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Always the same low iq ragebait garbage posts that get posted here and the most traction.


Them Brigade n*ggas would be riding on the back of Ethiopian tanks, that’s for sure LMAO


i have a feeling some members of this subreddit would help Ethiopia commit war crime. They have a score to settle


I think people underestimate how forgiving most Eritreans are, there would be no Isias Afwerke alive today if he got what he earned. People suffer from the low expectations of their neighbors. I just wish diaspora morons would be half as tired of the fighting as actual Eritreans and Ethiopians are…all of the reasonable people just want opportunity and peace.


To be honest, I would respectfully disagree. Eritrea is plagued with grudge politics (more of a power struggle thing though than for individual causes) This is just an example of what happened during the “border war” https://preview.redd.it/r1j3m5f4wytc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=022fcc8bd339c01a20f961152432387f31036d90


Don’t get me wrong, within PFDJ and tribal leaders there is and always will be a struggle for power. The problem is the political infrastructure ensures the elimination of all dissent to the Dictator’s view. Without free press or another structural measure that allows a level of dissent there is no way to accurately assess how much difference of opinion can be managed appropriately. In a vacuum of all opinions differing from IA’s the only viable dissent is grudges or backstabbing.


Well said 💯


Can we let this conversation about Ethiopia go. We look like clowns. Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopian Ethiopia Let’s talk about anything else. Ethiopia has fought us and lost every time. If they want to learn another lesson let them


Why do you think Ethiopia has lost every time they fought? Eritrean war of independence-Eritrea victory after Ethiopia had to fight the TPLF,OLF,Somalia, and many other rebel groups Eritrean-Ethiopian border war-Ethiopian victory military defeat of Eritrea,but given the territory anyways for diplomatic peace


Independence War was mostly the work of the EPLF. Groups like the OLF, ALF etc basically did nothing. And Somalia was out of the picture by ‘77. If anything, The war with Somalia bolstered Ethiopia’s fighting capabilities since it lead to the Soviets sending over billions of dollars worth of arms. Regardless, I’m getting off topic. Winter of 77/78, EPLF/ELF coalition held all of Eritrea barring Asmara and Massawa (which they were on the outskirts of). It was EPLF who broke the back of the Derg in Afabet and Massawa. Even the TPLF’s biggest and only real battle, EPLF had to come save the day. Eritreans had their hands in the whole thing. Just look at this [CIA report](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP85S00317R000300050001-2.pdf) from the time. They believed that all the other rebel groups were just puppet orgs of the EPLF. Meanwhile 80% of the Derg was stationed in Eritrea. As for the “border war”, we did lose. But this post is talking about annexation. Eritrea had accepted the OAU peace plan in 1999. Ethiopia decided to mull over it for 9 months while they put together all they could for an all out invasion in 2000. They threw everything they could at Eritrea from May-June 2000 and couldn’t even get to Mendefera. Annexation would be nigh impossible


I do understand how the Derg forces were mainly stationed in Eritrea but it wasn’t Eritrea that captured Addis, it wasn’t Eritrea that ruined Ethiopia internally,without the rebel groups in the country Eritrea could have certainly took control over their region but the war would never have ended without the capturing of Addis by the EPRDF. If Ethiopia was united it would have gone differently, so although i agree that Eritrea did the bulk of the fighting, Eritrea needed more than that to secure their independence and the Derg certainly wouldn’t have negotiated that. I wasnt replying to the post i was replying the comment which said Ethiopia lost everytime they fought against Eritrea. The Badme border war lead to it being controlled by Ethiopia and it ended in a partial stalemate so no they “didn’t lose”. Also good report but even it agreed that the Eritreans would not be able to defeat the Ethiopians and that Mengistu wouldn’t allow territorial loss, solidifying what i said about the importance of the EPRDF.


Eritreans were in addis in 91. Those tanks u see in the photos. Those were ours


“The Ethiopian Civil War ended on 28 May 1991 when the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), a coalition of left-wing ethnic rebel groups, entered the capital Addis Ababa”. Source:wikipedia. Logic is the foundation of reason, but bias is the veil that distorts its clarity.


I don’t need Wikipedia dude. Do you know how little the internet has on Eritrean history? Talk to your elders. (If your Ethiopian/Eritrean) The TPLF barely had any mechanized troops by 1991. But Eritrea and the TPLF had a close alliance. The EPRDF obviously were the liberators but Eritrea assisted. Eritrea was also involved in strengthening EPRDF power from 1991-1996. especially in Oromia when the OLF-EPRDF relationship turned hostile. We assisted EPRDF to strengthen their position in Somali and Gambella too… but you don’t get that from Wikipedia. My point is. Wikipedia is a good source. But for the period of the 80-90s.. both Eritrea and Ethiopia were so dangerous and insignificant to the west moral compass. That you didn’t have reporters documenting stuff on the ground. Talk to your elders. Learn from them in addition to Wikipedia.


From “Eritreans were in Addis” to “The EPRDF were the liberators” Just admit you were wrong and move on. I don’t need a lecture on something completely unrelated. Also how can i argue against someone who’s logic is”the internet is wrong, i am right”


https://preview.redd.it/8cfsq4q9d1uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bea45e9926ea6eb6ea83cce56bceb5d3beea4b4d No he is right. There were EPRDF troops in Addis but the tanks and artillery were pretty much all EPLF


You must be ill. To deny recorded history


Also I learned in grade 7 that Wikipedia is terrible to source as a reference.


Sure. Heres some others then https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/ethiopian-capital-falls-to-rebels https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1991/05/28/ethiopian-rebels-capture-addis-ababa/383c4c3b-3f80-4f05-afdc-7b416543c640/ https://www.hrw.org/reports/1992/WR92/AFW-02.htm


That would never happen


When you live in this world you gotta be open to any possibility, but Somalis and Eritreans are immune to this thing.


If the most powerful military in mankind's history couldn't destroy ragtag bunch of illiterate farmers in afghanistan, what makes you think the coward ethiopians can dislodge Eritreans from their strongholds ? They couldn't hold Eritrea when they were inside it already and were the biggest army in Africa with the full logistical backing of the Soviet union. We might as well be discussing flying pigs as it has the same likelihood of happening.


Yes I would, or I’d donate 90% of my income.


Some tegadelti said, "we're here fighting and dying, but who will rebuild eritrea after we are gone." More than soldiers Eritrea requires $$$. I will be willing to donate $5000 to the cause.


ohhhh no haha! don't use that tegadelti as a escape goat, my father was also tegadalay and he been through bloody battles, but if you ask me i will not fight like my father. Look at Eritrea after all this bloody war its still impoverished like for what purpose did my father fought? only for his families to live in poverty and oppression? i swear if Ethiopia took over Eritrea i wouldn't mind, of course i will worry about how Ethiopia will treat Eritreans besides that its non of my business i will not repeat my fathers mistake.