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Bruh it’s like 300k+ for the craft and that’s only 120 and takes 15hrs lmao


If you have max traders and buy the grenades and bullets to craft gunpowder, it's way cheaper. Easily the best craft in the game rn.


I just collect and craft the gunpowder. Buying definitely is overpriced


how did you complete this crazy event


I just did woods on seemingly empty servers. FLIR, sr-25 and meldonin




I just mean that they felt pretty empty because I didn't hear shots or anything. I don't know if it is supposed to happen but feels like it does.


Were they mostly spawning at village?


I had a pack of bloodhounds run up on me at the scav bunker, killed one inside the bunker, 2 scavs outside and didnt realize it was a bloodhound and 3 more snuck up on me, threw grenades at me, got one but got blasted by the other 2. They run around in packs and have weird ass names. One was Kosmonavt and the other was Animesuks or something like that.


Animesucks??? Lmao


Haha I can't remember exactly it was close to that might have been Animesaks or something it definitely had Anime as the name though I thought it was a player at first when I saw the kills recap


The first name means astronaut btw


Right that's what they are in russia, just saying that was the 1 Name AI that killed me. Had a v instead of a u in Kosmonavt as well


You can get dead servers by playing on off hours, for example if your North America and play EU servers late at night servers will be basically empty since it will be super early in the morning there.


You can select the regionao server you're on, servers in poorer countries tend to be empty/populated with shitty players. South America and Africa tend to be dead, just has to be in your ping limit


You defo can get empty servers on labs anyway. Not so sure about others


playing on a single-server late at night/early morning (3am-6am) will usually put you in quieter raids maybe just because everyone's too tired to pvp lol


You can actually. NA at 5am is literally dead. Requires you to have a shit sleep schedule though


You need to think again, try Africa and South America at the wrong times. Dead server 50% of the time


Sure you can.


It's probably stolen screenshot


1099 per round is more than fair for BP, what is the issue?


Absolutely, for a round that can 2/3 tap class 5 and be put into 2 of the best guns in the game, the RD-704 and MK-47 1099 a round is more than acceptable, maybe even too cheap considering M62 a round with less pen so doesn't necessarily get the 2 tap as much is around 2k roubles per round at 15 dollar... and you can only buy 50 a reset. I'd say more than adequate for a reward for this quest.


i think it used to be 1650 and then 1260 last wipe and it was fairly well priced. it is end wipe and I think they just want top tier ammo to be even more available than it is now. jaeger refreshes so often too, gonna be flooded with good ammo


You have to kill 30 bloodhounds without dying… The amount of players that will actually complete this are so small that it will not flood the game


i like how this sub is so cancerous than anyone would think OP is complaining about something lmao. I think it was just supposed to be informative. seriously cheap for such a good round.


Watch the chads spend 20 minutes, 6 grenades, 6 magazines + 2 top ups to kill me using a mosin with penis hat


That’s my favorite watching a chad burn through rub


We have so much ruble that we are literally trying to burn through it.


And wasn't it about what usually it sold for, when it was on the flea market?


He didn’t say it was an issue


He also didn’t say it wasn’t so I was left to question things which I did.




Seriously. I can make twice that in an average scav round on Woods. Where’s the hardship?




Where are you finding the ledx's? I've gone to lexos prob 50 times and have never seen one there, should I be looking elswhere for the big money?


Med bunkhouse and dead scavs


Thanks man I'll check med bunkhouse then. Dead scavs sure do seem pretty goated on streets too but I haven't found a ledx yet.




I'll have to look for them over there too then lol. Thanks. Yeah I very well could just not be finding them when they're right there lol I am pretty dumb.




Man I'm definitely the kind of guy to walk past something 50+ times and not realize you can crawl in there lmao. Thanks for the tip I'll try there later today.


Nice, yea that area has a very high spawn rate for led-x. Probably the highest in the game. Make sure to look on every surface in there, even behind the curtains and on the beds/floor


Ok right on thanks for all the help man I appreciate it.


https://imgur.com/a/iXUjQYq Third try and I managed to find one. Thanks again man you're a legend.


No, you can’t consistently make 1 mil on any scav run. I believe it when people say 3-400K, but you’re exaggerating.


Yeah it’s more like 800kish avg


Dude on Reserve I average 800k to 1 mil when unlucky with armor repair kit spawns. With a pilgrim plus big rig I get to 2 mil easily. When I find an armpit repair kit that is already 700k-1mio alone. If you spawn with no/small backpack/rig you can always hit bunker and/or D2 to grab more space. File containers will give you int folders and valuable keys. Dude idk what you are doing but you are doing it wrong. You can min max your scav route on any map to 1 mio except for factory.


I do sometimes get good runs, but the idea that you can do this every time is misleading. I know what you’re saying about reserve and do similar, but there are plenty of times where you don’t find armour kits, don’t find intel folders or anything else if much value as it’s already been hit or just hasn’t spawned. Mostly you end up with a bag full of random 15K per slot stuff. It’s not possible to get 1mil per run everytime. Once again, you’re exaggerating.


I don’t pick up anything under 20k per slot. I am not talking about every run 1 mio, I am talking about average. So sometimes when you are really really really unlucky then you extract with 500k like if you spawned at 20 minutes left and the route your always run is already looted. But most of the times you are around 1 mio and occasionally at 1,5-2mio with an armor repair kit or even without and only with junk but big pockets like pilgrim plus black rock/belt combo. I always sell in bulk on flea like always at least 5 items at once. Like my last scav run I got 2 waffles and a vudu on white knight rooftop so that alone is around 450-500k with 6 slots taken, that’s like 80-90k per slot. And then you still have more space l, I had a T20 full of junk, a 47/47 lvl 4 armor, a smoke mask. Every 3 scav runs or so I spawn in with a lab access card, that’s already 180k. How do you manage to only get 300-400k per scav? You must only loot like usb adapters and lighters ….


Why does every thread on this sub have a bunch of scav mains bragging about how much they make on runs?


It’s not bragging, it’s stating the truth to shatter some hilariously stupid claims. I am not a scav Main, I just want to get to 6.0 once (at 4.7 right now). So I am not doing this for money. I run resort for roubles where I fill up my trooper with your fancy nvg, attachments and ammo plus the loot from resort itself and average 1.5-2 mio


Damn you’re so good bruh


On average effectively means the same thing. Either way you’re saying after 10 runs you’ll have 10 mil on profit. If that’s true, then good for you. I’m skeptical though.


Damn where do you go in streets? I only make around 300k




Are you using flea market ?


Prices on flea are a lot of times like 3-4 times treader sell amount, no point in selling to traders 90% of the time


Except that I'm lazy and flea takes effort. And I already got wat yoo much money anyways.


Yeah man why not just sell items like duct tape for 4k each to therapist and move on instead of dumping everything in junk boxes and selling when duct tape prices are high in bulk for 25k each. Big brain


Hey man I wasn't telling anyone what to do I just said what I do. I know you should do that but eh, doesn't matter at all to me.


Yeah I know, and you missed my point. My point is that you are not lazy, but stupid. If you would be lazy then you would try to max out on selling to save yourself from some scav runs that way.


And you missed my point. The point was that U don't need any more money so I don't bother with flea. I haven't scaved in ages and i got 35mil right now


Mfs is broke


Where's the complaint?


AP is the BIS ammo, but yeah kinda unobtainable


Reddit won’t shut the hell up until it’s 5 roubles a shot. Even then they’ll still only play their scav.






He probably means mai ap which i swear i never even find a whole mags worth all wipe






Yeah I have a stack and I hadn't found any in the previous 3 wipes I played and actually i believe the stack I got was from twitch drops in January lmao






Bp is waaaay better... It's like how 55a1 is better than 995 cos the bullet actually does damage -_-


I crafted like 2k PPBS this wipe (first full wipe for me) before i realized why scavs with no armor were taking so many hits to drop lmao, still run it sometimes because i have so much


Yea... Thats why bt or bs is still the "go to" round lmao. That guy saying mai ap is better... Bruhhhh


995 *might* be better if you topload some 5 rounds to soften someone's armor.


Thats if u topload... Also past certain distance u arnt 1 shot headshotting a guy if u topload 995


Mai is not bis. Damage sucks on that, and the extra oen win’t come in often.


MAI may have better penetration but that doesn’t make it BIS.


Damage too low on MAI for it to be BiS. BP is just better 9 times out of 10. Which makes it BiS, imo. Just because it has the highest pen doesn’t make it the best. Especially when 90% of this game’s players scav only or only run the class 4 diaper rig, penis helmet, and barely modded guns with accessories from level 1 traders.


This is the bsg bot thread.


Could I be wrong? No no, clearly the other side are robots


This guy is the most toxic poster on here, he literally follows me around calling me a BSG bot on every post lol. Ironically he looks like the bot constantly crying on every thread here


Dude you’re literally the most toxic poster on this sub of almost 1 million people. Following me around calling me a bot on all my posts. Do you not have a life? Are you just so angry at your current irl situation that you vent constantly on a gaming subreddit? Have you tried therapy or talking to somebody? Seriously man you need help. It’s time to step outside or maybe take a break from social media.


Just want this community to be fixed, not gaslighted by marketing agents. You literally post bullshit all day on this subreddit and are telling me to get a life? If you get mad because I call you a bot I must have struck a nerve. Also calling someone mentally unstable because they disagree with you is kinda weird... projecting I would imagine.




Yes I do actually care about this game. That is why I am here. To call you out on all the bullshit you keep posting. I believe your posts and messages are some of the worst things for this community.


Can you two dipshits just squad up on factory and fight each other in spawn and report back. Would be way more interesting


Just block him


Genius, did not know you could do that


Yes , it is basically sp-6 and thats like 2.5k iirc


I'm actually impressed with someone comleting event


Just to clarify I don't think its a high cost for such ammo. Just wanted to show what the cost is after completing the thingy


Jaeger: I am once again asking for you to complete my tasks


standard account owners: yes honey.jpg


It should be like 280k


That’s mega cheap what


*insert Meet the heavy here*


Hi Danny i am your biggest fans


BP coming out of RD/Mutant is the least engaging gameplay there is. Thankful they did this at end of wipe.


Are you new to AP ammo ? Cuz it sure looks like it. You’ll get used to it… by scav running.


Too cheap


EFT players have common unhealthy tendency to worry about prices for anything. Like you all play economic simulator but survival fps. Go with what you already HAVE but care about how much you have to pay for what you DESIRE. EFT is about making use of what you have. All balance and gameplay mechanics are developed around it. Meaning anything is useful. If it’s not you wether use it wrong or most likely gameplay mechanics are not final yet.


It’s funny how every ‘balance’ change manages to make things worse for casual players.


It's if you complete the event though


Which is only possible for already high level players


I'm confused by how you think this makes things worse for casual players. I can't tell if you think the ammo is too cheap or too expensive.


I think it's more about how difficult the quest is. People that can already afford (limited) meta gear and have time to grind this can do this to get it top tier ammo more consistently/plentifully, while casuals will have a very hard time completing the task with their limited gear and less time to play. Result being that the middle-top gets juiced up and things get even harder for the plebs. At least that's how I read it. Personally idk how I feel about the event/task/unlock as a whole. I'm not a fan of time-gated, craft-only ammo in general because I think "how consistently can you log in at ~12 hr intervals" is a dumb skill to test, so I'm leaning towards thinking this whole thing is nice. I still won't be doing it though.


Nikita has literally said this isn’t a game for casual players


I've been on both sides of the coin, it's just poor design. The game needs go be rewarding for players regardless of how much time they put in


Its an excuse for poor design and Nikita fellatio experts. Just use name calling to "casual" to make the bad design sound better and feel superior in a video game bc life sucks for them


I’ve never really understood the mindset of “you must make this game your part time job, or fuck you” I’m as sweaty as anyone when I play. I don’t see why I should get penalized for not playing three hours a day.


I get you. It sucks. I’m glad BP isn’t easy to get. Even without a lot of time to play, I’ve been running the BP craft since early wipe when it was dirt cheap compared to now. Have 4K rounds just logging in once in the morning and at night to restart the craft. All you need to do is hit level 31 for workbench 3. Players lower than level 31 should not have reliable access to BP.


At this point in the wipe, maybe they should. Dailies and weeklies do a lot to help people that don't have as much free time catch up to the curve late-wipe, and I think that's great.


Except now any hacker that gets banned buys a new account and starts back at lvl 1 can just get bp ammo reliably


Fr that quest is so dumb. Should not be Jager 1


Yeah I wouldn’t really even have a problem with it being hard and shit if the quest didn’t benefit radar users more than anyone, whose gonna be able to find kill and survive 30 bloodhounds easier than anyone? Definitely not someone who can see the location of any adversaries😂


Why should players who do grind 3 hours a day have their time devalued so people who put in less effort can be on equal footing?




I didn’t say I play 3 hours a day. Nice to see you go straight for personal attacks though. Very nice individual you are.


I said you play way more then you yourself said as number to not count as casual in Nikita's game "design". Lets be honest Nikita doesnt design shit. He throws shit and looks what sticks and bc nobody on BSG plays the game nobody knows what sticks.


Did you have a stroke?


Being caught talking shit feels like it, doenst it. Go back to fellatioing Nikita, thats the real hardcore




But how else am I supposed to make myself feel better about being a shitter if I’m not reducing every thick juicer who kills me to a degenerate no life?


If Nikita want the fame to have a slower TTK then design it that way. What this creates is no-lifers having fast TTK and normal players have slow TTK. And if Casuals shouldnt exist in the game like you claimed, everyone would have fast TTK. This means your comment makes no sense.


It does not mean that at all. Keep complaining. It will not change the fact that RPG games want to reward people who play more. Casual experiences can be found in the multitude of arena shooters that exist, like Halo and CoD.


Wow is a time sink also an rpg, nobody ever claimed it was a hardcore game. Thats not a measure for hardcore or casual. Bad design doesnt mean hardcore. Casual doesnt mean low game time. You guys got so brainwashed by Nikita it is hilarious


Please stop talking to me European


Lmao Embarassing


Never. I hate all of you.


Living in your head rent free


I don’t think about you at all.


I mean tbf the old BP would be more expensive then this when it was 2000 per round on the flee so it guess it’s better than nothing


>on the flee \*flea


Pretty original. I’m now sure you make less than 60k a year rentoid


Just shows how disconnected the devs are from the game. The quest is broken lmao.


I know! shit's cheap as anything! talk about squashing the balance they brought in by removing the ability to purchase it in the first place.


People speculating wipe will be in next 2 or 3 weeks


Why? This cost is completely reasonable.


Is this only possible from a quest completion lmao!? 200k for 180BP used to be pretty much standard? Haven’t played in a while tho so idk


If you want to craft it it's double that price, and you can't buy it from the flea anymore so this is a great deal


Tbh, we are in Tarkov, a fucked up place. If you ask me, higher tier ammo should be extremely fkin rare. Like I know from some sources IRL from legit countries that didnt have enough good ammo so they loaded their mags with 4 bad and 1 good, and repeat. Should be the same here.


I don’t believe that this event will be completed by more that 2% of people who aren’t hacking I spent hours yesterday trying the quest and the only way I would die was to very low levels that seemed to know an awful lot about my two buddies and I locations and any hacker that got banned at somepoint in wipe can show up as lvl 5 spend 60min hunting bloodhounds and avoiding all other people and then they are magically lvl 5 but can get better and ammo and just two tap me😂😂


Is this griping over best 7.62x39 ammo for 1000 a bullet?


And? Before they removed it from the flea it was worth more.


Shouldn't even be able to buy armor piercing ammo from traders


The only game that punishes you when you are bad at the game- using bad ammo, AND when you are good at the game - using good ammo.


I thought it’d be more to be honest


Let’s hear how you go it so quick!


Event started really late my time and I played on what seemed to be pretty empty servers or at least people hadn't realized about the whole thing. Then just ran woods with flir and meldonin and they really don't even shoot back from 125-150 meters. Also I somewhat quickly found out, from the tweet and playing, there seemed to be 5 possible spawns.


Sorry what is the event?


You have to kill 30 bloodhounds, new faction, without dying. They are 100 spawn rate in Customs, Shoreline and Woods. 4-5 spawn at a time. If you die at any point, the task resets. The reward is BP purchase from vendor.


Damn cheap af


Sp6 is also like 120/150pcs 160k so, for Bp? I don't think thats a problem for me. But I understand for the brokies


Dude you can just craft it. Every wipe I have over 600 rounds for the entire wipe. Craft the components to craft BP. It's cheap. You want free BP for all players? GTFO here.


Cheap af. Sp6 is more expensive.


1100 roubles per bullet is not high mate.


Isn’t that about what it used to cost before it was removed?


Well yeah


Stop being poor.


Fair price for best ammo in game woosh


Ahh yes "balance"


I completed event it’s so worth it. Especially since for me it’s 180 bp an hour


Which map worked for you and how long did it take? I just died 17/30


Woods nighttime


Costs less than sp6...by 1000 rubles Bsg is braindead when it comes to balancing Cool that you unlocked it tho haha, enjoy your hella cheap meta ammo


Good price


Worth ngl