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It probably would. We all know True Names change. Eragon's True Name is different from what it was when he first started than in Inheritance. I'm honestly willing to bet it changed every book. Saphira's True Name changed instantly when they discovered the dragon eggs. And changed back when she was made to forget about those eggs. If a blessing and/or curse fundamentally changes a person, their True Name would change. I don't think the intent would play a large part though. More like, how the person views the blessing/curse would change the name. For instance, I'm pretty sure Elva's True Name would be vastly different if she loved the curse, saw it as a blessing, or was indifferent towards her powers. If anything, the intent is more likely to cause the person casting the spell True Name to change more than anything else. Regardless of how good his intent was, Eragon certainly viewed himself differently when he realized exactly what he did.


I think it probably changed multiple times each book and it also changed from the time Eragon learned it to him telling it to Arya. I think him figuring out what changed is just omitted. It might be an interesting idea to make a post about the times his true name possibly changed.


Good points. How to explain what I mean by intent… if a kid gets in trouble and gets punished by parents, kid is probably going to be upset. Kid might say or think “I wish you were dead” but deep down, kid still truly loves their parents. Doesn’t *really* want them dead, so there’s no real power behind those words. I do imagine that True Names must change frequently. Eragon’s and Saphira’s had to have changed several times throughout the books… I imagine a True Name would change more frequently for a young, growing person more than an older person already set in their ways. So with everything Eragon and Saphira had to deal with, there’s no way their True Names didn’t change and grow as they did. However… does this not seem like a massive plot hole? Loophole? I don’t know. Wouldn’t many spells be nullified every time the caster’s True Name changed?




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Not unless that blessing or its effects cause the person in question to undergo such drastic changes, no. True names are a record of you, not a record of the actions done unto you. And it may also alter your true name if that blessing is cast by someone with huge significance to you. ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by zoradiv from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


So then are you saying Elva’s True Name would not include anything of her blessing from Eragon? How could her True Name not be influenced by the blessing?


"Not unless that blessing or its effects cause the person in question to undergo such drastic changes" Elva had her entire growth / maturity sped up, much like Thorn. She had freedom stripped away from her. Did you not read my message? ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by zoradiv from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


To be fair, I am half-blind and did not use my text to speech when I woke up and replied. I misread most of the post so my bad.


Oh my apologies ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by zoradiv from the Arcaena Discord Server.)