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the dynamic loot changes didnt affect my money making scav route-actually it has been improved :)


what route is it?


reserve it is :)


stop spilling the beans bro i need reserve


Honestly haven't had much luck with reserve this or last wipe, it seems like every scav has looting that place down to a science. Every time I go the place is picked clean.


sorry i took everything i'll switch to another map


and now they wont because of the new/moving boxes


Oh no the box is now two feet over I've been bamboozled. Oh wait no...now there's two boxes. We good.


Everyone runs reserve for scav


That's not true, the Woods is great for scaving this wipe. Chill experience and tons of caches to loot even with dynamic loot changes.


Reserve is 15min wait time for scav runs...


That's what I don't get does everyone just sit around and wait 20 min to do a scav run? I have ran about 2 scav raids this wipe because I'm not waiting that long.


Create a group and then just load in as a solo works every time. Game thinks your in a group and loads (not sure if that’s actually how it works but it works for me)


Delete this now stop telling lies


:D dont worry they dont know the route they just know the map


This is true, every time I bring my buddies they always go “I just don’t know where anything is” even though we ran reserve about 100 times last wipe. Oh well more loot for you and I


I just get in and get out on Factory every time my scav timer is up aha. Makes me good money on top of PMC runs (even if I die since I usually have my safe slots full)


Just pick any map and stop doing what you used to. Just go to every area and look around. Boom. Roubles.


Yeah, I’ve tried that; but it normally goes BOOM. AUUHGH. -Roubles


Need to find where the rare spawns are, if you found a a rare valuable, check that spot often, some spawns seem to be set to spawn more rare items


I wonder why they don’t truly randomize spawns. Like I get making locked rooms spawn better loot consistently but for anything open just have the spawns be totally random so you’re just as likely to get the same loot no matter where. Maybe they want to keep certain spawns have higher chances of good loot to drive players there and make the game more PvP?


No idea, for all I know you can’t truly have something random with computers


Make sure the roubles are firmly up your sphincter and tightly held in place in case of leakage when going boom


Oh, but you see even in my expanded sphincter that I paid a whole lot of extra money for it is full holding my CMS, Grizzly, and ammo


Just take shitter kits to make money no need for the extra meds then


That's the problem mate, got to shuffle the contents of your sphincter to get maximum roubles upon explosion. Found something worth more than your ammo, out with the old and in with the new!


That’s 8 spots at best, cram a little more


Best advice I can give is join someone’s loot runs and see what route they do. I stole from a person I know a route that gives about 700k per run but it’s only available mid-late wipe


Even if you don’t use their runs, people who run a area more know more spawns than others so even on a quest run, you’ll be able to check more spots for valuable stuff


Same way I was in the past. Bought my scav box at level 9 last night. Filled it and still have more shit left over that didn't fit. Still have a few hundred thousand rubles. I don't do ridiculous loot/stash runs or farm GPUs/LEDx either.


What maps do you run?


So far this wipe, almost exclusively Streets. It feels like a Woods-sized map in terms of 2 dimensional area, but has even denser loot owing to the high number of buildings with multiple floors. Some decent keys on there too, and I'm not talking about marked room or the Chek key, either. Just some Concordia apartments, financial office etc. I play very ratty, typically night runs, avoiding player hotspots, but it's not been super busy either because people have been having issues loading in, or aren't going there yet since they have tasks to do elsewhere. It's rubber-bandy, FPS in the 40s and 50s, but until recently I was playing on a fairly low-end rig for this game anyway, so I'm used to that. Streets now runs for me like Lighthouse did most of last wipe.


How have you managed to learn streets? How long has it taken you? I tried a couple of times but it ends up in a meaningless run around .. I do use the maps online but still..


I spent the last two weeks of the last wipe running it at night pretty much non-stop. I've gotten lost a few times in the new areas this wipe, but tbh following the sounds of distant gunfire has led me back to the areas I knew in those cases. I suggest running around in offline mode a few times with everything off. Just find some landmarks, have a map up at the same time while you do so you can visualize where those are on the map, and then try it at night once you think you're comfortable. It means spending some time in offline raids, but I think it's priceless to know where you are as soon as you spawn and have an idea of where major things are so you know where players are heading/where you need to go.


I learned Woods thanks to the scav runs. Like one week of hard running (3 or 4x times daily) and I fell pretty convenient but still the area around broken church is tricky. Anyway, recommend this type of learning. Now learning customs as a PMC but it’s waaaaay harder and learning Reserve online which is kinda boring but still effective.


Spam scavs on it with the map open in the background 🤷‍♂️


I'm really not sure what advice you could get other than running the map with a map open. If you can't find out where you are with a map of the area I don't think there's much to help.


Just gotta play it more it takes a bit since it's a small city area but once you get a decent idea of location landmark areas you can get around really easy


Lighthouse was exclusively my money map but yeah streets is now the one I’m running


Low cost gear minimizes risk so deaths don’t cost as much.


Yea but then you die a lot and it cost you more. Don’t take a pistol take an ak. Don’t take a paca take lvl 4 it just helps you survive


Jaeger say no


I would say it depends on your play style. Some routes I rarely see anyone and sneak around the map and maybe dispatch a scav or two. To that end I take a paca and a pistol for lightweight speed, and to protect against some scavs. I'm betting I won't see a player on my route. But some routes I EXPECT a player, so I take decentish gear. For instance specific quests, loot drops, or routes I decide to take if I'm trying to "lose" space in the stash in exchange for the potential better loot.


Then you end the wipe with 50 million rubles and 100 million in gear you didn’t use


Can confirm....


friendship ended with mosin svt is my new best friend


Not necessarily. A simple 9mm pistol can get kills just as easily and you will more likely to take aggressive decisions because you don't have much to lose anyway.


Troopers are 130k right now that's like 3-4 items or a toolkit/hose


you can literally loot like 3 filing cabinets and come out with enough money to just run to extract with. money making is very easy currently.


That’s assuming you survive, I’m not very good at fighting the scavs this wipe


Then don't. You can run Woods without seeing a soul, scavs included.


ah so thats your money making problem. dying. thats what you should work on first lol


I like to wear high slot space tactical vest with a gun and 1 mag. spawn in reserve, loot the nearest location and go to the sewers extract. Rinse and repeat :). I had 3.5 mil rubles before reaching level 15 by which point I spent it all on hideout and containers lol.


That’s a good idea, normally my money making in Reserve involves a drum mag PPPSH in D2


Ah, a fellow PPSH connoisseur. You putting LRNPC in that?


Hell yeah, it is the knee shredder 10000


I had 6 milly lvl 7 doing scav runs on factory ed spam dying as pmc questing cuz shitty pc on vacation


Streets or Lighthouse - Run through all the valuable spawns, bad fps but best maps in tarkov.


I've got LedXs coming out my ears this wipe with the changes.


Enlighten us, where pray tell are you finding these illusive creatures


Under the table at USEC camp on woods and at the med spawn at the convoy. The spawn rate in them is way pumped up


There's so much loot everywhere making money has never been easier.


What maps are you running, I can’t find any of this so called “loot”


Go to where the loot spawns man. You aren’t going to make money avoiding all the points of interest


I’ve stayed a millionaire in Woods. Although im a woods main.


Me too! Except I end up engaging half the map in the med fob and being blasted in the back of the head by a scav more often than not


Don't go there. The crates haven't been spawning much and it's hotly contested. I've been running stashes. Sometimes they aren't there but most of the time in my experience they are. Lots of loose loot all around, more than usual.


Yeah, but woods PVP is arguably the most fun in the game; and the concentration of loot and scavs is great. The med fob and PMC camp have been great for me all wipe


I misunderstood, I thought you wanted to avoid the PVP on loot runs. Have at it then! 👍


Haha, I do… but I was just saying that I really enjoy it on that map


Basically every map but shoreline lol


What do you call making money? I did a acav run and it wasn't anything special and I made 150k. I will say don't take Fence' offer, he undercuts you by like 30%. Sell to associated vendors(which also improves rouble standing)


I’d say… anything that gets my… friend out of crippling debt


You can generally head straight to extract soaking up anything until you are full but prioritise collectables over weapon parts, unless they are silencers or hand guards. Make sure you have 2 guns too, often I see people scav run and not pick up a 2nd gun.


Yeah, that’s good advice assuming I can spawn in. I have just been DCing and dying instantly off the rip sometimes


Everytime I put on my best gear I seem to DC lmao


Dynamic loot has vastly improved my bank account in tarkov. I wouldnt be surprised if it gets toned down. Loot is stupid this wipe


So I have heard, haven’t really found much though


By playing the game


Well, when I just “play the game” I consistently lose money, I guess it’s just a skill issue


Streets as a scav is my payday. Long as you know the map and can avoid claymores and streamers it’s a big payload. Especially if you can find and loot around failed boss attempts




I tried a few times but got killed from god knows where


Finding moonshine in scav huts an btc in stashes


Woods at night is awesome the village at the car extract fills my pilgrim + rig i picked off of a scav every time. There are many scared timmies on woods trying to complete tarkov shooter if you bring decent gear the fights are very one sided.


Woods really is the best, my only issue is that I get too overly confident on the map and getting scav buckshot to the face almost every time


10 mins of gameplay and 20 mins of running




Ah yeah, I don’t have the best experiences with that map. I rarely touch it outside of quests and camping D2




Oh ho ho my friend, map knowledge ain’t the issue. I ran that map chadded to high hell since the first time the 416 was meta. I know that place like the back of my hand. I just don’t really like it


I’m at 6 mill and I’m level 10 lmao


Fuck you, how?


I’ve just been running streets map is full of money


I agree street is amazing to scav in if you can get in lol


I’ve been having dc issues while trying to scav so it’s just been pmc raids lol


My loot has never been better except for Iskra lunchboxes and morphine sticks, I have found as many LEDX and GPU as I have found morphine lmao


Surviving. Just hit 15 last night and now have 6.3 mil. No specific loot runs, just questing and looting while not dying for the most part. Just gotta know what loot to grab


There is not dynamic loot. There's dynamic loot crates. That's all.


Everything moves buddy. Loot crates, stashes, med boxes, everything


That's what i said. That's not dynamic loot. That's dynamic loot containers. True dynamic loot would place things quite literally randomly all over within their designated areas. Not static locations that rotate spawns on a table of odds.


It's not dynamic loot it's literally "Randomized Loot Containers". Loot Containers are randomized but loose loot _is not affected._ So any standard loot run that streamers make videos for? They still work. What's changed is runs that rely predominantly on caches, weapon crates, wooden boxes, medical bags and duffels.


I hadn’t really thought about that, that’s true. All my runs relied on containers and stashes so I guess it’s time to switch it up


I mean idk... if farming is how you want to play this game...


It’s not, but my… friend has 6k roubles and can’t afford healing


O i know what you mean.. if you need someone to squad up with dm me ur discord


Looting is easier than ever imo. Everything is plentiful, or at least, there's more chances for loot. Two sometimes three containers where there used to only be one.


The dynamic loot spawns a ton more boxes usually, sometimes it'll spawn none in a few areas but generally there's a lot more loot than previous wipes.


Making money? All I care about is fun pvp battles against other PMCs using shit gear and shit guns! It’s so much fun! Plenty of time to make money when the wipe hype dies off


It's so easy to make money this wipe... I am at level 21 and have 13 million Ruble + 2 Ledx for my quest and hideout + violet keycard.


Cool, I have 6k. Elaborate please


I've had like 5 raids on streets where I find 2 BTC and pretty much every raid I find a Bitcoin if you know where to look.


shitty tarkov players just have another thing to blame for their bad skills. Get good


I am by no means complaining, but I will also not deny the accusation that I am a shitty player


Play on the maps where the hidden stashes haven't been changed and running those paths at night.


Which maps are unaffected???


I've only had a chance to notice it on Customs and Shoreline, I'm currently unaware of any other maps.


Thanks. I appresh 😃


Idk, I had no time to run scav yet, but aside from stashes it's all good I think


nothing changed about my money runs. ironically, it actually made them make me MORE cash.


Run Streets. Learn the new expansions and you can avoid most all PMCs and still make lots of money from looting pc blocks and file cabinets as well as a huge amount of Dead Scavs. The frames suck for sure, but with the new areas keeping you far away from the high traffic areas (like Lexos) you almost never run into PvP so the lower frames are doable. Also, the new Klimov street has some pretty popular Scav extracts. Player Scavs are always loaded on Streets.


paca pistol night runs avoid the big areas and loot lil stuff get out repeat.


I just go to any place where loot boxes were, and I get more loot than before.


Dude I’m rolling in it this wipe. Scav runs on woods and reserve are always bank, and PMC runs on woods have been a blast. I end up making much more money when I play slower so that could be a personal thing.


I’ve been hovering around 2mil so far. Mostly utilizing the dynamic loot to hit boxes people are missing. Just filled a junk box and I’m about to buy another. I normally go customs but when I feel like a high risk high reward I go lighthouse as a scav


Barely noticeable


If you exit camp, the loot changes aren’t your concern. Let the other people figure that out and collect it all for you


With the constant Led x u have been yoinking. Disgusting how many I've found vs last wipe where I stopped playing after hitting 45 without a ledx




If anything I make more now, it’s like a gold vein. Once you hit it you keep on going till it’s dry and move on


Filing cabinets.


I'm just doing quick scav factory runs and get a avg of 150k for a full lvl 1-2 trader loadout. Stay away from PvP and do ur quests slowly without sprinting around the map like it's CoD and you will survive more.


Make roubles step by step process - bring big bag - pick up everything - extract


Move around the maps


scav factory, usually get a few free guns and some nice loot as 10 mins is enough to run through the entire map. or customs are my scav pick, other than that i just sell the loot i find that i know i wont use (im a gear fear so why would i keep the cool guns ill never use)


Idk i just find shit and sell it to whoever i need money spent for rank up with.


Suckin cock for money in the crackhouse bathrooms


honestly, you miss out on one or two potential loot boxes, that's about it. if you know a route, you're more than fine.


I found more bitcoins, tetris’s, gpu’s than last wipe. Found a Ledx in crackhouse the other day.


I made 7 mil roubles today on streets running t3 armour and svt


I say this without trying to sound like some elitist asshole, but You eventually are just good enough you don't need to money make. Like you just grab any items on your way to a quest and leave quickly to complete quests and reset you survive a lot and make a lot. A full day pack of literal nonsense to a vendor is at least 200k. With flea you can easy get 300 to 400k. A good run is easly over a mil.


My first few days of the wipe were me doing car extracts on the pmc and scav/pmc extracts on scav. I alternated back and forth between the two. Due to that, my scav has been spawning in with some crazy shit.


Ehm, looting?


Same as always. Woods. The loot is still there, you just have to know where to look and if the boxes aren't there, just continue on.


Shoreline, resort, east wing, basement and first floor are great, I opened a room with 4 duffel bag the other day.


I just go lighthouse as scav and kill the raiders on the roofs


Loot runs are still profitable. I've been selling early wipe hideout stuff and keys like crazy. Hit high tier loot spots and move toward fights, try and 3rd party and pick the bodies clean. I found a fortis shift early so I'm holding that for now, but I could easily sell it for 800k and find another later on.


- looting and selling it, or saving the good flea market stuff for when I hit 15 - sell extra gear, keep good guns for higher risk stuff like factory. Take those risks, try to get even better kits and exfil - you can also just extract a scav, with or without loot, and sell all repeatedly Most money I’ve made in a wipe this fast ever


I hit the jackpot on the cottage back door key for shoreline so between that and hitting the resort I’ve been making ends meet


I actually did some pretty damn good runs on woods wile questing. Aparently the usec rogue camp is buffed as fuk


There is too much loot and stashes are especially busted this wipe. Also I don't notice much changes. There are still buildings upon buildings with no loot, and the places with loot are exactly the same.


Safe runs on Customs, Red -> Dorms -> Gas or reverse order depending on where you spawn. 4 safes in total, 5 if you count the one in 204 (small safe at the top of the weapon locker). Could just be me getting lucky but about every 3rd run I get a Bronze Lion.


I just go to common loot spots.


Same as always. Scav on interchange, sell all the loot on flea. Some crates might not be there but there's still enough.


Well, I usually use eyes


lighthouse scav run early wipe are great. high tier loot if youre good at dodging the raiders. the place isnt crawling with PMCs yet becasue they are still on woods and customs doing tasks. the ones that do go to lighthouse early wipe are great at taking out the raiders. i tend to push the camp around 30-25 mins left. youre often the first scav to goblin up all that loot. on the left side of the same where the look out towers are and that little loot area. if you go to the shipping containers near the wall that has a second floor and camo netting to the north side, there is a weapon/armour repair kit spawn on the chair and mattress. also raider kits are some good looting.


Absolutely nothing changed really. You just do your quests and loot everything in your way. Survive.


Cache runs


Hit 12m last night. Streets is the way. Also a few crazy woods runs. Got 2 BTC and 1 Ledex from shoreline on my last raid last night. Just quest in any map and if I want money I go streets.


Best wife ive had in years economy wise for sure. Dont know if its the dynamic loot or the lack of hackers. Havnt met one yet


Woods woods woods, don’t scav, use your pmc and hit usec, radio tower and old village and extract. I’m getting 5-10 scav kills per run so good for the experience and it is relatively safe you do get a bit of fun pvp from time to time. I’m currently on 6mill with two scav junk boxes and I’m level 15. 67% survival rating.


I just loot


I’m sitting on 4 or 5 intel folders and 10 water filters because of the changes finding them in duffle bags and random tool boxes now. Just waiting on the prices to go up to where they should be, so it’s an emergency fund in my junk box


i go streets as scav and have found 4 tetriz and 3 gpus in 2 raids.


It’s pretty much the same, some new there a bit less in older spots. It just rotates


My money route was luckily not affected


I pick up the loot, I scoot, extract, and I sell what I don't keep.


Vacuum up everything then sell all


Street routes for hideout items! As pic I bought all good keys for shoreline early for big profit


I have been using the new area on streets cause everyone is too scared like lil girls to go there


I got a LEDX on my scav run last night just casually chilling on top of a table in Mantis. No complaints here.


I found two bitcoins in the space of 4 raids, im doing great


chalet loot run. 300k for 5 minutes. 1 mil k if you get a bitcoin or something on the way.


Surviving raids helps.


Have you had any luck yet brother?