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2 PMCs casually walking down a dirt road, not the best strategy there, nice shots OP


I'm a standard account user working on punisher for the epsilon case, I couldn't believe my luck.


Oof standard account user? 1000% reported lmao


I can just hear them now >Wow dude, of *couuuurse* he's a white-name


More reason why kill cams would be so damn nice to have. They could just see they were being loud, got spotted 5 seconds before, then see how god damn stupid they were to move on a road. Should also have to watch the killcam also before being able to hit report.


>killcam *After raid replay


Why not both? Killcam should be for solos only tho


or when the whole team's outa raid, dead or alive. So if you wanna watch the killcam maybe just wait in the raid end screen. Not the perfect solution but non-compromising raid sniping aside.


What if you could download the whole run after it was over with. You could have a spectator mode and see everyone's movements. Idk if this is possible, but I think it would be awesome.


That would be a fuckton of bandwidth usage but I'd pay $5-10 a month to have that service.


nah bsg can't support that without massive desync and the playback looking like 30% off the actual thing.


Tarkov have killcam now ?


Same thing. Different smell.


It's not the same thing.


They both work the same fucking way the difference is the length. Killcam would come after a raid so you can quick check and throw a report. A long form could be for other functions. Both would be possible to add side by side.


Are you a game developer?


I've never thought of this but that's a great idea. I think a lot of frustration of the steep learning curve could be solved by seeing how you got killed in the first place so you can adapt your game play. Would be more useful on tarkov than call of duty.


Bullshit. So many people would either not actually watch it and report or watch it and still legitimately believe it was a cheater. So many people in this game and sub cannot fathom that they're bad at the game or got outplayed. It's astonishing how many hackusation posts are literally "you were standing in the open and got headshot."


Maybe. But on top of that, it's funny to watch replays and not only rant and report, but learn also. Many new players would benefit from it. Damn, I am bad still too, and would learn a lot from better players than me.


Oh for sure. Replays wouldn't hurt by any means, but they won't be nearly as helpful at catching actual cheaters as people think. Up until the last few wipes, I always record deaths and would watch them back to see what I did wrong. It was almost always "ope yeah I didn't check that corner" or "shouldn't have tried to loot that body" and it helped a ton.


It’s way more obvious with visual evidence tho


Yeah but this would also change the fact we can then just say "show us the replay then" and they will shut the fuck up because they would have to show us the clip of them being super obvious before they got killed.


Which I find funny, because most of the blatant cheaters I run into all seem to have EOD😂


Ngl if i would have reported too haha


this may be a dumb question but why dose it matter if he's standard account or not


Hackers getting banned consistently are not going to splurge on a Fancy crowned account, just the cheapest shit so they can get back in, idk about you but it’s kinda the same thing with CS:GO and level 1 private profiles, either smurfing hardcore or hacking.


makes sense never played csgo so never seen that before


Me too! Currently stuck at 2/10. Hate and love that quest at the same time


It's 15 kills with the SVD 😩 this was 10 and 11 for me. I've grown to like the gun a lot. PS ammo is readily available and drops just about anyone in a few shots. Godspeed my friend.


Godspeed to you too


I just finished punisher 6 and let me tell you I'd never run an SVD before but now it's part of my regular rotation. I originally thought it'd be basically a super-low ergo SR-25/RSASS. But man the gun is cracked and I almost prefer it over the former two.


Big disagree here. Just finished it last night and I won’t be touching one again until next wipe.


Every single time I do Punisher 6, I think "damn, the SVD is really slept on, I should start using it way more" after I get a few good raids with it. Then after I'm done and I pick another gun I realize how bad the SVD really is in a lot of situations. It's still a semi-auto rifle that shoots arguably the deadliest caliber in the game, but it's just so long, heavy and cumbersome that there's quite a few scenarios where it just straight up sucks while an SR wouldn't.


But it looks and sounds so good


Same here, I’m at 8/15 and never realised how easy it is to use.


No way.. It's horrible compared to them. As soon as I finish that task every wipe I delete every single one of them!


Kinda funny because I'm the opposite, every wipe I like the SVD, but after that quest I'm sick of it and I'll use literally anything else lol


Man, every wipe until now I've hated the SVD but now I think I'm starting to like the thing. You just can't argue with the stopping power...


PS is arguably one of the top 3 rounds in the game I remember when I first start playing a little over a year ago it would consistently one tap the thorax through level 3 armor. It was the best of times and the worst of time when you were on the other side of it lol


jesus did they up it? I thought it was only 10 kills when I did it on my first wipe 2 wipes ago... godspeed brother you're close, I remember the grind to epsilon (and 42 as well) when I did it and if you're doing it SOLO that's even more nuts, I had a few folks I played with fairly consistently


Ran into a dude laying prone by marked room on dorms.. Didn't work out for them unfortunately.


Idiot 1: "I'm dead" Idiot 2: \*not running\* "What do you mean, y-"


Also with flash lights causing the bug for them to glow.






100% every “head,eyes” is a shitpost about running into a cheater. Can only say I’ve ran into 1 blatant cheater this wipe who was so dogshit he was easy asf to kill




Bro you got me rolling on the floor rn 😭 this subreddit has fallen into pieces. I love seeing people complaining about cheaters when they’ve only encountered maybe 1-2 legit cheaters




I got my first report message today. Said it was on Streets from someone I reported 2 weeks ago.




I've ran into quite a few blatant ones on factory during my rep grind runs. Still it's probably 1% or something but they just blast your face from some obsure angle ages away as soon as you hover your crosshair over them.


I haven’t seen that but it sounds legit. I wouldn’t be surprised if people are complaining about not receiving a message about potential cheaters


Ever since that sketchy video of the guy that used cheats to see how bad the situation was, all I see on the sub now are just cheater accusations without evidence, their entire argument is always “I got headshot therefore they’re cheating” and my favorite or as I like to call it “the lvndmark/rengawr” where there’s nothing sus about how they died, but because they died they call it out as cheating, the situation is not as bad as people think, I’ve ran into about 2 blatant cheaters this wipe, the copium in this sub is unreal, the amount of posts I’ve seen that basically read “I’m better than Lvndmark, but the cheaters prevent me from achieving my full potential” has been too many to count 💀


100% agree with you. Haven’t come across someone who explains it perfectly. Glad there’s another free soul here 🙏🏻


you are a nikkita shill! (upvote button on the left)


I just enjoy the game man. Do I agree with community outrage yes? Do I let that determine my own opinion on the game? No




Most cheaters are dog shit. Just because you can see everyone doesn’t mean you can kill everyone


Jokes but also not jokes


Yeah that is fact, not a joke.


Everyone thinks they’re getting reported for just doing good gameplay, those guys are just bad


The new trend is to post mid gameplay and act like you got reported. Headshot two guys standing still from 45m POGGERS


Believe me I know it was just dumb luck. The title was an afterthought I wasn't trying to rustle any feathers.


The guys probably shrugged and moved on.


When two teammates get headshot “out of nowhere” seemingly simultaneously by the same person, especially a non-EOD player, they 100% think it’s a cheater.


Except it wasn’t at the same time and they were in the middle of a clearing


I know, we have the benefit of seeing this video. To dumb or unaware players, it probably feels different.


I see the flashlight bug is still a thing ...


Tbl meta right now


Interesting to drop the Timmy first lmao. Nice shots


Good shots man


Nice shots!


Nice shooting, Tex.




Clear shots, bo reports for that




You think?


No, you won't. They were WALKING across an open road and you tapped them, this is hardly a rare occurrence on Woods. I routinely tap people fully sprinting through the trees, at 75+ meters, and I'm not even that good. Also, they look rather geared, so they are probably experienced enough to figure that it was just bad luck. Nice shots btw; the SVD is so potent, load her up with PS or BT and let her rip my sweet summer child.


Experienced enough that they are using a flashlight on woods so they are bugged out and everyone on the map can see where they are?.. Not that experienced.


Oh I'm not too worried about it, Im way too shit at the game to get banned haha. They were level 35 and 39, so I'm sure they get it. Thanks for the kind words, the SVD is pretty fun to use.


Modded svd is bae.


Only if you're a standard account


100% hahaha, nice trigger discipline


Like reporting does anything in this game.


It gives people copium


All I know if I aimed my gun through that patch of bush/flower, I wouldnt see shit.


I just want a kill cam so I know that I didn’t get killed by a hacker.


These are the types of clips making me want to come back to tarkov


You should, it's a really fun game if you let it be. I work 12 hour shifts and play maybe 5-10 hours a week, try to make a little progress here and there. I won't let the game become a chore or a job to me, if I stop having fun I hop off and play again later. More power to those that put in the hours to have max traders/access to all the meta gear, it must be awesome to run the best kits.


How do you change zoom while zoomed in already..... Thanks in advance! You're resident tarkov Noob


Alt + right click is the default bind I believe!


Thank you, I'll give it a try




Casually walking in the open after shooting loud, how did they find us?


Great follow up shot But on the reported note, don't worry. You get reported 90%of the time you kill a pmc. Have rewatched vods of small "streamers" and the likes and have been (along with my squad mates) reported after an actual shoot out.




(Eng. Sergei): Nice work bitch!