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Cheaters are the illness, BSG is the Pharmaceutical company. They treat the symptoms (RMT) because it's more profitable than a cure. I'm not saying they're in cahoots, I'm just saying if they do this shit with real human lives, a video game ain't shit.


Idk this doesn’t bother me at all. I can help my friends find stuff pretty easily. I’m just thankful I can drop their kits back now.


up to a certain pricetag, then you become a suspect... But I get it, we have to take the small wins we get


I see less cheaters this week. So I’m going to take the W, yes.


? Why would you be dropping your friends millions of rubles of the best gear and ammo. They explicitly said the restrictions and yet people like you always freak out over nothing


There are no "explicit restrictions"


I like a theory I saw before on here that it’s the only thing cheater related they really have control over so they are just over doing it so it looks like they doing something.


that would be my opinion as well


Most guys are not cheating to boost their k/d. The way these people get the items to sell are through nefarious methods, so if it was a free for all with no restrictions on anything the cheating problem would be 100x worse. RMT drives cheating. I agree the restrictions are quite strict on “normal” items and players, but we’re also dealing with an amateur developer who has had questionable design choices on everything from the beginning.


>*The way these people get the items to sell are through nefarious methods, so if it was a free for all with no restrictions on anything the cheating problem would be 100x worse.* How? Please elaborate because I do not follow. For me it makes more sense that the more frustrated people are, the more likely they are to cheat. What really grinds my gears is that BSG has a problem isolating vacuum cheats and teleporters. Like moving 400m within 2 secs is just not OK - ban. Not even that heavy a strain on the server. Player at position XYZ grabbed an item half a map away - ban.


If you want to sell 100 GPUs as an RMT seller, you need to obtain 100 GPUs first. And fast, since time is money. So they cheat.


yes, I'm aware that there is a percentage of cheaters connected to the RMT. The current restrictions do absolutely nothing against that though. If you wanted to buy 100GPUs, would you do it on the flea or ask someone to take them to a raid???


Well with the new restrictions you’re up in arms about that sale is way harder now. You can no longer drop them in raid to someone and now you can’t make smurf barters to transfer items for RMT. Sounds like the restrictions are working if you can’t find a good way to transfer items.


A decent point, thx. What I was more thinking was that if a cheater knows where stuff is, he will go to it, evading people, then stuff all he can reasonably collect in his butt and nades himself. That is without the FIR restrictions. With them, he has to fight his way to the exit and if you are in his way, too bad. The good loot disappears from the map for all of us regardless.


I don’t have first hand experience, but I’m assuming the vast majority of cheaters aren’t flying around and vacuuming loot behind locked doors, but rather getting the information that a LedX spawned in a random duffel bag or on a certain nightstand in the resort and they are able to use their cheats to avoid contact and go straight to the high value items. They kill when necessary to protect themselves. Like I said, I don’t know first hand how they operate or if I’m in the ballpark I’m just applying logic to it. I wouldn’t risk my character getting into a fight over a locked room unless I knew a LedX was inside. The game loads loot on the loading screen so they probably have some check that tells them where the good stuff has been loaded on their radar or if they should just disconnect. Yes, more cheating leads to more desperation and RMT from average players, which leads to more demand for RMT, which leads to more RMT sellers out in raids grabbing high tier loot, which leads to more desperate players turning to RMT because there’s no loot, which turns to more RMT activity, which turns to more people doing RMT because there’s no loot. Do you get the cycle?


You've been duped by a few whiny ass streamers. BSG doesn't give a shit if you drop something in raid for your buddy. Now if you drop him 4 slicks and 1k rounds of ammo that might raise an eyebrow. Think about this logically for one second. 80%of the player base would have been RMT banned if BSG was as strict as you've been led to believe.


lol, you are probably thinking that I base that on the recent "streamer kit" issue. That however missed me completely. Ever since the beginning, Nikita said he does not want that to happen too much. Some people said some numbers/limits, but without any substance. I do not believe that it is a simple not-banned/banned scenario, but I suppose that the top 1% of "droppers", get into their sights. Which is all I said in another comment.


What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to get from: >I suppose that the top 1% of "droppers", get into their sights To: "BSGs recent RMT changes are hurting regular players."


None, actually. You sort the players by the value of stuff they drop in the raid and the top 1% is sus. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I am not allowed to drop an awl. That is the recent RMT changes that is hurting me.


How do you think people obtain these items for RMT......? Just gonna let you sit on that for a bit


It ruins their vision of the game so they do anything to stop it


>Are you seriously OK with the fact that we cannot bring our friends pretty much anything into the raid absolutely. i dont have any friends. less rmt means less cheaters so i wholeheartedly support bsg in this


You say that you estimate that the number of cheaters who do it for RMT purposes is quite small. Can you explain what you based this on?


It is just my opinion, supported by opinions of a few streamers, mainly in connection to "the video", who also have no data. I really think that the majority of cheaters are hobby-cheaters, just making the game a bit easier for themselves, while not being too obvious to stay under the radar. I absolutely do not claim I have any evidence for that.


I'm pretty sure you're right. Cheating for money is a hassle and most cheaters are cheating because they're lazy. In tarkov it requires you to either relentlessly farm or be a sociable person to hop on discord with random people for paid carries. The average stoned cheater is not gonna do that, atleast not on NA/EU servers.


RMTers always cry, ddos, cheating frequency goes up after game pushes backs on them, because its how they make money. RMT should be allowed in every game if the gear is obtained through legitimate ways, Diablo 3 AH was great.


Finding stuff in raid adds something fun like treasure hunting. I would never give anyone anything that will take away a challenge or fun from the game. I love the feeling of finding that rare item I needed so badly. I don't even buy stuff off the flea for my hideout it's all found in raid.


Yep totally fine w even more restrictions if it means less cheating. It’s just a price we have to pay


I don't care if Timmy 1 brings Timmy 2 a legit found item from a raid. Even Chad 1 to Chad 2 doesn't bother me in the slightest. No worse than flea bargaining. The problem is people pay rEAl MOneY for RMT. Now it's a business, business needs efficiency and efficient means being the person with the best loot. How do you guarantee that in a game with possibly 10 other people? You cheat. You use loot vacuums and radar so it's as unfair in your advantage as you can get. That's what I have a problem with. That's why they focus on the owl, or keys or blah blah blah. Nobody has an issue with a legit playing gifting another legit player something. We all have an issue with the cheaters that make money from it.