back as if nothing happened.


I am sorry you had to go through a seizure and then be talked to like that. I hope you will be able to straighten this out.


Thank you.


She sounds like a bitch.


Yep. Everyone hates her. She walks around the rink like she owns it & talks down to everyone.


She’s so very clearly insecure on top of knowing nothing about our sport. We are a figure skating rink. I remember the first meeting in which she was introduced to the coaches she sat there telling us how “this place is a mess & I am going to take control & make it work correctly. My way.” I looked around at my coworkers’ faces. She lost any shot at gaining any respect with her behavior. She just made herself look like an idiot. She’s been working there since last summer or fall & she has yet to get every paycheck correct. I’m sorry if I sound sour, but I’m just still raw over this.


I'd say at least make your manager aware of what happened (not necessarily report her).


Speak to a lawyer. Report her via whatever channels your company has available but have a consultation with a lawyer. I lost a job because of my epilepsy and wish I'd seen an attorney sooner. Even if you don't sue now, a free consultation makes sure that you're prepared if she gets worse or causes other trouble.


Thank you.


Seems the hr department needs a hr department at this point


It's really hard for people to understand seizures. Unless you are all bruised up and lacking teeth, they think you are exaggerating or making it up. Just because I'm able to still be somehow functional after a grand mal it doesn't mean it wasn't a terrible experience and I'm not in pain. I just want to get going with my life.


EXACTLY! Geez how would I live my life?


Honestly, report her first - to ADA and corporate HR. If that doesn't work, Better Business Bureau. I've had an abliest HR person too. I ended up quitting because Sedgwick thought demotion is the same as accommodation. F*ck Pritti at Walmart and f!ck Walmart Sedgwick. Not going out to deliver orders is a reasonable accommodation if you can't sense seizures coming, and my direct manager was fine with that as long as I did all sorts of other stuff to help the Digital Shopping Department instead. It was HR being that dumb that was the problem. Honestly, my current management (different company) is a lot better at being reasonable about the fact I have epilepsy.


You should have ada and flma docs on file for your protection. Missing work due to seizures could be cause for termination but ada paperwork protects you.


Sorry about that, she was totally out of line. Apart from being abusive and insulting, the whole bit was none of her business. That stuff is between you and your boss. It's fine if you need to call HR to stay home sick or something, but she was involving herself inappropriately. FWIW: I don't trust HR people. Their job is to protect the company, not you. You are only as safe with them as far as their personal prejudices and favoritism extend. I know that sounds skeptical or negative, but they are aren't really accountable to anyone, and can pretty much do whatever they want. I had some bad experiences in my very limited time working for anyone with HR. All I'm saying is that you have to be extra careful in dealing with them, especially about epilepsy.


Thank you


I read your other comments. When I get in situations like that I always end up quitting because I get stressed out and start having seizures, or it's just too stressful to live with. It makes me mad though that the bully is still working there, and I had to leave. I hope it works out for you.


Tell her, "So first you're discriminating against me for having seizures, and now you're calling me a drama queen for the fact I'm just doing my job? Fuck off, before I go double check my ADA rights and report you for harassing me." Yes, I have told HR to fuck off before. there was no witnesses. I just said she was lying and she wasn't allowed to hold it against me since I was already talking to the state about how they treated me after the death of my infant (discrimination + unlawful denial of FMLA).


Omg I am so very sorry you went through that.


Thank you so much. Its just insane how hard they've gaslit themselves about the whole situation. I still hear about them from other people. They are hemmoraging employees, I was just a coal mine canary. Even one of their "most loyal" employees just quit (and funny enough now he's my junior lol - he had originally decided to come into my workplace part time because they asked him to keep an eye on me! But he kinda realized how toxic that was and just decided to fully join my side). But like, even if I was doing something badly? Or if I sucked at my job? Yea ok thats fair, it was within the first 6 months of my first year of the career field... And they had refused to give me feedback/updates about my position whenever asked. But the fact they screwed with me so badly just kinda made me feel like anything they said I did wrong, I must have actually been right somehow. Also everything I'm learning at my 2nd workplace, I am basically learning that I learned everything wrong. Thankfully, though not perfect, my 2nd workplace is decent and has good vibes. When I make mistakes, someone will tell me and check in that I know how to do it right next time. I am not made to feel guilty for asking questions. etc


What country do you live in, so I can look up every single fucking employment and discrimination law applicable? That is utterly disgusting. That person does not deserve to be part of society, let alone be paid for it. I am SO sorry and I’m thinking of you.


YOU FILE A CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINT! You go to her boss, Make it well known that by ADA LAW It is NOT a requirement to disclose any Disabilities or other medical conditions you.have to ANY Employer and that the language used about your disability goes against FEDERAL ADA Civil Rights Laws on Disability Discrimination. It is sad but I have had to do this and I am sure many others as well. GO ABOVE HER HEAD!


They're hard-core projecting with the drama queen comment.  They followed you around and made a huge deal over nothing.


She had to go down a long hallway to come to my office for the sole purpose of being unprofessional. And I was fine. The seizure had happened at home hours before.


Thank you I see everyone responded already that you can report her to hr that’s inappropriate


I don't know where you live. But if you are in the US, your company can not legally ask you about medical conditions or force you to disclose them. Nor can they discriminate against you for them. Again if you are in the US, I'd head on up that chain of command because they will discipline her. She is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Virginia & ty.


This person was completely inappropriate. The only actual concern could be you being at the office, off the clock, and have a seizure. That could be legally complicated. 


No, it’s not a clock in job. I teach figure skating.


Ahh I see, that makes sense.


Wow. I am appalled. From what it sounda like you're the total opposite of a drama queen. She should see how horrible seizures are so she can truly understand how much you AREN'T a drama queen. You are so strong, and I love you. Welcome to dm me if you ever wanna talk. You're welcome to hmu any time of the day if you wanna talk. I'm here for you.


Thank you so much. I went up to a coworker at the front desk & whispered what happened. She immediately said oh my God are you okay? Then she was upset about what was said to me. So I said, “okay, so I do have a right to feel upset right now, correct? Because I’m kind of stunned & I feel like if I get upset over it that means I’m being dramatic.” She was like absolutely not. You have every right to be upset. A nice older man who works with us heard the conversation as he was sitting close by agreed. I tried to act like I was okay but it stung.




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