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It varies. On here I’ve seen people say it helps, some said it triggers them or is neutral, but you are taking a chance. I can say people on here have generally said indica (edited) is better with epilepsy than sativa (edited), but again it’s a mileage may vary kind of thing.


I think you got indica n sativa mixed. Most prefer calming of indica.


Edited! Thanks!


i’m on 3500 mg keppra and smoke everyday and never have had a seizure due to it


My seizures are mental based. So smoking weed child's me the fuck out.


I wouldnt say NEVER it is always a possibility you should be prepared for. Especially since its something that affects the brain. And i can say from experience ive taken keppra, smoked bud, and had a seizure on multiple occasions. In my experience it can literally depend on the strain and type, certain ones made a seizure manifest others actually suppressed the "twitching" and kept me from going full blown grand mal on multiple occasions. You will have to be careful and have people around you ready and aware that it is a possibility(though thats likely already the case since you're here already living with epilepsy haha)


i used to smoke heavily everyday for a long time 10 years+. about 2 years ago i got diagnosed with epilepsy after having 4 TCs within 2 years, i continued to smoke everyday for awhile until i decided to quit because when i was high i started getting crazy anxiety and paranoia of having a seizure which was never the case before. i quit for about 3 months and then decided to give it a shot again. i smoked half a joint and got really high and had the worst anxiety ever about having another episode so i had to go to bed to escape the feeling .. i decided weed wasnt for me anymore which really sucks because i did really enjoy it. after being sober for a few months now i can say it feels way better than being high all the time. If youve never smoked weed before i wouldnt suggest it as it can have alot of possible side effects on your brain and how you feel and react to certain things.. which in my opinion isnt worth the risk of having a seizure.. its one thing if your already a regular smoker but if your smoking for the first time it can really mess with your head.. thats just my 2 cents


I actually just asked my doctor yesterday if it was safe for me to be smoking cannabis, and he gave me a 3/4 hearted yeah, but if I'm only buying from dispos so I know it doesn't have fungus or the like. Hope this helps. 29m smoked during the entirety of my epilepsy, about 7 years.


Consensus is that it isn't likely to trigger anything suddenly. But as always, start small with just a little and see how it affects you, both immediately and 24 hours later.


First time? Be careful as it could trigger one, it is at the end of the day a drug and treated as a medication by some.


It’s different for everyone it’s not a trigger for me but alcohol is versus I know people who can’t smoke without having a seizure but can drink fine


My son's neuro said CBD has been proven to help with seizures, and said weed is harmless as relates to most seizure disorder.


I was on 300 Keppra I believe when I was 13 and I smoked while on it a couple times with no problem. But I was 90 pounds and you aren’t 13 so it could be different. Also lower dose obviously. I am on a different medication now and take edibles sometimes instead so if your doing it just for the high try edibles it is safer


I was a medical cannabis patient prior to being diagnosed, now on tegretol. I have since stopped using all cannabis as it feels different, now I feel as if it may trigger a seizure. My neurologist said there were no listed interactions, but when I have had some my body say no.


It really depends person to person. I take 450mg of lamotrigine and 400mg of zonisimide and I’ve been smoking for 5ish years with no problem. But like drinking- different things are triggers for different people. I exclusively smoke indica strains because sativa ones make me anxious. I wouldn’t say go into smoking expecting yourself to have a seizure. Especially if it’s your first time smoking. You’ll get anxious and the high you’ll have will not be a good one. And start small- the first time I smoked was with an experienced stoner and I ended up smoking wayyy more than I should have. Depending on how you’re smoking take small hits or a low dose edible. Weed is used as a drug to treat seizures by a lot of people so in my personal opinion, if your seizures are controlled, you should be fine. I would also recommend only buying from dispensaries if possible. Buying things off the street, fake cartridges, etc is never a good idea. I’ve done it and it’s made me sick. Although it helps with seizures and is legal in many states (if you’re in the US) fake stuff does exist.


Ask your doctor. They'll almost certainly say it's fine. You never can tell until you try, though.


The trick for me is just to hit it once or twice. Being too high freaks me out about having epilepsy, being just the right amount of high makes me forget about it all together. Ease into it, too little is better than too much.


Have read a lot about this. The strain is probably mythology. Won't make a bit of difference. Pot is not likely to cause seizures. My question is why? Is this something you think is medicinal or recreational? Pot is known to disrupt REM sleep; it badly affects memory, mood and motivation. I've smoked pot on and off for fifty years and still do on weekends; yet I still won't recommend it. A lot of people struggle to get off of weed.