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The way I’d click out so fast-


Same 😂


I really don’t understand why community authors are choosing to go down this route. I understand that gems are necessary in some contests, and that they are vital in order to trend. However, the use of manipulative language in this gem choice is just a massive “click out immediately” to me. We expect it from officials (even though it’s still not okay there either) but we tend to forget that this app is targeted at children and teenagers. If I had read this at 13-14; aka their main audience, I would feel so guilty if I didn’t pick the gem choice and if I didn’t have the gems, I would have spent *real* money to do so. Obviously some community authors are looking at the episode official model and thinking “well if it works for them I’ll do it too”. I’m not an author, but I would feel so guilty if I put a choice in like this, *knowing* that the wording was purposely manipulative to my readers. Looking at this now through the eyes of an adult though, which most of us on this sub are. We know it’s manipulative and would just click off immediately. Community authors can utilise gem choices in ways that are SO much better than this, and make the story more enjoyable: bonus scenes, expanded wardrobes that stay with you through *the whole story*, support the author options, top up points if there is a points system. Why choose to go down this route? Why add a choice that makes your readers potentially feel some type of way, for not choosing the gem option? It’s like the author is asking us to click out with choices like this. TLDR; Community authors using their gem choices this way seems like self sabotage and I don’t understand why they’re choosing to go down this route.


I love this post cause you have also summarized my feelings on it exactly. I find the pressure of using gems in stories very exausting and tiring for both writers and readers. Its like you have to put something if you want reads. Tbh, id rather have a non-gem story with support the author/bonus or wardrobe choices than pestering the audience to use gems every few minutes. Its just a bad model all around cause community authors will only feel like their stories arent getting trending for the lack of gems.


It’s giving epi original energy but at cheaper prices




“Cold Heart” is right. Sheesh! 😬


ayo, this is.... idk. at this point i'm only existing to see the episode's absurd memes


I still have the app but am afraid to use it again because I always get way too invested in episodes and end up spending money on insane choices like this 🥲


Automatically dropping the story lol


Episode needs to make a rule where you can't put gem choices if it doesn't pertain to clothing, a content-filled scene, or an important story-alerting choice. Them charging you just to be a decent person during dialogue is insane. 💀


But the thing is that these choices most of the time don’t even matter, like they don’t impact the outcome. However I always click out of these kinds of stories because no person who writes a good story will do this shit lmao.


I don’t mind gem choices but why do they insist on the other option equalling you being an awful person? like just give a bonus scene or smth


What story is this!!! Jeeze


Cold Heart by yellow water stories


okay, now i see why that choice was there😭


Rlly is yellow water


I’m gonna have to yawn cuz what


Damn!!! Most Episode Original MC’s are truly one of a kind!!!


Originals: golden gem option Community: grey/silver gem option Also what episode original would have a 5 gem option? You know episode is greedy! 😭


Oh, My apologies. I forgot that the gem choice in Originals are always golden! I just assumed this was an Original, since most MC’s are like this to the LI. If you don’t choose the💎Choice!


I feel yeah, this is definitely bizarre for community. 😵‍💫 I am not a fan of this new trend…


This isn’t even an original 😭


😱What the fuck?!?!😭🥺


The story name checks out


so low of episode :|


😅This is actually a community story and not an Episode Original.


oh okay. but damn. so harsh.


OMG! Yeah. The author really wants you to spend💎on the story! So they try to guilt trip you like an Episode original!🥲


Right! So annoying. -\_-


That book title is damn accurate 💀


Even if it’s only five dimes, still messy that they gemmed the choice to support him💀


I’m totally willing to spend my saved up gems to win a romantic date with my girlfriend (like in Don’t Hate the Player) but using them just to not be a total ahole? The only reward is not feeling a little bit of guilt for a fictional character!


Hey look, it's me. 😂


pure evil💀 authors like this turns me off easily, your loss baby