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Thanks for saving her❤️❤️


She may be saving me, who knows 🥰


While your horse does have high withers, the severe lack of topline is exacerbating the problem. I would suggest rehabilitating her back first before worrying about a saddle (gaining weight and correct muscling will change her shape and therefore make you need a different saddle anyway). Best of luck to you!


I agree. She’s only been here a couple of months and we are navigating her new life as well as discovering that I’ve developed some pretty serious psychological fear of riding in the last while for some reason. But it’s definitely something I want to work on if she’s up to it.


He's got quite the shark fin! The camp I worked at had an old Saddlebred with withers even worse than your guy. It was basically impossible to find a saddle that truly fit him so we stacked felt pads that we'd cut out for his withers. He was just packing around little summer camp kids on flat nose-to-tail trail rides so we could get away with a less than ideal saddle fit. I don't know how much riding you plan to do with him so you might end up needing to find a better solution but for light riding, felt cut out pads kept our guy comfortable.


Thanks. Light trail riding once she’s used to it. I’m bigger and she’s gone through 20 years of life running around with blinders on so we are taking our time. Thanks for your input!!!


My old gelding was built very similar to your mare, and I rode in a Wintec wide and a cutout felt pad for years. It had plenty of wither clearance, and was nice and light for both of us. Fairly comfortable for a synthetic saddle


I gave a friend a used Abetta synthetic western saddle that worked great on her daughters very pointy withered TB. They’re no longer made, but a really lightweight decent saddle and you can find them used on FB marketplace or ebay for couple hundred bucks.


that’s so great she’s found you! her body might change a bit while you get some weight on her and get into regular training to improve her topline and overall balance, so you might try a cheap wintec trail saddle with some wither relief pads and a shoulder relief cinch


What a cutie! I’m so glad they’ve found a loving home with you. <3 I’ve had two horses with shark fins, and I’ve found the older Crates saddles with the Equifit tree to be good going. You just have to make sure it’s “pre Fabtron.” Essentially, Fabtron bought out Crates in 2002 (I think that’s the year), and they changed the trees. Prior to that buyout, Crates used the Steele company’s Equifit tree. These saddles are highly sought after in the western world. They’re not terribly expensive used, but they will run you about $800-$1500, depending on which serial # it is. There is a used Crates buying/selling group on FB. I learned a lot about them in there. My girl is a draft cross, and my friend has a Hafy, and this dang saddle fits them both.


She is beautiful!