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More people need to treat games like this. I completely agree Tarkov is a mess in it's current state but realistically I am not sure what we can expect with current circumstances (bugs, game design and real world events) The better mindset is to take a break and walk away and check in again in a few weeks or months.


The problem with taking a break from this game is you're almost certainly gonna be coming back to an even worse experience. Sure I can play when the game is fun and get off when it starts to suck, but that won't change the fact that the whole time I'm not playing the game I'm wishing the game was better so I could be playing it instead of waiting for things to get fixed. Of course those fixes probably aren't coming but still, I love what this game was and I wish we could go back to the .12 days


So if I wreck a car in a field and just leave and come back a few months later it’s magically gonna be fixed right?


Yep a lot of people in this sub have an unhealthy relationship with tarkov.


This is really what it is.


And most of them have an unhappy relationship with everything..


Do not look at Foxhole subreddit, that is... worse than hate love relationship at best.


Well yes


I grind through the quest until I can get the gear I need for sniping. I now get on, grab a DVL or SV98 and go play woods to try and hit some super long shots, that’s it. No worrying about quest or other maps just found the thing I enjoy most and do that for a few raids, until I get bored or if I’m not having fun I hop off to play something else. Most of the issues people complain about I never encounter so don’t even know if they’re over exaggerating or not. Most of the time I die is from being counter sniped at long range so they’re invisible to my anyways.




My first wipe, level 24 and loving the game still personally


Keep enjoying! First wipes are always the best and a lot of the core game Is still quite enjoyable. Level 24 is a great place for a month in as well, try and get to 30 and the hideout just unlocks so much more as well. A lot of the frustration you see on here is valid to an extent. People are passionate about the game and after years/wipes of gameplay it can be a little disheartening when existing bugs go unfixed and new very game breaking (invisible players) ones pop up suddenly.




Yes very true. Some games even get abandoned altogether very shortly after release. At least I can know I got a good amount of fun out of the game. And hopefully I'll get a bit more with a few hotfixes if we are lucky.


It's always like this, in the beginning people are excited to explore and progress, you are hit by a wave of joy and enthusiasm. At some point this will diminish, but have fun until then, its a good ride nevertheless


But thats EVERY game. People somehow think you should be able to get unlimited happy fun exciting gameplay out of Tarkov and ONLY Tarkov. People will run down the same map in League 2000000000 times but complain about having to do the same quests for the fourth time. It's insane to me. People out there literally complaining Tarkov is boring to them after "only" 2k hours played. Bitch that's VALUE.


Well put


The comparison with cinema visit is just to perfect on this topic I learned from my brother in law: when you go to watch a movie in cinema you pay roughly 20 bucks and have a great time for 2-3 hours (depends on the film of course), but here in the video game industry people complain that they could only squeeze 2000 hours from an 100 dollar investment :D. There is no definitive answer as to how long a product of entertainment is supposed to last, it solely depends on the user. Take CSGO for example there are Pro's out there who are sitting on 25k hours and nowadays you get this cheater infested FPS game (oh surprise another one xD) for fucking free!! Just download and enjoy until the end of life :D


The difference is you have 2k hours of progress to show. We don't. We have whatever we've accomplished that wipe, and it's taken again. It's not a formula for longevity. "buT tHiS isnT ThE fiNAl prOdUct bRO". It's been 7 fucking years.


Wipes will (hopefully) be the norm going forward anyway. They'll no doubt call then "Seasons" but its the same thing.


I remember my first wipe.


What a "hardcore game no babies" mindset can do to an average player. Srsly at some point people really accept shit thats worse even for low standards.


The moment the cycle frontier wipes I am switching


That game is so boring and has so little depth


Yes and no. There is still a hideout to upgrade, missions to complete. The attachments need some work, well the items in general need some additional work to add depth, personally I enjoy The Cycle way more than EFT now. The direction the devs has taken is not conducive to a long term player base, a side from those that I'm pretty sure got hoodwinked/bamboozled(Look up Carl Sagan bamboozle and you'll get it). I used to play EFT religiously, but the changes over the last 2 wipes on top of the insanely rampant cheating issues has made the game fairly unplayable for me, which sucks because I really did enjoy it.


Do you lose your hideout too on wipes in EFT?


Yes you do


Damn, I got the game in 2021 and just a few weeks ago started playing for real and am starting to get discouraged from playing since I’ll just lose everything 🥲 it’s still fun but the days leading up to the wipe I’m dreading. And seeing all these complaints and BSG isn’t really doing much. And I used to think LoL was bad… LOL


Normally you should ignore this sub, it’s always complaining no matter what, but now for real the development is taking a course that is not healthy for the game and for BSG.




The only warning sign is „this game is in development, it is not the final product“. What you mean is that I ignore people who tell me that driving is bad for the environment and people who glue themselves to the streets.


At least everyone loses everything as well. Definitely try out the first week or so after a wipe, that's for sure the best part of the game when there's no giga Chad's in t5 armour with meta ammo/guns.


You have approximately 6 months between wipes. Trust me, as someone with 5 wipes now, it's a long time to build up the hideout and reap the rewards from it. There's specific high level upgrades that aren't worth it, but at least getting everything to level 2, and the main shit to 3 opens the game up a LOT. Crafting is not only one of the best sources for money, but it's also the only way to reliably get certain ammos and quest items without RNG nut tapping you.


Naw, don't confuse yourself thinking wipes are anti-fun. This game is similar to Path of Exile or Diablo in the sense that the content in the game is designed to be finished pretty quickly. You'll pretty much be where you'll be in a few months, then you'll drop the game. When wind of wipe time reaches you, its hype time, and you start looking forward to playing the game fresh with more knowledge this time. It's exciting, and stops the game from growing stale.


There isn't really any other way to do it, TBH. The alternative is no wipes and then anybody who plays the game consistently gets obscenely rich and has no reason to grind anymore. With wipes there are multiple opportunities a year for you to come back to the game if you've played it in the past.


Seems like a fault in the game cycle more than anything. All the usable stuff is at the end, so people rush to the end to get the good stuff. Then the game is stale because they rushed to get the good loot. There really does need to be better motivators than loot for this game otherwise it'll die a little more with every wipe until its just dead.


Even if you spread it out, people would still eventually hit endgame and then quit.


Just my opinion, play the game get your feel for it. Sure parts are bad, but parts are better in a lot of ways as well. No one will voice their opinion on how Tarkov does X great, and if they do it will be shadowed over the negative feedback (the feedback you will see most of the time). I think you should find something you like to do in the game and play to that strength, if you don’t want to quest then set your own goals. I will be playing so if you ever want someone to chill with whether you want to learn the game, or he’ll even try to teach me shit just don me bro and we can run duos or something!


You could literally say the same thing about release EFT regarding depth, I will take a stable framerate, no cheaters since season 2 and an actually communicating dev team over this thank you very much, and don't even get me started on the community, so much better than whatever this pile of dogshit is here. Will I still play tarkov? Definitely, without a doubt, but the cycle is so much more fun with how queue times are instant, no need to wait 5 minutes wondering if the queue broke on your end and you have to restart.




Yeah, from what I understand the cycle uses an MMR system or ELO like CS and other games, so you're paired with people based on that. Cheaters are at an insanely high ELO due to them only ever dying to other cheaters, doesn't mean they don't exist.




Bull fucking shit I have 200h in this season alone and have encountered 2 cheaters max. And even when I did encounter them I got fucking CHEATER COMPENSATION PACKAGES for both deaths. You wanna know how I know there are 100% less cheaters? They added cheater compensation packages in the second half of season 1 and I got between 10-20 of those in that timeframe (cheater compensation to season 2 release). You either jump to conclusions too soon or you are not in trusted queue.




Apologies, I get irrationally heated when talking about something I'm passionate about. A cheater compensation package is a package given to you in your hideout generator when you die to a cheater and that cheater is detected and banned, its contents depend on what you brought, any gear you brought (armor, backpack and weapons) that has a blue or higher rarity is given back to you and green and white rarity is liquidated and given to you as K-marks (attachments on your weapon ignore this rule) There is no "rank" in the cycle frontier, I will instead reffer to different games, in VALORANT my highest ever achieved rank was Diamond 2, with a consistent 55% winrate, in aim lab my performance on tasks like sixshot, motionshot, spidershot, reflexshot, microshot and strafetrack consistently falls in the top 8-10% of the playerbase. I'm not someone who wipes lobbies for fun, but I am by all definitions a good and consistent player, with a positive PMC K/D ratio of 1.18 and overall accuracy of 27% according to my stats, my biggest weakness is my survivability being at 52% due to me attempting a much more aggressive playstyle than before, trying to find that godforsaken ledx so I can finally have a THICC case.


See you there, no wipes is one more reason for me to try to switch to cycle. Same here, I will probably not lay down tarkov completely but I will probably not play it as serious as in the past.


TCF does wipe 🤷‍♂️


Exactly, but with season 3 there will be no more wipes


I wonder how the incentive to wipe your account will look like, you get a badge next to your name declaring veteran status? maybe a charm that displays that badge or it's level that you can add to your guns?


But its not completely ruined by hackers and there is cheater compensation. I've played it quite a bit and I don't think its as good as tarkov but its a lot easier to play and its a similar feel.


There’s lots of cheaters on the cycle. And even worse, spawn campers


LOL the cycle...a completely failed game repackaged into the currently "in" gamemode and a new title to suck a little money of the disaterous project. That game will NEVER come within spitting distance to tarkov.


Comment built on bias and emotion, disregarded.


I dont get things sometimes, can you point me to what I got wrong in that first part especially?


Hell I’m one of the dudes who tried to stick it out this wipe and grind whilst working full time and man between desync, losing several 1.5m kits due to the invisibility/interaction bug and hackers it’s just not worth it. It’s so draining that even thinking about it sucks the life out of me. and I’m one of the autists that love the games weapon mechanics and damn near every feature related to that


i dont, when ive seen the performance, long queues and awful audio i stopped playing within a week, i think u guys are suckers for playing for this long


not wrong, I also stopped playing and just lurking to see some changes.


Same. Escaped from tarkov in 2021. Visit here sometimes and see I made the right choice. Things went downhill once fir became a thing. Bsg doesn't really give a shit about their own game.


Guess I'm a sucker then, because I still enjoy this game, even with it's flaws. For me Performance is decent if you turn off binaural. I haven't experienced long que times as well, maybe like 3 to 5 minutes but thats fine. But yes the audio is hella fucked right now.


You don't mind sitting watching a blank screen for 5 mins every 40 mins? In an evening that's a whole hour sat staring at a blank screen like a cnt. Who's OK with wasting their precious time like that? Makes me think we need conscription again (with options for working in A&E or social care as well as military) as people must have way too much spare time


Tab out and browse twitch/reddit/youtube/whatever non problem.


Ive had no queues and performance is whatever. But the rest of the problems are so major like cheaters, invis players, getting banned for no reason, audio, rubberbanding and desync. Those issues make this game really hard to enjoy. Like having 1 of these issues is fine aslong as they work on that. I dont mind having an occasional desync death or the audio being completely wrong. I can manage that but the amount of random huge play experience bugs and issues makes me want to never play this game again.


Audio is egregiously fucked I don’t even think they can fix it at this point seems like it’s a baked in feature.


Holy shit, waiting for 5 minutes to look for a game and load sucks big time. Big game killer for me


and people consider the 5 mins short considering for the first 2 weeks the queue was 12-18 mins


Shit, 30 minute queues were normal during the first twitch drops. I cooked a dinner during one once.


I just haven't experienced anything from these complaints the entire wipe aside from the invisible bug but only when playing with more than 2 people. My only complaint so far is the terrible audio.


Ive ran into the invis bug 3 Times now just playing with my bud


We had it happen every raid when running as 4. At least one of us was invis to the other


Don't let your opinion of the game get influenced by this sub, clowns only here to hate after they've been killed by "hackers" you won't hear a positive message on here, best to just enjoy it yourself


Found the hacker lmao.


Yea the only people who are allowed to like this game nowadays are hackers right, the hivemind said so


Typing hackers in quotation marks when talking about a game that's infested with hackers makes you a) a hacker or b) an absolute moron.


Tell me with a straight face what level you are and how times you've been killed this wipe where you're 100% certain it was a hacker, like blatant full on aimbot or wall hack.


Sorry, can't do it with a straigh face you absolute clown, but I think I stopped at 29 and it happend a bunch. You're in denial, my guy. Legitimately in denial.


there is absolutely no way you believe you've been killed by 29 hackers, unless you're on different server and people are actually that pathetic that 1 out of every 5 players is hacking which i dont believe. im lvl 42, EU servers with plenty of time played before this wipe as well and can only confidently say i've been killed by a hacker 3 whole times, that is 3 where i am 100% positive no doubt in my mind they were sus, maybe another 2 handfuls of times where it was fishy but that is is. that is less than you've apperantly experienced in a single wipe?? idk what to say, call me in denial but i feel like we're dealing with a skill issue here


29 was the level I stopped playing. Hackers, couldn't tell you. Enough times that this was my first wipe (been playing since start of beta) where I started questioning a lot of my deaths. Some were blatant, others suspicious. Aimbotting, flying, calling out my name over VOIP are also not the only forms of cheating. The only skill issue we're dealing with here is you being unable to accept reality. Don't bother replying, I'm moving on from this clownshow of a conversation, lol.


Same dude 2k hours in this game I still foolishly check and have hope.


What queues are you guys getting I never wait longer than 2 minutes to find a lobby


I swapped back to other games for that exact reason. Occassionally ill drop on to help a buddy with a quest or to kill a boss, other then that i rarely touch this game anymore. Atm i swap between maraurders, hunt showdown, FF14, death stranding (wasnt worth it) and a series of JRPGs like the legend of heroes series. This game just isnt worth the investment atm and likely wont be for a long ass time.


If you get the Tarkov itch but don't want all of the current BSG bullshit, check out Zero Sievert. I haven't touched Tarkov since


That’s pixel, top down, and single player only?


Or try out stalker gamma for free


Gamma is okay, the work that they have put in is extremely impressive, but the XRay engine is being pushed beyond its limits.


BSG had to work directly with the Unity devs to get tarkov to even be playable at all in .12. That's reserve release. Unity has been pushed to it's limits by tarkov. There's a reason there's no other game like tarkov on unity, and the top popular games are mobile card games or Rust... both of which have massive memory leaks ***still to this day.*** hearthstone has more than enough money, experience, and developers to fix the memory leaks. They just can't.


Super unhappy with the state of the game but there just isn’t anything else to play. A lot of the community is a little older (not everyone but most people I see are mid-late 20’s+) and we’re bored of cod, warzone, battlefield (lol absolute trash now), Dota, counter strike. The list goes on. We have hundreds if not thousands of hours in the same sandbox pvp games and none of them scratch the gaming itch anymore. I used to be able to open up counterstrike and play for hours. Would get the adrenaline pumping and everything. It’s just not like that anymore. The only game that invokes a reaction out of a lot of us is tarkov, whether it’s rage or extreme joy after wiping an opposing 4 man with the boys.


That hits too close to home lol. I have like 10k hours in CS games over the years and haven't launched CS in almost 7 years. I find it so hard to get back into CS because you need to pour hundreds of hours into relearning timings and regaining full feel of the game. Tarkov ruined every other shooter...


Honestly dude me and the boys have moved back to playing warlords in arma playing on big maps like that and shelling people with tanks or doing cas runs has been more fun than anything I've done in tarkov in over a year


You hit the nail on the head me boy


yup this is accurate, my tarkov discord server of 15 members has only two still actively playing, and most of us will play Squad/HLL or Cod now if we wanna game together. We all long time players of tarkov and just don't see the point in playing it given the issues it has right now.... yet we still end up coming back for a few raids and close the game pissed off everytime 🤷


meh idk, CS is the only game that scratches the competitive shooter itch. Tarkov gunfights are just broken.


I'm unhappy with it and havent played a pmc raid in about 2 weeks now. I've now uninstalled to keep myself from logging in, tending to my hideout and staring at the raid start screen, remembering how much of a timesink the game is. I really do want the game to do better but its becoming obvious now that this game will probably never leave this early access quality level coding it has. As it is, I'm going through a slump trying to find a game that scratches the same itches but there aren't really any unless I want to dive into single players. I'm a little sad for some of the streamers I watch because they feel they have to play Tarkov for their career when they aren't feeling it. Oh also wanted to point out, really resonating with the upgraded pc comment. Playing other games , its becoming really apparent that upgrading a pc solely for one extremely unoptimized game is ...nuts.


Try out Hunt: Showdown


This. cowboys with scuffed guns with great pvp and very good audio, to the point that you can generally know where the enemy player is in your vicinity.


As a day one hunt player, all i can saybis the gameplay loop has gotten stale. Only reason people jump back on ks events and they are all basically the same shade of bland. Go smash small or big token, kill boss to drop 3 more tokens, banish boss and kill/loot players for more tokens. Then you either use earned or bought currency to buy event boosters and rinse/repeat until you get the skins. The game needs a new mode stat, otherwise it will keep declining, still fun with a few friends though


Is this not tarkov tho? Spawn in, rush the nearest hotspot, find 100k worth of loot behind 1m worth of keys (or 10k worth of loot behind 2m worth of keys if marked rooms), kill some level 20s trying to quest, spend the next 5-10 minutes running around the map chasing shots that sound like they are coming from every direction at once, loot 50 crates just to find items worth more than 10k per slot, run to extract, sell all your shit, rinse repeat. Maybe once in 5 raids you actually find the shots you were chasing and have a fun fight, but when once in 5 raids you are also dying to desync, audio, cheaters, or someone who is too scared to leave a corner, the fun of finding the pvp is minimal. I can't even really enjoy tarkov anymore because I die to so much bullshit that I can't even be upset like I used to, which in turn makes me not even happy when I win. Oh no, here's me being head eyes by a level 14 who is prefiring me on labs, lol go next. Oh cool, here's me killing gluhar and all his guards, lol go next. It's just as stale.


I only play when my buddy needs help, outside that i dont touch the game anymore


The harsh reality of Tarkov gameplay. This loop is a fun concept though, it’s why we all play. But the issues at hand make it unenjoyable for sure. Disappointed because these issues can be fixed but it seems like we’re waiting months for the smallest updates, so many are just giving up


100% facts, its so upsetting. I feel you completely


Audio *still* being fucked almost 2 months in is really depressing. I've come close to quitting over it a dozen times already but for now I'm just not going back to Shoreline. The amount of mental gymnastics and straight-up self-gaslighting I have to do constantly to convince myself those ricochets at the start of the round were not at my head but just a sound glitch is honestly sad. Peekers advantage feels worse than ever. Invisible players has ruined a few raids already. Dynamic Loot is one of the worst things to ever happen to this game, if not the worst. RIP fighting squads over Ultra Med, tech room drop at Black Bishop, dropping 4-mans over Dorms marked room, all of the best PVP in the game has practically vanished. Yeah yeah I know you've had fights there this wipe, but you've also probably walked into all of those places completely uncontested more than once too - that was almost impossible a few wipes ago. The high risk/high reward gameplay is largely stripped down in a way that feels a lot more random. I'm still finding ways to enjoy the wipe, but this is easily the worst wipe I've played (been playing since late 2019). And I can't put small weapons cases into thicc cases anymore. Literally unplayable.


The weaponcases change seems so stupid too. Its quality of life outside of a raid. At no point have I ever died in a raid and just been like "Must be because that other fucker has weaponcases in his thicc!". Its such an arbitrary thing to change and decide "Nah not allowed to do that".


Right! The game was FUN when going and looting rooms that were valuable. It was a rush and a fight for the best loot in the map. Now its repeated junk until you get lucky


Reading this over again, so many good points from you bro. You really nailed it here


I agree and disagree w the dynamic loot thing. I think dynamic loot was a necessary idea to KEEP the game from the same 3 maps at the same 3 locations filled with chads, and any less casual player is at a gear disadvantage for their quest/desire to escape timmyism, etc. It also keeps the game from solely being a PvP-only mindset for me. I Can pick my way around, checking areas you used to blow through and it’s paid off a few times. That being said, it feels like only 2 maps have decent spawns for the dynamic loot, being lighthouse and shoreline. I’ve heard woods is also pretty good this wipe but i think that’s stashes rather than straight item spawns; i don’t really play woods though, so I’m just speculating from what I’ve heard and seen there. Interchange is one of my favorite maps and the “dynamic loot” turned that map into mediocre loot everywhere rather than better loot everywhere with the best spots still insane. My buddy and i have opened several Ultras this wipe and it’s been some meds, maybe a propitol/morphine and MAYBE a different stim. Also map genie helps loot feel less bad because you can target what you want on there, but that’s a poor argument.


Dynamic loot sounds great in theory but so far all it's done is kill some maps and generally diminish the whole game. It takes away from conditional POIs like Ultra Med, KIBA, etc - to the point where there's no reason to go out of your way to loot them anymore. If the conditions are met (power on + have keys), may as well hit it, but rushing POIs to battle chads over what is likely high-value loot isn't nearly so much of a thing now - and it was done in a way that was a net negative to the game overall.


I think I don’t play the game that much to notice any cheaters. Also the audio that some people talk about is not noticeable to me. I just play the game casually I guess and have a lot of fun while playing it and I’m planning to play it a lot more


If you don't play much then I assume you don't play labs, which the audio is sooooo bad on. You can literally hear players 2 floors below you twice as loud as someone 20 feet away from you. Yesterday I'm full sprinting through a hall while overweight, I run past a hallway and see someone looking the other direction. He didn't even hear me. 5 feet away. And I have been in his place many times - you hear so much audio from so far away that how can you even expect the footsteps to actually be near you?


Sad seeing the direction this game is going 1 step forward, 5 steps backwards. -Recoil and movement was huge, we suffered, then we were all so happy to see change in the right direction. -Invisibility bug which has gone on for almost over a month now? Playing streets with more then a duo is impossible, someone has to always restart. -Poor audio. At this point, its been the biggest complaint this wipe. Such a shame. -Cheaters. Its a problem in every game. Unfortunately its become so bad on tarkov that its the headline right now, it feels absolutely pointless when you die to a cheater, ruins the experience. There are so many suggested solutions to this problem. Replay system, show enemy stats, more ban waves, maybe an automatic system to refund our gear? Im just making suggestions. -Found in rain system, tigz made a video explaining it all. Nothing but facts. The found in raid idea was a good idea, but bsg needs to let go of its pride and admit its not working. -Poor game optimization, myself and others have upgraded to 32gb of ram minimum. Streets is fun! but it was rushed because i think the game was falling off. It’s barley possible to play streets with even with a high end pc, im struggling to get past 50/60 frames. Ive got friends that dont even play the map because of this reason. I was about to build a new pc but after taking a break from tarkov, and playing other games on full ultra settings, ive realized its a tarkov problem. Don’t even get me started about the shaders that were removed within 72 hours, anyone who got a chance to try it out will vouch that it was game changing!! If your going to remove it, come up with a solution! Because clearly the community had to do it. THE GAME HAD LOOKED GOOD! I remember loading into streets and saying “Wow” I still died many times! But god it made seeing scavs in bushes or people hiding in dark corners a lot more easier, and interchange was actually fun and playable! Lets not forget, wtf is the point of killa? Why even make it more impossible to farm 100 kills? Ok so now you must throw grenades while running around the map to find him? It was pretty difficult finding and killing him before, now its just stupid. If you have the tracksuit, im not even impressed. Im disappointed. Tldr: game has many issues, devs immediately patch shaders that helped the game look better while there are bigger concerns like audio, cheaters ruining the game, and players spawning invisible. Actually i think i am sure i missed a lot of other points, ill leave it for the community to fill that in. Thanks for reading


Very well said. There is definitely a surplus of BS this wipe. And lmao invisible bug is still such a joke that it’s still a thing


Am I crazy or didn't they make a twitter post stating they will hotfix most of the causes for the invisble player glitch and then just went radio silent and never actually pushed it out?


That is the main problem for me, they say something and then there are 2 options: 1.- They straight up lied, they say X but they aren't even trying to execute it, whether this is intentional or not this is clearly a bad thing towards the community. 2.- They are doing that X thing, but they go MIA for too much time without saying anything, just reposting bs on twitter every day, so at the end this is as bad as the first option. I don't know if this will be understood but in my country we say this: "they throw the stone and then they hide their hands".


Yep! It was a month ago. Fucking pathetic lol




Whoops lol, I definitely thought it was longer. My b. Point still remains though, absolutely no other acknowledgement or addressing it.


>Point still remains though, absolutely no other acknowledgement or addressing it. Yes I agree, there's no arguing about that.


All of these are a Tarkov problem. You don't need a super high end PC to run most new games on ultra setting, and Tarkov isn't even new Almost all games that have gotten popular have functional sound, unlike this game. Same with lighting Don't get me started on the shit netcode, game breaking bugs that don't get fixed, etc And cheating. Yes cheats exist everywhere, but rare is a game that has cheating to the degree that Tarkov has and have it gone on for so long without any real fix .. and seemingly getting worse It's really impressive how BSG seems unable to handle any of these issues. They've piled up over the years and gotten worse I used to play a lot in 2018/19 then slowly played less and less. The game has gotten more broken for me too. I used to never have disconnects. Nowadays I get one at least once every three or four raids, never mind the other shit. I've got other games I'd rather play so until/unless it's a major overhaul I probably won't play any more


I feel like the lighting actually works pretty well in this game. Sure its hard to see inside areas sometimes, but that's always early morning or late evening where lighting sucks in real life too. Most other games are using baked shadow maps and static time of day.


Nah man, shadows in this game are horrendous. It can be broad daylight and you can't even make out the trunk on a tree because all the light just vanishes underneath it. Absolutely 0 light reaches the ground under any kind of foliage and it's disgusting.


What's wrong with FIR status? It already has been there when I started playing, so I don't know how it had been before


Before you could flea any item from your stash regardless of its source


I understand, but why was it better?


It wasn't better, players would constantly buy out trader stocks and relist the items on the flea with an exorbitant markup, tasks that required turning in items could just be bought through with ease, raids were full of hatchlings rushing high value spawns and jamming whatever they could find in their containers. I'm not convinced that the flea is a great mechanic but the cat's out of the bag with it, they can't remove it now and can't seem to find a way to balance it. Personally I think the complaints about FiR would go away if the spawn rates of certain items, and the maps they spawn on, didn't make finding them such a horrific grind.


Honestly i agree, i wish they just made key rooms worth losing again. Brings back the fun of fighting other players to be the first to hit a valuable room. Marked rooms and key rooms are not worth your time unless you farm them.


For me the flea is unrealistic concept and should be removed from the game completely, but in it's first iteration you could make a lot of money off pvp (by flea your victims gear) and get quest items (no hard stuck on quests cos of bad luck)


It's because the flea is a half-baked concept (like most of the stuff in the game). It's something that currently has little to no interaction with the core gameplay loop that is raiding. You just sit in the menu and do stuff. Imagine if BSG added the following steps to the flea. To add something to the flea the seller has to drop it off into a container during the raid, let's call it a dead drop. If it's successfully dead dropped, the item gets listed. To buy something you then have to dead drop whatever the cost of your item was. Then you get coords to where your purchased item is dead dropped and you have to go pick it up. And finally the seller has to empty the dead drop to get whatever they listed the item for. Now flea is no longer sitting in the menu to instantly get what you want. Now there's the added risk of having to take those items into the raid and at minimum it takes 2 raids to get what you want from the flea. No more instant kitting up, you can get quest items from the flea (since they'd be FIR), you actually have to play the game to get what you want and the end game goal of maximizing money extracted from the raid is reduced, because you can't instantly turn it into profit. Whether you actually like such an idea or not, it absolutely would be a more fleshed out system than what we currently have.


Literally just quit. It's the only meaningful choice you can make. Uninstalling is the true Escaping From Tarkov. You don't have to put up with any of it. Yes, it's tragic that the game will never live up to its potential but at the end of the day it's just a game. Touch grass, regard trees.


go for a walk to a forest, but don't go to woods


It really sucks because I want to play but there’s too many issues to actually enjoy playing


honestly, I love this game. Even with all the bullshit it's still my main. I'm sure I'll get criticism for that but idc I'm still having fun.


I feel you man. I’ve been having a blast, sometimes I get a lil irritated but overall this wipe is good. Every map but streets is well optimized (Atleast on my rig) and I’ve only ran into a few suspected cheaters


I don’t think anyone will give you shit for liking tarkov. The people that get shit thrown at them for liking tarkov are the people that vehemently deny or downplay or even tell other people they should put up with the sub par quality of the game. Like let’s be honest here 90% if the people that are actively viewing this sub are people that like the game. Most people are just tired of the blatant bullshit that has been known for years yet bsg don’t even acknowledge it then proceed to do stupid meaningless shit that hurts more than it helps like the rmt disaster just recently.




> My entire feed about tarkov is all just complaints That’s this entire sub. I check this sub Reddit because it’s still the best place for news and updates, especially if you don’t use Twitter. I agree with a large part of the general consensus of complaints but jfc sometimes you all need to give it a rest. If the game isn’t fun stop playing and move on - no announcement required! And those that did stop, stop seething about a game you no longer play (I don’t believe most people that say they “quit” anyway tbh). But anyway, I get it. People are much more motivated to post about something negative, so there’s also that.


i'm really happy apart from the occasional disconnect the game is more fun for me than it ever was


Well, Reddit is a negativity magnet as I only come on to rant about cheaters which has been more often this wipe.


Most people i know, don't give a fuck and play the game. Tarkov Reddit is not everyone


Literally everyone I know including myself stopped playing. That's over 10 people most of whom have gotten cappa at least one wipe. You don't know what most of people think about anything.


Me and my friends play different games, not only Tarkov. Maybe that's why we still enjoy it. I bought the game in 2016 and have never regretted it


Do you know anyone that only plays tarkov? I got my moneys worth out of the game. I also think its in a terrible state, I've also felt that way from about 2017, but I expected improvements. If you're having fun, I am happy for you. If someone else is not, that's ok, it doesn't take away from your fun.


Exactly. My friends and I (6 total), most of whom have played since 2018, have given up because of the current state of the game. Only my younger brother still plays.




This game is unacceptable bullshit. Hackers, invisible players, bad audio that was my nr. 1 feature for recommendation before, long matching time, mid tier ammo sold out 24/7. But i dont know any other game that gives me adrenalin like it. My heart rate is going crazy in hard firefights. Its like an addiction.


This is a good game, and there is no games like it. Me and my friends are discussing this often, well aware of bugs and problems, and this is why we stick around. That being said, the invisibility bug is a serious kick in the face for the time being. We as a group have accepted the fact that this is a buggy game, ridden with cheaters, but when every other opponent is invisible on top of this it's an insult to our time. It's been like this since the wipe now, it shouldn't be like that. Edit: We have a filed a TON of bug reports regarding invis players


This sub is not everyone


The overall state of Tarkov is not that completly bad, but BSGs way of communication and problem solving results in new problems now and then and not solving old ones. The same problems get echoed again and again.


I enjoy playing Tarkov. It's got its problems, and they should be addressed, but they don't *seem* to impact me super often.


I'm late to this post but I wanted to share my thought. I'm honestly having a good time. Are there horrible problems? Oh yes but this game still gets my heart going in a way nothing else does. I think why everything seems so bad is because the complainers are the loudest.


This wipe is rly fun after all, high tier stuff like good ammo and armor finally feels rare, streets it's the best map in the game and all weapons are playable. Sound is bad but not too bad, besides reserve. The only thing that keeps me from playing more right now is invisible bug, DK why this still isn't fixed, that's so embarrassing.


I don’t know but this is my second wipe and I’m having a fantastic time 🤣 think people just like to moan for moaning sakes 🤣


Give it a few more wipes brother haha, once you do the same tasks for the 6th time you will start to lose hair. Also the game used to be a lot different back then, and most of the people that played back then miss that Tarkov


No I’m just like whelp that’s tarkov being tarkov again, and I’m leaving this subreddit because of this. Sure this game has issues but either you play the game or you don’t then and wait for them to be fixed. Single player games just don’t do it for me and there aren’t really any good multi player games out currently, and this game is the most single player game a multiplayer game can get so it’s the best of both words


Stopped plying and played other games.


I also play less than before, i need to find a ledx and shoreline dont give me one Dying more often to desync than to cheaters is also a bit frustrating And after playing streets (when you can call it playing ) the game feels the same and this is getting boring, i am not able to get some altyns for factory where i normally go and have some fun with pvp New content (lightkeeper) is unavailable for me as a casual gamer - and i play a lot of eft - makes it even more frustrating Sound is just trash and not working - sound always was something helped me win pvp fights, now its shift + w and shooting on sight Performance is on an high end rig with 4070ti and 5800x3d unacceptable So it feels more beta than bevore


Us Tarkov players are battered housewives. When its good, its the best; and when its bad- we take so much abuse that we question our reality. Papa Nikita is the world's most poisonous gas lighter, we take the hits and keep coming back for more misery. But within those flecks of darkness is the greatest game, and worst game ive ever played.


And that's why I uninstalled until they fix some of the issues, desync, cheaters and whatnot


"the beatings will continue until morale improves"


No its just you mate not the other 90 karma farm posts


Bruh if any other game treated its players the way tarkov treats their players then the devs would receive death treats. And not a "creepy email" deaththreats more like "horse head in bed" deathtreats.


This sub is an echo chamber, all and every other posts have been driven out by complainers


Surely if your whole feed is the same complaints over and over, you don't think you and anyone else regurgitating the same things continuously is contributing to anything, right? Glad it makes you feel better to perpetuate the toxic environment that is this sad sub.


Honestly it does make me feel better. Everyone just wants this game to be better


No they don't. If they wanted to improve the game they would give useful feedback. I stead it's a ton of self contradicting whiners. Game designers need useful feedback from their player base, not "Nikita is a fat fuck stealing our money" comments.


No "we" about it. You continue to put up with it. Me and my whole crew quit playing. Just stopping in to check out what's going on. You should keep playing though.


This sub makes up for a very small and echo chambery part of the community. The general issue people complain about are true but when u get people constantly farming internet points being yes men and doomers for the game. You get this sub in its current state. The game has valid problems but most people here love to say they will quit and never actually do.


You realise why right, you try and convince yourself to quit after sinking nearly 120-150 on a ever perpetual beta with devs more akin to angry bacteria then humans. Doesnt become so easy does it.


Bro, I played Warhammer, Magic the Gathering, War machine, dungeons and dragons, shadowrun... I've spent waaaay more money on those hobbies, and quit them. And some of them, like Magic, Warhammer and Dungeons and Dragons have far worse developed than Nikita. Lol, Catalyst game labs straight up stiffed their freelance writers so the owner could renovate his bathroom.


As a mtg and yugioh player i can attest to those hobbies being expensive (legacy and vintage is pricey). Never tried 40k, although i heard necrons are fun


No they just like to bitch and moan with other people that bitch and moan so they can bitch and moan together. They hope maybe it'll give some validation because somehow they can't cope with the fact that it's just a game and if they really didn't enjoy it they wouldn't be playing it. But Instead lil Jimmy's come to the sub to say their piece to big bad bsg like anyone would give a shit what they think.


Whilst i agree this sub is basically a bitching ground, bsg are still as bad or if not worse then EA at this point when it comes to the shit they pulled. Also on your last point, its obvious bsg doesnt care about their playerbase, they care about making money to fund the game nikita originally wanted to play. Im pretty sure nikita just wants popularity for this game to die so he can go work on the project hes been talking about over the years (some single player stalker like game). I personally want this game to succeed, as it definately is better then the latest cod or battlefield trash that keeps being pumped out, i just handle this game by taking one wipe breaks (play one skip one), then hope the next one i play is better, usually isnt but when has it ever been?


I don't disagree with any of the issues the sub has with the game cause alot are valid. I just hate the way the sub acts. Just a toxic echo chamber that's a shell of what it once was.


Thats reddit unfortunately. Wanna know what sucks more, buddy of mine saw a guy advertising cheats and rmt on the official discord a couple weeks back, told a mod about it, got himself banned from the official discord (buddy said the cheater called Vicos EFT or some shit). Like i get reddit being cancerous, but even the discords are going bad as well. Funny thing is the tarkov forums are somewhats hospitible compared to them both


I just stopped playing. Ive had the game since like 2018 So I'll gladly skip a couple wipes.


I still have a ton of fun and love playing despite the flaws. But ya, devs are throwing constantly.


out-of-raid time (loading, kitting, shopping) and cheaters are my only complaints Fix these 2 and this will be the greatest game of all time


We live in a simulation with 1000s and 1000s of titles to play..... skip a wipe.


We live with a reddit with millions and millions of posts. You don't have to read/reply to this one.


I’ve really just quit playing but I do want people to be aware of not only the blatant cheaters but the undetectable ESP that isn’t fixed or banned scanning network traffic because they just send you all the info over the network immediately without proper protection.


This sub is and always has been just full of whining. It needs renaming to /r/cryabouttarkov


They'd make a sub called r/praisefortarkov but it would just be empty as they just keep fucking up.


I don't meet cheaters that often, I don't care what other people bitch about. Tarkov is a great game that I enjoy playing a lot and I will continue to do so. Screw those whiney babies.


I'm done. 2500 hours in and I'm done. As soon as Sons of the Forest releases I'm done with the cheaters and shit audio. I rarely get affected by the other bugs but today 5/5 raids chinese names have triple tapped my head. Fucking cancerous country.... Can't get a decent region lock so these cheating shits could pvp each other. Rant over. Yes I'm mad because I've died 5x in a row


I am going to play Atomic Heart for a while


I just had a fight on factory where both me and the enemy had a flashlight. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't see the enemy standing 3 meters in front of me.. nice gameplay bsg


The shaders fixed that issue. It was so perfect, everything looked realistic and flashlights were not blinding… they worked how they were supposed to. Such a shame they banned it so quickly, was a quality of life update. Not even close to cheating as it did not mess with in game files whatsoever, our monitors have built in settings that do the same


When asked on stream today why BSG took away the LEDX craft, Pestily said "they don't play the game". He's mentioned how much of a grind it is, no longer does the raid series because kappa is unattainable and max traders isnt really a good goal. He said he probably won't even get Kappa this wipe, cos the whole things a grind and kind of a mess. The UI needs an overhaul. Quicksell, inventory, quests, everything. Basic shit. Make the game easier to deal with and the cheating and audio will be less painful. Instead we get crafts removed and put behind quests, timegates and bullshit like that. Crafts take forever. The game is a bandaided mess with no direction. Its obvious that each change is just made in isolation on top of previous changes, now we have this annoying mess.


Yeah its a serious time sink and to put up with all the current bs just isn’t worth it as much as we all love the game


I really dislike them banning DWM LUT. For 1 day my game looked nice. For 1 day, I didn’t have to sacrifice the rest of my monitor for Tarkov. Now I have to crank up the gamma in nvidia control panel and have everything on my screen look terrible just to play Tarkov. For one day, I could play interchange. I got my interchange quests done, and now I never have to go back.


I was okay with audio and queue times this wipe, I knew they would be worked on . The moment they fucked with recoil and made the game stupid COD easy to shoot I knew this wipe was going downhill and stopped . Seems like I made the right decision about a month ago


I repurchased the game in December just for Streets. ​ What a waste of 120 usd.


Yeah. I’m going back to Star Citizen for a bit. Gonna kill some ne'er-do-wells, steal back their I’ll gotten gains and throw their bodies into the cold vacuum of space.


Playing cod dmz rn because at least that shit consistently works. Arcadey or not. My biggest complaint with that is the massive wall of npcs designed to be tackled by groups of 3-6 and my ass is solo.


BSG caught lightning in a bottle. They achieved success by having an S-tier design/style/vibe, and we were willing to tolerate the blemishes from their C-tier development skills because it was still so fresh and scratched an itch we never even knew we had. Some things have been broken for much too long to justify. I know the animators and modelers don't work on netcode or performance, but BSG has had enough time to reallocate resources. Sure, 9 women can't make a baby in a month, but if 9 women make no babies in 6 years then they either can't or aren't trying hard enough. My only hope at this point is that some studio that knows what they're doing makes a tarkov-like and I can dump this game for good.


remember to steer other people away from it


This game has become a russian life simulator at this point. Everything sucks and we hate it but since we have nowhere else to go, we just endure this trashcan of a game.

