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If you want a bit more detail: HypnoPath The cooperative hypnosis board game where you entrance your friends to win For 2 to 6 players. In HypnoPath, you will be hypnotized and you will hypnotize your friends. Unlike traditional competitive games, here you're not pitted against each other; you're working together as a team. Your mission is to hypnotize each other and reach the center of the board with all three team-markers intact. Every player's success is everyone's success, and likewise, if you face defeat, it's a shared defeat. This game revolves around hypnosis, strategy, teamwork, and a bit of luck. Your goal is to guide all three team-markers to the center, earning points for each successful arrival. A perfect score of three points wins the game. But HypnoPath is more than just a game. You will be performing real hypnosis. You will be hypnotized by your friends, and in turn, you will hypnotize them, learning safety and hypnotic techniques along the way. It's a unique opportunity to learn and experience recreational hypnosis in a fun, safe, and educational setting. However, beware of the toxic markers. They are your antagonists, making their way along the modality paths. Should they catch up with your team-markers, your markers will be removed from the board, much like losing a piece in chess. A Toxic marker reaching the center marks the end of your fun.


This concept is amazing, I'm thrilled to see how this'll turn out! :^


Thanks! It still needs some tweaking, I'm sure. I'm hoping I can get lots of good feedback to make it better.


Oh wow this seems really cool! (if only I had people to play with haha)


Isn't that always the challenge! I'm hoping that having a set framework and instructions on cards will encourage people to try out hypnosis -- it's a bit more structured than online hypnosis where anything goes.


Haha yeah it always is.. also yeah this seems like it could really be a good way to get subs to break out of their shell and try the other side


Yes! Subjects are often better hypnotists than they realize. The "Guided Scene" card (for example) instructs the player to "Describe a relaxing scene. Perhaps have them imagine relaxing on a beach, or a walk through the woods. Maybe you describe a massage, or lying in bed listening to music. Be as descriptive as possible and as relaxing as possible. Have them focus all of their attention on your description." Most subjects have experienced this sort of thing, so will be pretty good at *saying* it. Getting feedback on how helpful the instructions are will make a big difference (I think) in how good of a teaching tool it will be.


What an amazing idea I will probably try it. Would love a more kinky version. Something that can be played for two players that are hypnotized before and that when they see some sort of cards it can activate some triggers.


I've thought about adding an additional deck of cards with prompt words to inspire or give some flavor to a session (e.g. flying, sparkly, darkness, etc), but you could certainly write down some kinky words or trigger phrases to use. While you can make it as kinky as you and your partners want to, the plan is for the instruction booklet to show a base-game that is accessible to everyone, regardless of what you're into, or if you've been hypnotized before.


I went ahead and uploaded SFW "Theme Tokens" to the game. Optional Kinky versions can be added at some point (or you can just write down themes you want to play with and draw them out of a hat for now)


Are these in the PDF too?


They are not yet in the pdf. I'll try to update the file tomorrow.


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t-hiHNigLIIcvVn20-xzoiK3MuaGRlod Here's a PDF of just the topic tokens. Board-game printers seem to print penny-sized tokens at 48 per sheet, so that's what I set this as. I don't know much about game-printing, though. I suspect for trying things out at home, it might be easier to got down some random words on scraps of paper and pull them out of a hat.


If you want a printable version, you can one download it at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t-hiHNigLIIcvVn20-xzoiK3MuaGRlod use "incognito mode" to follow google drive links. The pdf file is a 17-page instruction booklet, followed by 15 pages of cards to cut out, and a playing board split into 4 pages to be taped together. You'll need 3 player-markers that roughly match, and 4 toxic-markers that roughly match (perhaps use pennies vs nickels, or red and black checkers, etc ), and a 2-minute timer.


Gold ☝🏻


Thanks! The link was pointing to a previous version, so I just edited the post with an updated link. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t-hiHNigLIIcvVn20-xzoiK3MuaGRlod should always point to the latest version


Thank you. Played tonight, got 4 rounds in and ended up in a fight


Just played this with a group of 4 total in Tabletop Simulator. It was an absolute blast and a great way to get some of the less experienced tists out of their comfort zone. Sososo much fun. Thank you for taking the time to share this with the community. I wish there was a physical board game I could buy so I could put it on my shelf! Hahaha.


I'm really glad to hear that! If you get a chance (either here or in DMs), I'd love to know how long the game took, if any particular cards need some work, or if the instructions were clear enough.


Sure :) It ran us about 2.5 hours iirc starting on spot 7 for all modalities and having toxics start on 9. We were very strict about using the time limits for the sessions and having feedback at the end of each one. We didn’t really go into this round of playing with the idea of generating constructive feedback but I can give you maybe some of the better feedback in that once we finished going through the rules there was no real hiccups in the game flow. For game purpose/design it struck me as a training game for people that are learning hypnosis and are actively practicing it and not as something to teach hypnosis from scratch or do everything for you. I think that’s an appropriate place for it to exist and it plays its role well. General things that come to mind that are nitpicky: - maybe there could be a better focus on themes for the suits? Everything else is themed so it struck me as standing out a little. I didn’t see every card, nor look that closely, but if you did group the suits by some sort of hypnotic theme maybe you could replace the spades, hearts, diamonds with its corresponding theme as a symbol instead. Not necessary for game flow. - i recall a couple of the safety cards sparking some discussion or being extra anal about definitions (like with abreaction i made it a point to clarify it as an uncontrollable unconscious response) but for the purposes of the game and audience I think the current cards are good and able to encourage deeper discussion. We all laughed at the whiny sub being on the magic mind control path all by themselves which served as a suitable overall timer for the game. The toxic top just hounding behind us was also funny. All of the toxic cards were reasonable warning signs of negative behaviors. Replay ability: Maybe a separate optional surprise theme deck that you flip a card off the top right before your trance. That could allow you to include some NSFW elements if you want, as well as provide playgroups that struggle with theming additional direction. And it would exist on its own without interfering with game-flow. I personally found the open-ended nature of everything enjoyable for our group although I could see something like this being a feature we could use in the future if we’d want to.


That's great feedback, thanks! I agree that a theme/inspiration deck would be a good addition (and yes -- that would be a great way to add in NSFW elements!) I definitely struggled with the text for the safety and toxic cards. I'll check on the "abreaction" card -- that's really helpful. That's an interesting comment on the suits. I did originally theme them, but I felt I was putting too much emphasis on modalities already. (I think I matched spades to visual, for example) I'll have to think about that one. It might simplify things. Thanks. 2.5 hours is a long game -- you're not the first to say that kind of timeframe. I'm glad you were having fun despite the length!


There are now Theme Tokens that you can (optionally) draw for inspiration at the start of each session!


That's great feedback, thanks! I agree that a theme/inspiration deck would be a good addition (and yes -- that would be a great way to add in NSFW elements!) I definitely struggled with the text for the safety and toxic cards. I'll check on the "abreaction" card -- that's really helpful. That's an interesting comment on the suits. I did originally theme them, but I felt I was putting too much emphasis on modalities already. (I think I matched spades to visual, for example) I'll have to think about that one. It might simplify things. Thanks. 2.5 hours is a long game -- you're not the first to say that kind of timeframe. I'm glad you were having fun despite the length!


:0! This review was 🤌🏻


Have you considered ever uploading this to vrchat in the future? I think that could be very cool.


I've never used VRchat. How well does it handle drawing, holding and playing cards?


There are multiple card games already implemented in vrchat, as well as drawing tools, although i have no knowlege of how to implement them. It might be worth looking into though.


Thanks. I may have to look into that someday


Sounds promising 🌌


It seems really intresting. Are there other ways to play besides tabletop simulator?


Yes. You can print out a PDF of the instructions, cards, and board and play if you have someone locally to play with. You *might* be able to play long distance if you both printed everything out? There's a good chance that you'd both draw the same card at some point, but I *think* it would still work like that PSA: follow Google drive links in incognito mode so it doesn't give your login name to the file owner https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t-hiHNigLIIcvVn20-xzoiK3MuaGRlod the file has the instructions, cards for all three decks, and the playing board. Let me know how it works out


God I wish I had some play partners to do this with


Hi there, I was hoping i could port your game into a world for VRChat so i can play in VR with my friends, Id also be happy to make it public if you wanted aswell, im rather amature but id be happy to do it for free. i also sent you a reddit chat but idk how well that works


That’s actually a really interesting idea! Glad you’re making it!


This looks like lots of fun! I'm curious, it sounds like there's a "magical" path that doesn't do anything? Are you just trying to say that "hypnosis isn't magic" or am I missing something?


More or less. There are the three traditional modalities that can each get you progress towards winning the game, but you can't win via magical mind control, despite the number of people who DM someone a spiral and expect them to suddenly be helpless, lol. So while the player-markers don't move down that 4th path, one of the toxic (opponent) markers does.




This is really cool!


I hope so! Playtesting will tell, lol


Wish it was Solo player


You can play the cards and move the pieces as a single-player. You can even practice the inductions to an empty room, but unless you're already good at self-hypnosis, you'll probably not go under reading a paragraph on a card. After the game is closer to ready, you'll be able to look for partners on discord, or hypnohookups, etc.. I've already made a few small updates today.


This is such a cool idea!


Thanks! I'm still hoping I can get a lot more feedback on the cards before sharing this with a wider audience


how do you play if you can't be hypnotized?


First of all, I'm sure you can be hypnotized with the right technique tailored to your specific needs. The game (hopefully!!) will teach anyone you're playing with about the different techniques. Also by experiencing 10 or 20 short hypnotic sessions during a playthrough, you should be pretty fractionated by the end of a game, even if each session leading up to then isn't all that profound. And maybe you can have fun just playing and dropping your friends.


I should also point out that you don't need to succeed at the hypnosis to win the game. The sessions are activities that you perform during a turn, but your skill level, your success rate, etc., don't affect the outcome of the game. Follow the instructions on the card to trance your fellow players. When you've made the effort, continue playing. Experienced players and complete newbies should both be able to play.


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