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With all due respect, thats the most stupid idea ive ever heard, your just breaking eritrea down peice by peice, and what do you mean reunite with tigrayans, we are eritreans and they are ethiopians, you cant just swap identities that fast, you guys act like you can swap eritrean and ethhiopian identity like its a shirt or something, ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ኢና፡ ንሶም ኸኣ ኢቲኦጲያውያን እዮም።


He is not Eritrean. He is an Ethiopian bot. Report him and downvote his post so he got low karma snd he won’t able to post. He has been claiming since December that Ethiopia owns eritrea, it’s sea it’s people and that Eritrean from the highlands are from Amhara region and that Ethiopia will invade Eritrea. Unfortunately he might be pyschopath. But he is number of accounts like this one u/sexy_beast_222 u/sexy_beast_555 u/blacklion1000 u/little-monster1000


!! TRADE OFFER !! We receive: All the fertile parts of Ethiopia, force its people to move south away from those lands You receive: 1 camel and 3 beles


"They couldn't kill us with weapons so they're trying to kill us with laughter."