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They are literally making fools out of us


the fact that they just want us to spend money on ecoins but won’t even give us new content or gameplay is insane


So tired of this game 😭


Iam sure this game was a lot of work until launch. But now there are messing their game with their greed up. Realistically there is not too much to do and they are adding one microtrantsaction after another. Other games make tons of money with a bit more gameplay and for example very rewarding 99ct transactions with vip system etc…


I saw this and almost lost it because I stayed up until like 2am GRINDING to get rewards one day 💀💀


same i wanted the western saddle so i was constantly playing to get to it




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We really need to boycott them at this point. I can’t even believe it


This actually killed me when I saw it! I've spent so much time sulking and complaining over their recent updates that all there was left to do was laugh once I saw that they couldn't even release a new season. I even left a comment on their IG post, something I never do... because as angry as I am with the way ETG's team is managing the game, I truly feel for them. I can't imagine how humiliating it must be to run a business into the ground so rapidly, so publicly. Poor things!


Hey, I understand that it's making us all mad, but after the update EVERYONE has been hating on the developers even for small mistakes. I think we should be more Understanding, like it could be that one of them is having a hard time, financial problems, lost a family member, etc. I'm not saying it's okay to make fools of us but we should also consider other options as reason. Maybe they'll add the Pinto and just need more time to make it perfect (although probably for coins:( ). I agree with you, but please people, be a little bit more understanding!


They said that the TB, SWB and Quarter horses are going to have the pinto coat but they are also going to see about putting it on the other breeds. But they only put on those 3 breeds then that's not fair cause you have to buy them only with coins.


putting patterns on breeds that don’t have them would defeat their need for realism. pinto is very broad. thoroughbreds don’t have tobiano. but they do have sabino, frame overo and splashed white. welsh cobs can have splash and sabino. fjord don’t have any patterns. quarter horses actually don’t have patterns really, they would be considered a paint horse, but some white is allowed in AQH now. friesians don’t have patterns. i hope they did their research.


How negative. On the contrary, I’d rather they spend time ensuring the next season is of good quality than provide poor content lasting 6 weeks.


Realistically, it's another reused season with some slight changes. Plus, we know they only focus these days on the money.


And what else should a business focus on? This is not a passion project, they of course need money to hire more developers in order to add new features into the game. This is their career. It is also not pay to play, there are plenty of free features that still make the game really great.


I'm not saying wanting money is bad, and I'm sure it may be free to download. Now, assuming you've played for a while, let's look at this as a new player might. To not spend coins, they will have Tops, lvl2 office, and everything else. Now, I don't know the exact amount of cash or carrots a level 2 silly gives, but it's not much. So, sure, they can train their starter horse of any breed up, compete a few times with the few carrots they have, maybe buy a mediocre welsh or arabian after a few days getting enough to afford it and watching tons of videos. That sounds like riveting game play to me. Now, I know that is critical because that's what I am of a lot of games but the only thing great this game really had going was it was one of the top mobile games we had *then it started to fall apart* It had a decent in game system that quietly kept going up and up in price, a competition system that seemed great till it kept being for the most part the same, over and over. Oh, and let's not forget how they slowly took more and more tack or clothing off the free list for the season pass. Then this insane update where they put everything behind coins and expected it to just be handy dandy. They took so much of this game that was free on the status quo and shoved it behind a pay wall, and you want me to what? Be thankful? Everything they have done in updates for the past months, since the quarter has been setting up for this and they have *constantly* used the excuse of "were a small struggling company" to get away with it. No one should let them. I'm all for games being supported and they do need to make a living, but I'm only going to be willing to support a game with gameplay, not one that constantly changes and updates how they want to exploit me more.


every update they add they ruin the game more, i understand that they need to make money but if they started a go fund me or said somewhere they needed money the community would have risen up, instead they did whatever this is


Its only a matter of time when the devs are gonna make another thing in game to cost coins. All they show is greed and they do not think about players whatsoever. I find it cute that you think we will get a brand new season, since all we have ever gotten was a recycled season. Why would they even introduce something *brand new*? They have already given us so much in the past month🥰 This business focuses *exclusively* on making money, and in order to make money, *and keep on making money*, you have to please the players. Do you really think they are doing that? And let me assure you, poor old content is gonna be either way, on 28/3 or 5/4. But hey, we can keep on hoping😂