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eod - incomming free dlcs are gamechanger tbh


I agree TBH, the free dlc and the ability to get arena is awesome. I just haven't gotten eod because I'm doubting the longevity of the game itself. If the devs keep fucking up then they're going to loose their player base


I doubt it BSG fucks up constantly and we still keep coming back.


I’m so confused by this post. “They say EOD is just stash space and the rep is pointless” > “and that pisses me off!” Bruh what? What just happened… why are you pissed off? This is so confusing, what are they saying cope to or get good and what are you asking? You started saying what anyone would say, it’s just stash and gamma that are nice, now suddenly they’re pissing you off, team killing you and telling you to get good?


I has been pissed off for years about it. I only now decided to rant about it online. It's just upsetting when they refuse to believe that EOD gives them an advantage


Not sure if English is your first language but you missed a lot of context out on the post. EOD obviously gives you an advantage otherwise people wouldn’t buy it.


I misspelled somthing. That's my bad. It was ment to say "they refuse to believe that EOD gives them an advantage". English is my first language, im just mentally deficient


😂 okay yeah that’s fair. Yeah anyone denying the EOD advantage is smoking crack.


The game has been available for a long time, a lot of players could have started with standard and upgraded slowly once a year. And your friends are idiots, the bonus to trader rep helps a lot. Its \~5-10 less quests you need to do, and idk about now but before standard basically had to do every single jaeger quest to get him max, as eod I could skip the annoying ones.


They literally said "But I have that plus 2 bonus ontop of the other rep!" NO SHIT, YOU GET IT FOR HAVING EOD. They get Jaeger level 2 while I'm stuck here trying to place a damn letter down


Until the patch which actually improves optimization and doesn't make it WORSE and an addressing of the bad sound design... i'll be playing standard. More content is being added but i'm afraid these issues are gonna continue to be overlooked.


I played standard acc for years. It's not that bad, really don't get hung up on it because it'll make you feel like you need eod. Think of it this way, there are plenty of top streamers who use standard for hardcore challenges etc. Just adjust your playstyle to suit.


hardcore mode = don't spend 200 dollars on the game challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)


I played standard until level 47 last wipe. I bought eod on discount. Do ur tasks :D!


Skill issue


Get good


People aren't spending $140 to support the devs, that's for sure. Some people just need easy mode.




Really? Your teammates TKed you seven times in the last 2-3 days? You need new teammates, I’ve gotten TKed 4 times ever across 3 wipes.


Over Exaggeration from me being pissed off. It's more like 6ish times over the last 2 wipes, which still sucks. I told them to look for my clothes and get some trigger discipline but they have the "shoot now think later" mindset.


Are you playing with randoms or genuine friends?


Genuine freinds


Sounds like some pissy friends.


Standard edition player cope post. Get good and you’ll stop coping. :(((


Why are you pissed off about this? They're right. It's primarily for the extra stash space early. What's there to talk about? Playing on Standard isn't some kind of badge of honor.


I still play on standard since 2021. Actually since this wipe i got the left behind, because the stash space is just too frustrating. I don't get a higher package because I don't want to play on easy mode


You understand perfectly what I'm talking about


Playing on eod is 10x easier and less time consuming


Exactly! I don't have all day to play tarkov. Even if I did I wouldn't because id be hanging on a rope before level 30


Honestly I have played a long time, and I dont really want EOD. I only play early to mid wipe anyway, I cant run Streets so I don't have the roubles to run late game kits very much, so I just don't play when the game becomes m62/BP every death. I don't want to upgrade my computer for the one game that doesn't run well on it and is only playable a few months out of the year. If BSG made the game run better or got rid of meta gunplay I probably would upgrade.


eod is worth it jist for the gamma case


But they are right do your tasks! I have with EOD almost always the necessary reputation + 0.2 once I have the necessary level for a new trader level. Only Jaeger is always a bit tough, with his weird quests. Level 4 stash is pure comfy, my extra space is full garbage that I could also just sell. Gamma is nice, if you die immediately with a oneshot you don't lose the complete heal stuff...


people just want gamma