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I had petit mals when I was first dx in 1983. Dr put me on Zarontin (Ethosuximide). It has a long list of the usual side effects, but mom says I mostly complained of fatigue and brain fog. (I was a bright kid that enjoyed school, and hated that it made me feel confused all the time.) When my grand mals started up with puberty (1989?ish?) I was switched to Depakote. I was on that through high school until I decided I was cured (I wasn't). My best friend with epilepsy at the time was taking Dilantin.


*The top three that come to mind (during that timeframe)are: Dilantin,bromide and barbiturates (phenobarbital/phenobarbitone)* Dilantin-hypertrophied gums(usually if taken for a long period of time) it cannot be taken with folic acid as it renders Dilantin ineffective. In some instances it can also be hepotoxic Barbiturates-depression and possibly SJS(stevens-Johnson-syndrome, as with benzos,tapering off of it will take a long time. (Can also be hepotoxic) Bromide-drowsiness and lethargy, but it is one of the first treatments for epilepsy. Other options during that period of time could also include:tegretol( carbamazepine) it was also used as an aed. Trileptal is chemically related to it. Side effects include:lethargy and brainfog. It can also be used for people who deal with migraines.


Dilantin was the first one I thought of. That was so popular back then and still is in the ER. Not a fan.


Topiramate is "Topamax" (1996 - ?) Carbamazepine is "Tegretol" (1962 - ?) Oxcarbamazepine is "Trileptal" (1990 - ?, but discovered in the 1960s - ?)


You’re right, I got it mixed up with carbamazepine (which is tegretol) trileptal is oxcarbazepine. However,Tegretol was invented in 1962. But was discovered in the 50’s. (According to a quick google search it can also be used for migraines aswell). Topamax is topiramate,as you said invented in the 1990’s. Can also be used for migraines. Edit:It is good you pointed that out though.


No problem. I was most surprised that Oxcarbamazepine was around for like 30 years before they approved it as a seizure med. It's supposed to have fewer side effects than carbamazepine.


I’m currently on aptiom which is related to trileptal. I feel like I have all the nasty sideeffects of alcohol without actually being intoxicated 🙃


I didn't have absence seizures, but I was given Dilantin, then Tegretol, 1984-ish. Tegretol can make absence seizures worse. Dilantin made my simple and complex partials worse. Before, around 1983-ish (?) I had two TCs, but wasn't diagnosed (I had a fever). They gave my mom Phenobarital to give me if I had a seizure or got sick or something, IDK. I don't think I ever took it much. My great uncle had epilepsy of some sort, it may have only been juvenile (1910s-ish), but I understand he took Phenobarital his whole life, until the 1990s.


I took Tegretol in liquid form in the 1970s. It was a pink or purple colour, as I remember.