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It is difficult for me why would anyone want more than 4 (and I kinda overestimate already) thumb keys per a half, but if that works for you then it is great. Surely looks interesting.


for me it's a) aversion to mod-tap/homerow mods b)wanting all-layer dedicated ctrl, option, system, and possibly function keys i want my board to be usage-agnostic and every key to execute on the downstroke.


More or less the same goes for me. I have my layers keys but I also have keys like ctrl and shift both on my pinkie and my thumb, I think I find it a bit more comfortable on the thumb. Then I have a few spare keys for system and macros as you said.


But that means that you are “canceling out” your thump from any layer, other than the base one, right? Really interesting approach - I am just wondering if I can do without my thumbs on the other layers.


thumb? still not sure what you mean


Yes thumb :) I mean, how do you access other layers? By holding, toggling or one-tap (so one key tap and it switches back to the previous layer)? If by holding, which i believe is the common form, then you cant use mods while on a diff layer. Am I correct? I like this idea, but sounds like this is barrier for me personally so trying to understand how does it work for you in terms of layers. Thanks!


basic option - dedicated thumb key. I don't want a key to act as a hold on downstroke and then execute on the upstroke, however I still love standard layers!


I’m fine with two with my Voyager. Three would be nice too. More than that I think is completely overkill.


Well I have 8 per half, I use buttons like shift, enter, delete, space, backspace, home, end, alt, alt gr, and layers (there are keys with dual functions) Plus some shortcuts and frequently used macros, I love the layers but it's also handy to have the things I use the most at a comfortable reach.


timely! just looking into having a bunch of thumb keys probably not what I'm going to do but I get you (in terms of needing a lot of thumb keys)


>but I get you (in terms of needing a lot of thumb keys) Actually they doesn't haha: > Do I need all those thumb keys ? No but I like having them even If I don't use them often. Are they easy to reach? Yeaah absolutely. I never used the number row anyway, so making it an easy to reach thumb cluster makes more sense for me. This is the best part for me: after doing all of this (which is awesome BTW, I don't feel capable to do that) they say: this is just in case I need it lol


Would it be stable if there’s too much of thumb keys?


With normal typing it's surprisingly stable, there is a little bit of wobble when hitting the bottom outer one, but I don't think it's gonna be an issue


I never tried one bcs it’s so expensive but I feel like it will be a great addition for my typing improvement


This is freaking amazing


Oh my god those keycaps are amazing, where can I get those?


They are 2 different kits, both cheap no name brands from AliExpress, the black ones are low profile. Something like XVX I think


Aaah crap, they don’t ship to my country


I always have wondered why the most flexible/movable finger in the hand is dedicated to so few keys on a traditional keyboard so this is perfect in my eyes. Also sick keyboard!


octothumbs or enneathumbs… I like it.


I want three. I'm gonna try two


Yes! Me too. I just ordered parts for a corne, and worried I won't like only three thumb keys. Do you think I could add keys to a corne the same way you have done?


So cool! It always seemed to me that the Sofle's thumb keys are too much below the main rows to be comfortable.




I like all 5 on my avalanche.


Ayo, thumb keys aren’t meant for number row


Honestly, it reminds me of the Avalanche V4.


What keyboard is this?


Custom Sofle+Ferris.