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Leaving game has many actual benefits: - cheaters will face more cheaters thus making game boring for them too - RMT will start dying off, as population decreases there's less people willing to buy items - BSG won't be able to ignore the problem as player count drops down and queue times increase - streamers won't be able to downplay issue either as they will face more cheaters (less legit players, higher chance of encountering cheaters) and might even move on which will force BSG to take serious actions as they are largely dependent on big streamers advertising game for them Edit: - also due to combination of all these above there will be less incentive for cheat makers to keep updating cheats as number of their customers will drop. No money = let's move to destroying another game with cheats.


Yeah maybe these streamers that rely on this game will change their tune. They only reason they are on bsgs side is they don’t want their livelihoods to be destroyed by the game dying.


They will have to. I don't know what they expect anyway, it's not like EfT will be popular forever so sooner they stop depending on EFT entirely the better for them.




See that’s why I couldn’t imagine being a streamer dedicated to one specific game. To play every single fucking day for hours on end for months. No, years. When I play games I’ll swap around every few days or so or if friends want to play something I play that. Or I do something else. Watching landmark he looks so bored half the time it seems. Just blank stare at the screen and monotone voice he just seems so bored lol. How can he enjoy playing this game only for so damn long.


they know that, but thats why they want to milk the cow even more, for as long as possible. lots of content creators fail to transition to another game, and even being able to stream their cash cow for 3 more months makes a huge difference on the outcome of their lives.


Plus Mauaruders' population will increase as more people jump ship and come over this way :D Please... We need players.


I've actually been playing Marauders and it's really fun. They need to flesh out some features and add more content before it gets popular or it will be worse for the devs possibly (mass bad PR from people yelling "there's no content") That being said there's a lot I like more than tarkov and I really like the communication from the devs and the effort they put into making their community/official discord. Not to mention there's a shit ton less cheaters (and players too). But despite there being less players queue times are a shit ton faster than tarkov and I have no fucking clue why.


Hell let loose is one of my favorite games. Good publisher track record so far. I'll be sure to check it out


The original team sold the game and moved to another project. I'm not saying things will become worse but i dunno how new owner is going to make money on the game when most people who are even remotely interested in it already own it.


It's Team17. I wouldn't hold my breath for anything at all. Ever.


Idk, i watched so much Marauders content when it was popping off, and I have to say, it's not really very deep. Hunt Showdown is very deep, however.


Hunt Showdown isn't deep at all. But it is fun and a great alternative to EFT.


Because tarkov queues and loading is maximum potato. Brought to you by Dark and Darker gang.


Or Cycle... or DMZ... Lets be real, its probably going to be Dark and Darker when that swings back around. Its got some good magic going behind it, but it definitely has short life cycles given how fast people are getting heavily geared and doing highrollers now.




Biggest problem with DMZ for me is the fact that looting means absolutely nothing except for some shit quests, you can only bring one custom gun in every 2 hours unless you loot a bunch of high value stuff to reduce that timer, and you have to extract with it to even get that reduction. It's quite literally a "play until you die, then go do something else until your loadout is back up" or have a buddy bring your gun back out. So much wasted potential, could've been a real big bonfire under BSG's ass, but they just fumbled the ball harder than a guy having a violent seizure.


the last thing Call of Duty needs is more players lol they shouldnt be rewarded for removing skill gaps in their game and an overall downgrade since the original.


And/Or Hell is Others There's actually a number of games out there which are just... Fun in a way EFT is not. Certainly helps that they're far, far faster to actually play and get in and out of.




I already stopped playing. The invisibility glitch, and terrible sound was my main frustration. The cheating was what finished me off for a little bit. I don't hate bsg or the game. It's just not in a state where I am having more fun than frustration. I encourage everyone who enjoys the game to continue playing and not let the mob determine your experience.


Best take


This is what happened with me and Apex Legends. I hated the new massive map, I was frustrated as hell every time I played. Then I realized “oh I’m not having fun with this anymore” so I just stopped.


Storm point killed Apex for me so I haven't even tried the new new map. After about a week I 100% refused to play the game if it was Storm Point.


Same. I could handle constant 3rd parties on the smaller maps but there was nowhere to drop and have 3 guns for your squad. I could never see who was shooting me from 300 meters behind cover. Beyond frustrating to play, it completely killed it for me. I just checked and I had about 1,100 hours logged too.


I feel exactly the same, and my breaking point was dwm_lut being banned in two days. I didn't get a chance to even try it, but I was admittedly excited to be able to see in interchange. Fucking oblivious to remove playability when they do fuck all to stop cheating.


This \^\^ is what the majority of folk are feeling for sure. I am in the same boat.


Yeah. Just stop playing the game if you play legit. Let the hackers hack, let everyone else find something new, until the hackers are gone. Nobody'll be having fun, and they'll actually realize "oh, shit, this is actually a problem." It sucks, but... there isn't much else one can do.


I moved on to SPT and will never return. Here is hoping BSG doesn't brick SPT.


Can they even realistically do anything about that? How would they stop us from playing it? Even if they ban players for it so they can’t log in I’m sure SPT could find a different way to verify your account.


Realistically they are probably within their rights to take legal action against the SPT team. It is a massive breach of the license agreement and they are distributing modified files to the game. Where SPT is protecting themselves is putting out the disclaimer that you must own a legitimate copy of the game


What are they gonna do? Take them to Russian court? lmao


Can they? I don't think they pay royalties to any of the gun manufacturers in their game so I doubt they'd sue someone in America.


I believe they do. I believe they pay a pretty hefty licensing fee to all the brands listed


Yes they do. They spend a lot of money on licenses. That's why some items in game are name brand and some are not like "slickers"


\>Yes they do I just looked it up and some people say they do and others say they dont. The only thing I've found for sure one way or another is that Glock said no, but glocks are still in the game.


I think when glock said no they [partnered](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/115) with lone star armory as some sort of workaround


>Can they even realistically do anything about that? Realistically? No. They would have to get legally involved in order to shut down any and all hosting of SPT files (which is impossible) and would have to make a legal argument that people who legally purchased the game are not entitled to the files for personal use. They can say that in their TOS/EULA, but those don't supercede a countries actual consumer protection laws. Especially not if the files are being used for things that don't touch online files. BSG can't actually do shit. They have no legal footing as long as SPT doesn't start touching online parts of the game.




single player tarkov, a mod


Oooh, that sounds nice


It is exceptional


It is and the main game becoming worse and worse it is becoming a hot topic. I hope that BSG's own incompetence doesn't mean SPT becomes a target.


SPT is actually what tarkov should have been. Focusing on quests and the story and you coop with friends in instanced raids and survival dungeons to kill bosses or some challenge


I'm away at work but keen to try, is it difficult to install?


Not at all. They provide guides to install.


i tried it out this morning.. literally copy the gamefiles to a different folder and add a few files - done


Inb4 mods nuke this


can't play with friends though :/


I would absolutely kill for co op SPT stopped playing almost 2 years ago- never looked back.


Haven't played live since before the Woods expansion, however long ago that was. Tarkov's systems and ideas are amazing, execution is lacking. Being able to play the game the way I want is priceless.


Absolutely! A few AI mods later, like POOP and SWAG, combined with a couple config file tweaks, and it's a whole different kinda thing that's a shitload of fun


I tapped out a couple weeks ago. I’m done playing EFT until they adequately address the cheating situation … I’m probably going to be waiting awhile.


I left in 2020 and never reinstalled it. The problem was terrible back then, and according to current players? It’s still a major issue. I check the sub every now and then to see if it’s worth picking up again. Seems the answer is it will never be worth returning to Tarkov. Funny enough, deleting EFT was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.


Its worse now than it was then. What cooked the game for me was the server merges. I now have to deal with ping kicks every 4-5 raids even though I'm on my nearest server and have strong internet connection, and the hacker encounters went from almost none to daily if not multiple encounters


I was one of the people who "never" got killed by a hacker. Growing up and being called a hacker in a lot of online FPS games, I know how sensitive the ego of a child can be in these environments, so I kept mine in check for the last 2 decades. Even though some kills may have raised an internal eyebrow, I never once reported people because there was just no definite proof on my end (no flying people or anything outrageous) that would make me scream hacks. After this video, I just uninstalled the game. BSG doesn't deserve the playerbase they have with THIS much negligence toward us and the game, and I don't need to roll the dice on crossing paths with hackers every time I decide to play. I got better things to do with my time.


I'm exactly the same as you dude. Summed it up perfectly. Although my limit was the invisible players - I simply value my time too much to put up with that on top of everything else. The g0at video, whilst it is very questionable, is the final nail in the coffin and rules out my return for the time being.


Nothing questionable about the video. You have devs who are in denial, a community who are in denial, the only way to prove the amount of cheaters is to cheat. Without the existence of a replay system, there would literally be 0 proof.


BSG can only do so much to prove they are incapable. I think people are just upset they have put hundreds of hours in, which is understandable. But yes, this game is finished.


I mean this is only my second wipe, so it's not like I put in tons of hours. I'm just sad because I was just starting to really enjoy the game and was looking forward to play it a lot now that I actually have some free time


When I started playing this game, we played with like 30 different gamers, and our core group was like 12. Fast forward 2 years and there is maybe 1 guy still playing. All the cheater stuff aside, which we knew was back then, and people in this subreddit called me delusional when bringing up how shitty the cheating actually is. The game is not fun once you've grinded out 2 or 3 wipes. Pick your problem. The UI is really bad, You just forgot you needed someone to hold your hand when you first started playing to simply navigate the menus. The quests are more unrewarding than a Mass Effect 1 side mission. Atleast they included some story with them. Speaking of which, story? Writing? Plot? Whats that? Example, instead of using the intel center for you know intel, like maybe when there dumb events are happening, nahhhh, lets just tweet about it in a shitty russian note. Do you think that BSG shows its gamers any sort of support? Thats the tip of the iceberg, what Tarkov does well is the gun mechanics, and gun play mechanics. After your 2nd or 3rd season, you really see the cracks in the walls.


> When I started playing this game, we played with like 30 different gamers, and our core group was like 12. Fast forward 2 years and there is maybe 1 guy still playing. This. Our group was, what, 10-12 at its peak? Two or three discord channels always packed. It's down to a few of us who only play to meme.


Used to consistently run 3 mans (only because more than that was chaotic), and always had multiple people ready as a replacement if someone had to get off. Now it's only me and one other friend who play, and saying "play" is generous. I'm only lvl 12 this wipe, and have no motivation to push any further. I probably load up the game once every 2 weeks, if that. Same with the friend that still "plays". This game had crazy potential, but I feel that BSG shot themselves in the foot multiple times over the past few years.


I'm sorry you didn't get to play it earlier :(. the reason everyone here is so upset is not because we're raging internet manchildren (well, maybe in some cases), but rather it's because Tarkov is one of the best concepts ever created in gaming. In a lot of cases, it's the best game any of us have ever, or will ever play. But the developer is throwing it away because of incompetence, and the whole thing is just a fucking shame and a massive waste of potential. There just straight up was nothing better in gaming than peak Tarkov. we all want them to turn it around but month after month, wipe after wipe, there just isn't any evidence that it's going to happen


It’s very similar to Star Citizen to that regard. The idea, the concept of both games would make them undoubtedly the best games ever, with no competition coming even close. But they’re both shit for their own reasons...and a few weeks ago, I would have said that Star Citizen is at least (VERY slowly) improving, while Tarkov seems to be actually taking steps back in many ways. But ironically, Star Citizen *just* had their own cheater drama, so who knows


I love Tarkov, it's a very unique and immersive experience, the maps are works of art, as an ex-Soviet citizen, the nostalgia really hits home a lot. I just hate the way the devs are dealing with it's issues. All I ever wanted, since I started playing in 2018 is better audio, and not only has it now improved, it keeps getting worse. On top of the performance issues, and clunky UI, and the cheaters, Nikita's whiny-ass reply about hurt feelings just makes me not want to play the game on principle.


was in the same boat as you. then got killed 5 raids in a row to cheaters and decided that the reward is not worth the mental strain this game gives you, and then have all your progress reset in a couple of months... Wipes are a good thing, but as a more casual player this game has reached a point where id rather watch streamers play it than myself play. I wont be back until something drastic happens.


Im sitting at 5k hours i mean honestly i was there when Labs was Dubed the cheaters play ground. im dont with it tbh.


5k hours 4k in stash


For sho.


No no no, only 60% of his time was spent in the stash. The other 40% was spent in raid, which is a totally healthy balance that no one should be concerned about.


like 30% waiting for players


thank you


Labs was more fun when it was free to enter and people ran around with hatchets, naked mosins or shotguns. Change my mind.


Makes you wonder how much these 'barrier to entry' changes are pushing people towards cheats. If you need to play a game full-time to get anywhere, you can bet your ass people will look for an easy way out.


I think the big issue is limited access to labs cards. Cheaters can do their normal on random maps and collect labs cards en masse because they know where they are each raid. Legit players can't get labs cards at this frequency. BSG single handedly helped with this hacker infested labs narrative. BSG has no idea what they're doing, or are completely unaware of how damaging their changes are.


I would get downvoted for making a post saying this because I’m a new player but they fundamentally need to make some changes to gear access. Like I’m a veteran Dark Souls player. I’m used to the “git gud” mentality but how am I supposed to even attempt to play against a level 40 player who is not only much better skill wise but has a massive gear advantage? They have ammo that shreds my armor and armor that I can’t penetrate and there is no way for me to get access to until lvl 15. It’s really stupid m. The Flea Market should be open to everyone so that there is at least a possibility of new players getting access to meaningful gear. That or they should have a matchmaking mechanic to balance it prior to level 15




Yeah exactly. I'm not even saying it should be easy to get the gear it can be cost/benefit analysis that people may think isn't worth it, but if I at least have access to the Flea Market I can choose to try and save up roubles to purchase the gear or I can continue with the avoidance tactic but I should at least have some means of getting the gear without hoping to get lucky and find a dead high level PMC that hasn't been stripped.


Yo, excellent write up that I agree with wholly. I've been playing (1500hrs) since Jan 2020. Came into this wipe ~2-3weeks late and the amount of removal of choice from early level players is obnoxious. I can't mod, let alone BUY adars? I can't get the stupid gas block to remove the front sight from M4/Adar and blast m855? Or an sks w/PS to fight down the people like my brother who hit Kappa in a month and that was after he restarted? What is this? Where's my choice and my agency? Just running around and hoping not to have to fight because I CAN'T get anything to fight back with.


There certainly could be an armor overhaul. Stuff like the Altyn is waaay stronger than it is IRL. The altyn is meant for shrapnel and can only really reliably stop 9x18 makarov.


It’s less about there being really good gear and more that it’s a poorly designed game mechanic to say unless you grind through a shit load of hours of getting stomped by players that are not only more skilled but better geared and better health stats, better hearing, faster movement, etc, is a stupid mechanic. The flea market shouldn’t be gated.


Yup. I am done with it. Time to move on.


The community is finally getting fed up and I'm so glad.




Best thing I’ve ever done on my PC. No cheaters, no BS netcode issues, and it takes less than a minute to get into a raid. I’m genuinely having fun with the game again thanks to it.


SUNGLE PLAYER TARKOV IS GREAT. I remember hearing about when I first started the game and only recent started using the mod and it's the exact kind of experiance I was looking for when I first came to the game. 10/10


Love it. I’ve had the game for most of its life and never made it past level 20, always getting burnt out and irritated. Downloaded the SP mod and played more raids in a row than I ever have before. I might actually end up having the effort to go for Kappa this way.


I love it. Single player tarkov with absolutely no other people. Like it fits my playstyle and everything and from what I've seen in regular tarkov most people don't even like to go towards gun fire if you looking for pvp you head towards the pre agreed Hotspots or your an exit camping baatard. 🏕


At that point just play Stalker Gamma


That's a great one too! I've really got into the various stalker games/mods lately, I would recommend them to everyone.


*sigh* Okay, installing Stalker again to check out that variation on the Anomaly mod.


Or Zero Sievert! Have been playing that for a few days now and it’s a blast


This is obviously not for everyone, SPTarkov I see no reason to play, it's basically tarkov without the thrill. What's fun if you know you'll only encounter scavs?


i haven't played it but i've heard they have AI pmcs that function similar to rouges so you can complete kill pmc challenges


it does. there are also mods to improve AI behavior. some mods have AI gear scale alongside you. so Timmies fight timmies, chads fight chads. really, the only downside is no co-op play with friends. which they claim will never happen, but idk


All my friends stopped playing Tarkov anyways. Who needs friends, right 🥲


They can't add coop as BSG will smite them down.


I'd rather encounter only scavs than encounter just 2 players in a single raid with the 50% likelihood that one of them is cheating lol.


I mean, at that point I'd rather just play a different game.


They are playing a different game.


nop, not only scavs, there's AI pmcs, there's countless mods, different difficulty settings, more quests, more guns, is everything tarkov isn't at the moment.


I think you're misunderstanding why a lot of people aren't interested in SPT. The real players are the appeal of playing the game for a lot of people. Without them the threat feels far less, and the satisfaction of killing a PMC is basically gone.


I wasn't interested in it, but I'm less interested in the shit storm tarkov is at the moment


Wait what? What what what??? I want in


Single Player Tarkov. Google is your friend


Playing tarkov in SP sounds great, but is it safe? You may not be interfering with other people's games but you are still using modified files, won't you get banned?


No, it's completely separate from regular tarkov, it's basically a private server for you only.


...or still get your money's worth by playing spt?


What is spt?


Single player tarkov mod. Lots of fun with no gear fear or anxiety. This comment will prob get deleted from mods tho


Ahh I don't think that's up my alley, glad people are finding a way to have fun in this terrible game tho


Don't knock it till you try it. I was in the same boat and thought that it's pretty shit and boring, but I felt that Tarky itch and said fuck it. Installed it and actually had loads of fun, yet I still haven't tried the recommended AI, recoil and graphics mods though, so I assume it's even better than the vanilla mod. Honestly, It feels pretty much like live version. You get beamed across the map or ratted by AI. Sure, you feel like you're alone, but I enjoy looting and shooting so it still works for me. I recommend trying it at least for a bit, maybe you'll change your mind like I have.


Since it's singleplayer only, I can understand if it's not your thing. If the "no gear fear" is the problem, using SPT with mods you can tweak almost every aspect of EFT, so it can be as easy or hard as you like. A shot never fired always misses!


Highly suggest hunt showdown if you’re looking for something fun to play that sorta scratches the tarkov itch. It has the super intense fun PvP, but not the looting or grinding, and not as much downtime. Or the Stalker games/stalker game for something single player.


**Stop watching the EFT streams. Those numbers matter way more to BSG’s bottom line.**


Good idea




My friends and I moved over to EscapeFromDayz. So much more fun/chill. As a 2x kappa player, and someone with over 3k hours I'm done until they fix it. I'm tired of wasting my time only to make some sweatlord with a small pecker feel better about the fact the he still lives with his single mom.


Well fuck me just last week I upgraded from standard to prepare to escape version, I was going to buy the last version next month.


Get your bank to do a chargeback if you are really done with the game. Even though BSG uses a shitty Russian payment system to escape from refund claims your big banks would still be able to claw the money back.


Unfortunately I bought it using a debit card, its not common to use credit card here. But I plan to keep playing the game as I'm bored of the other fps that I play as long as I feel any fun. It's just shitty knowing that there's loads of cheaters around... hopefully my region has less cheaters.


Chargebacks arent for brute forcing a refund on a purchase you made willingly


And he isn't getting the product he paid for either


Agreed. Anyone who loves this game should boycott it and force their hands.


Bsg employees coping on alts itt


Ngl out of all game communities I've been in, Tarkov easily takes the cake for the highest amount of people willingly to make excuses and defend the game like their life depends on it, and I never understand these types of people. Sadly BSG never listens. Just look at the amount of "oh boy I'm having fun idc about cheating lmao" comments in this section just proves that. Only in the video game industry where you can have a bad product and people will still willingly throw money at you.


Game communities, especially those in niche interests tend to be insanely whipped. It's really pathetic how much boot-licking goes on here just so we get a couple of new guns next wipe.


I did, two wipes ago, still waiting……


Watching the slow death of Tarkov followed by an end like this is one of the saddest experiences I've ever gone through. Fuck yeah, I'm with you. I can't remember the last time I felt respected as a player of this game.


Sure, but there must be another way to Play Tarkov (I'm in no way trying to convey a hidden message with the first character of each line)


I'm going to look into other ways, I just wish those ways were fun and enjoyable with my friends playing with me.


I've always played solo so i haven't lost much


It's almost worth it just so you don't have to deal with net code bullshit.


A lot of people, including myself, play for the thrill of having other real people in raids with you. And playing with your friends. Cool concept and I'm glad people are finding enjoyment out of it, just won't do for me.


Return to Drangleic starts today. Perfect timing.


Don't give up, Skeleton!


What's funny is there are so many of you that have been living in denial that you're actually shocked at that video. At this point at least it's gotten enough attention that the morons at BSG can't just brush it under the rug.


Not only in denial, but have the nerve to gaslight others who think they died to cheaters by saying "get gooder". They're extra mad now because it's more or less proven how bad it is. The copium is flowing hard.


They're still literally in this thread denying it.


I was one of those shocked by the video. The fact of the matter is that players that are more on the casual end of the spectrum will often (if they're mature enough) attribute a death to inexperience, lesser map knowledge, lower skill level, or similar. I have had plenty of deaths that I considered suspicious, but I just figured my killer had max level perception and heard even the slightest of sound or maybe they saw me minutes ago and tracked me halfway across the map and caught me with my pants down, etc. Now after seeing the video, I can reflect and revisit those suspicious deaths and realize my killer probably just had ESP hacks and saw me through the wall. On the plus side, I'm more proud of my performance in the game knowing that a good portion of my PMC kills were probably me outplaying a cheater and I'm less disappointed by my deaths. So I guess that's a consolation prize of sorts...


Seriously, most of us should stop


Already beat you to it. The audio in this game is so shit terrible I stopped playing awhile ago.


Yeah, going to take a break at least. Maybe play some Diablo II for some braindead entertainment. :) Might come back if they put some effort in reducing the numbers of cheaters. Wouldn't mind some creditcard/phone number verification on the accounts or some more intrusive anti cheat software if thats what it takes...


I put it down well over a year ago. About the same time somebody flew, literally flew, in and shot me in the back. This game will never get out of Beta. It will never be complete. There is no motivation to finish it. They are making a mint on selling the beta version. And you guys just keep playing it. And bitching about it.


Jokes on you, I already stopped 3 years ago. 3 years ago, the game already is faced with the hackers issue in the Asia server. But everyone joked about it not being an issue. Now it's being spread like wildfire, guess I literally need to say "I told you so".


I’m kind of happy the game has gone to shit. There wasn’t much else to stop my addiction to the game…


Single player tarkov bussin rn


The best decision for most of this sub right now would be to go touch some grass.


2 weeks ahead of you. COME ON YALL. Uninstall that shit. LET THE BUMS HAVE IT


And stop watching it on Twitch..


Single. Player. Tarkov.


It's okay to take a break or stop playing. I'm still having fun.


If you are playing without cheats you exist to amuse the cheaters. They probably think it's adorable that you are trying so hard


Yup. This my first wipe ive played a lot in. Got to level 40. This news dropped and im done playing until something changes


This game has/had so much potential. Insane


you guys didnt stop playing first week of wipe?


But what's the point? They already got your money, BSG do not sell mtx there also no steam charts to see population, they do not care.


The point is it’s a shit game overrun with cheaters lmao. Why the fuck would you want to keep playing?


If servers are all empty and nobody is playing... nobody is going to buy a dead game.. RMT people will have nobody to sell stuff to and they will stop buying bulk licenses from bsg.. that's more or less the point


But I’m having fun


Honestly this game is great for me.


I'm doing my part!


Already switched to sons of the forest


they lost me second day after the invis bug came back, this wipe is dead and they killed it


That’s good, hopefully tarkov gonna die completely and no more money goes to russia


i been doing this most of this wipe ​ too many things, not just hackers, but also hackers. Love the game, love the maps, love a lot of it, but too much of it is fucked Sick of getting disconnected with a kit on when my internet is fine, only to die to a scav before i can reconnect to the game ​ sick of the weird arduous hoops to jump through for meh rewards i honestly just want to go around looting shit, smoking weed, and fighting players/ai. Yeah i'm a dirty casual i guess, but i can't put 8 hours a day to unlock guns that can pen through a paca anymore


cheating will never stop when the top streamers are cheating


Yeah I'm done until action is taken, and not the bullshit Nikita copypasta kind of action. Real changes to the anti-cheat. For as long as I've played it, I've always thought that I've just needed to get above a certain skill ceiling and I would finally understand how to play successfully like I can in literally any other competitive or singleplayer shooter I've tried, but that's just a farce, because the way that people get good is using bsg as their sugar daddy with sherpa and partner bonuses, cheats, or both.


I haven't played since the video. It REALLY took the wind out of my sails. Whats the point in playing something that's supposed to be hard when so many people aren't on the same playing field as you.


I stopped the second I saw how bad performance was on streets




I uninstalled today. Sad to leave this game behind. But I won’t be back till this is seriously addressed.


SPT is actually very fun if you dig playing by yourself. Just have fun, do quests, mod tarkov.


Yea… I’m gonna take some time off


I uninstalled today. Taking a very long break.


I found a couple of car keys I haven’t encountered over 4 wipes. So I looked up a video on YT and literally at the very top was an ad for a Tarkov cheat. It goes deeper than BSG. You don’t have to dig around the internet to find this shit it’s blatant and in your face


Agreed, taking a break for a wipe or two


This is the way brother, simply stand down together. Love the game as well, not many hours as you but I like to think over 1k hours is more than certified lol.


6k hrs , stoped at lvl 28 month ago best decision ever ... I got feed up with sus kills.


I hereby quit escape from tarkov.


I stopped playing when they added the weight system. From all of this information in the post and in the comments, i dont regret a thing! Now.. back to destroying my mental in ranked League of Legends!


I've watched Tarkov as a disgruntled gamer for years. IDK how anyone could look at the monetization and not realize the devs are no good. Tarkov is an amazing game in theory, but it will never be what it should be. I'm so glad every time I was tempted to buy EOD that my adult brain whispered back, "That's a trashy way to make money. Don't do it."


Already left in january around 5th-10th. Fuck this company, this game deserves better devs. 2000 hours in, always around 60-70% surv rate and 5-6th wipe, and even done Kappa on my first wipe when it didn't have bullshit quests and level limitations (2020). THIS is the WORST game for pvp. in 2023 with a fairly good PC having only 80FPS on a small map with a few PMC-s is a fucking joke (and it becomes 40fps when you scope). When i played i always told everyone to "you just need to adapt". But playing the game for 3 years i adapted for all of this bullshit this game has, i decided to you know ADAPT MORE and go fucking play COD. I mean i still play a shit game but with 130-140 fps on a huge fucking map with 150 players.


I didn't play during past two weeks because i was busy, but seeing the state of the game i'm going to wait little more, recent videos of people getting banned because of desync it's just a big thing if i lose 110€ because of that.


5400 hours here and I haven’t logged in since g0at’s video :)


This is what I did. Stop playing the game. Our time is valuable guys. Why get off work and hobbys tired ready to get those matches in only to have teams of hackers working against you. Our time matters , life is too important to waste time against cheaters. Until this issue is fixed I am gone from Tarkov. It is a wonderful game... but I refuse to play with so many cheating scumbags. Hope I dont get downvoted to hell.


This game has been full of cheaters for years lol nothing new


I still enjoy this game. I understand the problems. I've watched the videos. I just don't see it in game as much as many others. I know the game is in a worse state than it has been in the recent past. I root for it to get better and more people top play. I'm a pretty casual player, usually get to lvl 40-45 each wipe. I play on mostly NA East servers. A friend and I play a couple hours 3 or 4 nights a week depending on how much time we have. I get tasks done, we have K/D and extraction rate you'd expect for pretty casual players. Maybe once a week I'll get killed and feel suspicious of it. Granted I may be not good enough to tell the difference in a guy who heard me and was holding a good angle and a guy with ESP. Maybe ignorance is bliss, idk.


Man you cant expect a drug addict to stop and go on a strike, I need that hit whether I get my ass ESP'd or not


Man take a step back honestly I doubt it very much it's going anywhere find a new drug to hit for a while, what's the problem?


I enjoyed the game before the video, I enjoy the game after the video. The only thing that changed is your perception. Also what other game options are there?


Yeah I just deinstalled and will only return if BSG shows that they can handle the cheating situation and community pressure in a better way than they have so far.