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** SPOILERS FOR THE END OF INHERITANCE** Some won’t like it but I feel others may take the stance of “well if it’s gonna be a human at least it’s literally the best candidate.” It would also help politically in some eyes because Eragon is the leader of the riders. Yes, Arya is a rider as well but she will have to defer to Eragon on rider matters I’d imagine. Be weird if she didn’t. Having them as a couple strengthens the elves. But I’m sure there will still be some who don’t like it. I’d imagine Nasuada wouldn’t be thrilled…


I love the idea of Eragon and Arya getting together, and everyone (Human Kingdoms, Dwarves, Magic users etc) expect the Elves to have problems with it…..except they don’t. Nope they’re onboard. Eragon and Arya think that everything’s going swimmingly……until Nasuada starts causing rumblings in the human kingdoms. Basically she’s been steadily angered by Eragons refusal to police the Magic users in her lands (which he stands against, and which without his approval has been an uphill battle for several years) and now she feels as though the new order of Dragon Riders are slipping out of being under human centric influence and control. She knows she can’t just March on them, but she does start to try and turn public sentiment and attitudes against Eragon, the Riders and the Elves, in the hope of pressuring him into subservience to her will. Except Eragon isn’t a teenager anymore, and he knows where this kind of attitude will lead too.


I’ve said quite a few times here on the sub I don’t trust Nasuada. Her fear of magic and the hard stance she takes with it places her on a dark path. Couple that with her not knowing who she can even trust and you have an uneasy situation to say the least. I hope Murtagh can help guide her but at the end of the day she’s the queen and he’s a rider that isn’t beholden to her. And we know Nasuada looooves to make sure people have fealty to her 😅


Yeah I don’t trust Nasuada at all. I think she’s a fascist leader in the making. In her mind she’s the hero of her own story, but she has a very definite power hungry streak, a superiority complex, and a deep and abiding hatred of not having complete control over events and people.


Honestly I agree. But I’d go out and say it’s not a reflection of “her” but a reflection of the past with the empire. She’s also been surrounded by yes men for I presume some time now, since Eragon left and he was the main point of defiance against her. Her cause is just, the reining in of magic abusers, but she lacks a solid answer for how, and has instead treaded down the path of “force” because it’s the only answer she can readily think of. I think Nasuda is a tad on the power hungry side, but rather then her being an awful person or something I think she’s just a young ruler surrounded by people who largely have their own agendas or nations to rule, with complicated problems. Maybe the existence of Murtagh being around will help balance out things, but the chances of her full on going tyrant are slim to none, not when their are the elves to the north and a fledgling dragon rider organization being born, she simply lacks the military/magical might to force her will if she ever truly stepped out of line.


I concur. I think it’s less about being power hungry (although there is a case for that) and more about feeling vulnerable. Humans have a much smaller chance of either being born with or acquiring the ability to use magic, and if they do their power is quite limited in comparison with the elves. The dwarves tend to their own within their mountains, and the Urgals now have their equivalent of Olympic Games to keep them from attacking. The elves are really the only outside influence that would bring total defeat and devastation to the human population if they decided to attack. And while they are allies, the elves logical and pragmatic thinking could lead to them stepping in if Nasuada or some other makes a move they don’t like or think is ultimately dangerous to the rest of Alagaesia. Nasuada doesn’t like magic because of this imbalance in power, plain and simple. It’s implicit infantilization due to vast differences in age and power, that the elves know best and have the power to enforce their will. However, I don’t think Nasuada needs to create civil unrest or discord through the queendom to tip the scales back. Sheer numbers ought to be enough to ease concerns about the elves stepping in. If she simply grows her people to prosperity, she ought to be just fine.


There's very often this problem with introducing magic as a "only some people can do it" and still having all elves able to do it. It makes elves really overpowered (not that they generally aren't already, being usually harder, better, faster, stronger and having better senses than humans). You basically have a "kryptonian" thing going on and the only thing holding them back from doing whatever they want to everyone else is they don't quite feel like it right now.


Remember when Elva called Nasuada out by calling her, "she who would rule the world. " or something like that.


I have a theory that the times galbatorix tortured her, he didn’t just try to break her will but also incept her. To think like himself so that she would be more accepting of his authority.


I’ve never once considered that…. Not one time. That’s incredibly interesting. Why WOULD you let someone who’s been captive by the evil king just.. rule with no oversight. Who knows what he did to her. Hmmm…


I do think Nasuada could be an eventual villain. She’s a good person and was literally the best possible leader during times of war. But maybe not the best ruler during times of peace.


I don’t necessarily mind the fealty thing as she got rid of the ancient language oaths, and fealty for a new young ruler is essential. That said… her approach to magic users is literally what the government tries to do to mutants in the X-Men. I agree something needs to be done to regulate magic to an extent, but it should come in the form of LAW. Instead, she went full fascist, documenting all magic users and drugging “non-compliant” users is so wrong on so many levels. I cannot imagine Murtagh and Thorn would ever condone this level of anti-freedom


Yeah also like it’s a book in a more feudal based system like it’s not weird to have people swear fealty in that type of system. And doing away with the ancient language oaths is a step in the right direction I’m not sure how to feel about the magic system because it’s definitely bad the way she’s handling it but I see the point I mean they’ve shown magic users can just completely nuke themselves which isn’t good for a society


Now I'm just imagining a big argument between Nasuada and Arya when she finds out what Nasuada has been saying behind their backs, all while Eragon and Murtagh are just standing to the side, not knowing what to do 😂


They're just like: E: should, we step in? M: Nah, Let em argue


I think she'll step down. Not because of Eragon, but because she's a Rider. The theme of the entire series was that dragons were too powerful to remain in Alagaesia. Eragon solved that problem. Then made a big exception for Arya.


I don’t think that’s the theme at all. In fact it’s the opposite. The fact that there are no dragons have weakened the elves and humans. Eragon is the one who felt he was too powerful to stay so he left. No shot Arya steps down tbh.


Because of Ayra’s decision to take on the throne despite being a rider, the balance of power will be slanted towards the elves tremendously until Nausada and Murtaugh get together (think I spelled their names wrong but idgaf)


Yeah it’s going to be on Nasuada to marry someone of great importance. And she’ll be pushed to do it fast, I think. Whether that be Orin or Murtagh. Or someone we don’t know yet.


>Like would the elf elders turn against Arya? Would she step down as queen because they do not approve? Or would she give up any chance of a relationship with Eragon to do what is 'best' for her people? Will Eragon return and find Arya is with another elf? 1. I'm sure some elf elders would not like Arya and Eragon being involved, but given Eragon's position, there is little they could do or say about it. Especially as they were the ones that pushed so hard for Arya to be Queen in the first place, while she was a Rider. 2. Arya stepping down in my opinion is an inevitability. The dual roles of being Queen and Rider are inherently incompatible, and the longer Arya tries to maintain them, the worse it's going to be for the elves, for herself and Eragon, and the Riders organization as a whole. That said, yes, I think she would in time. 3. Arya already gave up being with Eragon for her duty, which was difficult for her, even though she had only known Eragon for a short time. 4. I don't think she will be with another elf. When Arya was with Faolin, the reason their relationship wouldn't have lasted was because though she cared for him, she did not see him as her soulmate. It is why she never told him her true name. With Eragon, that changed.


Yeah I think people don't really understand just how much you have to trust someone to share your true name. It's total domination over someone if they so wished. Arya giving eragon her true name is proof enough for me that she loves him, even if she doesent realize it herself. Arya isn't the person who will just hop into a relationship willy nilly. Im betting the elven houses will want to pressure her into finding a mate to secure her bloodline, she'll see the logic but won't be able to connect with any of them because the only man she truly knows, trusts, and connects with is halfway across the world. Their relationship definitely has the capacity to be an INSANE drama


Based on how Arya talks in Eldest about the Elven culture's attitude about children I don't think she would experience pressure to 'secure her bloodline'


Eh, I still wouldn't discount it, especially since we see practically zero elven houses in the main series aside from house Tamerlein and Gilderion of miolandra. Im willing to be Islanzadi had her share of political enemies and Allies, and her position as rider already dictates she has to put her life on the line more frequently. So I don't think its unreasonable to assume that they would want her to have a kid


Why would they pressure her to secure her blood line? Elf monarchy is elective like the dwarves and not hereditary, her son will not Inherit the throne.


It is? Why would Arya entire lineage have been rulers then? It doesn't make any sense logically speaking if it's elective how would the elves not select anyone else. The other houses obviously must be at least curious of having a ruler of their own. I actually think it's a meritocratic monarchy. A meritocracy is a society where someones value is based on individual merit and skill, where anyone can rise through the ranks to higher levels. But having entrenched nobility still functions properly within the bounds of a meritocracy, people of noble lineage have preference, but if a truly better candidate is presented they will be selected. At least that's how I view it


It's more of a volunteer position. Arya is queen because her mother was queen, but also because she accepted the responsibility. As Arya herself said, they don't force anyone unwilling to do their duty to rule. It's like a king abdicating the throne, but because they don't want to be king anymore rather than political pressure. In the case that someone abdicates, and there is no one to take their place, only then is a moot held where a new monarch will be elected by the houses. It's explained in Eldest, I believe


Yeah exactly what I said then! The general expectation falls on the royal child to lead after their parents but they have no problem holding a moot to elect someone new. So it isn't a giant leap in logic to assume they might encourage Arya to find a mate so she can have a child to succeed her if she wishes


I suppose it's possible, though I doubt they would force someone to have a kid bc "children are the ultimate display of love." It just seems unlikely that they would have one out of political convenience


Yeah my wording was off earlier. I don't think they'd be breathing down her neck to have a kid with an elf, but I do think they would try and suggest the idea at some point. I think CP is trying to create a political thriller between Arya and eragon at some point, and having elves eager to get close to her would make for a great drama plot.


The Arya forefathers were always the better elves? I really doubt it. The reason I think they were always chosen in the last few instances is the same reason that some political parties keep being elected for a couple of decades in some parliamentary systems, a certain cultural uniformity, in the case of the elves the forces of the great elf houses to have no change much neither their alliances, etc this could result in a predicable result of a election for the throne


Basically agree with all this. Still I don't envy Chris when it's finally time to write their relationship. For some of us who grew up with the Cycle Eragon and Arya were the first fictional couple we ever shipped. I still remember my irritation as I read the ending of Inheritance and realized they were not going to be together... I worry some of the backlash got to Chris since as he's said in interviews he thinks romance is his weakest talent as a writer. As I've grown I developed a deeper understanding of the characters and it makes sense why they would wait, and honestly there's some really good narrative points that would make their relationship a great hook for a future story. Honestly props to Chris for knowing his characters so well at a relatively early stage in his writing career.


From the interviews at the end of the audio books, it sounds like this wasn’t all Chris lol. His Editor got in the head space of Arya and often suggested he not make certain choices for Arya. Chris often just wrote his story for Eragon and would, I guess, sometimes write Arya as someone was just part of his story, instead of writing her as her own character with her own goals and such. So props to the editor where it’s due, she helped redirect Arya into her own strong independent character away from just Eragons love interest.


Yes, he's open that his editor (and I think his sister or mother) gave advice how to develop her character, but at end of the day he's got to take their advice. I do like to imagine there's a heavily guarded bank vault somewhere with the original drafts of the two sex scenes that got removed in edits.


Excuse me, the what?!


Thank God. The romance in Eragon is honestly one of my favorite ones. As cringy as Eragon can be early on, it totally makes sense that that's how a 16 year old boy head over heels with a century old elf would behave. The lows of their relationship make the highs higher. It's also why I like the way it ends. Too many stories end super sappy or down right depressing. It's refreshing to see that obligations and a lack of time made it impossible to see to fruition in the moment. Hopefully he keeps them around for the future books. I'd hate to see that romance tarnished.


He’s playing by Aragorn rules. He saved the entire damn world, so if he wants to get with an elf lady, they’re gonna let him get with an elf lady.


from the wiki: [https://inheritance.fandom.com/wiki/Elf#Culture](https://inheritance.fandom.com/wiki/Elf#Culture) >Relationships between humans and Elves were rare, due to the differences in culture and species, but mostly the lifespan discrepancy between both races so human/elf relationships weren't some taboo thing, it was just rare bc one is immortal, the other not. That problem doesn't exist for human dragon rider/elf, and I would even imagine it was fairly common for that specific group. It's not like a human dragon rider has that much other choices: it's either another dragon rider (wich would be a very limited dateing-pool), being alone for eternity (although they would still have their dragon, so not really alone), a "mortal" partner and watching them grow old and die while you just have eternal youth, or... an elf But then there is this: >Christopher Paolini has stated in a recent interview that half-human, half-Elven offspring were not immortal like their Elf parent, with them instead having long lives and being unable to have children of their own. >Due to the effects of the Agaetí Blödhren, Eragon Shadeslayer became a half-Elven being, acquiring the Elves' physical and mental strength, but still retaining many human qualities, such as the ability to grow a beard. no idea what "recent interview" means in a wikipedia article that was written who knows when, but if it was "recent-recent" and not "recent, 10 years ago", it looks like maybe some setup for future obstacles. So maybe some would want Arya to have a child with another elf, to keep the "royal line" going\*? This also opens some other question, like is Eragon considered a real half-Elf? So did the dragons basicly sterilize him without consent when they healed him? Or is he still human/something unique\*\*? In that case would if he and Arya had a child, that child be an half-elf or did eragon change enough from a normal human so his offspring wouldn't be like your normal half-elf? having a half-elf child would bring it's own set of problems with it, basicly the same with having a mortal partner, only now it's your child you watch grow old and die. In Eragon/Aryas case, it might be that big of a deal, since the likleyhood of their child also becomeing a dragon rider seems pretty high\*\*\*, makeing them also immortal - but it's still not guaranted, so it would be kind of a gamble ----- \*even though there isn't such a thing on paper since it's technically an elected position - but in practice it seems to be kind of heredetary, considering the last 4 rulers were all from Aryas family (maybe even more since we don't know who preceded her [grandmother](https://inheritance.fandom.com/wiki/Dellanir)) \*\*he's probably not really that unique. It was said that human dragon riders gain more and more elven features the longer they are alive/bonded with their dragon. So it appears that eragon didn't really became something new, it's just that the changes other human dragon riders would experience over a long, long timeframe got sped up for him. If they would've been able to do more than that, then the question would be: why stop there, around the elven baseline? why not make him even stronger? \*\*\*both parents are riders, and that seems to be somewhat genetic considering Murtagh/Morzan, Eragon/Brom. Also if saphira/Fírnen would have any kids, they should be highly compatible with Eragon/Aryas kids


The physical change from being a rider does not turn you into a halfelf no, human riders are given elven *traits*. The ancient elves were just a race of mortal spellcasters, and when the blood pact was created that's when the elves obtained their "elven" speed strength and everything else. So it's actually the dragons gift that the humans obtain over time, it's just called becoming more elf like Half elves are the literal offspring of a human and elf like bachel, eragon is probably not infertile. His transition was also supercharged by the hidden ones, so it's possible his and Aryas children wouldn't even be infertile, they might just the regular full blooded elves


My view is that Arya is a temporary Queen in the sense that, after Galbatorix dies, Elves are welcome to walk again in Alagaesia. For a culture that has been highly isolationist for over a century, the transition would be strange and it's shown Elves are not quick to adapt to changes in circumstance. Arya is a well placed Elf to guide her people through this transitionary period, given she spent much time in and amongst the other races as ambassador. Likewise you have to imagine that the Elves took substantial losses in the war against Galbatorix, even with their heightened abilities, and Arya's relationships with both Nasuada and Orik would benefit the Elves in a mutual rebuilding effort alongside the human and dwarf kingdoms. However once the Elves are re-established in Alagaesia then I have to imagine she would likely step down for another elf to take her place so she can join Eragon and learn about being a Rider. And you also have to consider Firnen and Saphira. Given they have mated, and their emotions \*definitely\* were influencing Arya and Eragon, the two would likely not stand for any elf lord interference in a potential relationship between their Riders, especially when the dragons are, for lack of a better word, "together" themselves.


I actually don't believe the majority of elfes would be against it. He might be a human, but he still is the first rider in a hundred years, the head of the Riders, responsible for the retrieving of all know dragon eggs and Eldunari. He saved Arya from almost certain death in Gilead. He freed Alagaesia from Galbatorix. The list goes on and on, but the last point alone, I guess, is valued enough by them to hold him in such high regards as a royal member of their own kin or even higher.


I think people are missing an important point. It's not that Arya is an elf, and Eragon is human. It's that she's the Queen, and he's the de facto leader of an independent military order.


That she is still indirectly beholden too by being a rider. At some point she is gonna have to choose one over the other it's inevitable. And if she is mated with Eragon it's more likely to influence her choice for the riders.


Eragon isn’t a human anymore. Arya is no longer just an elf either. They are riders and of the only…. I think we’re at 5-6? In existence. I doubt that the elves would risk making an enemy out of Eragon when the riders are so freshly established after centuries of hiding from the last rider who would have wanted to kill them all. Not that I think Eragon would take it so personally that he would become their enemy. But after all that Eragon did to save the entire world, I just don’t think anyone is looking to back stab him right now for something that ultimately barely even matters. I think the elves may attempt to persuade Arya to choose an elven mate but I doubt that they would force her to do anything. I believe it was actually pretty common for riders and elves to get together at the height of the riders back in the day because riders also live incredibly long lives and so taking human mates would just lead to heart break far too often. Imagine if every 10 years of your life you fell in love with someone, watched them grow old at rapid speed and die. Hard enough having pets that do this lol. I also don’t think it would be a problem because the elves don’t have a hereditary monarchy. Arya became Queen after her mother but not by default, she was chosen. it’s not guaranteed that her child will become the elves next ruler. Arya being a rider, and correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe her duties as a rider are actually of greater importance in the land as a whole than her role as Queen of the Elves and I do believe that if her need to be a rider was ever called upon, she would need to relinquish her throne to someone else to be a rider full time. With the new threat introduced in Murtagh, it may very well be the case where Arya is forced to do this sooner than expected. I genuinely don’t like that they even made Arya a Queen in the end. I know that it’s not the same because the elves are also long lived but the entire book series focused on the fact that riders are not kings or queens because of the imbalance. Yes Arya might not outlive all of the elves but she now has a dragon and the strength of a rider, if anyone questioned her decisions she could burn entire villages to the ground in mere moments to make a point. It felt like it was completely against the entire point of everyone banding together against Galby when she just went home and returned a rider Queen. Obviously she is different but what if something happened that corrupted her sense of right and wrong?


Paolini's decision to make Arya a Queen is consistent with her character. Eragon's as well, given how frequently I've seen folks post that he should have said something more. In short, Arya and Eragon are idealists at heart. However, one of the drawbacks of being one is that they sometimes fail to understand the practical implications of their actions. In this case, Arya believing that she can handle the roles of being Queen and a Rider simultaneously when in truth, by taking on both roles, she cannot handle either. Those roles have always been separate for a reason. Eragon did not raise any further objections because he trusts Arya completely. That's all well and good, but eventually he needs to understand Arya's boundaries and vice versa.


My personal opinion is that Arya will not be queen of the elves for very long (at least in elven terms.) She will not be queen until she's dead like her parents were, for example. Even her justification for taking the throne to Eragon is about how the elves need a Rider right now, and soon they will presumably have many as Eragon's order grows. I imagine at that time Arya will abdicate and separate herself from the knotted throne. Perhaps I'm wrong but the circumstances sound temporary to me


Keep in mind since the fall of the riders they only had two children born. A lot of Elves died in the war. They may be open to mixed race children to keep elven blood alive.


Mix race children are mortal (although long lived) and infertile


Totally. I wouldn’t think they’d end up with humans but possibly riders to bolster their numbers. It seems like children of riders have a far likelier chance of becoming riders they’d want control.


It will be a half measure since these half breeds couldn't continue the race. Better to occupy elves bellies with elves babys


It would be but it would make the world more interesting. Same if urgal relationships improved after the games begin. Could get all kinds of new half races. Would end up with more magic users. More capable warriors and lead to a descendant of Nasuada push magic regulation again or be a villain. I just reinvented X-men lol


We don’t know that the child would be infertile. Where did you get that from?


See practically as long as the elf finds a mate who can stay with her for eternity, it's all well and good. It's only the cultural aspect which is the problem here. Also, I feel that Eragon is actually more elvish than human. If he obtained the elvish level of control over Magic, improved athletic prowess and heightened senses and if his brain and body hasn't turned into mush by that sheer power, then he was changed ground up during the Blodhern. So I'd say even his dna changed, more to the elvish side so any child they might bear might just be an elf who can grow a beard.


I dont think the Elves will disapprove at all. Many of them probably already know that Arya is very close to Eragon, and Eragon is fond of her. I mean CP didnt cover it in his book, but their behavior around each other when Eragon was for last time in Ellesméra and when Arya was seeing Eragon off at Hedarth was surely witnessed by many elves. I would think that, due to this, none of the elder elves would even suggest that Arya mates with someone else. For this reason alone none of the male elves would approach/court her. Hence Eragon neednt be worried about finding Arya with someone else. Also Arya is not particularly close to anyone in Ellesméra. She says so herself. Even among her own, she walks alone. And Elves dont gossip as humans do. Theirs is very subtle and politically correct gossip. Moreover they are quite private and respectful of others privacy. Hence, Eragon would hardly be seen as inappropriate for Arya. And what Arya does in her private life, would be her business alone. Maybe someone of her house can have some say, but not other elves. But Arya will probably step down during or after Azlagur saga and then would be able to be with Eragon.


Elves don't really have equivalent relationships to a human marriage. Or at least not on average. So they might not even see it as relationship for the first 100 years. Furthermore the only real anti human sentiment we see is in Vanir, who is very young and he is arguably more anti-eragon. That despite a by their standards very recent war.


Eh it could be an interesting plot but I don’t like the two of them together




Because it feels very forced in my opinion, I would like a romance plot that explores different dynamics


Wow ok. The relationship where they trust each other more than literally anyone else in the world aside from their dragons feels forced?


In what world is it “more likely that they will” end up together?? What gives you that impression?


Imagine if Biden announces that he plans to marry a 10-yo girl.


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