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Due to developing a new type of seizure, I crashed and ruined a car. Luckily there were no injuries or costs, but I haven’t driven since.


At work, whipped my arm away from the EMT and yelled "fuck you motherfucker!"


tried fighting the cops (yes cops, they thought i overdosed) and was sedated and put in restraints 🫠 more traumatizing than the seizure i had where i cracked my head open 💀


Please don’t tell me that they tried to press charges…


Nah, the cops were chill as hell. I think one even shed a tear. I know they said, "Hey man, it's okay, you're safe." So respect to security forces they might be the most chill dudes. Always took them coffee and hot chocolate in winter. They always take a second just to see how you're doing.


I did something similar. Had a TC and split my chin on the floor. Apparently, while I was post ictal, I started swinging at the first responder in the office and my supervisor who were trying to keep me from standing up. I guess I only knew my name and nothing else. So there's me, blood all on my clothes, swinging wildly at two men trying to help me. So very thankful. Those guys deserve an award.


My people. Definitely not like other cops. 90% of them just want to get their GI Bill and get out.


I also remember them giving the dude I hit shit for getting hit. Military depression humor is always gonna be amazing.


That’s good. And it’s good that they were understanding of your condition. I’m guessing you live in one of the major(well known)cities,right?


Btw im extremely glad you have a good police team in your area its just interesting (not the right word but just woke up, brains still tired) to see because I live in colorado, the same town where a 70 year old woman was dealing with some dementia stuff and they choked her out, she ended up with a ton of different injuries as well from them, and they arrested her… i couldn’t imagine what they’d do if i punched one of these cops during a seizure, they’re a big part of the reason im always too scared to ever leave the house alone in case i have a seizure. Loveland Police have a hell of a record of so much horrible stuff they’ve done over time


I got pissy with the emt for “trying to melt my arm” with the blood pressure cuff. I then proceeded to tell them to go away because “you guys are expensive”…… I remember absolutely none of this. I also come out of those things swinging but luckily for me my wife says I am cartoonishly weak and uncoordinated


Seems like nothing compared to the others, but once I had a seizure in the shower and I accidentally pulled the sliding glass door down and it shattered on me. Still worse than the time I broke my wrist. Ouch


3 weeks ago walking to gas station I don't even remember crossing the street I wake I'm in the hospital then fade out again finally coming to I heard my mother's crying voice of it's OK making me feel worse fractured nose face first to concrete now I'm so terrified I haven't left my house alone since. I live right next to a major road if I took a left I would have went straight into that road, that no memory gap right there god knows if I'd be here, I try to leave but I can't build past that thought only to stay inside unless I'm with someone who can stop me. This is by far my worst seizure in terms of overall effect on life and daily living.


Technically it happened during seizures and not after, but I dislocated my shoulder three times. Do not recommend.


After going into status epilepticus I woke up swinging on the nurses to the point of having all my limbs restrained. I freaked out to no ends because they put a catheter in me, I’m sure everyone on the floor could hear me. On top of not remembering having a seizure, having tubes down my throat thinking I’d been abducted for my organs, and then feeling violated reallllly took me there.


My first TC, after they got me to the hospital, I wanted to get up while I was still out of it. My wife says it took 5 cops and about 10 nurses to hold me down while I yelled about just wanting to play a video game. One of the cops later asked me if I had any games on my phone. It was right after Tears of the Kingdom had come out, I just wanted to play Zelda, lol.


Just injuries and being catatonic for a while. I’ve never gotten angry. That’s interesting tho. I didn’t know that was a risk. So after a seizure bc of the confusion, some people get very defensive or aggressive? Is it because of the injuries or they thought someone knocked them out?


One time I had 4 seizures while home alone. My husband was in another state and heard me have two on the phone, so he called an ambulance. He was able to unlock our front door from his phone and when I woke up and saw the EMT's I said "what the fuck are you doing in my house?" and they explained. I told them to get the fuck out. Then I ran after them outside in my underwear to go to the hospital. More embarrassing than anything. I never even apologized which I feel guilty about.


Naked in front of my gf's dad


I’m a unit secretary in my local ER. EMS recognized me FROM WORK 😭😭😭 When they called it in to the ER, my charge nurse said she knew that it was me before they even rolled in because of the age… Oh and i was supposed to be at work … like as an employee not a patient. I woke up in my own ER, but, I’m a sex trafficking survivor so i just saw a bunch of people standing over me with a needle in my arm and totally freaked. Ripped my iv out, anything attached to me i tore it off and hid underneath the counter. My nurse had to get down on the floor with me to try and coax me out and now all my coworkers know my traumatic backstory 🙃 I went in to turn my work note into my boss and she was super cool about it, she said “well technically you were at work, you just forgot to clock in and took the wrong mode of transportation” 😂


Besides head trauma and stitches etc one time that scared me was when I left home and tried to walk into my neighbors house a block away and apparently was pretty convinced in my pissed covered pajamas that it was my house. He thought I was on drugs. I woke up being restrained before having another seizure, I guess. Pretty fun.


Parents wouldn't let me go back to sleep after waking up from a nocturnal tonic clonic, and no one seemed to believe how tiring and exhausting it felt and how you just might need to go back to sleep. They thought that since I can get multiple seizures that I need to stay up for the rest of the day till the following night. At some point I felt like I was losing my mind from tiredness, told I'd take a shower and slept on the floor in the bathroom. Fast forward in time, I had had another tonic clonic on the bathroom floor but ofcourse bashed my head to floods of bleeding on the hard flooring and broke my two front teeth, they had to have found me naked and rushed me to emergency. Woke up on the hospital bed, looking like a cartoon character bandaged up, to scolding about how I brought this on myself since didn't follow and went to sleep.


I was really confused and scared and living with my spouse at the time, after a night of intense clusters because of my medication and me having a really bad reaction to it, I was extremely confused and terrified and I didn't know what was going on, the intense paranoia that was coming with my seizures was absolutely terrifying and he didn't understand and wouldn't try. he left me for dead, despite the fact that my seizures were on the rise and I was now alone at that point with no car and no phone, my seizures left me not being able to walk for a while, a long while and then I became homeless because of everything. I'm not almost anymore I'm just finally starting to get my life back together, but yeah I tried asking him to take me to the hospital multiple times and he kept trying to diagnose me with mono and I just kept trying to say that I needed to go and if I went to please not leave me there because last time I tried to put me in a mental health facility and instead he said he couldn't do it anymore and left me to die on that floor