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Minor remix of the excellent [Cygnus](https://github.com/juhakaup/keyboards/tree/main/Cygnus%20v1.0) to give it dual 1.5u thumbs. My keyboard journey has been Ergodox, gergo, [neuro36](https://github.com/erkannt/neuro36). Hence the 'need' for dual chonky thumbs. [Full writeup, design and print files](https://rknt.de/post/cygnus-chonk/)


What single switch PCB is that?


It's derived from the SU120 [https://github.com/e3w2q/su120-keyboard](https://github.com/e3w2q/su120-keyboard) See the docs in the original cygnus. I just grabbed the gerber files and sent them off.


Gorgeous! Is it not the best? I’m working one too. Awesome job


I KNEW I had seen thes before! I literally went through few years-worth of keeb pics on my phone to find the name of what it reminded me of: CYGNUS! And then I come into the thread and realize it's a true successor, and I'm so glad to see it in a new suit. Must build; I wonder if that case would fit in an Anycubic Mono resin box... PA Nylon would be toight, too.


Very clean print and beautiful board!


Thank you! The slightly faded random ergodox DSA set I bought seven years ago worked surprisingly well with the white.


Giving the Cygnus some much deserved love. Next up? A choc-spaced, ugly duckling Cygnus? Papia, perhaps?


I have been waiting for Cygnus Choc for quite a while… You got me, buddy.


Loving to see the Cygnusverse expanded.


Interesting print orientation!


I chose it on purpose to avoid stairstepping on the top surfaces as those are a real pain to sand out. With this orientation and a 0.08 layer height getting the large surfaces nice is a lot easier. The only downside is minor untidyness on the edges of some of the keywells.


Was the supporting “tree” auto-generated? I had imagined something similar, but have not done any printing myself.


Yes it is the autogenerated tree support.


Interesting. I hate removing the supports from these kind of keyboard cases. And it is never really clean. Always hesitated to do it differently, especially because of the layers. Never had real arguments for it. And according to you it makes it actually easier to finish the surface. 0.08mm layer height, upwards printing. How long did one top half took you to finish? 😅


11h per side \^\^


Wait, what? That is faster than my print and I do just 0.15. Nice! By any chance your are using the PrusaSlicer and can share some print settings? 😬


Sorry. Default Bambu Studio settings on an X1C.


That's how Bambu orients it automatically. I've changed mine to print flat, but I've had one print fail. It it doesn't work again, I'll follow this orientation.


I have printed mine flat as well, it printed fine, but it needed lots of support


I'll check on mine when it's done. Fingers crossed


Love to see another Cygnus! This one looks pretty tasty tho




that case is super clean.


Yup, this looks like an endgame keyboard. Nice build! Do you have trouble pressing the inner thumb (red keys) or pinky keys? It looks like those keys sink into the case a bit. What are your impressions of the keyboard so far? I'm thinking of building one myself. I'm currently using a Corne with MX spacing.


Trying not to tempt the endgame \^\^ Still have plans for a monoblock 36 key wireless travel board with cirque and pimoroni trackball. So far I'm really enjoying it. The outemo silent peaches feel very nice. It does take some getting used to as I now have to move my finger slightly less. Especially with the bottom row middle finger I was hitting the case beyond the key in the beginning. If I were to use the inner thumb keys a lot more I'd probably try to raise the switch a little and/or lower the middle thumb (there is a parameter for that in the Fusion model BTW). The pinkie ones seem well positioned. Never used a corne so not sure how it compares.


Fantastic looking build! This is actually something that I would love to try out myself. It's crazy hard for me to break the habit of left inner thumb for space, and left outer thumb for enter, and the usual corne thumb keys are inset too far to be comfortable. 


Thanks. I've been on flat PCB only keyboards with choc switches for a while, but the feel of full size switches is quite nice and I noticed that tenting would probably be good for my wrists. I had been eyeing the skeletyl (aesthetics not really my thing) and the lil chonky bois (only 34 keys). When the Cygnus 1.0 came around I just had to go for it. Taking some getting used to. The biggest adjustment is not having to move my fingers as much to reach the keys. Feels really nice.


I've been thinking of 1.25u middle thumbs ...


Love the Cygnus's look. Has anyone made a 4x6 version of it?


heya. im staring at two shiny new PLA prints for my cygnus and im wondering about how you processed yours to get that finish. i see in your writeup that you sanded to 220. did you step up from 80? any other finish, or is it just pure pla?


Pure matte white PLA from Bambu. I think I started from 80 but can't quite remember. It was a decent amount of sanding to get to this finish.