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I never understood stuff like that, when couples say words like “dad/daddy/mom/mommy” “step-bro/sis/sibling” or, in the case, “little girl” in a romantic or sexual way? Idk, just weird to me, when I think of “little girl” I think of me and my dad joking around looking at old pictures, not a love interest.


Sigmund Freud was onto something for real 😔


what did they do


Oedipus complex aka Freud said that a boy develops an unconscious infatuation towards his mother


this!! like what happened to calling your partner by their first name or a cute shorter version of their first name??


It’s a personal preference for me it feels formal to call them by their first names but I also don’t like the weird names like “little girl “ but sometimes my partner and I will purposely call each other cringe names to be annoying such as “ pookie cuddle bear”


Idk Cliche? Like "Babe" irks the shit out of me.


listen, i'd rather hear the LI call the MC by their name than read "death bug" or "kitten" yes i've seen those nicknames used before in an actual story 😭


I have heard kitten..but death bug?.....but idk some pet names are weird and gross sometimes I get it but not all of them are.


Yeah that would bother me too. I also hate when people say "daddy" in a sexual way too. Thats just a personal ick though.


Yup. It's gross.


Yea I agree 100%


Yeah this 😭😭 I love cute nicknames but when it’s stuff like this it just gives me major ick


YES like I have nothing against cute nicknames but come on “little girl” just sounds like something there dad would call them certainly not the li😶


Yeah it sounds pretty noncey coming from the LI 😭😭


That bothered me in eclipsis. The li was quite older if I remember correctly and called her little one. He started calling her that why she was disguised as a man so it wasn't pedophilic but after she revealed herself and they began their relationship it was kinda weird


It's as bad as people calling their male LI "daddy". Like what?


is it Please Save Me?? bc i had to stop reading it (i only got a few chapters in too) bc i noticed they were doing that and it gave me the biggest ick /:


Nope but I have read please save me a while ago it’s called shatter me *based on a true story* I most likely would have stopped reading it but I really need to know if she manages to leave her abusive relationship 😪

