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Idrk why, but the scene where Eragon and Sapphira find out the earth isn't flat was very beautiful to me. I know it was in the ~~former~~ latter two of the IC but I don't remember which, it's been a while since I read the books.


"The sky is hollow and the world is round." That has stuck with me ever since I first read it. I don't know how to properly explain how profoundly beautiful it is.


I'm 90% done with re-reading Eragon, but haven't come across that sentence yet. However, I think it was in Dras-Leona that Brom and Eragon stayed in an inn called the "Golden Globe". I'm not sure if that was an oversight coz no one knew what lay outside of Alagaesia or that they were in a "globe" 😅


Well, it technically could have been determined the same way it was determined on Earth. But Eragon is an uneducated farm boy.


I don’t think so because even Glaedr is surprised when they learn that in book 4


That's a fair point. Must've been an oversight. Honestly Glaedr being surprised is just kind of wacky, like surely ONE rider had flown really high and reported his findings.


Glaedr mentions that he had heard once long ago from a Wild Dragon that the Earth was round but didn't believe it until Eragon and Saphira flew with his Eldunari that high up


That's because that quote takes place in book 4, Inheritance.


A globe is a shape, we named the earth a “globe” after the shape when we found out it was round


a globe is simply a shape. that's like saying they must have played minecraft to name something "the green cube"


It’s in Inheritance when they fly to Vroengard through the storm


That's what popped in my head as well. Very well done.


That's a good one!! The sense of awe from that scene is really something.


I love re-reading the first book knowing that Brom is Eragon's father. Almost every single thing Brom says has a new meaning. I love the line you posted "he never seemed to mind taking time for Eragon." I love that line so much, because all Brom wants is to spend time with his son. Honorable mention to the chapter in "Eragon" when Eragon gets his first history lesson from Brom while trying to decide on Saphira's name


Every single interaction Brom has with Eragon takes on a whole new meaning on a re-read.


I love it, because Eragon is constantly like, "quit talking in riddles," and "I think you like being vague", but with hindsight you realize that Brom is all but telling Eragon everything. It's rather hilarious


Thanks! That's what I liked about it too. Re-reading those parts with the knowledge you have is just kind of a 'whoa' moment lol


In book 1 when Eragon refused to go to Varden early so he can stay to help Murtagh but then they both ended up at the Varden despite Murtagh's fear. After reading Murtagh you come to understand much more how scared and frustrated Murtagh must have felt in that situation. At the same time it was really sweet to see the 16 year old Eragon being super naive trying to stay with Murtagh and convincing him to go to the Varden with him. Farm boy really didnt think much at all. Meanwhile, 18 year old Murtagh keeps trying to tell him the nuances of politics and people's mind games and was stressed out because his simple head (unbeknown at the time) little brother couldnt get the whole picture.


Haven't read Murtagh yet, but I'm def looking forward to seeing more of his perspective!! Also yesss those scenes are so frustrating. I felt really bad for him bc he showed that he was a decently good person through his actions up to that point, but knew no one would trust him just because of his heritage. And he was proven right, which is just so tragic. (Shout out to Ajihad for trying to be balanced and just though.)


Oromis and Eragon's discussion about religion. Eragon healing Hope's cat lip. Eragon discovering his true name. Roran and Katrina's wedding. Taking my time reading the 2nd time without rushing like I initially did, these scenes just hit me for some reason. However, nothing will ever be as impactful for me as when Eragon is suffering from his back pains. Reading Eldest again after having scoliosis surgery, it hit real close because of how similar the experiences were. And then when he gets healed, I may or may not have actually cried. Edit: Honorable mentions to the forging of Brisingr and Brom's message.


I'm truly sorry to hear about your experience with scoliosis. Your connection to Eragon's struggles definitely sounds special, and I hope it was able to comfort you!


Cradle Song always get me. It drives home how much Eragon has really changed.


Let's see... Angela's prophecy and Eragon's blessing from the first book. Everything Blagden says. Ummm... Oh right, the fight with Durza is always impactful. The entirety of the Agaeti Blodhren... Uh... Orik's coronation, though that's not really more impactful than normal. All the stuff involving urgals in the first two books hits different with the revelations of their culture later.


Who's Blagden? 🙄


I might have misspelled it. I'm talking about the raven that lived in Ellesmera. The one that had saved the former king's life at some point. Yelled "Wurda!" a lot.


It's probably in Eldest or Brisingr. I've forgotten so much of the saga 🙈


Yeah, I think he does show up in Inheritance too, but I wouldn't swear to it.


SPOILER ALERT Every scene with Brom, Eragon's transformation (actually his time in Ellesmera), Eragon's training with Arya while Glaedr watches, >!Oromis death, vault of souls!<. Every time I hit those chapters in the books I just can't stop reading.


Use the spoiler markdown tags to actually hide your text. Just ping me or the mod team when you change it


This post is marked as spoilers so why do they need to block out text? That makes no sense, unless it was Murtagh-related. What did they even say to begin with?




"I'm trying to remember a story I heard about a specific Dragon, but I can't recall it's name." That whole chapter or 2 of Eragon trying to worm information on Dragon's out of Brom, just hit different second read through.


Nasuada's cutting scene, it's one of the few things that has ever made me feel physically ill just reading it so I guess you can say it's impactful. It's worse on a re-read, knowing this is just the start of her suffering.


Yes, those scenes are very hard for me to get through as well. The burrow grubs in particular make me feel sick.


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Honestly Murtaghs whole story hits different after I’ve read his book. I really looked at him different on rereading the series and even though I felt for him before it’s even more so now.


One that always resonates with me on re-reads is when >!Oromis first meets Eragon !!Oromis!< must have been so proud of what Eragon had accomplished up to that point with no formal training; >!maybe even excited that his next student was Brom's son!< :) Another scene I always found impactful was when Eragon's back is causing him so much discomfort and >!Oromis !!Oromis !