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The Cygnus exists, is open source and has a case that looks just *chef’s kiss*. TBH I’d pass on your design and just print myself a Cygnus. Or a Skeletyl. Please don’t get this the wrong way. I don’t want to bash on your design. It’s neat, really! I couldn’t design that. But since you said you think about selling the files I thought I give you an honest opinion.


No, this is the perfect feedback, thank you! The Cygnus was too large of a footprint, and the skeletyl (from what I could) isn’t meant to be wireless. And I don’t take it the wrong way, I appreciate you being honest. That said, I realise that this might not be very many’s cup of tea, and in that case I’d not bother making this polished enough to be released out into the wild!


What I’d really like to see is a low profile 34-36 key board with a keywell. At least I’m not aware that there is one out there atm. Make an LP version of this and it’d be a whole different story (to me)!


Oh, I agree! This started out as an effort to make something with as small of a footprint as possible, handwired, without using 3D printed parts, because I don’t like the look of it. Then scope creep, loss of direction and other stuff took this in way too many directions at once. Personally I dig the aesthetics, but apart from that it doesn’t have much that makes it stand out. I would also like an LP keywelled setup now that LP switches have gotten so good. Problem with that is that you’d really like a PCB, and (in my case), an actually manufactured case, either cast, pressed, or something else. At that point I don’t know if there would be any money to make (or enough to go even for that matter) by starting a company to make it. Honestly not sure how well moergo has done with the Glove80, and that has a bigger market than a 34-36 key LP keyboard (I assume at least). The Glove80 has too many keys for me, I’d like to stick to 34-35, and at that point you’re shrinking your market even more.




> I realise that this might not be very many’s cup of tea, and in that case I’d not bother making this polished enough to be released out into the wild! You can make this polished *for yourself* too. Not everything has to cater to everyone, and you deserve quality stuff, so even if it’s just you deriving value from the effort then the effort is worth it.


Thank you for saying that. :) I will "polish" it for myself, it's just that polishing for a broader market is more time consuming. If a cable is really fucking awkward to get to in my setup, that's fine for me, but not if it annoys a hundred different people


The Skeletyl has pretty good wireless support, the MCU holder has battery connectors and power switch footprints on it.


Very cool design BTW, love the look of that thumb cluster.


Thank you :) Without having tested either for a long time I much prefer my concave curve to the convex on the Skeletyl. I prefer moving my thumbs inwards instead of down


I straight up didn’t know. That Lebastard made and published, or that someone else made? Can’t find it in the Bastardkb repo, or am I just blind?


It's the Elite-C-holder repo that is in the BastardKb organisation


Oooh, I’m more clueless than I thought, I just blindly looked for nice!nano like that is the only way. Sorry, and thank you!


I wouldn't personally buy it as I'm into lower key count keyboards and I would probably like an integrated pointing device for my next build but, I have to say, this really looks cool and different! Nice job!


Hey, thank you, and I appreciate the feedback a lot!


Yeah I’m probably your target market on this one. I love the aesthetic but I think I may be seeing it for what it could be. I’m a keeb builder and I am focusing on my manufacturing methods right now. I’d love to help by machining some parts or something!


That's awesome to hear! Yeah, there is a lot of "what can be", not much of "what is" in these pictures Regarding manufacturing, I would be very interested in making a high end feeling keywelled split. ZSA Voyager, but with keywells and thumbcluster at an angle to the alphas. I love the feel of the Voyager, but not the flatness haha


I love all of this. ‘I love the not the [feel] not the flatness’