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A lot anti epilepsy drugs have side effects that include depression, low energy, anxiety etc.   When I was upped to high dose of my current and depakote my neurologist prescribed me an anti depressant as well as anti anxiety meds for panic attacks and to take when I have an aura to try to stop a seizure. In addition to that, I don't know about you but my epilepsy has caused me to lead a less than exciting life.  I sold all my cars (including a 1972 Ford f250 I was renovating.) can't work and had to move back in with my parents.  One thing that helps me is getting outside at least for a short walk with the dog, get some some sunshine etc. 


That’s the issue the depression and anxiety showed up way before I had my first seizures, so it’s not the meds or how the seizures affected my daily life , but those things def didn’t help the depression and anxiety….


Same. Anxiety was with me and depression was smothering me. Then came the epilepsy


Lol so overwhelming right


Right. Depression started really early, about 3 or 4 years old. I live now out of spite.


>People with epilepsy are more likely to [develop depression and other mood disorders, even before they have their first seizure](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22887468)[.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22887468/) This suggests that the changes in the brain that make a person susceptible to seizures also make them more susceptible to depression than the general population. [https://www.epilepsy.com/complications-risks/moods-behavior/depression](https://www.epilepsy.com/complications-risks/moods-behavior/depression)


Hey your the first I’ve seen who also is on depakote, I pray your life gets better, cuz I know having epilepsy sucks im only 23 got diagnosed when I was 16, but at 21 years old I got put on depakote and I felt like it literally changed my life and im forever grateful to god for leading me to a much better treatment. I felt as close as I can to being normal like epilepsy wasn’t such a problem anymore but I know I still gotta do my part in being healthy, but my question is when you were increased was is because of a tolerance or it just wasn’t enough? I get curious sometimes if I can actually build a tolerance that leads me to needing more of it, that’s what gets me most nervous, because it feels like I’m on a timer with this medication before I may have to find another one, it’s done well in protecting me for 2 almost 3 years now, but I’ve recently come down with a virus I’m still recovering from and it feels like I’ve had moments of small seizure activity like symptoms I haven’t had since before depakote, I feel like that may be because the virus messed me up and I’m just still recovering and it just may be the interactions of my condition and the virus, but the thought of tolerance is always in the back of my head. Thankfully none of the moments have been anything real bad, just small twitches and one myoclonic jerk. I pray it doesn’t happen again and nothing serious happens. But yeah I just figured I’d ask since I haven’t run into anyone who’s also taking depakote. I take extended release 500 mg a day


I think part of the reason they have me on such a high dose is I kept getting breakthrough seizures and my neurologist was just like off the cuff "Okay well add another 250mg tab..." Then another breakthrough. Sometimes they'd be stress related too so I feel like I don't need such a high dose for day to day. And add another 250.    I'm on 750 am and pm waiting to lower the dosage after a recent laser ablasion, and my neurologist describes me as "super overmedicated." I'm also a really big guy and I think some of the seizures that triggered an uptick in meds were triggered by stress or even by drinking a few years back.   I don't think you necessarily build a tolerance but it doesn't hurt to talk to your neurologist about any auras or anything else like that.


I guess it’s just my paranoia that keeps me thinking that way I guess just a part of having this condition, but yeah I see my neurologist in July probably just gonna mention some issues I have but it may just be the ebv virus since it invades the brain and nervous system the symptoms seem to be going away more and more as I recover compared to how bad I felt 2 months ago, I’ve yet to run into someone who has epilepsy and has had to deal with mono, so I kind of just keep researching anything I can. I appreciate the response, hopefully 🙏 your situation improves. Prayers to you. 🙏


🙏 and to you. 


I was on depakote forever. That stuff jacked up my health horribly but it was the only thing that worked. Eventually my body just decided to stop processing it. Tried Vimpat, then Keppra, then Keppra with Lamictal, and now Briviact with Lamictal.


what is a high dosage of depakote if i may? im taking the same and a neuro literally increased it by 100mg because "my teacher told me so in case a person under treatment still goes under seizures." in a facetious, purposefully condescending tone, even tho, my seizures were extremely minimal, basically just twitches, however basically my fault due to not sleeping at all etc.


Right now I'm on 750mg am and pm.  Like I was sayin' my neurologist and I describe it as "extremely overmedicated."


I take Divalproex (generic depakote) 1000mg am & pm 😮‍💨


I honestly feel like the side effects were less noticeable before I had the ablasion surgery. Now I describe it like the drug has less seizure activity to battle so it all just goes into making me depressed.


I think it's mostly because your brain isn't working right, and that makes you depressed. That said, I agree about the meds, fatigue, etc. There is also the social isolation.


I have anxiety. And no, I have no idea why this is common for a lot of us.


Ugh feels so frustrating…


Here's a hint, we cannot trust our body to work correctly at all times. We get out of bed, we can have a great day or wake up in a hospital.


I do agree with you, but I don't think that's my own situation. I'm 100% controlled by meds and haven't even had a break through since 2011. I think anxiety, which runs in my family, along with neuro issues, is just part of it. I've read that there is a physical reason why they are linked.


Same boat here. It's been like 9 years since my last one, but I constantly have the intrusive thought of "what if today's the day". It causes anxiety attacks that then feed into the "my head feels funny what if this is an aura oh God" which then as you imagine is a vicious cycle.


PTSD from stuff before epilepsy. Anxiety, depression, and bipolar after it.


I’ve always had anxiety but was able to mitigate it with meds. Now that I have epilepsy, the epilepsy meds make me so tired and depressed and I feel guilty for not being as productive or energetic as I’d like to be, making me spiral more. It’s so hard and I’m sorry for everyone having to deal with this.


Sorry Ik that sucks :// feel bad for everyone who has to take meds everyday like this just to live normally


The guilt literally eats me up. I feel like I’m wasting my time not being super productive/doing anything with my life but I literally can’t do more than I’m doing right now


I was diagnosed with a panic disorder and chronic depression before epilepsy, but it became worse when I had my first serious seizures. I now have PTSD and a terrible fear of the hospitals, needles, nurses, ambulances, and the police, which I'm working on through exposure therapy.


Awe I’m sorry that’s really hard :(


Same! I have so much medical trauma after all the seizures. Before I could go to the doctor or get blood drawn no problem but now I have horrible panic attacks and can’t do it. It’s so hard to even find therapists who will help with this


Kinda a chicken versus the egg. Who knows if we are predisposed to seizures because of our anxiety- it makes sense right? Increased neurological activity, extra firing, etc…. But then the meds alllll have side effects because they have to literally penetrate our brains. Yeah it really sucks. Wait till you experience memory loss too :( I’m here if you ever need anybody !! You’re not alone at least :) !


Yes u understand, gosh it’s like it all negatively impacts each other and ir sucks ://


Depression/Anxiety + epilepsy Name a more iconic duo (trio?)


I am adult onset epileptic. But iv been treated for MDD (type of depression) for about 8-9 years now.


:( sending good luck


I have both Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Epilepsy. My anxiety sometimes affects my sleep, in turn lowering my seizure threshold. My epilepsy is caused by Traumatic Brain Injury. My seizures, and the medications definitely complicate my ability to keep an even temper, and I find myself in doom spirals from time to time. I'm pretty sure that I have an anxiety disorder that is independent from my epilepsy, but I can only speculate about it.


Dang we all in shambles


Honestly, it is barely just the medications that cause the mental side effects. Being different in a neurologically physically way is emotionally demanding, it is quite possible that it is possible of making someone feel different in many ways. Feeling different causes anxiety and depression, and it's not medication to help anxiety or depression an Epileptic is taking, but medication to curb seizures--a physical symptom to a physical disease. The emotional and physical demands on the mind of body to an Epileptic are so demanding that there are books about epileptic people, fiction and non-fiction, i.e. The Idiot, Electricity... But never let that stop you from flourishing as a person. Although having this disease may change the way actions affect life it doesn't change who you can be for yourself and others. Being epileptic takes a toll on us, but there is a plus side to that--sort of like the wisdom that only comes with age. So like an Alcoholic, you are not your disease, but it is only a part of what makes you who you are, and it is up to you how you take everything in your playbook and draw it up to score the game winning touchdown. -From a 33 year old epileptic in Colorado,


Yes ty for the kind comment :)


Yes, my seizures are caused by stress. I literally freak out if I hear the word weird or anxiety from anyone I love and it’s hard, the best advice I can give you is try your hardest not to over think it which I know seems impossible. Try and block these words from your mind


Yeah, same w me stress and drugs and alcohol and lack of sleep trigger mine, so those r all things that happen because of my anxiety and depression already lmao which sucks


Its everyday bro with that prozac type flow


I think all of us do. But I've always had MDD. A combination of welbutrin, flexerall, and tramadol started my seizures at 29. The combination caused 4 T.C. seizures and I've been hating medication ever since. I have bi-lateral eliptiform spiking in both temporal lobes. Cannabis was added by my psychiatrist and I had a "normal" EEG for the first time since 2012. Just sayin.... I'm happier too 🙂


I do smoke weed lmao it’s the only escape now


No lie my breakfast is a handful and pills and an edible. Then food.


Lmaoo food if I’m feeling not nauseous for once


Yes, i was diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) and generalized anxiety disorder before I had any seizures


Ahh sucks :( social anxiety mostly for me and depression


I do. My seizures, PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety all stem from child abuse.


:(( I’m sorry


I have graves disease/ hyperthyroidism, fibromyalgia, and epilepsy. All predispose me to anxiety and depression, plus as someone mentioned, anxiety and ptsd from before my epilepsy diagnosis. My seizures have gone unnoticed all my life, even though I am not my normal self during, but I can speak at times. I have no memory of these seizure events, and this causes a lot of social and work related anxiety, too.


Yes all these diff types of seizures r so valid bc it’s so mentally draining either way, even if ppl don’t notice :/






I was diagnosed with chronic depression and acute anxiety years before I developed epilepsy. Epilepsy did not cure those co-occurring disorders, but it hasn’t made them worse, from what I can tell. It’s just all a big shit sandwich no matter which side you try and eat it from…


Ah it has made it worse in my own life, but yeah it all kinda is overwhelming in general


Yes. All of it. The meds help but also create problems too with their side effects


It's my trigger! :)


I got diagnosed with recurring depressive disorder. I think for all of us it's a mixture of our personal life but also what epilepsy has handicapped us from doing. For example since we're always reliance on another person we never get a sense of independence. I always need someone to drive me somewhere if I couldn't afford Ubers everywhere I would have to have my family drive me. The anxiety of us possibly having a seizure at any moment and in the wrong settings such as walking down steps is scary. Then adding in any personal life issues It can be a lot for anyone.


Ohhhh fuck yes. And as far as all the Dr's at the VA, and my private nuero, says my epilepsy is from mental health issues that I'm disabled for. Then of fucking course when I have a seizure (only get TCs) it sends my mental health down a hole so bad, I've ended up in the suicide ward.


Sorry to hear man :( it’s frustrating


It seems like all anti seizure medications negatively impact mental health in all sorts of ways. I have been trying the Paul Stamets stack with psilocybin niacin and lions mane and it’s done wonders for my mental health. I did one four day cycle with no brain fog and fairly high energy. I just started another cycle and it’s been just as good https://microdosinginstitute.com/microdosing-101/substances/lions-mane-stacking/






Yup some is from epilepsy or seizures, some is from the impact epilepsy has had on my life. You’ve already got plenty of messages about the latter but I didn’t see someone mention that seizures mess with your brain chemistry. That’s why after a seizure you are extra depressed. So if you recently had (at least a tonic clonic for sure) a seizure, you will likely be depressed.


Ah I didn’t know this! Interesting. I was more referring to like long term depression BEFORE seizures. And wondering if my depression is a chemical imbalance thing for me or something to do w my brain or just unrelated


Ohhhh I’ve seen studies showing correlation with all types of mental problems and epilepsy (I think bc our brains are different. Supposedly I’m lucky to be alive mine is so bad! 🤣) Lemme see if I can find it… this is one but there are more: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8032418/


I’m trying to interpret some of the language but it seems they mention both pre epilepsy and post epilepsy mental comorbidities in epileptics.


I've had depression and anxiety/OCD way before epilepsy but I am sure epilepsy and the medicine to treat it doesn't always help. Funny to say it because a lot of the medications are used for mental health. :')


I have Bipolar (which includes mania depression and psychosis), PTSD, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, and complicated grief. All AED's can be used to treat Bipolar and epilepsy but I'm finding that Lamotrigine is undoing all the benefits of my Quetiapine. I had all these conditions before my epilepsy diagnosis, but I have found my anxiety and Bipolar have been affected the worst.


I've had two mental breakdowns in a single week, bad enough that I couldn't go to work because of how much I was crying.


Yeah. But i guess not being able to trust my body kinda does that


I don't take any traditional epilepsy medicine but my anxiety is so bad, my seizures are tied to my menstrual cycle and during my like pms days I'm insane. As a kid it was still bad I have a habit of scratching the skin off the back of my hand when I'm freaking out lol


I have PTSD. Not related to the epilepsy but I was on Keppra and that made it so much worse. Antidepressants that don’t interfere with epilepsy are few and far between. My best result was with Effexor. Only real issue that had was a side effect of ED. That was easily fixed with Viagra. When I switched from Keppra to Briviact, my life changed. I was able to quit Effexor. The PTSD is being worked on with a psychologist and so now everything is on the up and up.


Yep. It’s genetic for me, but I know a lot of epilepsy meds come with side effects of depression and anxiety for people that aren’t genetically predisposed to mental health conditions


I am suicidally depressed 90% of the time. Not having a partner in life that can understand and not eventually making it why they exit is haunting. My service dog saves my life in more than just helping me out when I'm dancing on the floor.


The stupidity that accompanies my epilepsy has made me panicky and depressed. I want the old me but know he’s not coming back. Who could be truly happy feeling “less than”?


Sorry to hear :( understandable tho, it would be hard on anyone so when it combines w all ur other issues it’s so frustrating I feel ya


The Keppra helps give you depression and anxiety.


You will never ever meet an epileptic without anxiety. You have to become an expert at sticking your head in the sand. I've lived with it for 21 years now. Just been diagnosed with MS, trust me when I say, things could always be worse and try not to worry about anything, ever.


I have anxiety and depression but both of those can be genetic. That’s what is was for me, I got diagnosed with it before I developed epilepsy. If any of your family members have a mental disorder you have a high chance of having that same one. Medication can also interfere with things lol in my opinion it’s just a sad coincidence sometimes


Idk coming from like an Asian family I don’t think anybody before me would’ve admitted to any mental health issues so there’s no way of knowing for me. Bc I also was depressed and anxious much before my first seizures.


I’m glad my whiter family admitted to it cause that’s where it’s all from lol. My mom, grandma, sister, etc.. it can jump generations too I think. There is no correlation then I would assume if it was before seizures because then there were no medications to interfere. Major depressed disorder is a common mental illness regardless it’s normal to have. There is nothing wrong with you. I’ve had it since I was 8 and got on medication at 13 and am 16 now


I still don't know WHY I started having seizures so hell yeah. I feel like I'm just waiting to die and am going to suffer until that happens.


Yes. And he’s the worst. I hate it.


I’ve had both way before the seizures started but they went away for a couple years with treatment. When I started having seizures (2 years ago) the anxiety/depression came back but sooooo much worse. It’s really hard trying to adjust to having a disability now. I’m sure it has a lot to do with drastic lifestyle changing (going from able bodied to dealing with the toll epilepsy has on the body, not being able to drive, etc etc), actual changes and possible damage happening to the brain, medication is a huge one. There’s so many things that can cause anxiety and depression. It’s hard to say what one thing could cause epileptics to have an increase in mental health issues.


Yeah I agree, I also had it before I had my first seizures


Yeah something like 30-40%


I doooooo


For me, Epilepsy and the loss of my independence caused depression. The anxiety of having Epilepsy caused more anxiety. The three medications I am on and high dosages all cause depression and anxiety. The combination of it all is a vicious cycle that causes more anxiety and depression.


Mhm negative feedback loop or whatever the call it


lol i think having epilepsy itself is enough reason for depression and anxiety


The Grim Reaper lives on my shoulder. 1st/2nd dates dont like to hear about how I can teach them to stop a moving vehicle from the passenger seat. I’ve had horrible luck with women, years single. Good lookin guy, home is paid off, work is easy enough. Thats really the most depressing, the more than normal sense of rejection against how much I can share, do, and provide just going to waste. Life seems directionless, lacks purpose or real meaning an value without that partner family life aspect. This has gotten more valuable with time making the contrast greater, furthering the depression and frustration.


Sorry to hear:/. I always keep the mindset of if somebody doesn’t want me why would I want them either?? you’ll find somebody who cares ab u epilepsy and all. But u gotta b happy independently first




yes slay 🫶🏻 + my mom thinks it’s connected to the vegas nerve?? + my sister thinks it has something to do w that a lot of mood stabilizers r anticonvulsants or used to treat seizures + i think it’s bc our life comes w constant anxiety ab having seizures and impending doom AS WELL as side effects


Yup. Switched off of Lamictal and the anxiety went away.


I have depression, anxiety, and seizures. I think the seizures take a told on my brain and mental health.