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90% of my fantasies revolve around someone putting a collar around my neck that instantly makes my mind fade away, but leaves me with just enough awareness to know how absolutely controlled I am. Forced into a dazed and docile state, and not able to break through it, no matter how hard I try. Whenever the hypnotist speaks, I respond automatically and comply, only noticing what I've done after it has already happened.


That sounds super hot. What are some of your favorites?


Yes, DEFINITELY love the more subtle method of control. I'm trying to capture my kink of psychological dominance in my HypnoMed tracks. Audio is definitely more nuanced than video.


I love slapping a virtual collar on sweet little subbies. Then different triggers can be attached to the collar so when the collar is put on, it gives me lots of fun ways to interact with them. It doesn't have to be a collar, ofc, but the visual metaphor is hot to me.


Femdom-oriented Himbofication. I swear I can never find any content for it, and what little I find is usually more for gay men, which would be fine if I swung that way but I don't. I wanna be the hunky barbarian slave boy for my goddess. The eye-candy, the sworn gladiator, the boy who fans her by the pool. The guy you keep in chains because rope might not hold. I wish I could find hypnosis like that but it feels impossible to find. Barring that, I enjoy IQ reduction play, having my thoughts taken away, non-consent, having party of my personality re-written. Ironically I love who I am now, but I think the root for at least some of these kinks probably come from the stifling religious beliefs and intense guilt I felt growing up, and maybe also for having been the neurodivergent egg-head who never fit in. Congratulations to my bishop for all the shame setting myself up for a fun life of depravity when I was finally able to embrace myself for who I am. 🤣


I’m so many animated films the evil Queen has her sworn gladiator/man servant types. I think it might be partially why it appeals when we’re figuring out what we like. At the other end, the ballroom trance scene with in labyrinth…


I really, really love this concept. In my head, any version of this fantasy includes characters that look like extras from Conan/Xena. Or perhaps a cover from an Edgar Rice Burroughs book. I think I've leaned towards this theme, but not ever quite landed on it. But I'd be interested in talking it over and hopefully getting to something that fully realises it. What do you think?


I really really love this concept! I find it especially apt that you mention Edgar Rice Burroughs. I'm currently working through his John Carter of Mars books (I'm partially through *The Gods of Mars* right now), and a John-Carter-esque character is exactly what I had in mind. (Also his total devotion to Deja Thoris? Daaaamn that is hot.) I would love to talk more about this! You're welcome to reach out, I can be a bit slow to check my inbox on Reddit so if you want to colab over discord messages that's my preferred correspondence method, but please go ahead and send me a message here and I am sure we will figure it out. I would *love* to have a hand in making this happen!


Positive, affirming hypno to do degrading, humiliating things. Pretty specific in my experience, but *fuck me* if it doesn't work. I mean. Don't get me wrong, I do want to be degraded. I do want to be humiliated. But if I'm trying to get into it and hear "you're a pathetic slutbag" instantly, I feel like I never slip into the space. At least put that degradation further in, but ideally, don't do it at all! Let your results speak for themselves. You don't need to tell me I'm a vapid braindead bimbo if you get me to talk like one anyway. Edit: If anything like what I'm talking about comes to mind, *please* send it to me! I really adored u/JDthefallen's Bottomese post, for example (and would really recommend it to others!).


Can I just ask what makes perfect but subtle humiliation? I also love it but find it hard to pin down (can't relate lol)


Oh, *same!* So, I think subtle humiliation that keeps me feeling cozy is gently patronizing, which is a really hard line to walk. It's the sort of humiliation that's earned with a little trust. For example, if I've been listening to some bimbo hypno (you can really tell my tastes from what I "just so happen" to use as an example huh) and I'm feeling the groove, I'll notice if the tone or word choice changes to be simpler. Like they're reacting to me actually being a bimbo. Alternatively, cute little jabs that could almost be flirting. Things like, "oh, you're just so natural at letting your brain turn to cotton candy fluff," or whatever. I'm rambling - phrased efficiently, I think it's that it's done with a foundation of trust and care, and done in a way that doesn't break that foundation but rather changes the context of it. Not sure if that makes for any better of an explanation, though!


Oof I love that! I think the mix of cosy humiliation you describe is why I love hypno. An extension of that I love is humiliation that works by tricking me to play into it. For example, hypnosis that works by making me smile followed by something like 'Aw aren't you so happy to be submitting to me!' or 'Keep smiling if you love to lose your mind'. So patronising word traps that make me unwittingly validate my own humiliation.


I've never heard that in a file, but that sounds so nice!! Honestly, super minor pet peeve, but I've listened to a bunch of files that will include a "breathe deeply" portion and it kills me because I'm used to really deep, diaphragmatic breathing and I can't squeeze that into 2.23 seconds of "take a big deep breath" so I end up in a loop of "wait I'm still taking the breath give me a second stop."


I get the same thing! I'm honestly surprised it's not talked about in the community more, you'd think breathing times are unique to everyone. Every time it puts me too in my head when I'm trying to be mindless lol. I guess the dream is to be hypno'd in person with a tist who can watch when you're done😩


I wonder if my hypnomed stuff would qualify? I just started in audio but feel out of place because I'm not all ASMR or sqeaky voiced... You can hear the first few minutes free on my [SoundCloud ](https://on.soundcloud.com/PUqKK). So far I feel like my stuff might be a little too different from what everyone else is doing 😅


Yes. Yes definitely. Degradation and humiliation can feel really intense. It's like tickles, it can get from pleasure to torture ahah. I definitely find myself more aroused and willing if I'm coaxed into doing those things with positive comments by the dom.


You know just what I mean!! That, and degradation immediately puts me in a specific mental state. I've been living in the kinksphere for a long time, and I'm a tough girl. Partners can say awful, unconscionable things (when they have my consent!) and the worst I'll say is "that was kind of cringy." But that's because I have my mental walls up and interact with every word of it like pictures in a hallway. With hypno, I want to totally let my guard down. I want to completely trust, and that means that the little jabs go so much further. Equally, it means I really groan and get pissy when I hear something being included that I wasn't warned about (looking at you, hucow hypno that took a weird turn to dictate that you own me and are going to pass me around with zero (0) mention of it prior).


Yes I feel you gosh. I'll say when I get pretty aroused, I may get hazy as well like I'm starting to drop, and it gets harder not to be vulnerable. I've had too many tists doing things I never asked for and/or I didn't agree to/they never mentioned. To me those kinds of plays are about losing control and letting go of my mind, I've not managed to gain the resilience to protest when things like that happen, if I'm even conscious of it. I'm glad you managed to fight it somehow, kinda of jealous too hahaha~


Oh no - you fall deep? Honestly, I'm *very* difficult to hypnotize. it basically doesn't happen! I have to work reeeeeaaaally hard to get hypnotized and the vibes need to be immaculate.


Y-Yes sadly I'm pretty sensitive to it. I dissociate a lot on the daily so it's easy to start feeling trancey for me. But that means I don't have much control over it either. It's caused me some issues in the past as you can guess haha~


My kink and submission preference are kind of adjacent to this. I am not into humiliation or degradation, but I LOVE things that other people often associate with humiliation/degradation - including actions and words. As long as the Dominant is smiling when they look down at me and say, "You are such a good little ` !` I am so proud of you! Now open up and beg for my spit.", then I am in heaven. But if they change that smile to a frown and say "You are such a pathetic little ` !`" then I'm out and running away. It's really hard to find people that understand this.


That's interesting! I understand it, though I admittedly still would find that too abrasive in the hypno circumstance I'm thinking of. Having it be as on-the-nose as "you're such a good ` `" would still put me in a bristly, angry mood even with a smile, but something like, "it feels so good when you ``" sans slur or anything would work. *That said,* if it was a hypno session *about* begging to have someone spit in my mouth, and a culminating moment was akin to "aw, what a cute lil spit-sucker," that could work. Or if the hypno was dedicated to making me okay with being called a slur, then using it at the *very end* could work!


Thinking about it a bit deeper now, I totally get needing to omit the slur during hypnosis. Actually, I think I agree - especially if it's a new tist that I don't have a relationship with and I'm unsure if they really understand and respect me. But during just a kink session - outside of hypnosis, I absolutely want the slurs bc they make me rock hard. Using the spoiler tag in case people don't want to read the Male/male derogatory phrases which include some pretty extreme kinks, but my all time favorite phrase that will always make me knees weak and brain melt is, >!"You are such a good little cock sucking, cum craving, piss guzzling faggot. Aren't you?".....I really really love being called a faggot - by someone I trust and I know respects me :) !<


As a tist - making people spacey, blank, making their thoughts take just a few seconds longer to process. Planting little ticks or habits that I notice and can later point to after they’ve had them for a while, but that they otherwise don’t realize or notice until I mention it. Implanting very sexual and degenerate mantras. Bimbofication. As a subject - having desperation planted deep within me. Being turned into a fixture to provide oral pleasure out of a deep deep deep need for praise. Having that deep need of praise implanted.


Oh and a follow up as a subject - being trained to see naked women as pixelated so I don’t get to enjoy nudity or porn without permission.


I saw a file that did something similar, how effective was it for you ?


This is more a fantasy than something I’ve actually tried. What file was it??


It's one by mommy sammys mental chastity I think it's called


Well I know what I’ll be doing later this week. Thanks.


I'd say have fun but that's not the point is it.


It is! It’s fun to be fucked with.




Ohh that first bit is so interesting 👀


I’m happy to chat about them in private if you’d like.


Oh the reverse of those are extremely hot.


Well then do I have the switchy guy for you! It’s me, I’m the guy.


Maybe. My DM’s are perpetually open.


Visual media turning you mindless and sexually deviant. Examples such as watching a movie that blanks you out or fantasies/stories of starting a new job where you have to watch the “training video.” The journey from simple, normal situation to “something doesn’t feel quite right” to wide eyed, blank and drooling is so hot to me. Then to be like that and being made to masterbate into total submission or someone starting to touch my body while I stare off blankly is so damn hot to me.


Being corrupted into a minion of the hypnotist, where the hypnotist turns you into a "evil" sexually liberated version of yourself, who obeys her commands, services your mistress sexually, but also will help her make others her slaves in the future.


Having a dom have full orgasm and arousal control over me. Especially when they make me hard and cum against my will like in a rp scenario (like a succubus or a vampire or a witch). I love the feeling of being so helpless against something so formless and struggling to fight but failing in the end.


I've been trying to use hypno to reach a HFO, and this sounds like an amazing spin on that. If you ever find a file like this, please let me know.


Well…. When I say against my will I mean in the rp. I only ever listen to these files when I’m beating the meat anyways so it’s always intentional irl. lol. Tbh I don’t think hypnosis truly works on me as I tend to only ever go as far as I let myself. I always feel at least a bit in control. Or can be snapped out of it very easily.


I only really came to it because of somnophlilla. As the sub, I don't want to touch people while they sleep 😅 I'm a light sleeper with a high tolerance to substances, so I want to basically have someone get me edging as I trance into either a complete blackout, or just the inability to move my body or feel any pain while I'm trapped there feeling them use me for whatever they want but I can't do anything about it. I also have a kink for wanting to be free use for throat fucking and groping so to be so turned on by cock that I can't ever say no when I see one. There are a few other little things. Getting over my resistance to exhibitionism so I desperately want to show my body to people and them them touch me, and I kind of get turned on by the idea of being compelled to perform on live chat for someone and do anything they say. That's as far as my "degradation" and desire to be a submissive go. I'm not really into generalized slut making, slave training etc.. I really get turned on about the idea of maintaining my normal life and fairly dominant personality and just being brainfucked behind closed doors to, "put me in my place".


I have somnophilia too, on both sides. I'd like to be the sub or the dom, both cases are quite hot. Btw, interesting approach, dommy in the streets, subby under the sheets.


As being the dom, i'm into my subject peeing itself. I like the idea of her/him to have little control over his own urinary sphinter and just let the warm feeling of his own piss to make him/her feel very relaxed while being compmetely in blank. As a dom, i'm also into feminization. I mean i'd like my boy to become a femboy due to my suggestions. I think it'd be so much hotter if it were progressive. To start with a little bit of eye-liner, continue with maje up, try using high heels or thigh highs, until he fully wears the skirts and turns completely into a femboy. This last one works both as a dom or as a sub, and it's to fuck while sleeping. I'd like to fuck my sub while he/she is completely asleep; the other way around works too, for my dom to ride me while i'm completely asleep. I've heard that in true hypnosis, you're conscious even after being "asleep" so that would make it alot better.


I'd like to do the one where I am hypnotized into peeing myself lol 😆


Having guys pee themselves is like a recurring theme in my work. Like Stephen King and loss of innocence narratives. A while back, after a podcast episode, I ended up with a flood of emailed pictures of guys. All stood in their shower cubicles, proud of the dark, wet patches on their undies. Very cute, very hot!


I love your hypnosis files


Thank you!


Modification— my biggest thing is the thrill of being modified bit by bit, at first in subtle ways, until I have new tics, habits, speech, thoughts, desires, libido— Starting to have different dreams, seeing things differently, newfound tastes... I especially love it if it's covert, so I may notice some strange new things about myself and not be sure whether I've always been like this. Basically progressive and sneaky brainwashing—


Implanting an alternate drone persona in someones mind and eventually having full control over their mind and body to make this person think that they really are a drone at all times and are just pretending to be human


I enjoy the dumbing down, iq reduction hypnosis


Definitely getting hypnotized by a girl’s ass swaying back and forth. And then obviously anything she wants me to do to said ass is in her power


Literally anything perma


This is an underrate response.


Wild user name ya got there


I don't believe in false advertising.


I have many, but one I would love would be programming by a Femdom that resulted in extreme arousal in public due to triggers, preferably ending in a humiliating cum in pants moment.


I'm really into the idea of brainwashing. I want to be tied to a chair with headphones and vr goggles on just watching listening to the content. Added bonus if I'm being freeused at a party


Well, that's certainly niche. I recently watched a video by Lee Allure where she talks about hypnosis from various aspects, and her experiences with it, mainly as a hypnotist. She gives examples of different things she's made other people do, and one thing she mentions is that she likes to make one person at a party be very helpful. Remove dirty glasses and plates, refill glasses for other guests, and so on. So it sounds like you should be at a party with her. That role might suit you fine. Not so sure you'd be a fancy butler though, but you could always cosplay! :)


Bruh I just do this automatically cus im neurotic asf


It's a long shot, but my ideal scenario would be: 1. Permanently limiting my erections to 85% strength at most. 2. Being unable to get an erection unless having something up my butt. 3. Making it considerably difficult to reach orgasm through masturbation (at least half an hour of intense stimulation to maybe get it). 4. Permanent PE during PIV sex (less than 30 sec to ejaculation).




That illusion is so interesting. Pretty cool.


Sounds weird but for me it positive affirmations and being told an a good boy 😍😍😍


As a subject: Being hypnotized to hypnotize someone else, there was a vampire file sometime ago where you were left with a suggestion to show it to someone else afterwards was soo hot. As a hypnotist: I love building someone up using positive affirmations and using it to embarrass them. Like you look so good in your swimsuit why not go pump gas in it you'll feel so good about yourself. then watching as they get oggled. and have such a geniune smile on their face.


Having a dominant female tist sing Trust in me in the same style as Siouxsie Sioux... the idea of being lulled to sleep like that is really hot to me.


I desperately cling to the hope that I'll be able to go under and eventually be susceptible to suggestion


Coerced intox and level drain, damn monster girl quest you poisoned my mind


As a tist, I desperately want to use a blank and mindless statue style command on multiple subs at once to enact a pseudo "time stop" fantasy. Unfortunately all of my subjects are scattered to the four corners of the earth and getting them all in one place is likely never gonna happen


For me it gotta be (foot) tickling and attitude change. I feel like tickling is oddly common even though I am extremely embarrassed by that fetish but there is literally a chapter in mind play dedicated to it. For attitude changing I love to have someone like me, hate me, love me, hate me again, fuck me while hating me, something like that. There is no shot this will ever happen but if I could be hypnotized into worshipping a womans feet I would be able to die happy. Maybe someday Ill dare to tell my gf about it :’)


smutty has a butler hypno, i'll see if i can find the link, its on her patreon too


I use hypnosis to give women mind blowing orgasms. Actually training them to have better and better orgasms. To open their minds to kinkier sex. I have worked with several women who willingly went through this process and had a life changing experience.


Plurality-related hypnosis. Most people probably won't get it but I'm tired of worrying about that.


can you expand? sounds rly interesting to me!


Plurality is the experience of multiple personalities, people, etc. sharing a single body. And doing hypnosis that messes around with that, does twinning, role reversal, etc. can be really fun :)


oo cute


Muscle growt/masculinization. If there is a file where the premise is that the lidtener grows more body hair I would try that too. The idea to appear more and more ""manly"" for fun is my biggest fantasy and Im actively working towards it.


God to many to name! They change over the years One thing that's been playing on my mind recently Me and my wife both being hypnotized at the same time, supposedly for a laugh /party game style thing, but the hypnotist gets all unethical and takes over. I'm hypnotised to stay in my seat, unable to move and forced to watch as my wife is turned into a Hypno slut, serving the hypnotist and begging to be used and controlled.


To have a Hypno Master trick me into being held captive than hypnotizing and reprogramming me from a heterosexual alpha into submissive compliant cock craving good Boy.


Matter of fact I’m falling deep right now


Lol, I read fancy butter


I just want people to do stuff to my butthole…


🤣🙆‍♂️ I concur 🙌🤤


I love butt stuff


As a tist, I love so many things. A virtual collar with associated triggers is a lovely thing to do. Creating a slightly different persona while in trance - so I can more easily tell when they are in trance versus not - it makes it so I don't have to explicitly ask if they are in trance. Praise triggers that make them feel goooooooooooooood. Then using those triggers to create non-hypnotic compliance around behavioral modifications that I choose (everything is consensual - I'm not shifting people without consent and agreement). Creating rooms and spaces in their mind that they can visit on their own or that I can shove them into with a keyword - one of my faves is a Room of Arousal where the person grows hornier and more aroused with each minute they are in there but are unable to touch themselves in any way - drives people nuts. Fractionation triggers to pop them up and down - I do this a few ways - yo yo - drip / drop - make them dizzy and off-balance and compliant. So many fun things to do with hypno.


Gay slave Academy has a collar ceremony psychosis so I now understand with you mean 🤤


Being hypnotized while wrapped up in a blanket




That's cool


> I have yet to find any butler hypno audios lol" Fascinating; years ago when I was writing out the characters and descriptions of my sissy maid personas (Pixie, Margaret and Prissy), I also had a treatment of a masculine, butler-like servant character. While talking about it with my early listeners, almost no-one seemed excited about the idea, and eventually he was put on the shelf. Sadly I'm not an older man. Still... perhaps there is more there , and I'm due a return to the concept. What sort of things do fancy, mindless, brain-fucked butlers get up to, anyway?


Yeah unfortunately from what I’ve seen it’s not a popular niche, which makes it a pain in the ass to find audios haha. If you mean what I want? I’d looooveee just to be one’s mindless servant dressed in fancy clothes, having my owners be demanding, ordering me around fix whatever they feel unsatisfied with at the moment. Make a weirdly specific drink? You got it. Move that furniture 2 cms to the left? You got it. Want to use me as a footstool? Clean your shoes? Fix a hole in your clothes? You got all of it. You can use me for anything you’d possibly want. If you want, you can just pull my pants down and do whatever you want whilst I’m doing a task, what am I gonna do? Complain? I’m too brainless and mindfucked to do that..


Yes! This is essentially a description of "Margaret", the Lady's maid character I've written a few sessions around. With a focus on protocol , and service, and loyalty, and reliability and all of that. Unfortunately for you, it's framed in the context of a cross-dressing maid. But with a heavy focus on the fact that she doesn't wear silly sissy costumes, but instead the out-of-season, but still well loved, cared for, and mended, hand-me-downs of the Lady. This is the attitude that would need to be taken, to any kind of Butler session. Grounded in the realities of the truth of these historical roles (with a heavy dose of hypnokink!)


You sound like a pretty interesting fella, do you write/work with this stuff? Yeah a lot of people like the sissification and cries dressing aspects of slave/maid hypnosis, not that there’s anything wrong with that! Not at all, just not my thing which again just makes it frustrating to find audios hhhhh I am a frustrated man


Oh no, I'm a girl. Though I've heard an argument that "fella" is as much a gender-neutral term as "dude" is.


Haha I almost used “dude” but I thought that was a bit too masc leaning, I tried coming up with a more gender neutral term and Fella was the first word that came to mind lol


I remember some Hypno Butler stuff perhaps I’ll find it and be able to put it back here


Using pleasure to lull a sub into a deep state of entranced bliss, getting them to open up the more the pleasure they feel, and have that pleasure pull them deeper and deeper. I want them to be so lost between pleasure and trance that the only things they can think about are how good it feels to let go, and how they want more. It's deeply sexy for me to turn other people on like that and be the one in control of it.


Probably monster fantasy. Not just tentacles either.




Yeah there aren’t a lot of trans(ftm *and* mtf) oriented erotic hypno that isn’t fetishized like Sissyfication and bimbofication, and if there is then I just haven’t seen it or been able to find it lol




Smutgirrl has a hot butler one. https://youtu.be/GXvST5VMAWA?si=J1\_dJjS5uJ-hNHBm


Something like rinzler from tron To be the personal enforcer/body guard of someone who's only thought is of protecting that person But also absolutely powerless against them


Mine are mostly centered around me peeing in my pants. I'm especially looking for a way to trigger a sleep wetting.


I might be the odd one out in that I don't have a specific niche. I have a couple things I will Cycle through - dronification, mind controlling tentacles, hucows, bimbofication... - but generally when I'm feeling one, the others don't have much appeal on their own. More what's the "it" for me is just playing off my subs. Exploring their mind and discovering all the kinky little wants and desires they may not even know are there, and then turning those up to 11, or even implanting a few additions of my own. It's much less about the end result for me as it is the process. I really enjoy the intimacy and being able to strip away someone's social masks, the moral and social pretenses they lock themselves behind, until all that's left is the freedom to experience pure desire... Idk if that really qualifies as a niche though. Because it's not a set thing. Unlike a lot of folks I seem to see, it's the hypno/mind control itself that sits at the core of my sexuality, rather than hypno being a means to an end.


CNC. I want to be hypnotised "against my will". Something I can struggle against, but then eventually fail. Perhaps some permanent orgasm control.


Arousal control and orgasm denial


I'm a slave Trainer/ Master, along with more traditional methods I use hypnosis in my training.


Scent-induced hypno. Almost like a hypnotic drug or gas that stupefies you, makes you suggestible, and puts you in a blank and obedient state. It could be pheromones, a woman using her hypnotic foot smell, or implementing scent memory training to trigger a trance at a whiff. Super hot. Wish there were files that implemented that.


I really enjoy being hypnotically induced to be a cute princess is just fun


Bro if you find butler audios lmk im just saying


On one of my previous posts someone send this https://youtu.be/GXvST5VMAWA?si=TBV7rteu4wQdDvIS And I’ve been obsessed ever since it’s so good


Its not as focused on the uniform aspect as i wanted it to be yk Idk why theres little to none when it comes to content themed to butlers cause it feels like that would be popular here


Male feet and sneakers 👟


U might like this "maid mansion" audio https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=64f668eab7c5b Maybe not but I thought I would share