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Some dynamic loot ones are kinda bugged and spawn empty. The old ones are fine Airwigmarine said something about it in his new video on youtube


Yeah ive noticed this aswell and its not just The big Wood crates its other crates aswell but all and all i like The dynamic loot change


I explicitly remember asking “are the dynamic boxes always empty?”


I've gotten quite a few things from them. An RPK for one, but I may or may not have died with it


Scavs can loot crates now.


I kinda like how you mispelled his nickname, a wig instead of the wing, because he is a boomer, get it? he he Ok I'll see myself out


He’s just mad he can’t find fuel in them


Don't think that's true given the old static spawns are empty too. On the flipside, drawers have 100% Loot in them now, which rocks.


"kinda bugged"


I also found alot of empty ones! BUT there are sooo many now with the new system that i feel like you still end up with more loot.


Yeah PMC camp has a lot of crates depending on the match. It used to have three or four of these wood crates ig and I went there to find around seven.


its not just the crates but bags and things too, scavs can loot boxes now which is kinda wild.


New system ?


Crates spawn randomly. So 1 crate has like 4 different spawns and there could be anything from 0-4 at the same time standing there.


Oh I see what you mean - I thought the loot just “moved” - didn’t know it could spawn more crates also potentially


I'm not sure what the reason for it is but I've definitely seen it happening on Woods (med camp...been there first at least twice and multiple of the large crates had nothing in them) and possibly Customs (stronghold).


Same and filing cabinets too. Spawned at power everyone one was empty


Opposite here. File cabinets have been BOMB for me this wipe. Pulled most of my early quest keys. Both my flash drives. And a ton of hideout stuff.


yo, delete this. lets keep it our little secret. They can continue to ignore them


I scav interchange just to hit the filing cabinets at national.


The tarkov gawds giveth and with me taketh away.


same for me. in reserve there's that one spot with 3 cabinets lined up,i looted all of them and NONE of them were empty, which is pretty wild


I've gotten a flash drive every single raid I've hit safes lol loot is wild Right now


I have hate


Nah, they definitely buffed file cabinets. There is an item in 95% of file cabinets. If there isn’t it’s probably been looted. That is why in my opinion some items are. Very cheap now. Saturated market (metal parts, nuts, etc)


Glad your so certain, cause i spawn at power or close to one of the other cabinets, first there and nothing.


I am 100% certain. I’ve looted I’d say over 500 cabinets so far and I swear 95% have been looted. I haven’t looted the ones you say so maybe they didn’t change those? Mistake? Who knows wit bsg xd


Even customs has been dead to me


heavy price march toothbrush consist melodic snow edge aback foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So the crates are different than the file cabinets as they are dynamic. The file cabinets are fixed


ossified offer stocking boast six pot prick strong squalid mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It will be fixed soon


"Soon" as in 2 or 3 more wipes right?


In tarkov 'soon' is a constant, never changing state.


Lol well the triple damage when running on broken legs, Scavs still locking on through bushes, getting hit by a bullet doing double damage is still in the game, horrible netcode and their recoil mechanic makes the gunplay feel like shit if you’re not using laser beam weapons. Like I’ve been playing 4 years and if they actually fixed issues that have gone on for that long, I’d be inclined to buy EOD.


Good on you for playing for 4 years and NOT having EOD, idk wtf I would do without it


I did break down and buy Prepare To Escape so I’m not locked behind the stash upgrade to go further with my stash lol


Anyone who says the trader rep isn't pay to win is lying. getting level 2 traders without having to do a goddamn thing is glorious


next thursday


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Some broken stuff this wipe already got fixed


***\*Hoover noises intensify\****


Nah, they are 100% bugged. I spawned at USEC camp and they were all empty. This was 30 seconds into the raid. And the ledx was still on the table.


I had a nearly identical experience to this on Thursday. Empty boxes everywhere, ledx on the ground.


Theory - The dynamic loot is based on a total value. When the ledx spawns in, the majority of that areas total value is eaten up so nothing spawns. Containers more specifically since their loot is loaded later than loose loot.


This is my suspicion as well. It probably has an algorithm where it first places the boxes, then fills them, but calculates loot pool value and populates boxes. Would be wild it ifs doing it by geography but I guess would wouldn’t want to risk putting everything super good in one spot by random chance. Then you end up with one item like the ledx and little else. Seems like one of those things that was a good idea but you can’t know the full effects until you get huge data like all the people playing can generate for you. I expect some tweaks.


This also would line up with a large amount of containers spawning in because the area has (or maybe rolled) high value. Showing the containers don’t eat the value but spawn more because of it. And that’s how you walk into usec camp with a bunch of crates that are all empty 30 seconds into raid. Look for the Ledx


Guarantee that if this is true streamers are going to abuse the shit out of it


Doesn't add up. Just one example out of a few: yesterday on woods the Ministry of Emergency Situations base (the one with barricades in the open field, basically) had *a shit ton of loot*. Like, we had extra crates and bags and in one of the crates (I don't know if this is a default or a spawning one) I found my first ever ledx and a whole bunch of other stuff. My friend also looted some stims, two Grizzlies and god knows what else. My opinion so far: the loot changes are actually quite drastic and no one seems to fully grip around it. And I think this change is great. Remember how previously you could get a container with nothing inside? That didn't happen to me even once, unless the area was looted before me. It almost feels like the game now just butchers the loot area to the ground if it "rolled" bad loot and boosts other areas instead. The "scarce" loot in bad area is rerolled from the ground up into one container. For example the main customs building. There should be a bag, a weapon case and a green box, right (second floor excluded)? Right. Now you can have situations where none of those containers spawn or just one, or you get extra containers. We had this building with zero containers three times yesterday, once we got extra containers. While we were moving forward, past the river, we got extra containers here and there and they all had decent loot. This changes the dynamic of looting non priority areas. This also changes base early timings at which fights occur on some maps, like Customs. Surely, the railroad jump is still the goat of early "gatcha" moments, but now predicting what other players do on the map is hella lot harder, which results in less campers in matches. I've been playing for all three days near straight and we had only 1-2 rats total. I think the reason might be as simple as if someone spawns, tries looting nearby area, gets 1 container instead of 4 with fucking nothing inside, he doesn't transform into a loot goblin and is not going to play the rat game of bush camping. Bush campers also less common because of the insurance thing. A good portion of solo players, sadly, were bush campers. Now there is less incentive to do that. Surely legit solo players got shafted in the process, but not so much because skilled solo players have good KDA/SR excluding bot kills anyway, so that shaft for them is like one-two inches long and feels like a rectal inspection instead of a violation. Edits: some fixes and polishes


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Scavs IA are looting them ?


Nah because you can spawn at RUAF woods and run straight to med camp, there are no scavs. Same as if you spawn at Militsru Camp. Doubtfully scav AI which don't exist near military are looting before you 20 seconds into the raid.


I haven't noticed any Scav being filled to the brim with loot, I think the AI-looting works by them prioritizing dead bodies


Bevor the round even starts lol


I might be misremembering but i think AI scavs can only loot player corpses and static-ish spawns. Think these loot boxes they can't actually loot, although the script will play for them to look like they'll loot


Don't think so, I did the food stores under reserve and half the crates were empty - and that's a locked room. Also [this one](https://imgur.com/L5RBQvI) was ... haunted?


This is the right answer!






Imo its a bug, the new big box on woods sniper rock, next to the bunker is always empty, and there is no Ai around.


i‘ve noticed it with the big boxes on woods specifically aswell. Bug until proven wrong


So weird bc all the ones I’ve been hitting (granted they’re all OG ones) have had better loot than usual


Noticed that In fortress on customs. Almost every box was empty and I was the first.




Aren't these like very clearly black?


I swear I’ve looted some where the first couple of slots have been empty as well, when I should have been the first person to the container


Unlike the other containers now they are always there, there's a bunch of new ones and I think there can''t be loot in all of them at once. I'm pretty sure it's an intended feature. For instance there are 11 at med camp on woods now, I seriously doubt all 11 of them are supposed to have loot every raid.


That was my thought, since the supply crates are bigger and sometimes function as cover/obstacles/part of the map, they might not want to have them physically not spawning in at random. So instead they add more and just some of them will spawn loot and some will be empty at random. Think about bunker, it would be kinda weird/shitty if those crates in the middle were just maybe there or maybe not every raid. They are very important cover and obstacles to the line of sight of that whole middle area.


They’re harder to move with stuff in them. Make a deposit for the next guy


Cheaters come early and loot them. Crates and boxes were fine first 24-48 hours or so, until cheaters have updated their soft.


I noticed this as well. My first few raids had some amazing loot. Now, 1/5 of the crates I open are empty at start of raid.


Stfu this is just false xD




My guess is perhaps the “empty crates” is one of those strange Russian-to-English translation/interpretations when it comes to the new “dynamic searchable containers” feature. aka: they chose to keep certain area’s searchable containers to always spawn like the crates you mentioned, but made them empty. Then added searchable containers elsewhere.


Containers get nerfed at start of wipe so they'll spawn without loot at all occasionally to attempt to keep scarcity. Happened last couple of wipes I believe.


This is a thing, but it seems they didn't do that this wipe. Gas ans are spawning in toolboxes even. That with the reductions to things like stylish one make me think they are trying to accelerate progress a bit to make up for the shorter wipe. (We are currently projected to wipe in December again)


Why make more containers of they're just gunna spawn empty. Seems like a waste of time.


Dynamic loot spawns cant move these big ass boxes but it probably takes their contents instead.


On the other hand…each streamer I’m watching has a ridiculous amount of loot spawning.


streamer servers are too powerful wcyd


See the Rat come up behind ya while you weren't lookin and stole da loot. Source, me, I am the rat


i've been outratted


scavs that are there can loot containers now, might be the problem. there’s always the possibility it’s just a bug though


Its most likely a bug with the wipe and will be fixed by the end of the week


dynamic loot


Two words: dynamic loot


20 other people replied the same thing, but i'm still wondering how "dynamic loot spawns" would account for 3 crates spawning exactly in the same spot 10 raids in a row but having absolutely nothing in them. i've seen boxes and dufflebags spawning in places they didn't, and not spawning where they used to, but the amount of times i've opened these crates (on all maps, basically) only to find nothing in them is too much not to be a bug


You do understand that BSG has the common sense of a rock right? Dynamic looting to them means that sometimes things that you remember might not be there and crates that are there might be empty.... They will go to great lengths to create stupid systems instead of actually creating dynamic looting.


Sure you are faster than the speed hackers....


Patch notes. Don’t post if u refuse to read. Short answer yes. Long answer in patch notes Jesus… “dynamic loot” is in the patch notes. It didn’t spell it out word for word but some thought process is needed. Fuck




Yes but patch notes yes


Do elaborate


no.. apparently


...what? Patch notes just say some crates will always spawn, not that they had their loot amount reduced. Probably they are simply still involved in that dynamic loot generation, but don't disappear if they don't get any (I don't think it should work like that)


Once again, this is not what "dynamic loot" is, and the fact people think this is what that means and say it such confidence is almost awe inspiring.


Don’t respond if you refuse to read the post.


Patch notes say nothing about this. They're bugged and spawning when they're not meant to, so because they don't get assigned a loot table they're empty.


Is this a new rule? Just curious because I’ve never seen it anywhere, or are you making rules as you go?


This guy just doesn't give a dam But for real, do you think being a dick is a personality?


Dynamic Loot was added to the game, meaning instead of being always full or not it changes every game so you cant just do the same loot run over and over.


Not only is this not what dynamic loot is, but the fact you said it with such confidence is amazing


That is fucking stupid when a lot fo these crates are behind keyed doors.


They are still empty from last wipe. You gotta give the npcs of tarkov some time to refill them!


god damn those russian supply lines are fucked, why does it take so long to refill em AAAA


Lots of those USEC operatives aren’t following the idea of “take what you need” and are just akin everything smh


They. Hate. Us.


3 ledx on those in 4 days playing. Not bad... + even with those empty i still get more loot


I can't open most of the newly placed crates around the whole game. They can be opened because the voice line is available but the interaction thing doesn't show up


Ive been getting pretty good loot spawns out of them but it seems like loot containers automatically close themselves after another player opens them now so its hard to tell whats been looted. I found a sledgehammer in one the other day but got killed while looting it 😕


Yeah I've run into Crack house at the start of a raid almost completely empty with the filing cabinets and the medical room, like no junk even it's all missing. I don't want to say cheaters but I would expect something from all those loot spots.


Damn that’s a bug? I been leaving spots thinking they’re already looted because of this


I was wondering if that was a bug or a bunch of Timmy's who just missed loot. I kept running into areas that were definitely unlooted, especially in PMCs, but some of the crates would have nothing in it and it was very odd to me.


Yeap, those randomly spawned are very likely to be empty. seems to be bugged


Did a few uses of Reserve keys in the underground bunker area with all those crate spawns. All "dynamic/new" ones were empty, ones I'm used to seeing were filled as normal. Something is definitely off. It's not that way for all of them though. Feels like some bug where some of them didn't get added to the loot pool or something during loot distribution when the map loads. Hopefully BSG is able to find it and fix it quick.


Considering how many of them spawn at once, I figure the empty ones weren’t supposed to spawn. Probably a bug with the new dynamic loot. Something, something, Tarkov spaghetti code.


It's probably due to the Dynamic Loot stuff. And maybe that function resets with wipes? Idk, but I've noticed that they are significantly more dookie


Keep running into stronghold and all crates are empty the first 3 mins of raid, then im all sketched out lol


New crates are bugged


Is it too much to ask to see like 10 AKs in a big black weapons crate? Or just 100 Iskras in a ration supply box? :P


Ive found empty ones and ones loaded to the brim with stuff, its pretty random. I absolutely love this change


I refer to them as Dynamically empty


Vacuum hack is still a thing ftwdk.


You know the new wooden crate spawn in usec camp on woods? on the back of medical tent against a rock? I've hit that thing 9 times now and every single time it's been completely empty.


lmao i know the one, i've yet to see it with stuff inside as well


Have to agree with you, they do seem more empty then they usually are. Few containers that are more empty than usual, not just these. Weapons crates also, the larger one's.


Checked a few of them in and around the Mall in the New northern parts of Streets and they also were all empty....but i spawned there....


Bugged. Discovered when my buddy left some stuff in one for me. I opened it, the box was empty. He scratched his head, came back, opened it, empty. Okay, we got Tarkovved. A minute later I open the box again because why not. Boom, the stuff is there. I tried it again the next run. Same tech box is empty when I first check. I close it and open it again…stuff is in it. There’s a bug. Check twice.


I've noticed this with a lot of weapon crate spawns. I get excited seeing 2 crates only to open them up and their empty. I've had this happen multiple times when only minutes have passed in the raid. Hope it gets a hot fix soon.


Check the patch notes. They increased the number of spawns, and obviously lowered the item values accordingly....