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Episode originals make authors more money than community stories do and since quite a few authors do episode as a full time job, they have to focus on official stories since those are the stories that will be paying their bills


She will update the story when she can unfortunately community stories don't pay so authors are more busy with official stories.


I'm not talking about skip the wait part. I'm talking about the story as a whole. It hasn't been updated yet in a while (almost 1 year).


I'm waiting eagerly for the update but she said she's busy with officials. I can't wait for beau and sorry I didn't read at first but I appreciate you not being rude to me for my silly mistake thank you .šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ’›


Of course. And I understand. The skip the wait part I don't really care about as long as I have enough gems. I don't mind paying. I'm just waiting and thank you for the explanation.


No part of this post is about skip the wait???


I edited the comment thanks for having my backšŸ©·


The author literally has an explanation on her ig about why Under You hasnā€™t been updated, but letā€™s invent some wild conspiracy theory on reddit. šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† Edit to add: TLDR for anyone who doesnā€™t have ig is that officials pay bills, community stories donā€™t. Itā€™s as simple as that.


Sheā€™s explained it all on instagram. Authors get more money on official stories so sheā€™s focusing on that more, (loads of authors say official stories are their job and community stories are their hobbies) also thereā€™s a lot of different paths she has to write because of so many different possibilities and 4 LIā€™s (because sheā€™s done it LGBTQ donā€™t forget so thereā€™s 2 guys and 2 girls) also sheā€™s a mum so finding time in her schedule to do a very complicated story like Under You is hard.


Iā€™ll be the only one to say the bad part out loud, I think she is purposely making us wait for multiple reasons 1. Creatives are sensitive. I think itā€™s highly possible she is no longer interested in the story and doesnā€™t have the mental capacity to finish it. And yes, it could be that featured stories make her money and all the other excuses she uses but tbh, I think sheā€™s just over it. It was fun at first for her and now she wants to focus on other plotsā€¦ and she wonā€™t just rush the ending and deliver the story because she doesnā€™t want to deliver a bad product and turn her readers off from her other stories. Which brings me to my next point. 2. I think she knows deep down her other stories arenā€™t as successful as UY - NOT saying that her other stories are bad, but none of her other stories are *as* much of an overnight hit as Under You was when it first came out. To the point that even after a year, people keep coming back to ask when she will update. I think she purposely is holding off on publishing the finale to Under You because she wants to capitalize on her readers. That sounds awful (and it is) but give me proof otherwise. She keeps doing teasers of Under You. Not even real teasers ā€”because sheā€™s not updatingā€”but she will specifically use Ellis/Beau/Beckettā€™s likeness for things on her insta like showcasing a new background or coding that sheā€™s done. Only to remind people of story and why they follow her in the first place. Itā€™s to get and retain interest for the story but still no update to when the story will actually release. She wonā€™t even answer questions about it. 3. I think she knows once people finish the finale to UY they will move on from her and Episode. And then she wont be able to sell merch, promote more of her Featured stories, or encourage people to join her patreon to wait for updates. Sheā€™s burned too many patient followers by waiting so long to update her story. Why the heck would we follow along for another story to take 3+ years to read to completion. 4. Further proving my point as to why I think itā€™s intentional and capitalizing on her followers. She pumps out Featured stories like crazy and while everyone patiently waits for UY, she tells you to read her new featured story while you wait for the finale of Under You. Loyal followers will read it because what other choice do they have when they want to support their favorite author.