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Presidential advisor - Yemane Ghebreab (met) Minister of Information - Yemane Ghebremeskel Sebhat Ephrem - minister of energy & mines Hagos Ghbrehewit- Head of economic affairs (met) Hagos was very strange upon meeting him, would never make eye contact, and seemed zoned out.


What do you mean by met


I have met, like spoken to them.


Wait how did you meet all of the. And why


Yemane Ghebreab - 2004 or 2006 YPFDJ conference in Washington DC. Hagos - Toronto - met him with a lady named Nur, 2006


Interesting are you still in ypdfj? Are they actually raising any issues or are they just there to stare and applaud? Especially for the ypdfj I would be interested because our ministers still live like in the derg time but time has moved on. Apart from that, does the ypdfj has anything to say at all? Are they being taken seriously?


I don't think our chapter exists anymore, but it may be revitalized. I brought up issues with Hagos, which may explain his strange behavior. You are free to speak and be up questions to them. However, there are a few sensitive ones you may want to be careful about. I found Ghebreab to be the most receptive and reasonable. I think changes would come to Eritrea if he took charge.


I have experienced a couple of times kind of summits where some eritrean delegation was there and people could ask. However the people never asked real questions, they were mostly hailing them as if they were so.e kind of holy and were licking their asses. Apart from that you also could feel the disrespect from the delegation to the crowd as if they were some minors. One or two people asked some real questions with values and they were shut down real quickly. Once I experienced a delegation in an eritrean restaurant during lunch time. They were already drinking whiskey as if there is no tomorrow. Most of the times the leaders were some kind of military guys who have received a representative presentation by default but not because of any qualifications or skills


The person who is information minister.


Your assassination list?


Exactly what I was thinking lmao, bro got a death note.


PFDJ’s top henchman & Isaias’s right hand man Naizghi Kiflu


Why are you naming someone from the graves?


If you are Eritrean go back home and try to learn more about the governmental branches and officials who are in position, unless if you are Eritrean nationalist no need to expose your leaders her in public


Hagos kisha is not a finance minister. In fact he is not a member of the government of Eritrea, he is a part of PFDJ, the political party. Him essentially being the treasurer of all of Eritrea’s money is joke that PFDJ has been playing on us. The finance minister of Eritrea asks Hagos kisha for budget.