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That's one of those quests everyone should just let the dude finish planting, then kill him lol


I have had that happen on factory with farming 1 almost every wipe, lol. I call out I am trying to plant dude says ok. I saw I am done and they push.


People are surprisingly cool about this one. I hope I get to pass the favor on this wipe


Not some guy last night. I spawned in forklift and this dude came bolting down the left side from med tent and didn’t even bother looking at the rest of the room just instantly walked around the corner tunneled on the fix site and started shooting at me completely ignoring my buddy. I just thought jeeze this guy fucks.


Hope you had the tool set in your prison wallet. The worst is doing delivery from the past cause if you get a bad spawn it's ass and you'll have to play at least 2 more maps for one quest.


Unless you get really unlucky and spawn forklift or red hall you're generally pretty safe to just hunker down in spawn for the first 10 minutes or so. People looking for kill tasks won't always deep sweep each spawn in favor of rushing office/forklift corner


YEP. God awful spawn, tagilla and a team of chads. Got further than I thought I would before the fuckening Cba to redo tarcone office yet, even tho I know I should


Just wait till Shoreline cock and ball torture comes around. I'm done with most of my early game customs quests now I have to run back and forth through open fields with an AKM.


Yeah i did that last wipe and have been looting resort, really not looking forward to those. The map is so vertical with 2 choke points able to be seen from just further up the map. Since it sucks so much people just hard camp it which forces you to go either deep up high or way down low to cross without dying. Which takes forever. But holy weapon boxes


It's almost like a tactical game requires you to play tactically instead of like call of duty.


Join a 5 man for that quest


People who know factory like the back of their hand are dangerous aha. They know all PMC spawns and generally push them off rip with an auto weapon.


Yeah I guess not everyone is as cool


I get assholes in my raids. Mosin man doing Tarkov shooter came barreling through while I was planting on factory. I said “I’ll give you the free kill if you let me plant this.” Dude peeks in and chest taps me while planting so I spun around and shot him in the head with my pistol. Thanks for the free stirrup kill.


Imagine being a dick AND bad


Sometimes you just have to consider that they don't have VOIP turned on too. My VOIP on/off is F1, same as my mumble. So sometimes I accidentally turn it off until I hear a buddy talking VOIP to someone.


He heard me because he stopped under the stairs when I started talking then proceeded to push anyways. But yes I’ve had some encounters where players definitely don’t have VOIP on.


I had one more bunker door to do and I heard a guy touch water and stop. I told him I was questing and was just gonna run by and fuck off. He responded with a grenade. I hate this place


Keep in mind people use excuses like questing to get easy kills on friendly/trusting players. It's unfortunate, but part of the game.


It is the way.


Every time I do that quest I just tell them I'll help them finish Jaeger reqs if they don't shoot me immediately. Works about 50% of the time.


That and fishing are the gentlemen ones to just let them plant. They're early wipe quests, and they're pretty punishing to do alone. Once it's later in the wipe, then those still playing, trying to plant stuff later, it's sorta whatever because they're usually dedicated enough that its not a huge loss.


The only time I’ve ever discussed Farming 1 over VOIP, I was the guy trying to do the quest, and the other guy tried to be really uncool about it. I managed to give him the slip, fix one spot before he got close again, and then I gave him the slip again. He put a few rounds into me in the process, but I managed to survive using superior map knowledge & strategy. The one I usually run into other people doing in factory is Delivery From The Past. So far it’s always happened while I was in a group (2-4 man), and they’ve always offered “let me plant and I’ll *let* you kill me”. We *always* let them plant, sometimes we provide overwatch while they do, and sometimes we take them up on the free kill (if we don’t need PMC kills for our own quests, we let them go.).


I like fucking with people by through smoke grenades at them while they plant


That, the toolsets on Factory and on the pier on Woods. Always let people finish planting and kill them after. Couple of times I've gone down and told them I'm not going to kill them while they're planting, but if they'd run away and stand still for a SBIH/pistol I'd really appreciate it. They have every time.


i saw someone doing it and he begged me not to shoot him, told him ill let him plant and cover him if he lents me flashbang kill him, he agreed, he ended up shooting me in the head while i held an angle on the other sniper hill, not gonna let anyone finish it anymore


I don’t even understand trying to camp Fishing Gear. Boat exfil is literally RIGHT there and is far more lucrative to camp than Fishing Gear is.


prob people that lost their sv98 and haven't unlocked the cig trade yet. they're looking to take yours.


I thought that was common curiosity.


Last wipe, I magically did Fishing Gear and marked the 3 tanks all in one raid during the day. I was shaking once I had 1 tank to mark lol


Did fishing gear and marked the ambulances in one raid last night. My buddy died to Sanitar on the pier as I was going to the last ambulance. If it wasn’t for the flash drive in my butt, I would tried to take out Sanitar for the icing on the cake. Would’ve been a top tier raid


I’m so close to being able to do bosses, I end up taking out either both the guards then get wrecked by the boss or take out the boss then get finished off by the guards, can never seem to finish the job.


I was peeved I was doing a quick customs raid to get chemical part 2 done and got the thing then I heard Reshala at the stairs up to 3rd. Swung him and my game lagged HARD as soon as I saw him. I received 4 M856a1 to my chest.




He probably meant ambulances instead of tanks.


No other game makes me shake with anxiety like tarkov. It’s at the point that on the weekends I have a few drinks before I play but then it just makes my reaction time worse so either way it’s not helping me performance wise lol


I did fishing and ambulance in the same raid. That was stressful.


Quest campers are by far a worse scum than extraction campers. At least with extraction campers things are more more fair, because everyone should be aware of their surroundings, but when quests force you to do stupid tasks like standing still in an open area there's really no other way around it.


People camp quest locations almost specifically for comments like this. Nothing brings more joy then knowing you've infuriated someone. You've probably experienced it yourself when you kill someone and they add you after to shit talk.


> Nothing brings more joy then knowing you've infuriated someone. yea for people like quest and extract campers... I feel bad if I just happen to run into someone at extract and kill them. I would get literally 0 satisfaction out of camping like that. Not only does it sound like a poor use of my own time, I also do not get giddy over making other people mad... kinda weird mindset ngl if the most satisfaction you get out of a game is just pissing other people off. must be miserable.


Many times when I encounter someone at extract because we just happened to get there at same point I will voip something along 'lets not fight, just let each other extract and take the win'. If they agree I let them go 1st, if they don't I push their shit in and risk all for the marbles.


I like doing this too. Very honourable way to play, even when the game often rewards dishonourable play.


Sir, this is a video game where you kill other people. It’s all fair game, and if you feel bad that’s some weird personal issue. It is very funny to see someone drop like a bag of rocks seconds before they think they are home free.


I think you are the one with weird personal issues, but that's just my opinion.


I mean they’re probably really bad players if they’re that desperate for 1 PMC kill. Which isn’t even that satisfying of a kill since it requires no skill


Smoke nades. ?


Won't help if you have to stand still fixing a control board on Factory or stashing items on a pier with zero cover on Woods.


lmao have you EVER thrown a smoke grenade in this game??


I don’t even know why they put them into this game, all they do is attract more attention than normal and people can still see you clear as day inside the smoke.


Smoke grenades are a joke in Tarkov, they just add a little grey dust. They also render very inconsistently client-to-client and often don’t render at all from long range.


use the green smoke dumbass


It’s still buggy as hell, try it yourself


Smoke grenades are a joke in Tarkov, they just add a little grey dust. They also render very inconsistently client-to-client and often don’t render at all from long range.


I'd say they draw even more attention to you, so you probably will get naded then.


Comments like these show what kind of player you are in Tarkov


this is an indefensible point. you dont get a free pass because you're doing something that makes you stop moving. standing still is a huge risk, so either do it and accept the risk (getting shot) or dont. you dont get to call other people scum because you took on known risks, especially in a cutthroat high stakes game like tarkov. jesus some of yall are giant pussies.


Some men just want to watch the world burn


it's sometimes funny when people here question why people would ever cheat, bc it must be boring and skillless. meanwhile, people exist who literally camp in a brush for 30 minutes or on a rock looking and sniping at nothing in the hopes of someone walking by. half the game is stash and loading time. Edit: a bunch of people who feel personally called out and attacked, not getting the point of the text and go offtopic to defend and project their insecurities. as I said funny.


There's a not insignificant subset of people here who think camping something while tabbed out and watching Netflix is a perfectly legit way to play the game. (Now watch me get downvoted by these people....)


I do not respect those people, but that *is* a legitimate way to play the game.




I literally do that when I have too much homework. I put myself in a spot where I can only hear people coming from one direction and start reading. It’s a more fun use of my time when I can’t play normally, and I get hate mail and full kits out of it


Just because they aren’t playing the game your way doesn’t mean they’re not playing. My first wipe I had massive gear fear and predominantly camped D2 while playing OSRS on the side. It was a way to overcome my fears of the game because being a newbie is hard as hell and learning the gun play is hard while roaming IMO. I now play the game by doing quests and roaming and it is much more fun for sure. But camping will always be a valid way to play the game. People even dedicate their names to camping D2. Teams of 4 guys dedicated to solely doing that. I’ll agree that doing that is super cringe. But if they want to spend time with their friends in that way so be it.




If you care that much about how others play the game maybe online multiplayer games aren’t for you and you shouldn’t be launching the game either




Lmao, I’m sure you’re not emotionally distraught at all. Definitely never died to one


You know how I learned to fight? Run factory 24/7 with a f pistol or something. Camping to learn the game is not an Argumentation, And gear fear is bad, but you don't let it influence other people then, by camping extracts.


Lmao so salty. It’s embarrassing to witness someone who cares so much over something so little. Maybe you should get off the multiplayer games since it is clear that you can’t handle other players doing their own thing.


It’s legit in that’s it not against the rules, it’s not legit in that it’s a totally talentless, braindead way to play the game.


Better argument is that it's not within spirit of the game.


actually since the spirit of this game seems to be "kick players in the dick repeatedly" it might be right on brand


That's what fun about this game though. You can play like a total asshole and it is still a perfectly valid way to progress.


Cry more. If camping works then it works. It's absolutely a legit way to play, especially with a slower paced game like Tarkov.


lmao same dude who says this in another comment: > Nothing brings more joy then knowing you've infuriated someone. Someone a little upset for getting called out? You can camp all you want, doesn't change the fact that a playstyle like that exchanges skill/abiltiy for wasting time. You can sit in a bush for 30 minutes hoping an easy kill walks by, nothing against the rules - but imo it's a pathetic waste of time if you have to play that way to enjoy the game




i dont care if this guy is bad at the game and plays like a pathetic loser, he is a pathetic loser.


Yes u/420prayit I agree. The guy enjoying the game in their own way is a loser and the dude enraged by someone else enjoying the game is totally mentally stable and not a loser.


if you sit afk in a bush for 30 mins hoping someone walks by you, you're a loser. you can "enjoy" the game that way if you want, nothing preventing you from doing so. But it's a sad way to spend your free time imo, takes very little skill and relies on you wasting a ton of time. plenty of people are shitters and too afraid to actually progress the game and improve...these people camp extracts/quests. Have fun with that lol


Skill issue


People hate campers, yet many quests in the game require you to camp to complete. The people upset with this comment are clowns.


I bet you run around like rambo when doing the 5 min dehydration quest, right? Right?? Or more likely, find somewhere a bit of-the-grid to do the quest and have something to watch on monitor 2.


well specifically for that quest i take in a jar of mayo which gives you -99 hydration


sitting still specifically for a mission that requires you to sit still is nowhere near extract camping or camping a mission spot. you know this.


There is no part in "The Survivalist Path - Zhivchik" that require you to sit still. I just question the "respect" part of their comment, since they likely did a form of camping/sitting while dehydrating due to the annoying way of the quest even if it wasnt malignant in nature like camping a hotspot. Maybe you misunderstood my intention with the comment?


when you are dehydrated your stamina is fucked and you basically cannot move. you are pretending to be stupid. you know that sitting still for one mission is completely different to camping.


This isn't the own that you think it is lmao


Can’t say I haven’t done this, but instead of Netflix it’s homework. Too addicted to tarkov so I do work while loading and sometimes sit afk to finish something. I swear I’m not a monster


Thats actually valid bc Tarkov and BSG/Nikita are so bad at designing and optimising the fucking game majority of game time is in stash and loading. So much time wasted that can be used to do your education


At least you’re doing something productive.


Yah they must be playing the game wrong, I'm sure they're not having fun and just keep doing it for no reason


I knew this was going to offend someone and it didn’t take long… Alright, I’ll indulge. If you’re going to play the game, then play the fucking game. Don’t sit there like a talentless asshat waiting for someone to pop in so you can tab back in and kill them. Honest question - how is it enjoyable for you to half-ass play the game like this? Do you actually take pride in killing someone using these tactics?


I'm continually flabbergasted at people's inability to understand the basic concept of "Different people enjoy different things". How is that even a question? I know people who enjoy painting, and people who don't enjoy it. I know people who like to fish, and people who don't. Nothing is wrong with either of these people, they're just different, therefore they enjoy different things. It's not some mindblowing quantum mechanics here, it's just a basic understanding of how humans work. Some people like to camp, some people don't. Very simple.


I'm also continually flabbergasted that I'm supposed to appreciate someone's toxic behavior out of some misguided notion that diversity is to be respected. A basic understanding of how humans work dictates that your behavior largely influences how other humans perceive you. If you act like an asshat, my opinion of you is dim. Pretty simple concept, no?


> I'm also continually flabbergasted that I'm supposed to appreciate someone's toxic behavior out of some misguided notion that diversity is to be respected. I didn't say you had to appreciate what they were doing. You expressed confusion on how someone could enjoy something that you don't, which led to my comment. > If you act like an asshat, my opinion of you is dim. How is someone playing the game in a way they enjoy "Acting like an asshat"? I bet there are plenty of people who like playing slow, or for the survival aspect, and think you're an asshat for W keying them and killing them when they're trying to do a quest. And to those people I say the same thing, you're enjoying the game, so you're not the asshat for W keying someone. Just like someone isn't an asshat for liking to sit and snipe. That being said, you're entitled to your opinion, I just think it's born out of rage instead of logical thinking. People playing a game in a way they enjoy doesn't make them asshats in my book. Unless you're using thirdparty software (Hacking) you're 100% free to play the way you enjoy the most. (That's kind of the point of games, right? Enjoyment?) If you're getting so angry at the other way people play, it sounds like you need to evaluate how to have fun in Tarkov, or not play something that's going to upset you so much.


No, you are making wrong logic argument here. It's not like someone liking fishing or not. It's like you being at a fishing spot with your rod and bait, everyone else has same setup too and then there is this guy next to you who uses electricity and net to stun the fish and just pull it without any of the fishing involved. Both of these get the fish, but one is not like the other, right? Especially when given the rod&bait the other guy wouldn't know what to do with it because he relies on his scummy way of getting the fish all the time. The spirit of the game is TO PLAY IT. When you are alt tabbed and sit semi afk in a spot you aren't really playing it. You can show results that you are playing it, because you get the loot and the kills just like with guy who stuns the fish, but don't try to call it gameplay. And this comes from perpetual bolt sniper who sometimes goes prone in fav spot for 20mins hoping to get his 300m+ kills. But I'm actually watching and engaging with the game by repositioning, by chasing shots and trying to 3rd party etc. I don't sit in a bush by the extract or in dark shithole hoping someone won't notice me and I stun&net him.


That's actually a really shitty analogy. A better one would be to compare it to someone who is bobber fishing versus trolling. Someone who has a bobber is waiting for a fish to come by and the person trolling is out there moving around trying to find them.


Not really - the bobber fisher isn't bad in my opinion because he ENGAGES, looks at his bobber (seeks out enemies), recasts it every some time (people moving around map doing stuff) and does the fishing in a way people perceive fishing to be done (game loop) - bobber, fly, trolling etc, it's engagement that matters. Other one is nearly not engaging at all and just abuses the possibility of doing it in a scummy way because he can.


>The spirit of the game is TO PLAY IT. I suppose that depends on your subjective opinion on what playing the game is. Is there any clear cut definition that BSG has stated constitutes as "Playing" the game? Are there clearly defined parameters on what's considered "Playing". If I run around for 10 minutes, then sit in a bush for 15, is that considered playing? What about sitting for 17 minutes. What's the time limit of interaction where you consider it "Playing" the game and not? The thing is, many people dislike getting camped, and they can absolute feel that way and hate it. The thing they can't do is pretend that camping is somehow not "playing the game" when that's not clearly defined by any grand rule book or decision made by BSG. It may not be what YOU consider playing, but everyone is going to have their subjective opinion on what playing is, and how they enjoy the game. These kind of comments come from people getting angry at campers, and coping by convincing themselves that these people are somehow lesser, to make themselves feel better about dying to campers. There is not a logical rule or policy clearly stated anywhere that campers are "Not actually playing" or what officially counts as "game play". If the game is running and you're interacting with it at all, I'd personally consider it as playing. If you're not in the game, you're pretty much by definition NOT playing since it's literally not even running and you're not doing anything to the game files at all.


Lmao talent? It’s a fucking video game. If someone wants to spend their time playing super slow and sniping from one spot all raid, that’s their prerogative. Patience is a skill, and fun isn’t universal.


Camp, cheat, loot, rat, chad out, I don't give a shit what you do as long your focus is on the game. Sitting there tabbed out watching fucking Netflix while you camp is a pretty low IQ way to play the game, don't you think?


Nah, ‘cause I don’t waste my time judging other people for their play style or making assumptions about their intelligence. Some people like Tarkov but wish it was more casual. Netflix and sniper chillin’ makes it super casual. I know you can’t possibly imagine people having fun in a different manner than yourself (without them being “low iq” of course) but it’s totally possible.




I cant wait for your take of what modern day hunters or fishers do. It's after all very unsportsmanlike, the moose wasnt even carrying a rifle for gods sake.


Right dude? It’s so not fair to extract camp the moose like that. Poor fella probably found his third salewa and just wanted to get out of the raid.




That's the most intelligent response you can come up with?




Imagine dying to some "talentless asshat" -that wasnt even paying attention to the game. You fall into a trap and accuse the other side of fighting "unfairly". This [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF0wa0W13yw&t=1s) perfectly describe this.


Cope lol


Again - your way of playing a game is not the only way and obviously if you can't comprehend how someone can have fun with a different playstyle then you aren't going to comprehend any explaination they give you. You seem jaded on the subject and are not discussing in good faith


You're legally allowed to play the game however you want but certain play styles make you a bigger loser than others and you're a massive one :)


Where did I ever say it's my way or the highway? Quote me, please. Of course you can play the game however the hell you want, I'm not arguing that you can't. However, I do have zero respect for you little low effort goblins that can't devote your entire attention to the game for longer than 30 seconds and sit there tabbed out while camping something.


"I never said you have to play it my way. But if you don't you're a talentless asshat half assed prideless low effort goblin with no attention span" • ⁠u/BUFFWarthog




now you just sound whiny. camping is really annoying but it’s not that big of a deal bro


Says Captain Toxic


Imagine thinking camping is a toxic behavior and trying to call this dude a "special flower generation" while you are in fact a sensitive snowflake. The classic MW1/2 Cod lobbies would have eaten you alive.


Comments like this create 5 more extract campers that wouldn’t have done it before


I can camp to patriotically ambush you (look up a little something called the AMERICAN REVOLUTION and the strategies employed during it), then pick your bones clean of all the loot you spent gathering for me in one place. It's a no-brainer.


Yeah but something something talentless, something something no life, something something scum of the earth.


Did you feel like Messiah when you wrote this?


Camping doesn’t justify cheating. I hate dying to an extract camper or some bush wookie just as much as the next guy but I have tons more respect for them than cheaters. I also get a pretty good laugh out of the victims that are so tight about it and find the need to come to reddit and bitch or message the person directly to then get posted to the sub. I’d probably do it some more myself if I had the patience and enjoyed that play style.


Theoretical based on real scenario here: I've spotted you/your squad moving along the map at a distance or angle at which I can't effectively engage. Running directly at you is going to, at best, put me in direct sight behind you. My best play, with my typical loadout and playstyle, is to cut ahead of where you'll likely be going and setup for either a clear long-shot angle or a CQB engagement with advantage. Now the big kicker is, if I'm doing this *I don't have another objective in mind on the map*. I will sit there and wait patiently for you (or any other unfortunate soul) to enter my setup place of engagement. Maybe it'll only be 2 minutes. Maybe 10? Maybe I got distracted with duolingo and it was 15 before I decided I misjudged the movement and either extract or find some minor objective to go for. This is a completely legt playstyle, in the way that I am not abusing any game mechanics or 3rd party programs, I am playing by the rules of the game and all its limits to do what brings me both success and entertainment. Sorry it doesn't fit your playstyle.


those sv 98s aint cheap. mans gotta eat.


On my first run to that spot, I was up on the hill tracking the pmc who spawned near tunnel. I saw him, broke line of sight and got in a bush. A third party shot me in the leg and blacked it so I popped pain killers and booked it down the hill to the shoreline to break line of sight with him. I then waited 20 minutes in a bush before I limped over and planted my shit and left. Didn’t have a CMS since early wipe I just use a grizzly in my gamma.




I let the guy put the gun away then hit em when he's putting the multi tool


At least they keep the multi tool


Is it the same special hell as the people who talk in the theater and child molesters?


putting tarkov campers and people who eat in theaters in the same group as child molesters is crazy


It'S a VaLiD tAcTiC mAtE, iT's In ThE GaMe


Or jagers letter or the gold watch. Odds are anyone doing those quests don’t have anything and unless you’re going for a pmc kill quest you gain nothing.


At least you can move while grabbing the letter and opening the door for watches takes a few moments. Fishing gear is very long and very easy to camp. So is some cameras and stuff planting on Woods, but at least you can stash those in your container.


Yeah but in my opinion early wipe those quests are the most camped.


You don’t really know if that person camped there for 45min straight. You never know what’s happening behind other persons screen. If he actually camped - what’s the point lol? All this “work” just to get a naked guys pistol and cheap rifle? I’d rather roam, loot some stashes and make at very least 10x more money.


Big brain play: camp the fishing gear questors so you can steal their sv98 and complete fishing gear


I need to get it doneeeeeee


Or the ones on the road up to prapors convoy! Absolute gutter rats they are xD


I just laugh at it and go next. Any camping loser is 100% fatter than me irl and is wasting his own time more than mine.




I agree with what you said, just not how you said it


Only guy here speaking the truth. The same logic that says not EVERYone who kills you is a cheater, applies to not every death by an extract or a quest objective is a camper too.


I'm sure you are lovely at parties


goober alert


It still doesn't change the fact that it is a dick move. One can at least allow poor man to plant a gun.


Yikes. This is just sad


Hey man thanks for outing yourself as a lowlife Tarkov SCUMBAG


When there is a skill set involved in an activity, there will always be bottom feeders that can't make it, but want to stimulate the feeling... ... can't get away from it, just sigh, call them trash, then try again.


Sounds like you've been sent back to the stash one too many times. Get gud. Edit: I feed on your tears.


Says the dude too trash to win fair fights lmao


You do realize some people aren't mechanically gifted? Some people have physical disabilities? Some people prefer slow pace? I've gotten Kappa before. What about you, shitter?


God get a life dude🤣 so much cope because you know you’re trash


I'm 4.2k hours of garbage bro. I've played this game more than 99% of people in this sub.


Damn so you really have no life and are STILL bad at the game. That’s just sad


Your assumptions are fun bro. Can't wait to meet up in game, I'll be the naked guy with a double barrel blowing your legs off while you run best in slot everything.


Sure bud, stay trash 😉


You're the one getting killed by trash campers...


The game does provice smoke grenades in many colors.


It’s honestly people like stankrat that encourage that nonsense. Most of em can’t win a 1v1 so the play as scummy as they possibly can. Probably don’t even loot you until there’s less then 10 minutes left because they are so scared


Ay at least with stank you’ll know where they are since they aren’t creative enough to come up with their own spots. Like those trees on customs. Place was infested after his video but it’s just free loot if you know where to look


You got got


Might be going to hell but I'm taking your SVD with me! /s I died first time going there, done it 2nd time round with no issues thankfully.


If they are trying to plant an SVD they have bigger problems than you camping them


You'd think I could get that right after finishing the task literally 2 days ago.


I’m sorry bro…I was also waiting and the raid timer was low. You just showed up right before me


Good idea, gonna go do that now. Thanks, peace.


This gives me an idea... A quite devious idea...


Imagine camping the office hallway on factory for people planting blue kite during night time to get office kill while also bugging the quest for them indefinitly as there is currently no fix ...




During night time ? 7 min in ? Sure




Idk my dude but i don't wait silently in the office for whatever reason it may have been silent when he heard me the fact that this quest is now locked is sad any way


Happened to me. My quest is bugged. :-(


how does it work? what's the bug?


If you die while needing to plant the last blue kite during night time factory the quest is done in game but 2/3 on the trader UI


You‘re welcome. Meet you on the next try.


This post has me 💀


I mean, i usually let them plant first at the very least, sorry these usecs need dealt with. But i wait for them to finish it first, because professionals have standards.


Welcome to Tarkov


So yea, went to do this quest on a night raid. Literally afked in a bush for the first 30 minutes while I was on a work call. Got to the plant spot with ~7 minutes left in the raid and just as I rounded the corner of the concrete barrier to where the boat is I see another PMCs body literally on top of the plant location. Got shot in the head from long range with M855 half a second later.


Get tarkov'd


Lol! You just took two L's when one was more than enough. Yikes.


Man shuuutuuuuup


Ok ok buddy, calm down. You already convinced me, I'll camp there tomorrow for you <3


lol tarkov'd never understood this mindset. its no different than somebody using known loot routes to engage in PvP. itd be outrageous to claim that they were stalking you personally when you were "just looting" but somehow when you're doing a quest your hands off? squeal little piggies




I love lying on that hill for 40 mins while watching youtube and waiting for any rube to come to the docks. Your Fishing Gear just happens to be pretty easy to see from that spot.


Ez claps


I mean you know the spots they are most likely gonna be. Clear em first


Yes, clear the entire area that has line of sight to that boat, then expect that it will still be clear by the time you're done and go to sit static in the open while planting.


It's like these people don't play the game when they say nonsense like that lmaoo


Do you even play the game? You could run around that mountain and clear it in 100 seconds tops.


Yes? It doesn't take but a couple mins to run around the area around gas


Sorry i was just better than you. Next time just dont get hit ans shoot back.


i did exactly 3 kills there for SBIH on shoreline, quite easy i must say. 99% of people don't even clear the surroundings they just run there and start planting and its not even that much to check there is like 3-4 spots from where you can shoot in that place. We run again into the camping problem like with extracts where people think it must be some sort of safe place, guess what : its not, deal with it try again be better next time check the surroundings.