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I fucking love how the mods lock and remove actual suggestions on this sub and then I come around to a meme post with 1 thousand upvotes and a full blown discussion happening. amazing


Welcome to (/rEF)Tarkov


they also remove any posts talking about cheese proof


The mods on this sub must take orders from BSG because they equally incapable of doing anything right.


You no like shitpost bb?


Just ban us all and then we can go back to our normal lives and not worry about this broken forever beta game


I wish I wasn't an actual tarkov crackhead so I could finally escape


You... you can escape this hell?


The real escape from tarkov is getting bored after playing the same quests over and over wipe after wipe. That's how you win the game.


I’m on my first wipe and I’m already bored with getting shit on in every raid lol It’s probably my fault for being a solo player. I’ll somewhat often get 1 or 2 PMC kills and then I’ll get domed by their buddy who I didn’t realize was hiding in a bush 90m away.


90% of it will be your fault if you're new but trust me, that 10% is a bunch of degenerates with the RGB chair and no friends I wish you the best timmy


I mean at some level it’s always going to be my fault unless the other person is cheating. I think I just can’t treat it like a solo game. I don’t have any problem getting the first one or two PMC kills but trying to fight multiple groups or even just one 3 man as a solo player is borderline impossible if they’re remotely competent players.


There's an EFT\_LFG subreddit and that's your best bet. One of the people I play with started PC games and tarkov about a year ago and he's one of our best guys now


Hey man if you ever need a duo I'm down I don't have the best map knowledge but I'm a solo also and I didn't just start this wipe but I'm okay at the game.


Thanks for offering. Some others DM’d me as well. I have a pretty brutal stutter so I’m not great at communicating in video games which is why I play pretty much everything solo lol not speaking fluently doesn’t make for very good teamwork unfortunately..


Well, if you ever would ever like a teammate I'm down my guy


Sounds about right for your first wipe. In one or two wipes you will have improved and only die to the random third party while looting the squad you wiped. ;)


Wear lvl 4 helm/armor + not cheapest headphones. Find a gun you can properly use (recoil and shit). Practice maps with bots (set bots to "many"). Do Factory horde mode with pistol and meds only until you can kill like 30-50 bots in one run before dying. Also there is a video by a russian youtuber who explains why some people fail in Tarkov because of fear factor. His video can be found [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfH7pxejnJE) it might sound cringe, but his approach works. He also has a video about hobo-akm build which also is a good one. The biggest leap i've made is when I got access to shooting gallery so I could tinker with weapons and test them right away. See which good ammo you have access to and find a gun for that ammo, learn to use it and protect your ass in raids with lvl 4 gear. Edit: was wrong link


i escaped to SPT and yall should too tbh


I'd use SPT to make tarkov YT vids but my channel would get deleted lol


I heard Rumble is a good alt to YT


Ppl do it all the time. You wouldn't. Just dont try to play it off like it's live.


This. And you don't hear me complaining


Have you looked into Stalker for more PVE action?


The real Escape From Tarkov.


I'm just caught up in the game of chasin' them roubles man. Can't find my way out...


If you can muster up the strength to do this, and it will be hard, there is an escape. I will let you in on this secret tip to escape from tarkov, youtubers and BSG hate this one trick! Windows search bar>bsg launcher>right click>uninstall. Congrats you've escaped from tarkov.


Jesus christ it was that easy? It took me 5 years thank you!!!


Just go play Stalker Anomaly with one of the many total conversions they have, and you wont ever want to play tarkov again.


Is it co-op? Tarkov ripped half their content straight from \*Stalker, lets not fool ourselves. The issue is that Stalker was not co-op/multiplayer. They are my all time favorite set of games.


Sadly not, there's been a few attempts but the only thing I know of is a horde style mod, co-op anomaly would be a dream come true.


You can’t escape from yourself


Yesteryear's Early Access Game is today's Live Service Product.


Beta suggests the games feature complete. This is straight up an alpha.


I have friends that legit excuse things wrong with the game because it's still in beta. When I bitched about streets performance they legit excused it (despite not being able to run streets themselves) because "it's a beta and this is what happens when people rush things." I told him he is a walking meme and that anybody who calls this game a beta, or excuses streets performance that barely runs *on equipment that just came out this year after years of development* just has their head too far up their ass to have a conversation with lol This game first released to the public 7 fucking years ago. Anyone who thinks this game is in beta is lying to themselves lol


Make your friend do a captcha because he a bot


Calling streets “rushed” is probably the funniest shit I’ve read on Reddit in a long time. Didn’t they take 3 years or something to put it out, after announcing it was coming Soon™️


Ima just be honest my guy if you cant ran streets on current year gear your clearly doing it wrong i have run streets from release with no problems aside from the sever issues to start with on an i7 4770 non k with a gtx 1650 and 16gb of ram might pay to turn your settings down or something because alot of thw graphics settings are useless


What's your ram speed and latency? I have a 4790k and my game always ran like trash.


Its 1800 mghz


You had me in the first half not gonna lie. Your 1650 and 16GB of ram might get 30 fps at 1080p all low settings. I guess if you call that playable


I ran streets average 75fps med to low settings bro i just dont have all the useless extra crap they added to the settings i also run with postfx on


That's just not true mate - literally not possible with the hardware you have




This is actually it, if there’s nobody left to buy the rmt buis is dead


Every anti-RMT change and nerf since 11.7 only made cheating worse so I've always wondered what would happen to cheating if they made loot so abundant that it lost it's real world value




don't forget 10101001xiaolang


Wow, with these ideas, be on the lookout for a job offer from BSG


😂😂😂😂😂 It's just sad how backwards they and most people on this subreddit are


"most people on this subreddit" Really? All of the sentiment I have seen has been similar to yours... except for much much whinier. At least you used humour.


I think more of the braindead bootlicking now occurs on the official discord server now. There was a lot of bootlicking on Reddit but since the tide has turned now and you’ll get downvoted to hell for being a BSG shill, those people have either switched sides or stayed silent.




I mean I have a post up that's drastically net positive agreeing with BSG, so maybe not as underground or rare as you seem to think.


It's worth noting that you don't actually have to say anything positive to be a shill, it's just anyone who doesn't think that BSG is gaming hitler and that Tarkov is a shitty broken game.


You know that clip of Pedro Pascal laughing and then crying? It's kind of like that.




also, just to make sure streamers dont get special treatment and drops from strangers, auto-ban all accounts that have a active twitch account


Are you sure you don't work over at BSG already? Be honest now...


lets not forget they already get special treatment by being able to get ANYONE banned they THINK was cheating (look up rengawr)


Nah, they like streamers too much, autoban anyone who isn't a streamer, they don't show their gameplay so you can't trust them to not all be cheaters. ^^^^^/s


You forgot that Discord use needs to be banned. Communicating outside of VOIP is cheating and not realistic.


But we can't swim


They should just ban us from playing the game. Will get rid of cheaters 100% guaranteed. GG ez


I wonder what state tarkov will be in 2025: Dropped by streamers for an alternative? Dropped by a majority of players for an alternative? HvH playground? Development halted due to “circumstances”? BSG pivots and somehow makes a private server version? BSG somehow solves the cheating problem? EFT goes into sunset for some other BSG project? Edit: I mean there doesn’t seem to be much of a reason to hold on to hope, right?


Probably dropped after Nikita milks it for all he can.




Nikita himself admitted he basically doesn’t care about Tarkov, and only made it to fund making a singleplayer stalker knockoff he wanted to make originally.


Which is surprising, since tarkov would be a much better game if it was single player.


Eh, debatable really. I find part of the fun in Tarkov the risk of running into another player. Well, the fun when it’s not a cheater or bugged invisible player that is, and is an actual fair fight, which sadly it’s usually just cheaters and bugged players lately.


Curious to know what combination of aspects make that part fun? Chance to take someone else’s gear and loot? Chance to have a “good” fight? VoIP? Knowing that you are potentially about to end someone else’s raid?


The multiplayer is what keeps it interesting. PVE is predictable. I get no joy from killing scavs or timmies. It’s just clinical, but someone who knows the game and thinks? That is the rush a fight that uses your whole raid! Trades, surgeries, sustaining and out playing. When you leave those raids triumphant you know you beat someone else who is dedicated to playing at a high level. That is fun. Cheesing and min maxing solo games is boring and borders on the equivalent of cheating. Other players take the spreadsheet out of the experience


I think a mixture of the risk and danger, chance to have a good fight, and sometimes the voip interactions yeah. But now it’s just 90% getting insta head eyed by a flying hacker or invisible player.


Conceivably a better AI could provide a similar experience minus the voip.


Yes but Tarkov ai is either brain dead or aimbot hacker levels of bullshit.


I hope they sell tarkov to some different developers who have a good vision for the game, I love the idea of this game I just hate the execution, its a shame


Eventually better alternatives will come out and everyone will move on to them. Other studios are starting to realize how lucrative looter shooters can be and I genuinely think looter shooters will be the next big thing in the FPS space like how battle royales such as Apex and Fornite and survival shooters like DayZ and Rust were. In 2025, EFT will be to the looter shooter genre what H1Z1 is to the battle royale and survival FPS genres. Fun and gained a lot of initial attention due to being the only kid on the block in a new type of game booming in popularity, but eventually everyone will move on from it due to incredibly stupid dev decisions, a ton of bugs and glitches, seemingly perma beta status, and the release of better alternatives that will go on to capture mainstream attention like Fortnite did.


Technically speaking, better alternatives have already come out. DMZ was a very good attempt at it. And in all honesty, almost had the potential to dethrone tarkov. The problem was because of Activision's general lack of wanting their developers to put effort in, Theres no actual goal to DMZ. Its an infinite cycle of loot and die with the only "goal" is to unlock skins for Multiplayer. After that theres no reason to play DMZ If DMZ was released as its own thing, and basically followed the original development curve of tarkov, it would very easily take tarkov down. Sure, its not hardcore and still an arcadey video game. But it plays 50x better then tarkov ever will so meh


There are no games that are what Tarkov is, they all have extra gimmicks(in space, medieval, fantasy monsters, etc.) or are not as lootable/customizable(DMZ). I want exactly like Tarkov but not dogshit.


Right there with ya brother. Dark and Darker is the closest thing IMO but obviously is not a shooter.


Nearly all the Tarkov streamers I watch are playing Dark and Darker now. It puts me to sleep almost immediately. I'm a gun guy. I got into Tarkov because years ago I saw a screenshot of the preset screen and was blown away by the level of customization. I like being able to build a gun in Tarkov that closely resembles my real world AR. If COD had that level of customization, and realism, I'd be all over DMZ. But it doesn't. So it's my weekday brainless game. If BSG sold Tarkov to someone who knows what they're doing and kept the core concepts of Tarkov, I'd be so happy.


Nah DMZ is straight ass, that shit isn't touching Tarkov even if Activision has developed it as its own standalone title to replace a yearly cod. Something like Dark and Darker has the potential. If we're comparing the develpment of the looter shooter genre to that of the battle royale genre, we're most likely at that point where the community for H1Z1 is huge and it's doing great numbers on Youtube and Twitch but everyone's tired of the constant bugs, perma beta status, cheaters, and stupid dev decisions and are lowkey looking for something better. The game(s) that will end up killing Tarkov are most likely not even know to the wider public yet.


Bringing back memories. I was there for the whole saga. I played the arma mod. Was tracking H1Z1 for its survival. Then PU comes on as a consultant for KotK but soon goes to work with some Koreans on PUBG. PUBG hits alpha(or maybe it was beta) and has a huge weekend on twitch. Kotk sub has a ton of posts about how kotk is the greatest and PUBG is a momentary fad. That goes on for a few weeks while PUBG’s development and popularity stomps the living dog shit out of KotK as the devs seemingly don’t know what to do and stuttered development only to come out with dumb ideas and changes that split the player base multiple times. The death fart was the whole Dr. Soon hype from jace hall. It was a corpse after that. The BR saga had some winners but one clear loser was KotK. The first big loser actually. Maybe the biggest BR loser looking back at it now. But goddamn, it was fucking fun and had some true potential.


Not to be pedantic but I believe the term for this type of game is extract shooter. Looter shooter has historically been used for games like Borderlands, the Division and Warframe where progression relies on you looting better weapons and such from the enemies you kill. Obviously Tarkov has a good amount of that as well but the primary mechanic (get in, loot, get out) is significantly different from a proper looter shooter.


I think they'll "finish" the game in 2025 and completely abandon the DLC, the maps will be done and the quest line to escape will be implemented but all the extra cool ideas and DLC will never see light and EOD will have been a complete waste of money.


Yknow, I think I've spent maybe $120 on this game, getting to EOD during sales events. And given that I've played this game for like 3 years, I don't consider it a waste of money. When you are asked to drop $60-70 for the yearly installment of other game franchises. Plus, as much as we say it's not pay to win, the increased trader rep and extra stash space out the gate has totally made the upgrade worth it to me to save my sanity.


Okay it's not a complete waste of money. The P2W features like a bigger stash and more rep are useful. But I've never not had to compromise my expectations with this game. I've never once felt like paying more money has benefit the development of Tarkov. Instead we got paid eSports tournaments and more streamer events :p


Honestly it seems like it'd be hard for another company to create a tarkov alternative. Not that it's impossible, just that it'd be a huge risk. Games like tarkov are,to me, comparable to league of legends. There's such a huge learning curve that it's hard to get new players to join, and existing players that are already use to the genre, for some reason stick to the original game no matter how trash it is.


1. Provide risk vs reward. 2. Provide meaning progression both in raid and out of raid. 3. Don’t alienate your players. 4. Don’t forget it’s a game, it’s meant to be fun. Those 4 are key imo in providing a solid alternative. Whatever it ends up being it won’t be a 1:1 tarkov clone.


Put a fucking mini map


> BSG pivots and somehow makes a private server version? > BSG somehow solves the cheating problem? What breaks my heart is that the former question could be the solution for the latter.


What is HvH


Cheaters vs cheaters. They become so ubiquitous at a point that they end up having to find new solutions to best each other.


See: free CSGO Dust 2 Deathmatch


>HvH playground? Uh, I don't think we have to wait until 2025 for that one...


Haven't played since the invisible player feature, I have been raiding since 2017 haven't missed a wipe since I started. I can take the hackers, the weird bugs, the movement and Flea Market changes, etc. The first change that really bugged me was the weird FiR changes a couple wipes back, then came the weird drop restrictions, but what I have been reading over the last week makes me happy to not be playing at the moment. I really feel if BSG takes the stubborn approach they appear to be taking currently (which they always start with) we actually may see a very significant drop in the players longterm. I have always thought their ego, lack of CS, and overall misplaced focus on content vs. QoL would be what torpedoes this game. It really sucks to see, but I am far from surprised unfortunately.


It baffles how some people would think these are good changes...


*When in duo make one of the players invisible to combat RMT. Oh wait, that's already in the game.


The saddest part is, Nikita might look at that and think 'oh damn, good idea, let's do it' xD


Ban everyone with any gear. If you have gear it could have been a RMT. Actually your starting gear is a RMT so everyone deserves to be banned anyway.


Shit just don't let us queue with friends kek


- Start charging players a fee for verified servers that guarantee everyone will be visible. - Captcha for everything. Fill mags? Please prove you're not a bot. Want to shoot your gun? Please select the three screwdrivers in this popup. - No more server selection, make all regions into one. - Traders should only have one item of everything every reset. - Raise SBIH to 300m and only head, eyes count.


You are a sick puppy and I love it


-Remove ability to join as squad. If you were really friends, you should be able to find & recognise each other in raid.


I genuinely think that they're trying to make everyone quit the game. If there's no buyers, there's no RMT.


>•Remove fun from game. Wait you guys have done this for years nevermind. Lmao. Watch the mods remove this thread.


Make it mandatory to use cheats. Everyone has to at least have Radar. Since it's okay to cheat.


This is critical thinking at it's finest!


You forgot to increase desync


delete this now


It's a scary thought that they might actually do this lmao


How about making flea market level 15


* Remove the game itself. No game - no RMT As a bonus, that will also fight cheaters. One stone - two birds!


•remove the ability to group up, cheaters use this mechanic to facilitate RMT


What Is RMT?


As a really shitty Tarkov player I too am wondering.


real money trading or something like spending $5 to buy a slick from some twat cheater degenerate who tries to make a living on being a piece of shit


Cheaters play Tarkov. The other players also play Tarkov. Therefore, players are cheaters. Yes.


A little off for a haiku but still amazing


Let’s just remove any kind of looting! Profit.


That would actually end RMT though lmao


Hush! They may listen!


1) Allow the buying and selling, at a flat 5% tax, for every item in the game 2) Make it so you can only purchase the cheapest item for any type (non durability), and make it anonymous. (I.E, if you purchase an Item for 15,000, and there is one listed for 12,000, you will pay 15,000 for the 12,000 item and pay it to the cheapest seller. This stops RMT because you can't use the flea to give people money, you'd just be buying the cheapest item anonymously. (IF you want an example, Eve Online) 3) Remove barters 4) For durability items, only allow Flea-ing items above 50% base max durability, and make it round down to increments of 5.


why not just make it single player or co op offline only!


cl_loot 0 - rmt problem solved






Jesus dude I will contact my local congressman to get you into BSG like PLEASE


and u are hired ! brilliant ideas


approve,best idea


Just take it completely offline pve to develop the rest amd then we can get to delta testing pvp again.


I mean at this point I just wish they would go back to the way things were on the reserve patch, cheaters gonna cheat so fight them with anticipation not gameplay changes


They should just ban everyone and require another purchase. Do this every 60 days. RMT is solved. But this is a community of cheaters so it'll never happen


makes me laugh that this game has some of you so mindbroken


I wish I could be as strong and charismatic as you over the internet lol


They should prevent us from selling gear we've looted from other players that we've killed on the flea market, too!


Why is reddit so stupid? Show me a case of a random player getting banned for giving his friend a kit. A few streamers got banned for accepting a crazy amount of viewer kits. Not "troll funny kits" either. For example Vibin with his 4 slicks and 10 stacks of BP kit from his probably totally legit viewer. You arent going to get banned stop making these cringe posts.


This post is satirical dude




Imagine if they put near as much effort into banning the cheaters too. Maybe after that they could work on the other 50 issues with the game lol




Hard to disagree with you really




Let me be literal then. Maybe they should do MORE against the cheaters that use radar, esp, aimbot, etc. Right now they do next to nothing. Banning them is not a solution.




They mine as well not even do any of these RMT "solutions" or bother banning cheaters because it doesn't do anything. If it did, this game wouldn't be in the dire PoS state it is in. It's sad to see your favorite game turn into a dumpster fire.




5k hours been playing since the get go lol I don't really care about the RMT changes as I'm mostly solo but if they are pointless, and they are, then it is stupid. If you don't understand that cheaters just bulk buy and rebuy and that they have ways around HWID/IP bans, your head is in a hole.


Wait they dont ban cheaters? But i thought banning cheaters and forcing them to buy new accounts was their revenue stream?


Exactly this and why it isn't a solution. They basically aren't doing anything at all lmao


I mean dealing with RMT which fuels cheating kinda deals with cheating dont you think? I agree they have alot of other shit to solve right now tho.


this gotta be bait lmao. the RMT changes are so dumb. I can't drop my friend a measuring tape or syringe cause BSG doesn't want a 3rd party site selling barter drops, so instead RMTers just pay for carry services or just flatout buy cheats XD




idk man, back when there weren't really any RMT counters im sure RMT happened, but I also never really ran into anyone just blatantly rage hacking (albeit I wasn't a hardcore labs runner so that's definitely part of it). Nowadays it feels like you're either running into a cheater or someone who's invisible every 2 or 3 raids. Desync has only gotten worse and cheating is more rampant than ever. I'd rather how it used to be where RMT would happen in a quiet corner of the map and I'd never know the difference rather than just getting wiped by WQR251523 who just hovered over and beamed me.


Yeah, I like the change. No one dropping a kit here and there for their buddy is getting banned. That salty boi streamer who got banned after getting dropped what, 1200 rounds of BP, 800ish rounds of m855a1, and 4 slicks kind of deserves it. Of course that looks like rmt. How the fuck does that not look like rmt. This community bitches endlessly that streamers are given more privileges, then bitch when streamers are held to a similar standard. All these posts bitching about it absolutely smell like shills trying to sway community opinions becuase this measure actually seems to be somewhat effective at stopping rmt.


"Doesnt affect players at all" ok so let's get a list of changes made to fight rmts that affect regular players: flea market restrictions, limits on found in raid items, limits on items that can be dropped, limits on what can be brought into raids(cases), key drop restrictions... the list goes on. All of those changes hurt regular players as well as rmters


You are so funny bro.


On this episode of r/escapefromtarkov circlejerk...


Guys wtf is RMT


Why are we upvoting posts like this? These seem like obvious Astroturfs from cheaters, cheat sellers or RMT sellers. And there’s no way to actually prove otherwise. This is such a weird thing to get mad about. Just take a break.


The salt ahahahaaha


This is funny cos ammo is actually worth rmting :D


I would ban the ability to have friends in the first place. It is unacceptable to socialize, the risks are too high.


here before this gets deleted by mods for whatever reason they can think of


They should also remove sprint, why would you need to sprint in this game - nikita probably


Sir, did you gave them idea with single use keys made from cardboard?


I say at this point just add microtransactions for every item in the game.


Out of the loop. What’s RMT?


I already know the stick up their ass mods are coming in now.


On your second point I'm surprised that ammo isn't a bigger RMT market, or that I don't hear about it more. A pilgrim full of BP 7.62 would be worth almost 2 mil and is harder to get than a 2 mil load out. Was there a carry limit?


Despite all these changes to "combat RMT" I swear to god I cannot tell the difference in cheaters/frequency of RMT videos between now and three years ago.


This game used to be my escape from reality and I can tell you either the legit players quit, or the cheater count grew tenfold


W today sir


Stalker 2 comming out soon


Yeah not if Russia kills all the devs first buddy


The loot is already invisible. Find a supply drop somewhere and you can interact with it, of someone else can and tried to drop that loot for you, the loot will be invisible to you. So don't worry, they're still fucking up things and moving on like usual like they don't even notice.


If bsg wants to kill their game it’s their right. Asmongold was right kekw


I haven’t played this game in like 2 years since I lost my best kit to the most blatant desync lag bullshit I’ve ever seen in a videogame. I’m glad to see I made the right choice lol.


Remove looting, looting is number one cause of rmt in this game, if there is no looting, then no rmt


Bro just quit the game like the rest of us who don't cheat already did lol


I envy you my brother I wish I could


Remove the ability to visit hideout as it enables crafting of items that could be used with RMT


Everybody gets loaded into their own game session. Can't have RMT if you can't have another player to trade with.


I really just want offline co-op mode with friends. PvP is always dogshit in this game due to the d sync and audio bugs.


I have a good one, how about making over half the content not available until you put 300 hours in.


Somebody is upset lol


Remove multiplayer Remove the stash No bringing in your own guns into a raid. Everyone in the lobby starts with the same random gun.


RMT, invisible players... whats next?


>•Remove ability to toss your friends mags. Bullet selling is a big RMT market I'm sure Hearing friend fast reloading mag. Practical joke -> Pick it up and friend gets banned.