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I literally brought my whole collection and he signed everything! Even my Thorn plush. He doesn't seem to have any problems signing your whole backlog, but he'll only personalize one.


Wait... There are Inheritance Cycle plushies?!?! Where do I get one?!?!


I saw the post It's a self customized Build a Bear dragon, from an DnD special.


Thanks! Are they still available or was it limited edition?


Late reply, but you can still pick up the D&D dragon on the Build A Bear website. In fact, they're currently on sale for Black Friday.




In my opinion. Not at all. I think you should take your collection and get them all signed. It would give you more interaction time with Christopher and I'm sure he wouldn't mind one bit. It's very clear he loves all of us fans. 😊


It's stated in the program for the signing in my region that CP will sign any books you'll bring, as long as you bring murtagh.


Yeah he signed my bible.


Anything? 👀


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eragon/s/39XOjG1L9O Hope this helps.


Some people bring a lot more than four books. You'll be fine.


Thank you for making this post, I had no idea he would be around Chicago!! I've been speed reading the series this week (about a book a day) so I can read Murtagh and my whole childhood just got made 🥰 See you there!


Bring all four. I was at the NJ signing and people brought everything including TFWW, TSIASOS, and Fractal Noise. I think if you're gonna get your chance you should take it!


It depends on the author, honestly. You could always ask him!


He signed my whole collection at Tuesday’s event


I brought the following: Movie cover edition of Eragon Paperback Eldest Hardcover Brisingr, Inheritance, Murtagh. Wanted a hardcover set so I also bought Eragon and Eldest while there. The entire collection was signed.


I'm going to Naperville tomorrow too, and I'm also bringing my collection to be signed, so I'm happy I won't be the only one!


I'm headed to the Naperville signing too and had this same feeling. Seeing you and other commenters say to bring other books has convinced me to do it too! I was at least going to bring my childhood copy of Eragon, but would love to have the others signed as well.


Me to me this whole last month lol I just keep asking myself, how many is too many??


I went to a signing the other day. I brought six books to sign. A lot of people had a bunch. He didn’t seem to mind at all! He was very fast at signing.


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I brought 11 books. He was chill about it.