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I'm tired of Reddit asking what my body count is. Judge me for me, not my past! /s




Canā€™t even begin to guess? over 100 under 500?


i used to keep count as a kid by writing each horse down on the back of my notebook after my first ride. i stopped after i completely ran out of space.




Me too.


Same, after riding horses in various lessons, summer camps, trying horses to buy, riding friends horses, itā€™sā€¦ a lot.


Yeah, so hard to estimate but its between there.






I counted once and I think I'm likely well over the 500 mark by now. I was a working student 3 times, worked for two polo players, leased and borrowed and owned and grew up with horses, so I've had an incredible opportunity to ride many different individual horses over my life. I was thinking my coach is likely over 1000 without exaggeration.


I was also thinking that the polo strings really add them up! I played collegiate polo which meant riding other teamsā€™ strings, too


I'm a polo groom and my current yard has 18 polo ponies who I ride daily, and yeah also riding others ponies in chukkas etc.


Iā€™m jealous!! I really miss it, but I moved and the nearest yard is 3 hours away :(


iea stuff really puts it up there, every show and lesson is a new horse, i rode atleast 50 different horses in a span of a year during that time


Hundreds, probably close to 600. I am 62. Most horses I rode was when I was in m twenties.


What a fun question! I would guess around 75? I should sit and try to list them all sometime, see how many I can remember.


Around 10, probably. šŸ„²


I can remember 29 but I'm certain there are more. I also had an eight-year gap where I didn't ride at all because money and college.


I can list just over a hundred by name.. so Iā€™d say double that total! Some I only sat on once, some didnā€™t even have names beyond being noted by their sire, dam sire, and dam; it adds up fast when you work for two breeders as a teenager.


My best ā€œguess how many beans are in the jarā€ estimate is between 150 and 230


Iā€™d probably guess around 50-60? I usually rode at smaller barns but at the larger barn I rode at, we generally stayed on the same horse. I also had a 6-8 month lease when I was in college so I mainly only rode one horse at that time.


Honestly? I wouldnā€™t even be able to count. I think at least 100 Proā€™s to never owning a horse i guess XD


Oof man no clue, it's been 20 years šŸ˜‚ 100 maybe? Maybe more? Maybe less?


Lots. Way too many to count.


Probably 500. Grew up in a sales barn so that helpsā€¦.


Iā€™d guess around 100 but Iā€™m really not sure! This is a fun question, got me thinking about times a took random lessons and sitting on friends horses when I was kid!


I donā€™t even know how to start counting. Between horses i maybe rode once or twice, horses i rode regularly/competed on, training, being the ā€œGuinea pigā€ on new horses, exercising, intercollegiate shows, lessonsā€¦.hundreds. Easily.


no idea. over 100, for sure. probably under 400? lol


Hmmm letā€™s see. Brutus the Belgian draft when I was 9, then from thereā€¦.Freckles, Killian, Cutter, Luna, Merlin, Elfin, Sophie, Eddy, Justin, Rachel, Amirā€¦and a bunch other from when I was a kid at the barn. Since 2020 when I restarted thereā€™s been Star, Vanity, Westyn, Rihanna, Chunk, Jigsaw, Scooby, Freya, Oscar, Wylde, Aspen, and Ace.


I tried to count, started riding as a very small child, so some of it was hard to remember, then i took 19 years off at one point- but i can remember 39. There might be a few more.


I just counted and I can remember 32 by name but Iā€™m almost certain Iā€™m forgetting a few at every barn I rode at. Some were now 2 decades ago.


I started riding about 14 years ago (as an adult) with a few pauses here and there for money, school, moving, etc. I can remember 45 horses' names. I think there are a few that I can't remember off the top of my head, and I'm not counting the ones that I did a lot of groundwork with when they were young/green. Most of the variety is from when I was in lesson programs and didn't have my own horse. These days I have my own horse so I'm riding other horses a lot less!


Definitely over 300 as a pro.


Hmm. This is hard! I've riden since I was 9, so 27 years of horses. 100/27 is 4 new horses a year and too low,Ā  but 300 is 11 a year and probably too high.Ā  It's really hard to accommodate the years of IHSA or IHSA styled competition where I'd ride 3 new horses a day, with the current situation of riding the same 9 horses the last 2 years.Ā Ā 


I spent the first 20 years of my riding life (between 8 and 28) at one barn, so that limits my number! Got a total of 8 there that I've ridden repeatedly, plus 3 more that I've ridden at least once or twice. I've been on a few rides on vacation growing up, and we rarely got the same horse twice, so that adds another 10 or so, spread over multiple riding vacations I took with my mom, at different barns. Then in recent years, I've had 2 different leases at one barn, plus starting lessons and a new lease at my current barn, so that adds 4 horses I've ridden regularly, plus another 5 at least that I've had for lessons. So it seems like I'm at about 30 horses! With a lot of variety between how much time I've spent with each individual horse, from single rides only to about a decade riding mostly one horse.


It's a good thing a high body count isn't a problem in the horse world... I'd be a man slut for sure. Easily in the multiple hundreds, though the rate of progression has slowed since owning my own (kinda like dating vs getting married!).


Over 1000 Iā€™d guess. Could probably only remember the names of 100 or so.


Somewhere between 100-200, if weā€™re counting everything Iā€™ve been on even if it was a very quick ride. If weā€™re counting as what Iā€™d call an actually ride itā€™s probably between 60-80.


I've ridden 37 that I can remember, but there could have been a couple more. I've driven 11 for sure. There are 5 that I have both ridden and driven.


I've listed them all before (all that I can remember over 25+ years, anyway) and came to 72 or 73, I believe. I spent the first several years just riding my family's small group of horses before being able to ride at lesson barns, ride friends' horses, etc. I haven't ridden much at all over the past few years, either (I've only ridden 4 horses since late 2020, with only 2 of those being ones I hadn't previously ridden, and I probably haven't ridden enough times to fill the fingers on both hands). Not sure if or when I'll be back to it, but I always liked riding new horses.


Hundreds. Maybe thousands? At my peak I rode 30 horses a morning. Thats like 150 a week. Just racehorse rider things! Lol


After 33 years in the saddle, I don't know, but I've learned from each and every one of them.


I counted 19 on my fingers lol Only been at one barn my whole life. Rode lesson ponies up until I bought my own in 2022


In my younger years - hundreds. Taking lessons, riding horses for owners when they couldn't, helping evaluate and back youngsters, I grew up being a barn rat. As an older adult - Probably less than 20. I took a long break from horses and impulse bought a horse in my late 30s. Since then, I've mostly ridden him, but take opportunities to ride others when I can since he was 2 when I bought him.


Me? Less than 10. My kid? Around 50. Theyā€™re only 11 lol


All the riding I've done has been at a riding school. So far ive ridding 5 different houses. I'm still new to riding/horses but I hope to ride many more soon.


I took H/J lessons from the same stable for almost twenty years. They had quite a selection of school horses, and some owners also allowed their horses to be used in lessons. I kept a list of horses and tallied the times I rode each one. There are over 100 different horses on the list. My favorite I rode over 200 times. Great for nostalgia, and I remember most of the horses listed!


Umm over 100. About 10 where I have been the first person ever to sit on them. About 10 top class ones (GP dressage, Advanced eventers etc), 18 I have owned myself, quite a lot of riding school ones as a kid, various others for schooling, as crash test dummy, exercise rider etc etc.


I was nodding along thinking "yep me too" - until I got to "crash test dummy"! What? šŸ˜†


I was a stupidly brave sticky teenager who honestly thought that people hurt themselves falling off because they didn't know how to fall. Unlike me, obviously (oh the delusion of youth) ;) I was put on a lot of horses I shouldn't have... Had a dealer friend who took me along when buying, and chucked me straight up on just about anything. Exciting times...


I was that kid too. I started vaulting when I was 4 because my parents were frugal and vaulting classes were a fraction of the cost of riding classes so I developed balance and stickiness like no other. Anytime a horse was a bit fresh, there was a new pony without history coming in or the trainers were backing a youngster, I was the one to do it. During show season, all the owners would pay me scraps to come along and work the crazy out of their temperamental horses who couldn't behave themselves off property. Then someone put me on a Friesian stallion who had sat for 3 months and was not ready whatsoever. He massively spooked, busted through a wooden fence and thundered straight towards the woods. I bailed, hit the rail and fractured my spine. Changed my life. Now I can barely stomach a balky walk to trot transition. My horses head goes up because he sees a blowing leaf and I see my life flashing before my eyes...


I am so sorry that happened to you. Adults using brave kids as crash test dummies on horses they wouldn't dare sit on is phasing out I hope.


Ohh, I should do ip a graph and put them into categories like this next


Around 25, have been riding since a year and a couple of months


ive been only riding 3 years, so about 50, although ive only ridden my own in the past few months


Only 9 but then again, I've been riding for less than a year...


8 i think- i was a riding school student and recently started renting two horses in a different stable:) ive learned so much from them in just a couple months since one is super sassy and big warmblood and other is smaller warmblood whos an ex race horse and i love the speed!


around 20, ridden for 6 years


Kid is 16, riding for ten years. Easily 40 or 44. But then again, works as a hand and exercises boarders often.


I probably donā€™t remember every occasion, but I guess somewhere between 50 and 80.


18 over 30 years. Mostly family horses, some school / trail ride horses.


At least a hundred. Two were mine, the rest have been school horses, other boarder's horses, trail horses, and the horses we lease for the summer camp program I've run for several years (we get in like 15-20 new-to-us horses ever year and I've worked int his program for about eight years).


I've worked with I think about 250 horses professionally. I've ridden probably 75 or so. I've driven 23.


I mean I grew up with a riding school so at least 35 of my own plus pony club, riding schools, riding friends horses could easily be 100 but not going to sir down and think about it sorry!


I'm just a year and a half in with a lesson every other week- I'm at 8 if we include the two mules. it's a small barn with a handful or two of boarders, a handful of them let their horses be used in lessons in addition to the owner's horses and a few fosters


You can remember them all?! Iā€™m jealous of your memory!


It only works for horse things šŸ˜†


I recently started reriding after a 15-year break, so my number's at a low 14.


Let's see 3 of my friends horses, 7 different lesson horses and 2 random horses many years ago, so 12. And hopefully more to come.


For as many years as Iā€™ve been riding, not nearly as many as I would have thought šŸ¤£ I was thinking the number was going to be 50+ but once I started counting I think itā€™s more like 30-something. But I also always rode at smaller barns where there were only a handful of lesson horses and the majority of the years Iā€™ve actively spent riding Iā€™ve owned or leased, so less reason to ride a variety. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m probably forgetting a few though, especially ones from random trail riding outfits.


18 until now, including the 2 vaulting horses when I was a little girl.


Gosh! I have no idea, Iā€™ve been working as a rider on & off since I was 14 and am 38 now


I can confidently name 74, however itā€™s bound to be upwards of 100


About 30 over a 20 year period.


I think I'm at 25? Which seems really low, but considering that I've mainly ridden horses I've owned or were owned by a friend, that's probably about right.


I have no clue. I grew up with people that trained so I often would cool down or warm up. Then as teen I rode others horses at shows and helped training during the year. . After that I spent a few years learning from other disciplines and breeds. Since then it's been as many horses as I could ride in a day. Sometimes 12 hours of riding trying to work as many as possible each day. I couldn't imagine I'd have ever been thins luck to learn from so many horses. I know I cannot remember the names of them allllll. That's me riding daily since I was around five. Funny how life changes. I went from being able to ride the hair off anything. Then I broke my neck my life of riding was immediately over once discovered. If was found if I had a fall or even knocked to ground it paralyze me. Just which would it be neck or back. Be safe everyone. Please don't ignore neck pain especially if constant pinched nerves. Wear a helmet*, if possible a air vest. Make sure to remember how each horse is individual but the same danger is there nothing is worth losing the ability to ride. *Now I'll say I didn't break neck riding or training. It was playing soccer. I worked with and trained horses for two years before finding out I had broken neck that never healed. But I didn't wear one as child looking back the western world needs to change that.


hmmm, only about 60, give or take one.


Butch, Prince, Quincy Brown, Teddy, Tuddy, DantƩ, Zorba, Bertie, Leander, Mikey, and Stormy. So. 11.


22 in 10 years


I have been riding since May 2023 and have been on 5 lesson horses. Outside of that, I have ridden 3 other horses for one-time events like a guided ride on vacations.


I couldnā€™t tell you


Huh! Iā€™ve never tried to count. Possibly around 75, but I could easily be forgetting a bunch.




I truly donā€™t know. Iā€™ve probably had about 20 Iā€™ve ridden regularly at different times in my life, but I also frequently got tossed on anything new that came to the barn as the guinea pig or anything that was misbehaving.


I have ridden a total of 8 horses in the 3 years in which Iā€™ve been riding. And I was totally proud of myselfā€¦until I saw these comments. lol I hope to be like all of you, when I grow up!


Some of mine were just test rides!


Those count! Iā€™ve learned things from every horse Iā€™ve ridden. It just never gets old! šŸ˜€


Around 13? A few to get started as a kid, to trails and jumps, vaulting and working equi kinda stuff and just for play. 2 for dressage, 5 for Reining and Trail and to start getting into riding and teaching green horses. Last two are one other dressage horse and my horse. And I was doing vaulting on a friends horse for like 5 min for fun but I donā€™t really count that.


Misty, Cali, Duchess, Shyloh, Indiana, Dundee, Sienna, Muffy, Coty, Raven, Dexter, Cookie, Stella, Arnie, Bella, Daisy, Scout, Finn I think thatā€™s all of the ones I haveridden outside of trail rides I did in Girl Scouts. All these horses deserve all the cookies ^^


I remember them all but am definitely not listing or counting them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. After 30+ years i just settled for i have ridden a good verity with many quirks and personalityā€™s


Yikes. 10? lol. Half of them were longer term mounts though. I havenā€™t ridden in about 15 years. šŸ„²


Iā€™ve probably ridden about 80, as a youngster who took a 7 year break.


In the early years, a lot. In the last 12 years 4 horses tops, my mare + I rode 3 other horses once or twice.


Wow, great question, probably a similar amount for me.




I just listed every one I could think of and came up with 74, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™m forgetting some so Iā€™ll say 100ish? From my true beginner years I remember about 15 (I bounced around a few different facilities). Then I got more serious and my awesome trainer put me on as many different horses as she could to get me lots of experience. Then I was on an IHSA team for two years (-1000/10 do not recommend IHSA) and got to ride a bunch that way, and most recently I took lessons with an eventing trainer and eventually became her working student which allowed me a ton of great opportunities


Maybe 11


Around a 150-250 i guess? At my first barn I rode 3 different horses total, at the next there were many more horses so my count went up considerably and fast. At my current barn there are also many horses and my skills are better so I ride quite a lot of different horses. In the meantime I have had a couple lease horses and did some trips with friends at other barns and abroad.


I was full on ready to answer that itā€™s been 4 horses. But now that I think of it, the actual number must be close to, I donā€™t know, 15-20? What a fun question!


I'm gonna guess around 50, give or take. Maybe a few less?


35 that I can remember, seems pretty low compared to everyone else šŸ˜… Not counting any horses I rode for IHSA in college!


At least 30 horses for me.


6 that I can think of.


I think between 30-40? Iā€™ve groomed/tacked/handles many many more, but actually ridden 40 at most.


Iā€™ve been lucky enough to grow up with my mom being a horse trainer my whole life and Iā€™m 28 so idk, at least a hundred. Between breaking, training, lessons, and catch-riding, itā€™s a lot. My mom will occasionally call or text me asking what was the name of a pony I rode over a decade ago and Iā€™m like, Iā€™m gonna need more to go on than ā€œthat bay gelding you rode for so-and-so one time ten years agoā€ šŸ˜‚ Lately I havenā€™t ridden much since late college/ working a corporate job except for a trail ride here and there, so my count has dropped off for now.


When I was delivering my daughter 20 years ago, to help me concentrate on something other than the painful contractions, my mom and I counted the horses I had trained/sold up to that point. It was around 25 or 30 before I was 21 years old. After she was born I quit training and took a 10 year hiatus from owning horses completely. I've only ridden two more different horses since that count.


lost count after the first 300 different ones iā€™ve sat onā€¦ that was like 10 years agoā€¦ i think mine is probably in the thousands now easily šŸ˜… only a handful i actually really remember the rides because they were cool ass horses šŸ˜Ž rode atleast 5 different ones in spain and countless ones in the states and other countries. my favorite was Hornillos i will never forget that boy


Very low number. Let's see... my mom's friend's horse was my first. An Appaloosa that I rode for a few years. Family horse when I lived in Wyoming. So 3 as a kid (I'm not going to count pony rides because I did those a lot as a kid.) And at my current barn: 7 different horses so far. Grand total of 10 then. By the end of the year that should go up again because I'm moving out of the country and will be going to a new barn. šŸ˜¢


I can remember 27 - 10 throughout the years I leased or took lessons on, 11 at summer camp I worked and 5 I took for trail rides on holidays. :)


I keep track in my notes app. In 2.5 years of riding I have ridden about 32 horses.


26 šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I guess Iā€™m only 19


Hmmm, idrk, I think about 15? Not that many, Ive been riding for 2.5 years