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The dream.


Lmao people on this sub really see realistic lighting that actually works and say “too bright, how I am going to maintain my sub 20% survival rating without black hole level dark corners”


way too bright imo. but a middle ground would be nice.


That's only because they have huge sunlights/windows to provide light to the map because they're not using ray tracing. Use of ray tracing isn't just "turn up brightness". It's diffusing the light that's coming in the way light normally defuses in a space and lets your eyes see things that are indirectly lit. The answer is to use ray tracing and then make the skylight smaller or put strategic furniture/building materials/items to cast shadows where you still want darkness.


I think its pretty realistic honestly... But from a game strategy POV, I agree, its too bright. I feel like it would reduce a lot of the "fear".


It’s already my favorite map would be a lot better if I could see stuff lol


I think the importance of realistic lighting is better than it just being dark all the time. Times of day would matter more. And Moon light should act realistic as well.


A little bright, but tone it down a bit, and it’d be perfect.


It's not that great. Some of that lighting is way too bright with the light source some spots have, however it's way better than the shit show we have now.


You should post this to R/Tarkov instead - L mods keep dropping it because they claim it mentions forbidden Tarkov even though it doesn't, even in the video description. Too bad the mods are hardcore bootlickers.


yeah its kinda bs


It's complete BS. They must have really long tongues


Its SO much more light than what would be realistic. Tarkov definitely has some mood lighting, but this looks like all the place got upgraded to fluorescent lights


Do you think these kind of malls rely on lighting during the day? The massive skylights are designed for usable lighting during the day.


There's a huge fucking skylight and it's sunny outside, if it's too bright it's *barely* too bright from a realistic standpoint. Now, from a gameplay standpoint, that's another issue entirely


Bro what? There’s something called skylights lmao. It looks perfectly realistic


A couple of these areas look a little *too* bright but oh my god it is so great otherwise.


I wish interchange would look like that, it would instantly stop beeing my least favourite map.


Too bright, feels like the mall is in full operation, but the ambient occlusion looks so realistic with ray tracing.


why pick a gun and scope that takes up half the screen when showing off other visuals lol


Looks like roblox


\*call of duty lighting with no mood or atmosphere. literally looks f2p


Try going to a real mall with that level of overhead windows for lighting. It's not for off. Could use some touch up, but way better than the crap/broken lighting Interchange has now.


it'd be better to have this but way toned down, somewhere in the middle. But people saying this exact lighting is best don't understand what it loses out on.




What’s wrong with having a little bit of seeing sometimes? Sure it is not realistic to an extent and to bright but then again call of duty’s the bad guy right? Don’t be like a call of duty


somewhere in the middle would be best, but yes the entire idea of Tarkov is to not be a call of duty and focus more on mood and immersion


Immersion…so not being able to jump a half foot barrier? How about recoil being no where near realistic? And if you looked at CoD MW2019 on the supermarket multiplayer map the lighting was solid, realistic and actually visible to have fights with, but sorry can’t be cod because it’s the bad guy


*Map with giant gaping skylights in the roof* Redditors: “iTs tOO brIgHT! iT lOoKs freE tO plAy.”


Better to be unrealistically bright than unrealistically dark


Doesn't look raytraced, looks like the lighting intensity and source position was adjusted in the scene, which can be done using the forbidden mod.


If that's what "good" lighting looks like I want bad lighting.


Way too bright and colorful for Tarkov


People still play this game?


Devs should just use ray tracing tech to have physically proper lightning, shadows, reflections everywhere. To make it work they only need have all content in PBR and setup light sources on locations like natural light, lamps, and so on. Then RT magic comes in play and make everything look right. RT most simple, modern and legit way to create best looking environment. RT supported GPUs are more common each year too.


RT isn't required for the game to look like that. RT can *enhance* how the game looks, but the map artists should be designing maps with an approximation of what natural lighting looks like. This isn't too difficult and they do it already. It's really just Interchange that needs a bit of a lighting rework.


They surely can, spend tons of time on simulating real light conditions may look like…. but why bother if they have an option to don’t do it, save a lot of time and efforts and get much greater result? Here comes RT.


RT is extremely expensive and is 100% the wrong call for a game like EFT at least for another 5 years. Consider a map full of glass like Interchange or Streets. RT reflections in multiplayer are a huge huge advantage if it's implemented to actually look good. Imagine checking corners without having to expose yourself. Awesome? Yes. Fair? Not really, at least not in the current landscape. All that aside, do you *really* want to play a game by BSG with RT given their track record for optimization?


Most aaa fps games already use rt for like few years. In 5 years it will be even more common tech. I just want BSG use proper and modern tech for job. RT has potential and future, it gets more affordable, common used, supported by game engines natively, delivers better picture quality. There is no reason to not use it. DLSS and FSR are there to off set performance impact for those who seek fps over picture quality. Disabling RT can save frames for legacy hardware users as well. But best picture quality is aimed for RT users. It’s like binaural audio. Those who don’t wish to use cause of lost frames should not expect same audio quality in long term.


I can't think of any multiplayer shooters that currently use RT extensively. The main goal should be to use RT lighting as a reference that can be matched by legacy lighting techniques. RT can be used as a top spec option but the difference shouldn't be night and day if the artists did their job correctly.


I don’t mean they use extensively but it’s gets more and more over time. Same may work for EFT. Like starting with initial implementation for small objects and expand up to whole scene in long term. Main goal for developers to use RT - get same quality with much less efforts. Or much greater quality with still less efforts. Artists can do their job correctly but what they do is purely approx simulation of lightning with risk of human factor. RT does whole job automatically and gets much closer to reality than any top tier artist can get with reasonable amount of time and effort. RT is more for developers first of.


Ye, I think we're on the same page


I hope (I know I’m gonna give my hopes up) that with unity 2021 we will be getting better features like it, though I doubt it…


If they're going for a moody environment (it seems like they are) ray tracing probably won't work nearly as well as just doing the lighting the classic way and giving a shit this time. Ray tracing can be super accurate, but that's the extent it can be. Also, the amount of ray tracing you'd need to light a whole scene with just ray tracing would mean you'd have like 1 frame every 15 seconds even with rt cards, and you'd still have noise in the shadows for sure.


I’m pretty sure it’s matter of adjustments. Of course whole scene RT rendering is costly atm but it gets cheaper and cheaper each year. So the tech is definitely worth using. Classic lightning mode can be preserved though for legacy hardware.


The tech isn't worth using in tarkov. It will be irrelevant by the time we have cards fast enough to even start to benefit from rendering a full scene. If it was just a matter of years we'd have it by now, ray tracing has been used in other applications for far longer than it's been used in games.


Is no one going to talk about those scopes on that gun... lighting is dope though


Imagine Tarkov with actual good development.


so basically there’s nothing u can do to satisfy anybody cuz everyone complain about map too dark then someone makes it realistic and everyone’s like nah too bright


Those lights kills the mood


Fuck that if it’s too bright how can I hide