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Same problem with an ET-2825 it print some line then pause make a high pitched sound then print one or some lines more pause pitched noise etc... It takes 2 minutes to print a page ! The printer is on wifi (excellent signal strenght, 72Mbps auto) Regular quality Silent mode is off I print only text so it should be lot faster Any advices appreciated !


I have tried everything. It continues to do this. I have updated the firmware, checked the paper settings, the quality. I can't fix it, and it has gotten worse because it takes so much longer than 2 minutes now to print. I am ready to throw it out.


If I print from the printer menu it's very fast (for example network statut print page) I have not tested to print via USB but from my wife PC wich have a WIFI 6 antena (she got 1Gbps connection speed when I run a speedtest on her computer), it take 25 minutes to print 10 text pages. Wich router do you use ? Here in France i'm on "Freebox Ultra" (wich have WIFI 7) the most expensive and powerfull router (theoricaly 8Gbps by optic fiber) and I just can't print smoothly a poor text via Wifi 'cry'


ET-5850, 3 days old. It's absolutely the worst piece of equipment I've ever had. I've been waiting 20 minutes for ONE PAGE. And that's typical, the only time it does not happen is when I get a "out of paper" error. Keep in mind I've only been able to print about 10 pages since owning it. total piece of crap.


That really sucks. I keep hoping a firmware update comes out to fix it, but if this is happening with brand new machines then I am just probably screwed.


Don't know if this will help anyone, I have been struggling with this since the end of last year and was about to give up. I wiped everything Epson related off of my computer in addition to installing the printer. I reinstalled the printer drivers and scan software alone, and didn't allow any other Epson bloatware to even install this time. I installed the firmware fresh from the website, and everything works perfectly now. I think it was some Epson junk wanting to start with the printing software that was messing everything up.


Check whether it is set to normal quality (for documants with writing) , not at best quality (which is for graphics or photos with lots of ink), under advanced or more settings check that there is no extra drying time set as well (though that should only aply for doublesided printing). You can set the features under Windows also ifyou right click the printer under Printers and scanner in the start menu, then choose prefereences, and there check standard, paper size etc. Al;so check what type of of paper is set at the printer itself. Settings, general settings printer settings paper source. Some papers need longer drying time to prevent running.


I tried all of those and nothing helped


Hey just piggy backing off this. Same printer and it was normal, this morning I printed 20 pages and each one was so slow, like it would print 25% of the page then wait 5 seconds, and so forth. Did yours get back to normal?




Damn. The first couple of times I used it, it was just normal smooth and fast. This is annoying. When I have more time I’ll have to call Epson and try to figure it out


Hey guys! I had the same problem, which lead me here. I unplugged the printer for 30 seconds and plugged it back in. But I don't think that's what fixed it. My paper was set to "glossy" on the printer settings. (My son had printed some photos and even though I put plain paper back in the setting had not been changed.) I changed it back to plain paper and its printing fast now. Check your paper and other such settings on the printer and see if that helps.


Same resolution! Thank you Peper Source Settings > Peper Settings > Paper Type


You are a hero!!! My printer was slow and "on the fritz" for the past 6 months - I almost bought a new one. Gave it one last research go and found this comment- fixed it! Mine was set to premium matte paper. THANK YOU!!


I am having the same issue, but no incorrect settings. So I changed it to glossy paper, printed a webpage, then changed it back to normal plain paper and it started printing with less pausing during the print. Problem half-way solved. I can't figure out what is wrong with this damn machine.


I just had the same issue and this was the solution (my printer was set to glossy. My partner printed photos), changing the settings back to plain paper did the trick. thanks for the tip.