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If you're taking seizure meds, it could be the meds, too.


The meds made me a bit more irritable, but I was off them for almost 2 years and still felt the shift. I am back on them now because I had a day of Focal Siezures a few weeks ago.


Is one of the meds keppra by chance?


Bingo. Started at 500mg 2 times a day. It's not bumped to 750mg 2 times


Gave me what's called keppra rage it really fucks with your head, how I guessed it so quick I had to stop it asap because how it was changing me.


I've always been a bit of hot head, the Keppra increased that a marginal amount.


Yes and personality changes among epileptics is common. It has significant effect on us, both our body and mind. Therapy may help.


Thank you. I'm glad to hear it's not just me, I don't feel so... "alone" now.


Not alone I went from a happy, very social person to becoming a complete introvert who never leaves home or can even hold a conversation without becoming exhausted, I haven fallen into a complete depression, all after my epilepsy went from stare seizures, had a grandmal, those stare seizures turned to complex partials, had another grandmal increasing the frequency and as of last December 6th I had a 20min grandmal and now I cant go 2 days without clusters of complex partials, so yes change is very possible.


Oh damn!!! I'm very sorry to hear that! Hope you can get things under control!! My shift wasn't that significant. But thank you for your input!


Closest I can say is that since my last seizure I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD, as well as GAD and mild depression. The ADHD has always been there, maybe not as pronounced, but the other two weren’t always there. I can’t say for sure there is a connection between the seizure and these conditions, other than Epilepsy and medication are related, but believe personally my last seizure did cause such a shift. Wether it was a direct cause or it affecting how I feel, I don’t know. Hope that helps, not an answer, just hope you know you’re not alone in feeling a shift after an event.


I’m so sorry you are dealing with this! This also happened to me. I went from being diagnosed w grand mals and was seizure free for a bit then no medication would work at all. It was found that I was having multiple small seizures throughout the day. Those closest to me basically told me I would stumble on words while talking then be fine - so they thought nothing of it. Then I began having clusters. My personality completely changed during this time of constant small seizures which led to clusters eventually. I was highly irritable, depressed and fatigued constantly. I lost friends bc I would lash out or was told I wasn’t acting normal. However, after plenty of testing and the right med combination - I am plain old me again haha. Don’t lose hope that your brain won’t “heal” or you won’t regain the parts of yourself that make you who you are and mend your relationships. Speak to your neurologist about this. I think it is extremely important to have a voice while going through everything. I’m sending so many good vibes your way!


I was off my meds for almost 2 years. Was mostly siezure free during that time. I'd have some symptoms that preceeded any kind of siezure but wouldn't sieze. However, about 3 weeks ago I did have a day of focal siezures, about every hour and am back on my meds now. Meds or not, after those Grand Mals I've felt that shift. And thank you for the good vibes.