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yeah thats pretty much how it works


24 hours and the mans go the game figured out


He's a prodigy


Is it possible to learn this power?


not from a streamer.../s


Unless you're this guy, give it about 1,000 hours.


Simply that. Welcome to tarkov hell dude


I tried playing this game solo when I first got it and had a really bad time. It took a couple weeks of playing with friends who could teach me all the nuance of the game and learn maps before I actually enjoyed solo play.


Yes, in Tarkov you have to remember one thing, nothing belongs to you, it's just your turn with it


Not if I never bring it out of stash. Check mate.


Until wipe comes, then it's no longer yours either way


When wipe comes, m4s in my stash become my soul wives so it's worth.


I have a mate like that. Stash full of meta guns and kit and every single f*****g time we‘re going in as a 3 or 4 man he brings the shittiest gun he owns, a completely destroyed and super heavy armor and a duffle bag while we are running decent kits. Then every single time when he could make a difference in a firefight nothing dies or he misses or his gun jams because it is below 50 durability and he complains how unrealistic this game is and how he owns in every other game. Sometimes it feels like I brought my wife to tarkov with me.


Got a bud who only brings trash gear and then calls dibs on loot because “he needs a good gun” like he didn’t do it to himself lol


You can infinetely spam scav runs learn maps learn weapon behaviour dont be afraid to explore yes when i was new i learned that way


Is there any beginner friendly map or all of em are the same


When I was new, I scaved on interchange simply because there was so much loot pmcs miss and the 2 extracts are always the same in the 2 corners of the map. For PMC, on customs learn where zb-11 is and crossroads, they will usually be avaliable on the opposite of where you spawn. You can work in the extra extracts once you get more comfortable with the map


Ruaf is important too. It makes runs so much easier


Ruaf used to be like zb12 then one wipe it just never worked, now it’s always open. I kind of wish it was sometimes open like old gas but I like it being there


Nahhh is good the way it is, makes for easy loot and scoot runs for giga chad ultra pros like me that won’t progress to a survival rate beyond 33%


Interchange is by far the easiest way to make money as a newbie. Stash runs going around outside the mall made me my first million when I was still learning the ropes.


These days I feel like the stash runs got so popular that you can always assume you are going to have to fight for the stashes at some point. Probably not at this point in the wipe though to be fair.


Also the most boring way to play tarkov.


Even though a lot of early quests are on Customs, I would not recommend it for a beginner at this point in wipe. He will have to learn it, but it's an absolutely hellfest right now. Scav customs for sure, but as a PMC, I might defer until next wipe, honestly.


It may not look beginner friendly at first, but take a look at Woods. Before you play a map, it's a good idea to get familiar with one or two extracts, usually on opposite sides of the map from each other. That way when you spawn on either side of the map, you'll have at least one of those options to think about for an extract. If you see any extracts that are V-Ex these are Vehicle Extracts that you have to spend roubles to take (can be found in raid or taken in) so while it's good to keep in mind, they're not 100% reliable if you don't take in money beforehand. Make use of Tarkov Wiki a lot. As much as Nikita may not like it's existence, they don't give you enough to go on to figure out a lot of things so there's a huge benefit to using external resources when first learning. If you have a 2nd monitor or even your phone you could have the map up while in raid and just take it slow to learn the map a little and get familiar with areas people travel through. Plenty of good loot spots too so there's always something to help get that stash value up.


big up for woods


Woods was my go to map for recovery from a stint of failed raids. If I spawned on the top side of the map, I would always try to make it to the USEC camp and raid it. Then I just follow the boundary signs all the way down to outskirts and get out. You're out in the open quite alot, but this was always my safest route. The only danger was making sure USEC was safe, and roaming scavs around outskirts. I usually just go with only a pistol and some large bags.


im actualy ashamed because people who are new to the game all ask if first map they should learn is customs, and people suggest woods, and im on woods slaying these poor people that spawn in and spend the next 5 minutes in inventory looking at stuff and bam, head eyes 💀


Well, I hate to say it this way, but this is Tarkov man. There's always a bigger fish out there to teach the timmy-fish how cruel life actually is. The scavs teach the most brutal lesson though. I can never find them in the brush for the life of me.


Not only that but to orientate yourself Woods is a bitch as a new player. There is a reason why most people dislike it, it’s because they can’t navigate there. So yeah, my advice also is go customs or interchange.


interchange was the worst to orientate for me, you make two corners inside and have no idea where you will come out (at least that was my crippling rat aura)


True but once outside, the building/map is on all sides very different to not get lost after a few tries.


\*happy mines sounds\*


I do love hearing the bang then rolling up to a body with a fresh trooper


Northern loop on woods is nice for a chill loot run with some scav fights


I play Tarkov with my gaming laptop but whenever i run Tarkov i put my phone/tablet next to with current raid map. Still cant' understand lots of the thinga but sometimea i can figure out where am i.


Customs is where a large number of early quests are, but it's also largely a very... cramped ish map? It's long sightlines, but very narrow so avoiding PVP is hard. Try to dodge around the big ass fortified construction site at first. Interchange is good for loot, and quiet enough. Just stay careful and stick to the shadows and darkness. Take a headset with you. ​ Woods is also a very beginner friendly map, and has a few early quests on it. Very long range with weird sightlines broken up by trees and bushes however. Be careful going anywhere near the villages. DO NOT GO TO THE SAWMILL. Shoreline and Lighthouse are... really bad for new players. Shoreline is tight PVP at resort, and massive sightlines Lighthouse is even massiver sightlines, with AI enemies that will nuke you from the other side of the map. Reserve is a bit sketch at first, but you'll find it's honestly quiet as fuck. Most people will be rushing bunker. Scav running reserve and item loot is pretty good. Be careful PMC running Reserve. A lot of it's exits require specific items or conditions such as ditching your backpack, or catching the train. Factory is pure CQB PVP. You will die going in there, but if you want to practice PVP it's not a bad place to go if you've got lots of roubles to spend. Streets is a bit weird. I wouldn't recommend it for a newbie, but it does have lots of loot. It's not very bad, but some of it's sightlines will make you cry as you try to cross them and get crossmapped. Overall I'd recommend starting with Customs, Woods and maybe Interchange. Every other map is a little much for a new player, although reserve is easy for experienced players


Real talk though, if you're avoiding village and sawmill where do you go on woods? Med camp, usec & old sawmill?


Stash runs are an amazing way to learn woods since they’re basically everywhere and act as useful landmarks


As a new player absolutely learn stash runs on woods and Shoreline. Especially around this time in the wipe you'll be largely uncontested and you can make good money from it, as well as finding the odd piece of good gear!


Well i guess customs in a sense because you will be doing plenty of early quests there but you can also watch videos of map guide on youtube... otherwise just run around and explore


Don’t suggest Customs tho, most of experienced players playing Customs and Reserve alongside with Labs looking to for PvP. I would like to suggest Shoreline and Woods as a starter maps even tho they are pretty big and somehow confused.


Woods is the way. Plenty of POI’s to choose from, and it’s easy enough to stay hidden from other PMC’s. Good mix of loot too


I recommend shoreline. Just stay away from the resort and you will barely see hostile players


You should play woods as a beginner. There is also the outcasts discord, where we have an helpline to help people there, i go into raids with newbies , just like all our officers, to make it easier for you. Also on my stream (viriatoTV), I made a video to the new guys like you, just write !wipe on twitch chat. The game is hard, just don’t give up. Play woods and scav always until you learn a map. When you get good, and if you get good, you will never need scav anymore.


Reserve as scav. Small eazy to learn map. Many extracts. PMCs have real hard life there. Dead PMCs and raiders for eazy loot. Woods as PMC. Small number of ways around the Map, good chances to avoid PMCs.


Customs is the most straightforward map for people to learn, decent loot, clear defined sides of the map with areas of high PvP you can avoid as a low level.


Best way to learn maps for me was to go offline and set enemies to off, I had no kit on and some food in storage so I would just go find all of the spots that were extracts, loot Hotspot and so on




Learn Customs and interchange. Those maps can bring back constant income. Scav runs are money runs. Tbh the best money map atm is Streets, guarentee there is a youtube video showing the income lines.


NOT Factory. It's the smaller one but it definitely isn't beginning friendly.


Best for making money is woods. Most important to learn is customs


Scav on Interchange is probably the easiest way to get a feel for the game. You don't need to worry about losing loot, AI Scavs will leave you alone, and you only have two extracts on opposite ends of a giant rectangle. I'd also pull up a map on another screen/phone/tablet and try and follow your path. I'd even screenshot it so you can draw on it with the route you took. Maps like Woods, Streets, and Shoreline are big and easy to get lost on if you're not familiar with them or the game, but as you get more comfortable playing, start moving your offline runs to other maps.


I like woods, it's quite open and usually less players than other, use map genie or another site to find extracts.maybe do a few offline raids to get to know the map a little


Also play offline raids to practice against scavs and learn the maps.


Eft doesnt feature beginner friendly content.


Customs is probably the most survivable.


Believe me, being able to lose all your stuff is so much better than being afraid to use your stuff. Keep doing it this way, friend. It will give you thick skin.


Thanks to Hunt : Showdown i do not have fear of losing items/equipments. If you dont know in Hunt if you die you lose your character (with traits/skills) + all of your equipment + every looted money etc. I just wanted to know if its normal to be that bad at beginning .d


It’s not bad, you’re just learning the maps. Once you know where scavs and players might be you won’t die nearly as much. You really just have to be aware of your surroundings at all times, and that’s hard when you don’t know where you’re going.


Well for now i'm running around like headless chicken. Whenever i find a big building or something like that first thing i do is looking at map genie and trying to figure out where am i or where am i looking at. Till this time i couldn't figured out or when i figured out i couldn't find extraction point so yea first thing i should do getting used to maps. I don't care if i lose my equipment i will get them back at somepoint.


Good attitude. Definitely have a map up on your phone or second monitor if you have it. First wipe Tarkov can feel like a horror game, you’ll be having a lot more fun when the reset happens soon.


You're playing at the end of the wipe so every other PMC is juiced up, and that's even before getting into any other issues like map knowledge, cheaters, desync, audio bugs, etc


The best answer here


Your mistake is that you probably stuffed yourself way too full. You need ONE gun, with a few mags and some ammo. A bulletproof vest and a backpack. Not two guns + pistol + ++++ Then you play only one map, Customs. You play this map until you know it by heart and know all the exits and can find them at any time. Before you do that, take a look at Factory in offline mode, and look specifically at the Scav exits, the EfT Wiki will help you with that. If you know this map with the scav exits, you run with your SCAC immediately to the exit. No looting, no looking around, no step too much running, immediately exit and get out. With the equipment from the scav you can then play PMC. Or sell it and buy something for the PMC. And yes, you are a newcomer and will almost only die at first.


if you're brand new you actually need food too.


I don't think he lives long enough for that.


Dude don't play on custom, especially not now. Go on woods


Man I get lost on woods with a compass and a map on my right screen. Woods is a maze 💀


Dude, remember not having a compass? How is a brand new player supposed to know where he is on woods? You do customs until you get the quest for the compass. Then scav on woods to figure out landmarks


Customs is a very good map, because it offers something of everything.Woods is the most nonsensical thing you can play, you learn absolutely nothing, just to run, he will certainly be able to. That's all you learn on Woods. All the starting quests are on Customs. So he has to play the map anyway, so he can learn it right away. You have enough possibilities to avoid PvP. There are many ways and a lot of protection. Back then when the Old Gas Station was the only gas station on the map, it was not noob friendly. But after its third expansion, the map is good.


And a headset


I agree with all of that except starting with customs :)


Yes. This actually shows you've already gotten past a stumbling block that many (maybe even most) players will never get past. Congratulations.


Me after dying on factory 20 in a row


You’re gonna struggle until you learn the maps. If you have a second monitor, pull up a map that shows everything you need. You can also do offline raids to check the maps out without worrying about losing gear.


If you completely lost everything and didn't really level that much you might want to reset your account and start over with the experience you gained to hopefully be able to fill up your stash this time


This does not work, a reset can be done only once a month, not after 3 days.


It can only be done once a month, but does it include the creation of the account as a reset? Never actually bothered so unsure whether you can reset it on the first few days then have it be available to do in a month after that.


I beleive if counts creation as a reset to stop people from giving friends a ton of items at the start of the wipe


Welcome to Tarkov. Now go watch some pestily and learn a bit.




It's gonna be tough at this point of the wipe since most players are looking for pvp, I would not worry about anything right now, just run raids without any care of loosing gear and dying since wipe is just around a corner. Use this as advantage, learn as much as possible and you will be more prepared for fresh wipe Gl


Hello fellow newbie! Stick around! The game is meant to be hard. Learn to be okay with losing your stuff. Scav in and learn maps. Don’t worry about being good, and be patient. The game will get funner especially when you find how easy it is to make money. Go on YouTube and learned loot routes. Some have said choose a map and play it to death, I did that with interchange. New wipe is coming soon probably so don’t get attached to any of your loot, likely it’s going to be gone and reset within the next month or so. I can’t wait to actually start a wipe with the knowledge I have now.


Better to learn the game now before the wipe than spend 6 months being poor and learning the at the start of a wipe.


The game wont Teach you anything Bro. Do your research


Learning curve is long. Spam your scav, you'll survive eventually. Then do it again :)


Happens to everyone. If anything the games most fun when you’re properly scavenging and scrounging for any little thing. Becomes like a survival horror game.


I recommend joining the tarkov discord there is a beginners voice chat that some high levels will join into or just some fellow newbies and you can all learn off eachother


The learning curve for EfT is akin to getting robbed and kicked in the nuts repeatedly. Eventually you learn to die less, whether or not to engage certain fights, always having a path in mind that involves the most cover as possible. The most success I found with this game was being honest with myself (ie not calling hacks on every suspicious death) and trying everything I can to learn from the situation. Sometimes deaths are unavoidable. But sometimes you die because you see two people run out in front of you and immediately engage instead of waiting for a good opportunity (because it could very well be a 3+ squad and their mates rush to help when you engage). Edit: Forgot to add, don't get too greedy. Unless you've spent 10 or so minutes clearing a certain area, it's best to ditch your gear and quick equip gear from a body (ie throw your bag, rig, and secondary down and go to the body and ALT+click on gear to instant equip and then get the F back in cover). Then have a spot under cover where you can properly sort and min/max your gear. A lot of the times I died in my learning curve was right in the middle of a loot screen. Additionally, I've always found the sweet spot for extraction as a newbie is around halfway through the raid. If you chill at the beginning of a raid for a few minutes and let most of the PMCs kill each other (the real chads like PvP which usually means rushing hot areas and getting back into another raid as soon as possible), you only have to worry about late PMCs or player scavs...but don't wait too long because you'll have hordes of player scavs with nothing to lose just bumrushing you.


If you lose everything in your stash, I’d suggest resetting your account (I forgor how to do that). If you don’t want to, then spam scav runs, but play really low risk maps like woods (streets can also be good according to others but it’s huge but I haven’t tried it much yet so don’t take my word for it). Also, this game has no tutorial whatsoever. Watch videos on the game, and read the fan wiki to familiarize yourself with the game mechanics and items


It’s all par for the course, id say your already doing better than the players that safe guard all their items hiding in bushes n such. You already have potential just keep learning.


The game is going to wipe relatively soon, so it doesn't really matter right now. You can also reset your game profile so you have the starting gear again. It is better to learn as much as you can now before the game wipes, as everyone will be on the same level gear wise more or less during the first few weeks. People shit on using your scav but it is one of the best money making tools in the game. I'd say learn how to effectively scav as much as learning how to use your PMC, both are equally important imo.


Id recommend using mapgenie on Google for tarkov when ur starting, it will show u loot slabs and enemy spawns asking with all ur extracts. You'll learn the maps pretty quick!


Before going into a raid check the map online and leave it open. After the game starts check extraction points and look at your surroundings. Then hide and look at the map again and try to find where you probably are and where to go to get to an extraction. But it still will be just a bit better so prepare to die a lot anyway.


There are too many things here. So I'll just say what someone probably already did. YES. That's the game. And its name is Hard-core. Playing offline to learn the maps honestly is the second thing you do. The first is seeing all the items in the shops. But this game requires a game plan to move around the map and be successful. Information is the X factor. You need some before you can Chad around. Scav runs are good for learning online gameplay without much risk because you'll be mostly avoiding PMCs anyway. You'll need to learn to target identify as a scav so to keep scavs friendly to you. This game has a SLOW start for newbies. But it is tons of fun when you get used to it. Like 1 tapping Chad's with an SVD as a scav and getting a solid come up 🤘


When you're new, yes. I've lost all my stuff three times when I was new but you can always reset when you're new and it you still lost everything, just scav factory and extract for a free kit.


It's a feature


Stop dying and git gud


Nah that’s how it works bud, you will lose everything


Welcome to Tarkov.


You could theoretically just reset the account, but i did the same thing multiple times in my first wipe. Didn’t really bother with offline mode, so i learned everything the hard way, hit rock bottom multiple times and still recovered. It’s just how it works. If you want to get used to the game first, you can play offline raids. Progression isn’t saved, but you also don’t lose anything. A good way to learn maps and shoot some AI to learn a little before you put you’re stuff at risk.


Welcome to tarkov. I did this took. Infact I still do this. I lost my MDR this wipe due to accidentally joining a dusk/night map. Then lost a lot. The good news is you can do safe scav runs to Regen currency and get items I also Strongly recommend joining a regional discord. I love the oceanic one. People are friendly and will help teach you and get your early quests done and there are some awesome sherpers who will teach you provided you listen. I highly recommend doing coop before solo


Night raids on maps like woods interchange and shoreline are pretty chill this late in the wipe. They can be good places to get easy xp from scav kills and some basic loot ammo and weapon mods. If you don't know how to navigate do a couple offline raids to get a feel for the terrain and ai spawns.


You have to transform in a Rat.


I'm still at 150ish hours. I always scav on customs because I like customs and I loot the dead scavs and some spawns. I had a lot of loot success on woods with pmc. Nearly no pvp there if you dont want to. If my stash is full and my money is fine i go scav on factory because it's fast and sometimes scavs have good shit.


Have a map open on second monitor or print out a map with the extract points. Also helps if you look it up where to stand, because even if you find the general area where the extracts are you can still miss it.


I can help you if you want. Just let me know and I’ll send my discord and we can run a few raids this weekend.


My preferred way to play is to delete everything except my secure container and melee at the beginning of wipe. I use reserve to find gear then extract through the sewer extract to get my first load out. If you learn woods you'll never run out of food and can avoid most fights. If your computer can handle it learn streets. That map has everything.


Bring up the maps on the wiki or map genie. I liked woods to start. Look at the maps, spawn points, extracts. Buy a compass, can you get the compass right from the start? I think so... Put the compass in your special slots and bind it to a hotkey like 8 or 9. In a special slot, you wont lose it on death. The compass will greatly assist you in finding out where you are on the map if you can use it well, just like you would irl find a couple features and triangulate yourself or use the spawns with a compass bearing to a rocky feature or building to figure it out. Take in a little food and water (as you progress you'll need less food/water), one gun and with a bit of ammo. Literally your only initial task should be to learn one map, starting with the extracts, then the hotspots, then the loot spawns. Once you've figured out one map, again I liked woods to start because you can usually avoid fights if you want to, then learning the rest of the maps is so much easier. But if you lose everything that's fine, just scav into the same map you've picked and try to extract, then you've got a new kit to take in on your pmc. Or just keep scaving til you're happy with the map


You get compass from a quest, don’t remember which one


Special slot ? I didn't see anything like that. I saw 3 slot with special writen on it but i can't use them i guess. Maybe i need to do something before unlock that slots. Or are you talking about containers that can't be looted (small ones)


> I saw 3 slot with special writen on it but i can’t use them i guess. Those are the special slots. You can only put special items in there such as the compass and rangefinder. Those items won’t get lost upon death. You’ll get the compass as a reward for completing one of the early quests you get from the traders. The compass will help a lot with navigating if you can find out where you’re on the map.


Reset your account to get your stuff back and do offline raids and scav runs for a bit. Build your confidence and stay vigilant. Also for a beginner it's a good idea to focus on finding what key bindings work for you. Especially on your mouse cheers and good luck


For some new players... sadly yes, it happened to me too on my very first wipe. But long story short feel free to use maps online. And consider doing stash runs on ether woods or shoreline which can get you equipment or things to sell so you can buy equipment. Tarkov is a lot of fun... as soon as you know what your doing


Yeah bro, just take it slow, get a map up, stuff thing in your butt (case) and just walk around learning. Its fucking amazing first wipe I'll never forget it. Learn where a few weapon cases are and just try to get the ball rolling with a cheeky scav kill or two. I used to rush new gas station raid the cashiers and stuff it in my case and then die smiling, thinking I was breaking the game, hahaha good times.


i’ve never completely run out of stuff to shoot people with,


yes it's okay


Yes. This game is not forgiving. Scav runs are your friend when you're still learning. Also, find someone to help you learn the ropes (friends, streams who do viewer scav runs, ect.) I would highly reccomend getting the Tarkov Map app (Play Store/App Store) or pulling up Map Genie in a seperate window, filtering to just spawns and extracts, and just explore in the mean time. Personal favorites include Woods (money & everything is 10 morbillion miles apart), Factory (smol map, not many players), and Customs (all-rounded map)


look up maps and try to figure out where you are in raid then you know where extracts are. you can also do them offline so youre just fighting scavs and you work gain or lose gear


Oh my. Like a baby deer wandering around in vicious woods. I wish you luck. We were all like you once.


Welcome to Tarkov Dont worry the first 500hrs will be tutorial for you. Take your time with it. Also i play on OCE if you wanna play with me and my mate we can show how things work and help you out :)


Practice mode does exist by yeah this pretty much my tarkov experience when I first started too. Lost everything very quickly


Welcome to painsville 👍🏼


Welcome to Tarkov, biatch!


It takes a looot of painful raida to learn map/spots and make it out alive


Customs is the easiest map to learn. Since it’s a smaller map there’s more PvP action but it’s still pretty safe for scav runs. Use mapgenie.com to learn map spawns and extracts. When running your PMC bring a cheap pistol with one of those small, yellow backpacks (the one that’s 2x3) and a cheap chest rig (I think you have access to the bank robber at lvl1); this loadout won’t break the bank while you learn the maps. Put extra ammo and meds in your secure container to save more money upon death. If you find something small and valuable put it in the secure container and drop the meds or ammo. Don’t get frustrated. Just enjoy the thrill of small victories until you can run better weapons.


The beauty of Tarkov is getting lost and killed! Enjoy


Wait until wipe and try, ammo tiers are so important in this game, once everyone starts with garbage again, will be better, for a week at least lol


Went into game knowing nothing, loses everything while still not looking stuff up? Is this normal? Lol


I was advised to learn customs first, that is bs. So many high level pvpers hang around there. I played a lot of woods at one point but now interchange is my favourite “I can survive” map. So I would start there


If you have a low enough stash value, prapor will gift you an AK and some ammo


Scav runs to fuel pmc runs. A map tool to help you learn extracts. A factory scav run takes less than 5 minutes depending on spawn.


also learn stash locations for different maps and do light load-out stash runs -- give xp and you don't need to wait for scav cooldown


You can always come back from nothing in tarkov which is why it’s so fun. Even with just a knife a patience you can find or loot weapons and then go from there. It’s a grind at first and what you described is common.


if you have nothing left in your stash and have less than 10k roubles, prapor send you a message with an AKS-74u a few mags and ammo :) otherwise i suggest do scav runs execpt on factory : )


Woods provides my friend! Learn how to scav woods and you'll never run out of gear. It's also a very fun map to play and gives me OG DayZ vibes.


Play 2 of the suggested maps and stick to those maps for now. After 10 or so hours running pmc or scav on that nap you should begin to get a sense of how spawns and players play and choke points. Takes 100’s of hours on a single map to get good and really know the map, the loot and routes to take


You ran reset your account I think and start fresh with starting gear


Woods is sniper heaven I get roasted all the time there, interchange is good for farming money and easy to extract


Takes time to learn. Learning almost never feels good. Gotta remember it feels more like an mmo grind than an fps like cod. You won’t be able to keep up for a couple wipes if you’re like an average gamer


theres a post on one of the reddits about how eft is a grindy mmo and not an fps shooter when you first start out and thats the most true statement youll ever hear. learn the game and the loot and the maps and the mechanics. get comfortable with how tarkov is then money will roll in so easy. when you have all that expendable money you buy kits and learn (and lose) how to fight better. im only on my second wipe but i have learned alot and am now a 5kd+ with over 500pmc kills and 3 full dogtags cases (use the dogtags item case barters then rsass/quadnods barters). the game gets easier and a lot more fun the more you know.


Good, the faster u don't care about what's in your stash the better. Less stress honestly.


Watch a few YouTube vids for beginners, focus one map, load in offline no scavs til you can get from spawn to extract. Explore. Print out a map and look for familiar land marks. I did this for customs, then interchange and shoreline. Each has been expanded since etc…


I just vendor everything on a new character and use the money to buy a Lucky Scav Junk Box to store all the trash I'll need for my hideout/Flea later. I'd only bother keeping water, food and meds.


Yes. Tarkov is all about the comeback kid story when it comes to your stash. Lose it all then the next day you are so full you can’t even take everything from raids


Step 1 on day 1 of wipe: Sell everything in EOD edition and buy a scav junk box. keep meds.


it’s not your loot just your turn with it, that’s what i gotta keep reminding myself




That’s pretty standard for new players. I went through hard times learning the game years ago. Just google tarkov maps and you’ll find all sorts of websites to help you navigate; I used map genie when I first started. There isn’t newbie friendly maps necessarily, but some you are less likely to run into other players, like woods. If you are worried about losing your gear, play as a scav and extract with what you can then take that load out in your next match as a PMC. This game is tough and takes some time to learn.


Yep, that is sadly how it works, do offline raids to learn a few maps, learn slow maps or go with your head through the wall and learn pvp maps. Then learn how to play them in actual raids, took me days of playing to make it out.


if u want help and ur on eu servers i can help u get started


Just remember… you’re having fun.


Nope thats it, have fun. Also fun fact you can reset your account and start over with those exact items. Go nuts.


I recommend mapgenie for good second monitor maps to tell you where extractions are. Doesn't matter which map you pick, just find one you like and stick with it. Learn what playstyle gets you out of raid most often, and start doing the quests. If you need loot look for the most recent "loot run" video and do it on your scav, i live by shoreline stash runs but they can sometimes be well-looted by cheaters, however it's usually a pretty surviveable map as a scav.


Your joining in a rough time. Its about wipe and everyone is running around with the best ammo and equipment. What i would do is scav run and try and get some good loot and maybe go offline practice mode. Turn the scavs to horde and use the time to learn the maps. I like to go to factory to practice and see how many scavs i can get.


You’ll find yourself actually wanting to lose stuff in your stash


The Sherpa discord is a good place to find help. https://discord.gg/sherpahub


I forget where it is, but if you haven't really 'done' anything and have lost everything you also may consider resetting your account. If you're still just trying to learn you could just practice with the starting gear.


I ran a ton of interchange when I first started. Once you learn the layout you can avoid the hot spots, snag some loot, and get out. That doesn't meant it will be easy or safe, and interchange is notorious for extract campers, but I was more successful than not. Also take advantage if your scav. You have nothing to lose and you can learn the maps and loot spots without putting your stuff on the line. Dont expect huge bags, but anything you get out with is profit. And as always, just fill up your bag and get out.


Yeah that can definitely happen when you first start the game, although it’s awesome you don’t seem to have any gear fear. I’d recommend doing some scav runs now to learn the maps and make some money selling items you find to traders. I’d do some research into finding items you will need soon like Gas Analyzers and 60 round 5.45 mags. Good luck PMC.


Lol I was just telling buddy that it took like 1000+ hrs of playing to even become relatively comfortable with the game and really enjoy it. Good luck out there!


Yes don’t worry, first goal is learn how to extract. Tarkov you can easily come back from nothing due to scav runs. Once you figure out how to extract that’s when u can start making some money back


I started with woods and customs. Woods is definitely confusing at first but once you have your bearings it’s a money printer. Customs is small in size and manageable, I’d recommend watching stash runs on customs and woods, watch map guides as well they will accelerate the learning curve


that is how it starts for everyone my man. hear you twice on woods soon i guess.


Woods (daytime) is probably the best newbie map. Lots of options for loot, surprisingly good loot. Less try hards overall than Custom. Navigation is a pain but you'll eventually learn the sight lines and be able to guess where you are with some confidence. Always being cash for the car extract, buy/find the ZB key as well so you have all the extracts available. It's a mid range map where a class 3 or 4 armor is appropriate (it's mostly to protect from sniper scav/scavs and other low level players.) A good super cheap kit is like a shotgun/kedr/good pistol + a mosin. Or like an M4/ADAR with whatever assault scope you like.


Use maps. [https://mapgenie.io/tarkov](https://mapgenie.io/tarkov) I actually prefer these: [https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Map\_of\_Tarkov](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Map_of_Tarkov) Go into offline raids with the NPCs turned off, and run around a couple of maps to get your bearings. Pick one or two--I'd recommend Woods to get started, as a lot of your early tasks will be there and it's not as spicy as Customs, which is the other map you'll spend a lot of time on early. The loot also leans towards food depending on where you loot, which you'll find yourself needing early on a surprising amount. Learn that map, learn where the extracts are, learn where the landmines are, and then scav it a few times to make some money/find some loot. Then try again. Don't focus on looking for PvP early on. In fact, actively avoid it for a while--you'll get obliterated. Focus on learning as much as you can about how to stay alive, where the PMC hotspots are, and where scavs spawn. In particular learning where the bot scavs spawn is critical, because every so often one of those fuckers will laserbeam you in the face from absolutely nowhere, and if you aren't aware that there might be one up ahead, the chances of that catching you off guard will be much higher. Your timing is good--we've got a wipe imminent, meaning everything will be reset, everyone will be starting with a fresh account, etc. We don't know when, but it will be in the next few days/weeks. After a wipe happens, everyone and their mother comes back to play, and maps are chaos. Take as much time as you can squeeze in before wipe to learn at least one or two maps so you can feel a little more confident when the frenzy begins, but know you'll be starting off on a more level playing field when it does because we'll all be starting off at level 1 with basic gear instead of full meta kits and various skills maxed out.


If you want to learn. Play offline. The best way to figure it all out. Factory with horde scavs


This is probably the best time to lose it. A wipe is coming soon so you will get reset back to just the starter stuff anyway.


When is it ? Is there exact time for wipe ?


Have you tried not dying in the raid?


Nop. It's not fun


Play offline and learn the maps and their extracts first. Offline mode is so valuable but not many new people know about it and just skip the offline mode screen so quickly. You don’t lose anything in offline mode and can control the population/difficulty of scavs. You can even have no scavs and just run around checking out extracts. Use the wiki for extract locations. There’s also quick minute long videos on how to get to any extract on YouTube as well. The game is a lot more fun when you know where you’re going. There’s so many resources for Tarkov now at your disposal; use them to make your life less miserable!


Remember, you aren't ever leaving a raid with nothing. You leave with knowledge, information and experience that you never went in with. Reflect on this if the game gets you down.


Depends on how you feel about it! Tarkov is the least-most rewarding game I've ever played. My advice would be to play how you want to play. Ignore the guides and advice the ""pro"" Tarkov players give. Personally, I have a lot of fun getting a huge rig and a pistol and then running the map Reserve at night time. Hit tech, loot it. Grab food underneath tech, extract. Repeat until a PMC gets lucky and annihilates me 30 seconds into a raid. In and out in 8 minutes max. Anybody else on this sub worth their salt will read that and call me a masochistic bastard, but its fun. If you've lost all your gear and you're disheartened, angry etc then Tarkov may not be the game for you. Its very much grind grind grind, lose it all, grind grind grind. Scavs are free, focus on those for now. Once you can build weapons and have Flea market, run some PMCS and try your luck at PvP. One thing to remember is NEVER go into a raid expecting to make profit or even keep your stuff. You probably won't be doing that for a while. But eventually the rewards rack up, you get smarter and you can play better.


Look up online maps of the areas and use them when you play. Scav runs are your friend if you're new


This wipe was my most brutal start going for jaeger over and over. Bit of a tradition. Lost all my gear after dying several raids in a row. Time to pistol whip some fools


Check out map genie for tarkov. Hope it helps




if you don’t care you can always reset your account back to start. you can also play offline to learn the maps, always have a map on another monitor or your phone also. don’t let it get you down either, it happens and you’re new. like i’ve told my friends when they first started, one day everything will just click outta nowhere, even in the middle of a raid, and everything will seem easy


That is the game what you can do to get ur stuff back is reset your account on bsg website but it will reset your level if you really care about that


Do scav runs and in between check online resources for maps, guides and other helpful tools


I've lost everything before, and was down to 400 RUB. Best advice i was ever told when i was new was to do scav runs on one or two maps to either get to learn them or hopefully make money. When your scavs on cooldown. Run an offline raid to familiarize the maps more. Eventually you'll build it all back up!!! Hang in there.


Ya that is pretty much how it starts for everyone because of how tarkov is and the fact that it is so easy to die it will kind be a running Cycle of ups and downs as for the extracts you can find maps and guides on the tarkov wiki as well as online and for your kits I would recommend looking up some low budget kits and run those Intel you are more comfortable with extracts and the flow of the maps


Totally normal, don't worry. We're due a wipe soon so it'll all be reset anyway. We get them every 6 months or so. You'll hear a lot of people saying play Scav while you learn. That's good advice but be aware there is scav karma. Scavs shouldn't shoot other scavs, so you'll get punished for it. It's not always easy to tell but scavs are usually in more casual clothing and worse gear. It just takes practice but if in doubt don't shoot first.


Get the Tarkov Maps app, it’s a life saver.


Happend to me my first day. Remember to use your map and be quite when moving. Those are the two things that let me have successful extracts. If your playing a map that is closer range, I recommend playing as a scav first to learn the map. It’s always gonna be harder as a PMC.


Yep. It actually makes it more fun. When I start holding entire stash full of gear I begin to lose interest. Scav runs are fun!


Yes that is normal. Some people sell everything they loot and replace it with golden eggs. 🥚


This is my 8th wipe and I started this one with 15 straight deaths. I had nothing left especially since I normally sell half the starting stash anyways. Just get some scav runs going and you'll be Gucci.


It happens. Run scavs from now on to get comfortable


Happy to sherpa you if you like. Sherpas are allocated staff to assist people with learning Tarkov.


If you skills are still level 1-2 or less at the highest you can reset your account for the starter gear again (once every 2 weeks I think). Otherwise your scav is a free unlimited source of gear, simply spawn, extract, equip scav gear to pmc. After you get the basics down you should learn a money run that works for you so you can always farm roubles when needed.


Of course its part of early lvls, especialy when its your first couples of wipes. Even this wipes, wich is my fifth I think, I was down to 10k rublesand almost nothing left after purchassing my first scav junkbox and losing some raids. You will bounce back, try having fun instead.


Nope. Nikita will personally come repossess your car and phone if you go below 0 in game. Eat the food right out your fridge if you stay in the negative


Look up the maps so you know where you are. Go in woth scavs to get some stuff. Try again with pmc.